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View Full Version : Vancouver Foodbank Event: Vancouver Canstruction 2012

03-28-2012, 10:36 AM
Hi everyone! :-D

For those who aren't aware about the Canstruction event, it is an annual design and build competition that takes place in over 180 cities world wide. Teams of architects, engineers, designers and schools get together to canstruct fantastic, giant sized sculptures made entirely out of canned food.

After the structures are built and the winners declared the creations go on view to the general public as giant art exhibits. At the close of the competitions 100% of the food used in the structures is donated to our Greater Vancouver Food Banks for distribution to community emergency feeding programs. Since 2002 -2011, Canstruction Vancouver has raised 1,056,043 cans of food for our local community.

Every year our company Levelton Consultants participates in the even and this year our team built a giant 8' eagle to play along with the theme "Vancouver".


The CANstuction Vancouver 2012 is open to public until April 4th 2012 and exhibited at following four locations:

· HSBC Pendulum Building (885 West Georgia),

· 1075 W. Georgia Street,

· FortisBC (1111 W Georgia, Street)

· Four Seasons Hotel (791 West Georgia Street)

The Vancouver Sun People's Choice Awards is up of public viewing voting of sculptures at http://www.canstructionvancouver.com/vote/ (http://www.canstructionvancouver.com/vote/) . Please vote for your favorite sculpture (FYI – “The Eagle CAN” is also there) and you could win a $500 Urban Fare gift card.

Thank you,
