View Full Version : Turkey Vultures, deer, grouse, eagles - my first hunt of the year

04-15-2012, 09:09 PM
OK - so we weren't hunting for those critters - but that's what we saw..

I got a surprise call yesterday from fellow HBC'er, 300H&H, inviting me out for a day of Turkey Hunting. Although I've encountered a few turkeys while hunting, I don't have a ton of experience hunting them. 300H&H enjoys success on a yearly basis - so it was a great opportunity for me to learn from the master. After dragging my ass out of bed at 3:15, my hunting partner picked me up at 3:45 and we were on our way. As we neared our destination, hopes were high of calling in a Tom. We decided to set up with Rick positioned 50 yards or so behind me on the uphill side and me sitting camo'd up at the base of tree. I sat patiently as my partner went through a series of calls. Not long after we got started, this scene played out about 50 yards from my position:

Click to play video:

http://i1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg633/coach1000/th_MVI_1963.jpg (http://s1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg633/coach1000/?action=view&current=MVI_1963.mp4)

In addition to the video, I took a few snapshots..




04-15-2012, 09:16 PM
Although we didn't call in any turkeys, I did get to watch 10 whitetails while in that location. After spending a reasonable amount of time without a response, we decided to move to a different location. Along the way, we spotted a few grouse:




04-15-2012, 09:20 PM
are those bumps on the top of the head already

04-15-2012, 09:25 PM
Throughout the day, we spotted about 150 whitetails and a handful of mulw deer. Apparently the late archery season slaughter, didn't have much effect on the population in our chosen area. We saw the remains of three other WT's who had run into some misfortune with vehicles. Dining on the carcasses were ravens and a couple of immature bald eagles. I had one of the eagles lined up for a great shot - but by the time I got the camera and tripod setup, it decided it was time to fly off. The second eagle sat in a spot where the light wasn't as good, but I did get a couple pics:



04-15-2012, 10:01 PM
are those bumps on the top of the head already

That's a good question, Jeff. This deer seemed to be separate from the original group of 8. It was with a smaller one that I assumed was a fawn. Looking through the camera, I didn't notice the bumps - but now that I see the picture it may have been a buck. I'll upload another video.

04-15-2012, 10:10 PM
Here's another video of the deer in question: Nubs or no nubs?

http://i1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg633/coach1000/th_MVI_1968.jpg (http://s1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg633/coach1000/?action=view&current=MVI_1968.mp4)

04-15-2012, 10:13 PM
On the way home, we spotted a couple of turkey vultures dining on another road kill WT. For a brief instance, we thought they were turkeys. Ha ha. Unfortunately no pics. All in all, it was a great day. No turkeys to report - but some nice country, good conversation and lots of critters to take pictures of. I'll keep working on my turkey call - seems like it does the trick on deer anyway..

04-15-2012, 10:13 PM
sure looks like little bone bumps in the still pic ,but not so much in the vid,but can still see them

04-15-2012, 10:19 PM
I agree, Jeff. I wasn't really looking for bumps when it happened, because I was focused on getting the picture and video and was watching for the second deer to appear.

04-16-2012, 03:00 AM
Here Sean, I had a great time.
Next time I will take you to a place that has some turkeys. hahaha
That was my worst day for spotting toms.
But we did call in 3 old guys. haha
Man o man did that one guy ever smell bad !!!
I had to try to stay up wind of him !
Im looking forward to our next hunt.

04-16-2012, 06:32 AM
great pics and vids as usual sean,
hopefully next time there will be a few turkeys around.

04-16-2012, 11:01 AM
Here Sean, I had a great time.
Next time I will take you to a place that has some turkeys. hahaha
That was my worst day for spotting toms.
But we did call in 3 old guys. haha

Man o man did that one guy ever smell bad !!!
I had to try to stay up wind of him !
Im looking forward to our next hunt.Hey, the lakes are still frozen, still too early for him to have his yearly bath.
That reminds me of an old fellow that lived in the bush above Naramata years ago.
One day, after suffering extreme pain for some time, he decided that he should go to the hospital and seek some medical attention.
Story goes that he reeked to high heaven and was in dire need of a bath. Problem was, the hospital staff could remove his under garments. He had over the years layered his long johns and his body hair had grown through the material. The end result was that they just soaked him in a tub of warm water for some time and once it was all softened up, they just cut his underwear away. He was quite pissed that they were cutting up his good underwear.
Ok, that's it for the hijack, back to the main thread topic.

04-16-2012, 03:24 PM
Hey, the lakes are still frozen, still too early for him to have his yearly bath.
That reminds me of an old fellow that lived in the bush above Naramata years ago.
One day, after suffering extreme pain for some time, he decided that he should go to the hospital and seek some medical attention.
Story goes that he reeked to high heaven and was in dire need of a bath. Problem was, the hospital staff could remove his under garments. He had over the years layered his long johns and his body hair had grown through the material. The end result was that they just soaked him in a tub of warm water for some time and once it was all softened up, they just cut his underwear away. He was quite pissed that they were cutting up his good underwear.
Ok, that's it for the hijack, back to the main thread topic.

Big YUCK !!!

Huntwriter & I went out today and saw zip, unless you count the bazillion deer.
Snowed hard most of the time.

04-16-2012, 06:14 PM
Hey Coach,
Great photos. Them and my drive to Merritt on the weekend has me itching to get out in the woods. I'm trying to plan a few scouting trips which will get me out. Thanks for the inspiration.

04-16-2012, 06:17 PM
Hey, 300H&H I now realize that you are the guy that Huntwriter was talking about on Saturday. He said somebody was going to take him out to a spot that was sure to deliver on turkeys. I joked with him that he would have to be blindfolded so as not to give away the secret honey-hole.

04-16-2012, 06:49 PM
Those are some great pictures! The pics of the grouse are fantastic. Very clear. Looks like a good day in the woods.

04-17-2012, 09:18 AM
Hey Coach,
Great photos. Them and my drive to Merritt on the weekend has me itching to get out in the woods. I'm trying to plan a few scouting trips which will get me out. Thanks for the inspiration.

Thanks, Sapper. Make sure you bring a camera. Lots of critters to see at this time of year.

04-17-2012, 09:24 AM
Those are some great pictures! The pics of the grouse are fantastic. Very clear. Looks like a good day in the woods.

Thanks, Tikka270wsm. I'm very happy with my camera. It's a Canon SX30is. It comes with a 35x optical zoom plus a digital zoom that is about 200x. A pretty simple setup to use for under $500 with all the accessories.


There's a newer model out now which I'm sure is even better.

04-17-2012, 07:50 PM
Great pictures Sean. Looks like a nice day in the woods.

04-17-2012, 08:26 PM
Thanks, Sapper. Make sure you bring a camera. Lots of critters to see at this time of year.

Very true, yesterday I had a sighting of aroughly 45 mulw deer and 3 mountin goats, great time of year to see a ton of animals before they all head away from the wintering grounds, if they havent already.

04-18-2012, 04:42 PM
Huntwriter & I went out today and saw zip, unless you count the bazillion deer.
Snowed hard most of the time.

Despite the snow, cold, and not hearing, let alone, seeing any birds I had a good time. Thanks for showing me around on some of the whitetail deer spots. ;) Hope we can share another hunt together in the future. I managed to peel a few days of my schedule toward the end of the turkey season and use them to take my brother, visiting from Switzerland, to my old turkey hunting spots. He's never seen a live wild turkey, should be fun.