View Full Version : Backpacking tent

03-26-2012, 02:55 PM
I know there's been many threads on here discussing what is the best tent but I'm still looking for some more input.

Currently I've been using a MSR Hubba Hubba that is at the end of it's life, its been a descent tent but not nearly enough room in the tiny vestables for 2 guys gear when the trip gets wet.

What is all your thoughts on your light wieght back packing tents and do most people feel the 4 season tent to be an advantage for camping on ridge lines and hunting in the snow in november or is the added weight just not worth the gain?

03-26-2012, 05:56 PM
I just bought a Big Agnes Fly Creek UL2 with the Footprint it weighs 3lbs on my scales. Slept in it the other night but didnt get any nasty weather, hoping to get out these days off. Any questions let me know.

03-26-2012, 06:14 PM
My advice is don't share a tent! I use an MSR Carbon Reflex. It makes a great one-man tent with lots of room for gear.

03-26-2012, 06:18 PM
I love my seirra design tent 3 man

03-26-2012, 06:22 PM
A siltarp works really well for adding some extra covered gear storage on to your tent, and having a dry place to sort out your wet shit at the end of the day rather than doing it inside the tent. Just another option to consider, not to mention the many other uses you get out of a siltarp.

Might be worth looking into if you dont pack one already. Last year we used an MSR Mutha Hubba with a siltarp for a porch, and it was awesome for 2 guys and the dog and all our gear. When solo I used the siltarp tied off the end of my Tarn 2. Used big garbage bags over the packs as an extra barrier, and it was pretty foolproof in the steady rain and snow we had in the mountains last august/sept.

03-26-2012, 07:28 PM
hahaha has nothing to do with the thread...but brombones...your quote "Oh no.... it's a guy on a buffalo!" that guy on the buffalo is my buddys dad...hahahah no joke....

03-26-2012, 07:40 PM
hmmm Mountain Hardware..Helion 2..light light light fantastic workmanship..bulletproof ( for wheather )stakes out exceptionally well.. vents superb for August hunts..its a one man with room...for me and my size...I highly recomend it..and would even set it up if someone wanted to view it....

I have a winter 4 season Mountain hardware and now this lightweight pack tent for august sheep and goats and deer...my.02

I sometimes will use the sildome for overnight biv wacs away from main camp..


03-26-2012, 07:51 PM
Check out Nemo tents... we have this one and love it... http://www.nemoequipment.com/nemo2011-morpho2p-tent

03-26-2012, 07:57 PM
that guy on the buffalo is my buddys dad...hahahah no joke....
Are you trying to tell us that your buddies dad is the long lost buffalo rider..?!? That would be totally epic if he joined this site.

What is all your thoughts on your light wieght back packing tents

Whatever you buy make sure it's got 2 doors...

03-26-2012, 08:01 PM
yup old buffalo jones...hahahahah funny stuff

03-26-2012, 08:05 PM
hahaha has nothing to do with the thread...but brombones...your quote "Oh no.... it's a guy on a buffalo!" that guy on the buffalo is my buddys dad...hahahah no joke....

Hahaha. Awesome.

I like to think he goes sheep hunting... with a buffalo. ;)

03-26-2012, 08:19 PM
Why 2 doors ??? Not questioning you !! Just curious why 2 doors ?? As im looking to buy a tent as well!!

Are you trying to tell us that your buddies dad is the long lost buffalo rider..?!? That would be totally epic if he joined this site.

Whatever you buy make sure it's got 2 doors...

03-26-2012, 08:33 PM
Why 2 doors ??? Not questioning you !! Just curious why 2 doors ?? As im looking to buy a tent as well!!

Two doors are nice for two man tents, that way each person has there own entrance, so no crawling over each other.


03-26-2012, 08:39 PM
Why 2 doors ??? Not questioning you !! Just curious why 2 doors ?? As im looking to buy a tent as well!!

When the bear comes in the only door you might have a hard time squeezing by it to get yourself out... That, and it's a pain in the a$$ having to crawl around your buddy all the time... Throw in a few rainy days and crawling in/out of your vestibule and you might as well of not had a tent.

Jim Prawn
03-26-2012, 09:09 PM
Big agnes copper spur 3 - 3 season, 3 man tent, great for two guys. 2 doors 2 vestibules and lighter than most 2 man tents. That said it is built light and I have seen pics of one pretty badly ripped up in a storm - but that guy was camped in the wide open totally exposed, no rocks or knolls or anything to help break the wind. We spent 16 hours waiting through a pretty nasty storm in ours last season but tucked into a shallow hole on the ridge to just break the wind a bit and did fine.

03-26-2012, 09:14 PM
Mine has only 1 door 1 vesti. but it is only for me as well. Still waiting to see how it handles in the winds/rain.

03-27-2012, 09:14 AM
X2 for the nemo tents except the morpho needs to be staked down so it will stand.

03-27-2012, 12:35 PM
I love my seirra design tent 3 man

x 2, I like my Sierra Designs Lightning ht3

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/292612_10150271916087992_512917991_7774683_3788735 _n.jpg

03-27-2012, 12:55 PM
X2 for the nemo tents except the morpho needs to be staked down so it will stand.

I looked at the nemo tents last night and I like the looks of them the morpho looks very similar to some of the hillebergs that I was looking at but how do you like the inflatable poles? seems like they might be real pain in the butt if you in nasty country and punching holes in them?

03-27-2012, 01:09 PM
x 2, I like my Sierra Designs Lightning ht3

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/292612_10150271916087992_512917991_7774683_3788735 _n.jpg

I like the looks of this tent seems like a ton of room for 2 guys and gear and descently light. How does it stand up in the wind when set up above the tree line? Any troubles with leaks?

03-27-2012, 11:18 PM
Google "hunters Lean to". The whelan is an awsome rig. very light, and easy to put up as well as warm when set up facing the fire.

Tarp Man
03-29-2012, 10:01 PM
If money is not an issue, the Hilleberg tents are the best, hands down. You can get their catalogue from their site, and see the comparison of their fabrics to other tent materials. If I had an extra $700 I would be sleeping in a Hilleberg.

03-29-2012, 10:33 PM
We used a Hilleberg tent on our last sheep hunt. I couldn't believe the ridiculous wind and rain storm it withstood. I thought that it would surely bend a pole or rip something but it withstood everything very well. Cons are that it isnt free standing and it is pricey. After that storm though, I think its worth the extra money.


03-31-2012, 07:29 AM
Being a backpacking fool and a eccentric gear guy I spent too many hours searching for "THE TENT" WELL I found it for the quality -design -price I found that the mountain hardware skyledge 2.1= 2man- 2 vestub- 2 door -superlight- sweet earth tone color-very simmular to the hubba hubba =but stronger /better quality and tweeked! check out rei-serri trading post for great deals got a membership at rei and got the discount! Buddy got the 3 man and its bad ass check it out what i like if budy and i are rained out for days on end we have our packs one our own side -rifles on packs and our arms hanging out the unzipped doors = lots of room for a super light weight ! The 3 man is amazing for the extra weight/ comfort ! Take care and good luck ! http://www.basegear.com/mountain-hardwear-skyledge-2-tent-sale.html

03-31-2012, 07:48 AM
Being a backpacking fool and a eccentric gear guy I spent too many hours searching for "THE TENT" WELL I found it for the quality -design -price I found that the mountain hardware skyledge 2.1=
A couple years ago we experienced the worst windstorm I'd ever experienced at about 6000'. My ID MKIII handled the wind fine, it was bending, and shaking violently but held up through the night... My buddy was in a mountain hardwear tent... He spent the entire night holding his tent up with his arms so it wouldn't collapse on his face from the strong winds... The force from the wind was literally "folding" his tent on top of him... And to top if off, the tent leaked like a siv too!!!

Mountain Hardwear makes some great stuff... But I don't think they make the best tents. I've gone Hilleberg now, not looking back.

03-31-2012, 07:55 AM
My buddy was in a mountain hardwear tent... He spent the entire night holding his tent up with his arms so it wouldn't collapse on his face from the strong winds... The force from the wind was literally "folding" his tent on top of him...

That doesn't help us out at all. Mountain Hardwear makes everything from expedition tents to cheap camping tents. Try to compare apples to apples. Remember the Everest disaster where 9 lives were lost at base camp due to a massive storm and tents were being destroyed? After the storm guess what brand of tents were the only ones standing and saved the lives of a bunch of granola crunchers.......
Mountain Hardwear.

03-31-2012, 07:57 AM
What model was it and what condition was it in ? Did he have it set up at the angle to be streamlined to the wind or sideways to the wind ? A good condition QUALITY tent fly will not leak without wear marks from poor use or a hole ! DON'T WANT TO BE NINJA'N ANYONE ! LOL

03-31-2012, 08:29 AM
I've been really happy with my BA Flycreek UL2, yes it's just under 3lbs with an additional footprint. but it's big enough for 2 or me with all my gear inside, and i don't fear ANY weather in it. The additional security is worth some extra weight to me when I'm solo.

I picked up a Hennesy Hammock I want to try out this year. very very light.

03-31-2012, 08:33 AM
Here is a picture of his tent... Not sure which model this is. The Mountain Hardwear sleeping bag he's using (mine) is what kept him dry. The material appeared to be in fairly good condition, a little older of a tent but he says it's only ever been used on 3 trips. He says he paid $300 or so when he bought it new but can't remember.


This tent below is what I'm using now... Hilleberg "Allak". They are great for function and durability and water cannot penetrate the silicon impregnated material. The material itself is also much stronger than other standard tent materials... The drawback is the tent is very expensive and it's on the heavier side of 2 man backpacking tents.

03-31-2012, 08:40 AM
the thing i dont like about the morpho tent is that if your peg comes out of the ground your tent collapses because it has no structure between the airbeams. id choose a tent that will still stand by itself without being pegged down. i bought the losi 2p which worked great for me last year.

03-31-2012, 09:55 AM
Here is a picture of his tent... Not sure which model this is.

That's a lightwedge 2. MH builds better tents but I'm surprised it couldn't handle the wind. Usually those 2 pole with tension shelf designs are pretty hard to collapse. It sounds like he wants to use his tent in Nov so the tent will need to be able to handle a snow load. If you plan on being in the alpine that late in the season I would definitely look at a 4 season tent with at least 3 poles and plenty of guy lines.

03-31-2012, 10:17 AM
MH builds better tents but I'm surprised it couldn't handle the wind
lol... This wasn't just wind... This was like a full blown hurricane. I've never experienced anything like it, but thankfully my tent was up to the task.

03-31-2012, 12:05 PM
I am using the Exped Venus II .It is an Exoskeleton tent so the inner tent is attached to the outer for dry setup in stormy conditions.I have not had it in a bad storm but i feel confident it can handle it.Here's some info


03-31-2012, 02:29 PM
I have heard good things about the Exped Venus tents. Looks bombproof to me. The only thing that would bug me is the pole sleeves. Small potatoes....
Having the inner tent attached to the fly is a great idea and would make for quick set ups. I also dig the large doors.

03-31-2012, 06:54 PM
Easton has some new tents out, 1, 2, 3, man ... there not free standing, but they are very light and look to be very well made. I bought the one man, and will post what i think of it after i get it out and try it...
One man was 850 grams, 2 man 1000 grams

04-02-2012, 08:36 PM
I have the big agnes flycreek ul2. It is a very lightweight tent, but, while it is rated for 2 people I cannot immagine using it with 2. Even if I was sleeping in it with my wife, which is the only way I think I could tolerate actually having 2 people in there, there is not enough room for 2 packs in the vestibule. Having said that, it is an excellent choice, because for the weight of 2 of them, you are right in the ballpark weight for a decent ACTUAL 2 man tent, then you and your partner each get your own tent, and there is more than ample room for each of you. Plus if a bear attacks a tent, your partner's tent is unmolested which would help.

Having your own tent really is the way to go for a multitude of reasons, and there are no real weight penalties if you pick the right tents.

04-03-2012, 07:11 AM
anyone have any experience with the MSR Hubba one man tent?

04-03-2012, 07:23 AM
anyone have any experience with the MSR Hubba one man tent?

Supposed to be a good tent but I was told they seem to run 'a little short', that I probably would hit the ends at 5'11"
I liked the Big Agnes Seedhouse and Ultralights for all the reasons mentioned above but ended up with a Henessy Hammock for now, probably a Seedhouse or Ultralight later in the year


04-03-2012, 10:30 AM
hmmm surprised I own 2 Mountain Hardware tents..never had any problems..dont expect to...some pretty nasty storms..bent like the dickens but never broke...


04-03-2012, 09:22 PM
that seedhouse 1 looks like a good tent, but I thought it looked like it was kinda of a pain to set up compared to the MSR Hubba

04-09-2012, 09:09 PM
So if I can somehow make it affordable I would like to go with the hilleberg nallo 2 gt after reading all your comments and spending hours on tent websites but because there's not any canadian distributors seems like its gonna be a grand all said and done which is just to rich for my blood? Does anyone know how to get a hilleberg into canada for any cheaper?

04-09-2012, 10:07 PM
I got mine on e-bay. Have to be a little patient. Under 600 if I remember correctly.

04-10-2012, 08:18 AM
High Mountain Outfitters in Eagle Idaho has the N2 GT's for $720...

That is THE tent that I'll be replacing my old Walrus Skyline with.

04-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Big Whitey's, what made you choose the Allak, over the Nallo2 GT?
Free standing?

Secondly, how do those side door vestibules work for cooking/shucking wet gear?

I'm ready to pull the trigger on a new tent this season and figured the N2 GT would be it, based on the light weight and huge vestibule for shit weather days.

I'm all ears if you've found a better way, as I don't cut corners on the good stuff and like to get it right, right outta the gate....

04-10-2012, 08:52 AM
Big Whitey's, what made you choose the Allak, over the Nallo2 GT?
Free standing?

I just liked it better for my needs.

Secondly, how do those side door vestibules work for cooking/shucking wet gear?

A heck of a lot better than having to wait in the rain while your partner crawls in the tent first... lol. With the 2 side vestibules and big doors you're both going in/out at the same time. When your in wet conditions the more you touch the tent fabric with your clothes and wet gear etc... it just keeps getting wetter. Tunnel tents suck for that... Then when your inside your tunnel tent for the night, and want to get out you're crawling through a mess of stacked up gear to get out. with the side doors, zip, zip and you're out.

For cooking I usually don't cook in the vestibule unless it's a storm outside. I was really happy with my Integral Designs MK III, but the tunnel style vestibule just p!ssed us off after a few years because of the inconvenience. The Allak is just a better setup for what we do.

04-10-2012, 09:28 AM
Fair 'nuff...

My current tent has 2 doors/vestibules, but being the tent itself fills the vestibule on one end, it is useless for a storm entrance. The "useable" vestibule slopes down from the tent roof to the ground, thus making a outdoor covering for gear, but useless for much else, as the fly fabric is too close for safe cooking, and not enough room to sit and lace boots etc.

Aside from that, that old tent has been to hell and back, and the $425 I paid for it back in '91, seems like a bargain based on the number of nights of use without a single hick-up. All the poles staying in the tent, except for one, was another feature I'd really gotten used to over the years, especially for setting up in shit weather. A tent fly that sets up without the inner tent, like the Hille's, is something I know I'll love as well.

04-10-2012, 09:39 AM
All the poles staying in the tent, except for one, was another feature I'd really gotten used to over the years, especially for setting up in shit weather.

For fast, dry setup I haven't seen a tent that beats Integral Designs 2 internal pole design. Throw the tent down, crawl inside and the entire thing can be setup from within. When you pull a Hille out of the bag it's a little overwhelming at first with all the layers, lol... They do setup quickly though.

The Allak vestibules don't provide enough room for a man to really "sit" in... Buy they will hold your boots and gear, lots of room to get your sh!t on, and then when it's time to get out... You just stand up... No crawling.

04-10-2012, 09:59 AM
No crawling is a bonus, as well as a vestibule for each person to put their own gear in.
Standing up, without having to brush over a condensation soaked vesty is another plus. The Nallo GT appears to be similar in that regard, as the vesty wings back outta the way, though you still have to clear the tent itself.

Now I got more to think about, thanks....:-D

Will be in Spokane in June, and I think I'll extend the trip a little and check out the Hille's in person, and use up the kids "duty" to bring one home........:mrgreen:

04-10-2012, 10:01 AM
Better make sure I stop at High Mountain first before the Mystery Ranch factory, or I might not have enough money left over......:mrgreen:

04-12-2012, 10:25 PM
mountain hardware hammerhead 2...Weighs about 4 pounds...very solid in windy weather, snow and is virtually impervious to water. Excellent venting system that allows you to adjust the air flow to your preference...nice size vestibule on both sides of tent. This is definitely not a two man tent...more like 1 man with lots of room for gear. I believe there is a hammerhead3 that would allow for two.

04-12-2012, 10:33 PM
Which of these tents would be suitable for taller people? I'm 6'3" and in most tents my sleeping bag would touch and get wet from condensation.

04-15-2012, 03:09 PM
Which of these tents would be suitable for taller people? I'm 6'3" and in most tents my sleeping bag would touch and get wet from condensation.

Can't know what tent would fit that bill, as most just get wider as you go bigger. T'were it me, I'd just toss in a Glad "kitchen catcher" and pull it on over the foot box. Never underestimate the power of a good garbage bag.......:mrgreen:

04-16-2012, 02:30 PM
Probly have to go with a 3-man and double check the length specs like RO said. Most get wider not longer. The Sierra designs that bartell posted will probly work. I bought a MH Skyledge 2.1 on the advice of some pretty hardcore backpacker friends. Haven't tested it out in the bush yet but I'm 5'11" and I've got plenty of room in a north face cat's meow bag. Spec says 85". Skyledge 3 is 88"

Which of these tents would be suitable for taller people? I'm 6'3" and in most tents my sleeping bag would touch and get wet from condensation.

04-17-2012, 08:01 PM
Hille Kaitum 2 GT on ebay today. Two door, Two vestibule.

04-17-2012, 08:54 PM
7lbs 11ozs would be a tough pill to swallow, if you ever went solo.

Be a bomb proof tent though....

04-20-2012, 08:37 AM
7lbs 11ozs would be a tough pill to swallow, if you ever went solo.

Be a bomb proof tent though....

Tudor is going to be heavier. Nice two-person four season. There are new tents posted almost every day on e-bay.

Weatherby Fan
04-20-2012, 08:49 AM
Probly have to go with a 3-man and double check the length specs like RO said. Most get wider not longer. The Sierra designs that bartell posted will probly work. I bought a MH Skyledge 2.1 on the advice of some pretty hardcore backpacker friends. Haven't tested it out in the bush yet but I'm 5'11" and I've got plenty of room in a north face cat's meow bag. Spec says 85". Skyledge 3 is 88"

I have the Skyledge 3 with the footprint,tried it out Deer Hunting last year in -10 with my Valandre Shocking Blue bag and was very comfortable,nice having two doors and a vestibule on each side for two people.Easy to set up and 5lbs total weight with footprint.Another nice option with this tent is you can just set the fly up with the footprint.
I picked the tent($300) and bag($400) up used but unused on Ebay last summer.

04-20-2012, 09:58 AM
I have shared tents before, and don't care for it. I prefer my own.
The new Easton Kilo one is small! But that's what I wanted, and has the side door. (keeps the tent cleaner & dryer)
There's no room in the tent for gear , but I like it that way, the vestibule is just big enuff for my MR 6500
My hunting partner and I each have a 1 man tent, set them up in a V then throw a Kifaru tarp over the top

Makes tons of gear room, a place to cook, have a fire at the opening, and it heats up nice, will help dry gear

and adds a exter layer of protection to the tent, and if the weather is bad u can play cards under it....

Good strong light tent. So far so good.... To small if you were over 6'