View Full Version : Petition in Support of BC Grizzly Hunt

04-05-2012, 07:18 AM
Hey All,

Please take a few minutes to look at this petition and sign it in SUPPORT ofthe BC Grizzly Bear hunt. The anti-hunters have been running petitions toshut this hunt down and have a strong 17,000 people who have signed it. They have the media's attention and with the way the NDP party in BC islooking, if they get into power there is a strong chance they will listen tothat calling.

Take the time and sign this petition and pass it along to everyone you knowinvolved in hunting. Pass it to outfitters, residents, non-residents,etc, etc.

This petition was started last night and we've got the train rolling down thetracks. Its going to take a lot of work and sharing this around to get itbuilt up, but our voice needs to be heard as loudly as the anti-hunters. Its happened in Alberta and every hunter needs to show the numbers and theamount of support we can raise...

Pass it on.

http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/support-the-bc-grizzly-hunt.html (http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/support-the-bc-grizzly-hunt.html)

04-05-2012, 07:20 AM
whoops, didnt see the other posts, please delete.

04-05-2012, 07:24 AM
Hey, at least we know the petition is making the rounds.

All is good.

04-05-2012, 08:28 AM
Supported, Done!!!

04-05-2012, 08:32 AM
I need to ask this question again: Who is our spokesperson to talk to the media? It's great to see the number of signees increasing, but we need an educated, calm person who can make us all look good when asked questions by a reporter. Is this a BCWF issue? Is there a media relations person in place already? Let's stay organized!

04-05-2012, 08:39 AM
I need to ask this question again: Who is our spokesperson to talk to the media? It's great to see the number of signees increasing, but we need an educated, calm person who can make us all look good when asked questions by a reporter. Is this a BCWF issue? Is there a media relations person in place already? Let's stay organized!

Perhaps at the BCWF convention this spring someone should bring it up, with the number of signatures growning by the hour and the worldwide coverage this is getting through hunting and shooting forums and social media it will have enough wieght to be mentioned and someone with spokesperson qualities can take charge. This was not initiated by the BCWF but I am sure that as they are the largest hunting lobby group in B.C. and that they already have the people in place that the original petition writer would have no issues with them getting involved, but that is just my speculation and a pm to Rackmaster might clarify that.

04-05-2012, 09:01 AM
I need to ask this question again: Who is our spokesperson to talk to the media? It's great to see the number of signees increasing, but we need an educated, calm person who can make us all look good when asked questions by a reporter. Is this a BCWF issue? Is there a media relations person in place already? Let's stay organized!

I still agree Coach, and think we need to start looking for an organization that is willing to step up to the plate and start looking forward with this. Although I started this petition to work on building some support, I cant say that I have a solid plan on how to present it and will need some help with stuff like that from any person we can find who would be willing to present this properly.

Any ideas or connections? I've got this out to several groups but maybe we should try and see what response we can get from the BCWF. As a fairly new BC resident I will admit I dont have the connections that some have. Any thoughts?

jetboat jim
04-05-2012, 04:45 PM
#453........and passed along

04-05-2012, 07:15 PM

04-05-2012, 07:19 PM
There is a guy we should really contact first I'll pm rackmastr his info, he is a senior wildlife biologist for BC not sure if he is just for a specific reason. He'll put you in the right direction if you are looking for evidence. He's helped me before, Jack evans is his name

olharley guy
04-05-2012, 07:27 PM
Perhaps at the BCWF convention this spring someone should bring it up, with the number of signatures growning by the hour and the worldwide coverage this is getting through hunting and shooting forums and social media it will have enough wieght to be mentioned and someone with spokesperson qualities can take charge. This was not initiated by the BCWF but I am sure that as they are the largest hunting lobby group in B.C. and that they already have the people in place that the original petition writer would have no issues with them getting involved, but that is just my speculation and a pm to Rackmaster might clarify that.

Howdy, this is all quite true. BCWF maybe would be the right group to represent us. Feelers should be put out but I don't think we have to rush into this. It's only been a couple of days and things are looking good.
The right person or group WILL show up when we need them. Later

04-07-2012, 08:00 PM
I see there are a bunch of those nasty old guides that have signed this.

I got 2 emails today from different GO's to sign, thanks to Rackmaster, it was done the first day it was posted. This is something BCGOA, BCWF and BCCA should all support collectively.

The Dude
04-07-2012, 08:18 PM
I need to ask this question again: Who is our spokesperson to talk to the media? It's great to see the number of signees increasing, but we need an educated, calm person who can make us all look good when asked questions by a reporter. Is this a BCWF issue? Is there a media relations person in place already? Let's stay organized!

I nominate Jeff! :D

04-09-2012, 02:42 PM
Signed and delivered

04-21-2012, 05:02 PM

Only 9900+ signatures, we need 20,000.

04-21-2012, 05:50 PM
I have emailed the link off to friends of mine that are also avid hunters but arent apart of HBC.


04-21-2012, 06:48 PM
Posted onto my Facebook page, too.

olharley guy
04-21-2012, 08:10 PM
"ATTENTION COMPUTER WIZARDS"! - with a few minutes of spare time.

Again with a big thanks to Rackmaster this petition was started April 2/12 and most likely by sunday evening there will be 10,000 signatures.

We have to try and keep the momentum going as much as possible. I don't have the computer knowledge to send/post the link around the world.

I tried a short time ago to send the link to some big game hunting places in Africa but probably didn't work to well.

In Google there are numerous big game hunting sights for Africa, Europe, Asia, South America and on and on, so I was hoping if some of you could take a few minutes and send the link/petition to these companies, with a few extra words re signing the petition and passing it on to all their old and new clients we could probably pass the 20,000 mark in a very short time.

Even mentioning what they are doing with the Rhino petition and possibly what could happen next with hunting on a world wide basis.

This a thought as they all have email addresses so sending them the link with a short message similar to the above hopefully will do wonders for this cause.

Thanks Later

04-24-2012, 08:42 AM
We are only at 10 000, does not sound like much right now. Does anybody have any connections at "Wild TV" or maybe someone knows Jim Shockey?