View Full Version : Cowician River - Skutz or Stolts

04-14-2012, 03:36 PM
So I am going to do my first attempt at fly fishing the Cowician River tomorrow morning. What would be a better access point, Skutz or Stolts?
Thanks for any and all tips

04-14-2012, 06:19 PM
Neither have particularly good "fly water", at present levels. You could hike up the old railway grade (now the Trans Can Trail) upstream to the 70.2 tressel and access the river above there, which is a fly only area. Another spot on the lower river worth the walk is the river trail on the otherside of the river starting at the gun club at Holt Creek. Again you may find some of the water a little high and fast to get the flies down to the fish at the moment.

04-14-2012, 06:40 PM
Thank you for those tips. I am not really familiar with the area, are you able to provide a little more detail as to where to these places are? reference points? entrance points? road in? Thanks in advance.

04-14-2012, 07:04 PM

This came from the stretch i pm'ed you. Last year though and in July........ but from there!

04-14-2012, 07:33 PM
Cool and thanks again. I am just looking forward to getting out and not hanging out at the house.

Jim Prawn
04-14-2012, 08:44 PM
My brother and I took the kids up last weekend. It is a bit high for ideal fly fishing especially for beginners but the fish are there. If you are below the 70.2 mile bridge (approx 5 km upstream from Skutz on the old railroad trail) use a small split shot to help you get down to the fish. Roll casting is necessary because there is not a lot of back cast room. If you go to Skutz, I would recomend making the 4.8 KM hike to the 70.2 mile bridge. There is good water above and just below from there - but if you're above it is "Fly fishing only" which means no extra weight on the line (or strike indicators). Stoltz is easier access from the parking lot but I think more fish and better water up river. Watch out for hungry clams (my next new thread).

04-14-2012, 09:42 PM
Been a very long time since I fished those waters...

If you go up river from the parking lot aways there were some nice riffles.
You could also acess the river from the rod & gun club towards town, but I seem to remember that the best was the wier up at Cowichan Lake.