View Full Version : Mechanicals

04-14-2012, 09:14 PM
Well I picked up some Grim Reaper Razorcut SS broadheads awhile ago.. Got to test em out today.. They come with a practice tip with is nice and man they fly great.. Exactly like a field point... Took my first shot with a field point 100g.. 2nd shot with practice tip also 100g and I was touching my first shot in the target at 30 yards.. Cant wait to try em out next weekend on a nice bear.. Will post pics of the weekends hunt...

Bow Walker
04-15-2012, 09:11 AM
Good luck out there. We'll be looking forward tot he pics of you and your "harvest"......

04-16-2012, 08:38 PM
Try them out on a nice bear? Personal I would try and take out one of those rebellious trouble making bears, those shit disturbers need to be put down. I hate them always loitering around my local 711 trying to bum smokes. Good look on your hunt and let us know how the reapers work out.

Well I picked up some Grim Reaper Razorcut SS broadheads awhile ago.. Got to test em out today.. They come with a practice tip with is nice and man they fly great.. Exactly like a field point... Took my first shot with a field point 100g.. 2nd shot with practice tip also 100g and I was touching my first shot in the target at 30 yards.. Cant wait to try em out next weekend on a nice bear.. Will post pics of the weekends hunt...