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View Full Version : Moose in November

10-24-2006, 04:27 PM
A hunting partner of mine recieved a bull draw for 3-17 for the whole month of November. Would calling still work in the first week or would it be better to wait until the snow starts to fly?

10-24-2006, 04:49 PM
it might work for the first week....november bull draws are a tough one to do....if u are seein cows and no bulls u gotta get up higher to where the bulls are after the rut the bulls will group up and start puttin on some weight for winter....good luck....

10-24-2006, 11:10 PM
Moose do not become mute after the rut, they call for different reasons this is how they communicate. Use a shorter cow call or a calf call the bulls will come in to see what is happening and the cows will definately come into the call and if a bull is in tow he will follow. It is harder to get them to come and they will not answer in the same fashion but they will come.

10-25-2006, 08:26 AM
Good luck on the draw in that area. I have spent a lot time in there hunting and exploring and have never even seen moose sign. Unless you have specific info where somebody else has seen them its a pretty big area. Even deer hunting in there is tough, I have seen more sheep then deer and I have hunted from Hat creek down to Lytton.

Hope you find one and let us know how you made out.


10-25-2006, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. We are going to hunt around Blue Earth Lake, and we will be scouting there this weekend.

10-25-2006, 11:07 AM
The road that looks like it goes by Blue Earth Lake (according to one of the map books) is a bad road. I tried driving it a 2 years ago and I thought I was going to roll my truck into the lake. I had to back up a fair ways. I think a bridge had also been pulled if I remember right. An ATV should be able to make it but I would walk it first if your in a truck.

I thought the road would be a short cut to the other side of the unit, I ended back tracking to get to the other side.


Stone Sheep Steve
10-25-2006, 11:17 AM
Go early in your draw or go late. A co-worker called in a 48" bull in the OK on Nov 1.
Those draws can be very tough from what I've heard. Hope for snow to find some tracks but not too much to keep you from getting into your area. Get on some fresh big tracks and start tracking!


10-25-2006, 11:32 AM
Generally they will be feeding like crazy, and wont be moving a whole lot. If you find an area where there are signs of heavy feeding, plant yourself there, especially early in the morning and in the evening, and just wait, they'll be back!

10-25-2006, 01:01 PM
There is no problem getting to BEL from Hwy 1, but the rough "road" that carries on west to Hat Creek FSR is better left to quads and feet. I saw some good sign in there in June but last weekend did not have near the sign as in the early summer. Maybe because the lush green grass is now brown.

10-25-2006, 02:08 PM
If it was me and I needed to find a bull moose around now I would cover lots of ground by either quad (I know I know heaven forbid not walking) or by truck. When you find a good spot with lots of sign maybe spend the first couple hours of morning and last couple at dark sitting around there. Other than that I would be going all over throughout the day and try to catch one out cruising.

10-25-2006, 02:51 PM
I always did better hunting moose in late season rather than the usual Oct, open season. The first good dump of snow gets the animals moving. They seem to know snow is a bad thing and they need to be somewhere else. They'll leave their little high country lake summer home and head for the valley bottoms, often end up near where a small creek enters a big lake.

Cover ground. Learn to ID fresh tracks. Don't directly follow tracks, but instead make big arc's down wind or try to guess where there going and be there first.

10-25-2006, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. We are going to hunt around Blue Earth Lake, and we will be scouting there this weekend.

There is Road that Goes off to the Left about 2km's from the Blue Earth Lake Campsite, It's not in Very good Shape . ( was up there last week )
It goes into a CUT Block and a Small Pond / Swamp There were Some MOOSE Sign Tracks / Droppings around the Swap ETC,
We bagged a Few Grouse as well But they were a Bit Spookie. The Road Past the Lake is real Narrow and there is a Bridge on it that you would not want to Drive a Truck over :sad: A Quad would Probably be Ok.
Hope this Help's.

10-25-2006, 07:42 PM
Thanks Machinist. I know the swamp you are talking about, and yes the grouse there are quite flighty. Hopefully I can get a nice big Blue to take to the taxidermist.

10-25-2006, 07:49 PM
I was in the lytton area last week and saw a cow , and a cow and a calf but never saw any bulls.Good luck.

10-25-2006, 07:50 PM
Yes calling will work because the secondary rut which starts when your going ,perfect.Ive seen and heard moose calling that time of year a few times.

10-25-2006, 08:21 PM
Thanks Machinist. I know the swamp you are talking about, and yes the grouse there are quite flighty. Hopefully I can get a nice big Blue to take to the taxidermist.

I usually Drive in there from SPENCES BRIDGE There is a Road that Starts At the South End Of Town , By the Waterfall you Can See Across the Hwy as You Are going Across the BRIDGE. It goes up into the Hills And Runs pretty Much Parallel to the Trans Canada , There are a Few Cutblocks On that Road, It Goes into the VENABLES Valley then You Can hook up with the BLUE EARTH Road.
GOOD Luck :wink: