View Full Version : And That's a Wrap...

04-01-2012, 03:22 PM
So, last Friday found me on the River, just me and the Hound. Weather wasn't all that bad, a little rain, the river up a fair bit but with pretty good visibility. Over the afternoon (no early start that day!) I reminisced about the past couple of months, the late start due to surgery, the Fun times with a good number of Buddies, and of course, the incredible Fish that draw us back so often...
Did manage a few hook-ups, and landed a couple of rather bright Wildies. So a few grins, a toast to the River and her fine times, and almost overcome with melancholy, I wandered away, thinking then it was likely my last visit for the season...

Saturday morning, the phone interrupts my first coffee of the day. T'other Matt suggesting we probably should not miss the last day of the License...
Kinda slow yesterday I informed him... Pick you up in an hour!

So off to the River once again. Mere moments after we arrived I was fast into a super bright bullet! Excellent Battle, had me grinning from ear to ear! After a good tussle, i realized this was a hatchery fish, and although I keep but few over a season, I decided this one was coming home. A Fine way to celebrate the end of the season I figured, fresh smoked steel off the Bar-Bee!

Just as I landed that one, the sky opened up and the predicted rain came on strong:


Over the course of the afternoon, the weather changed constantly. Some times a hard rain, sometimes gentle, the odd moment of no sky-water, then hail and even snow! (Sidebar: Woke this morning to 3"+ of the white stuff on the ground!! Winter certainly is taking her time in letting go her grip this year!!)


The BoogyMan of course had to carefully inspect the impending dinner:


Then as per usual, took up his "On Guard" station to ensure the local mink or some other potential robber didn't relieve us of our reward:


Shortly after that my Partner hit one that took so hard his mainline failed on his end of the float!! I crawled up to a vantage point, and shortly realized the barbless hook had yet to shake free, as the float was merrily wandering around out in the seam. Tried repeatedly to hook the line, as did my Partner. Did manage briefly to engage the line, but after a few shakes, it came free. Saw the float wander off by itself a short time later, so figured the steelhead had gotten shed of the offending jewelery...

A few more bites, and my Buddy decided to wander downstream a ways to check out a few other runs. Content to casually fish the area I was in, enjoying the tranquility of the moment, I had no idea of what was about to unfold! Within moments of Matt's departure, I tagged a Beautiful Wildy, super chrome, and full of spunk! A LOT of air-time with this one, and just a quick offhand picture before releasing her back to the arms of the River...


I took a moment's pause reflecting on the flash of chrome I had seen a little ways downstream and off to one side of the run when that one hooked up. MUST be another there I mumbled to myself...


04-01-2012, 03:23 PM
It took but three casts to verify that though, and again I was into another fine fight! It took a fair bit of effort and time to get this one close to the bank, and when I did I saw this was yet another wild doe. Again, as bright as they come, and no sooner realized than she shook free. Fine with that type of release, it was great to simply shake hands with her!

Wondering now if there was a few wandering in, I again took up the rod and began to probe the flow to find out. And again less than three casts achieved a reward! Another near identical to the previous doe I'd landed:


Then, in a fast and furious forty-five minutes, the fish decided to come on like Gang-Busters! Although I rested the spot frequently between takes, time near stood still and my ol' mug was near smarting from the PermaGrin I was wearing!! Couldn't get but 3 or 4 casts without yet another SAVAGE Take-Down, and Man-O-Man were these fish EVER Feisty!! Suddenly it dawned on me I was being a bit on the selfish side, and as I sat and pondered trying to run my Buddy down to inform him of what was happening, he quietly strolled into view. The grin on his mug said it all! He too had found a good number of super clean Freshies, and had decided to wander up to inform ME of that fact! SWEET!!!

Over and over we alternated between hook-ups, now the time flying by at Light Speed! Of all of those hooked, we saw but one kelt, and none of color which I would more than suspect to see this time of year!

A few more of those who came to play:




All pretty much wild, the only hatchery fish to hand thus far had been my first. My Partner suggested he was hoping to find another keeper, as his supply of pickled steel had run dry. But the bullets that kept coming all packed an adipose, and it rather looked like his search may be in vein...

Mumbling maybe there's a few hatcheries mixed in with those fish below, my Buddy set off to find out while I contented myself with the play at hand...
Again mere moments after he left, I hooked another hard fighter that tore off my line at a blistering rate! When if finally drew close, I good a good look and realized this was indeed another hatchery fish, a good bit larger than the first I had taken! No sooner understood than the hook popped free... Oh well, onto the next... A couple more to hand, then a surprise! Yet another hatch fish, and this one cooperated right to the hand!
The instant I bonked it my heart sank just a bit. I suddenly realized I was done for the day! My limit on the beach, I could no longer fish. Idjut I thought to myself for the briefest of moments... But the smile never faded, and as I sat and awaited my Partner's return, I grinned all the more harder with complete satisfaction of the day!

When my Buddy returned, this was what greeted his arrival:


And we both had to concur with just what Boogs was obviously thinking that moment!

04-01-2012, 03:23 PM
Although the day was now getting on, I sat and smiled as Matt played a few more:


Finally the rain and cold started to sink in, so I bundled the catch into my backpack, shouldered that up, and readied to start the hike out. Pausing at the trail head, I gave Thanks once again to this gem of a flow and her marvelous chrome!
The melancholy that had run through me just the day before at the thought of the season coming to a close did not reappear. In it's place a warm feeling of content and satisfaction washed over me as I wandered up to the truck.

One of the Finest Days of the season for me and my Partner. Surprising numbers for this time of year, 28 ended up being the final count between us! And even more surprising, the condition of the fish themselves! I would have suspected to see many more colored up fish, and a good handful of kelts this time of year. But nearly all were as bright as the first fish of January, and all equally as spirited!! http://fishbcforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/bowdown%5B1%5D.gif

As I write this report today, my Partner is out once again with another. As much as I told myself this was a "wrap" and I wouldn't be buying a new License for a spell, I am now seriously questioning that thought. If they get back with another stellar report, I will obviously have to reconsider...
That said, even should I not return in the near future, I am almost overwhelmed at what happened. One Hell of a way to wind it all up if that proves the case! And of course, rest assured, I WILL Be Back!!! http://fishbcforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sly.gif


PS: Apologies for the quality of some of the pix. Had to resort to my older camera, as the Pentax somehow developed a leak, and now resides in a bag of rice, trying to dry out enough to function once more... http://fishbcforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif

04-01-2012, 03:29 PM
Great story, makes me want to get out there and freeze my fingers! Sounds like the perfect day, everything came together nicely.

04-01-2012, 04:42 PM
Great story about your fishing adventure. Nice big fish too.

nature girl
04-01-2012, 04:50 PM
Thanks for the great story. It reminded me when I used to go fishing and freezing your ass off and your line was freezing but it was all worth it though.

04-01-2012, 05:33 PM
That is an incredible day on the river to say the least!!! Thanks for sharing.

04-02-2012, 12:52 PM
Well done Matt, one day I am going to surprise you and show up on your doorstep.

04-02-2012, 01:02 PM
Thanks for taking us on the trip, Matt. I could almost smell the moss in the forest and hear the water rushing by.

04-02-2012, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the many kind words Folks! That was indeed One Hell of a Day, the Best for my Partner this season, and damned close to that for me! Still surprised at that this late in the season. Much more expected to see a LOT more like this one from a few days back now:


Funny thing we've noticed here: The fish seem to be HOT one day, then "Off" the next. Reports from the Ladz out yesterday very much suggest that occurred yet again - their day was noticeably slower. The vast majority they did hook though were See-Through Bright again however. Guess I'll be wandering down to buy the License after all. Tomorrow methinks they should be back into some more action - at least I'm Hoping... :twisted:

Well done Matt, one day I am going to surprise you and show up on your doorstep.

The door is always open Buddy!! :mrgreen:


04-02-2012, 07:25 PM
simply BRILLIANT! Thanks for sharing!



04-03-2012, 10:23 PM
Thanks for the many kind words Folks! That was indeed One Hell of a Day, the Best for my Partner this season, and damned close to that for me! Still surprised at that this late in the season. Much more expected to see a LOT more like this one from a few days back now:


Funny thing we've noticed here: The fish seem to be HOT one day, then "Off" the next. Reports from the Ladz out yesterday very much suggest that occurred yet again - their day was noticeably slower. The vast majority they did hook though were See-Through Bright again however. Guess I'll be wandering down to buy the License after all. Tomorrow methinks they should be back into some more action - at least I'm Hoping... :twisted:

The door is always open Buddy!! :mrgreen:


Good job hooking that one in what looks like chocolate milk.LOL Many times I've been discouraged fishing colored water like that. Just shows what patience and a never say die attitude will produce. Absolutely great picture!!!

04-03-2012, 10:33 PM
Right on! Did you make it back out there?

04-03-2012, 11:22 PM
I jealous! Thanks for sharing a great days fishing with us!

04-04-2012, 08:01 AM
Good story, nice fish,

Thanks for sharing,


Wood butcher
04-04-2012, 06:29 PM
Sweet day! Nice work Nog :)

04-04-2012, 06:56 PM
Days like that on the flow stick with a guy for a long, long time :cool:

04-05-2012, 12:32 PM
Right on! Did you make it back out there?

Yup!! :twisted:


Actually went back in just after that last Big Storm here. River was VERY High, and viz was down to about 3 inches! Thought about simply wandering off to a different river that would likely have been a lot clearer, but my Partner suggested "Give it ten or so casts". Ended up staying until well past supper time!! The fish were HUNGRY again!! :mrgreen:

Incredible Action for this time of year, and Man-O-Man are these brighties ever FEISTY!! :twisted:


04-14-2012, 11:02 AM
Happy Birthday to ME!!! http://fishbcforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/lmao.gif




04-14-2012, 11:03 AM



And that literally is a Wrap! Headed offshore right shortly now, so won't be seeing any more of these Beauties for quite a spell methinks. Hell of a Grand Season!! And for certain, I'll be back!! http://fishbcforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sly.gif


04-14-2012, 08:50 PM
Nice!! unreal fishing.