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View Full Version : More bad news from dfo

03-17-2012, 10:16 AM
Fishermen in Greater Victoria are reeling after being told the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is looking at "draconian" restrictions on the summer chinook salmon fishery in Juan de Fuca Strait.
Members of the Victoria-South Island Sport Fishing Advisory Board and industry representatives, who took part in a conference call with DFO Friday, say plans to further restrict or even close the chinook fishery in the peak season of June, July and August could cause the collapse of the southern Vancouver Island sports fishing industry.
"Our backs are against the wall. Any more cuts will be the death of our fishery," said Martin Paish, general manager of Pedder Bay RV Resort and Marina.
The value of the chinook fishery in the areas from the mouth of the Fraser River, through Sidney to Jordan River, is millions of dollars, said Christopher Bos, chairman of the local Sport Fishing Advisory Board.
"The moment they start messing with the economic driver to the point that opportunity and expectation [of catching fish] are gone, they will destroy that economic driving force," he said.
The spinoff effect would take in fishing lodges, about 50 fishing charter operations, marinas, campgrounds, tackle shops and hotels, Paish said. "It would have a huge impact on Sooke and Metchosin. The sports fishery drives tourism in this area."
No one from DFO was available to talk about the proposals Friday, but Tom Cole, assistant chairman of the advisory board, said DFO representatives will be at a meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Langford.
"We are expecting about 700 or 800 people at that meeting," Cole said.
The issue revolves around some Fraser River chinook runs with poor returns. Those chinook turn up in Juan de Fuca Strait in the summer at the same time as chinook from more abundant runs.
Two years ago, the recreational fishery, which takes only a fraction of the threatened stocks, agreed to catch limits in an effort to conserve those stocks, even though most chinook caught in the fishery come from the abundant runs, Paish said. The complicated rules now allow fishermen to take two chinook a day in the summer, with varying size constraints.
Instead of targeting sports fishermen, when further restrictions would have no effect on conservation of the stocks, DFO should be looking at the commercial or First Nations fisheries, which take many more fish, and its own allocation policy, said Bos and Paish.
Root causes are habitat loss and water extraction from the Fraser, but DFO has done little to address those problems and seems focused only on ratcheting down the sports fishery, Bos said.
"DFO has suddenly set its hair on fire and said they need more restrictions and they have put a bull'seye on our back," he said.
"We have already done our part to reduce the impact on these stocks."
© Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist

03-17-2012, 10:30 AM
gee i wonder if they are going to stop the sockeye netting on the river during those months as well ? springs get caught in those nets aswell

03-17-2012, 11:20 AM
There's that "N" word again.
Not a hope In hell of changing anything there, they'd much rather take millions out of our economy, put thousands of people out of work and change the lives of those people forever than shut down a handful of peoples car trunk fish sales.

03-17-2012, 11:27 AM
Well they also had the "save the whales" idea running around as well to get us off the water. The morons in DFO (and I may be giving them too much credit here) couldn't successfully run a 50 yard dash let alone the fisheries in this country.

This one should get lively....

03-17-2012, 11:29 AM
SFAB meeting Mar 21 7pm at Sheraton, Victoria.

DFO will be looking to see how many show! Be there if you can...

03-17-2012, 12:03 PM
SFAB meeting Mar 21 7pm at Sheraton, Victoria.

DFO will be looking to see how many show! Be there if you can...

I will round up the gang & we will be there!DFO is treading on thin Ice this could be the nail in the coffin Bye Bye DFO Lets give these Morons there marching papers!Lets get some e-mail adds ect going!What is the quota for commercials & Natives !Anyone have the info!

03-17-2012, 12:49 PM
well we will never get rid of the dfo but we might open thier eyes abit ,

Peter Pepper
03-17-2012, 01:29 PM
well we will never get rid of the dfo but we might open thier eyes abit ,

Like we would never get rid of the gun regisrty...or the federal liberals

03-17-2012, 01:43 PM
Like we would never get rid of the gun regisrty...or the federal liberals

Im with Peter !DFO needs to go! We on the west coast need to manage our own fish stocks!Last year all the Hatchery fish I caught during May closure/restrictions, "to save the Fraser river stocks" came from Washington?DFO keep on getting it wrong!If you want to "save" the Fraser Chinooks,start by removing all the f.....king nets from the River!Remove all the F... ing fish farms & buy out all the commercial Lisences! Then & only then if the fish have not rebounded put restrictions on the sport fishermen!Wednesday's meeting is going to be epic to say the least!

03-17-2012, 05:35 PM
Making it a provincial matter, would at least make it more local, but unless someone is willing to manage the terminal fishery completely for everyone, which they are afraid to do, nothing will improve. 20+ years of increasing "political" correctness is burying us.

If our tidal fishery was managed in BC, then at least we could blame Christy Clarke and the Liberals.

03-17-2012, 06:19 PM
SFAB meeting Mar 21 7pm at Sheraton, Victoria.

DFO will be looking to see how many show! Be there if you can...

Agreed!. Making the trek myself!

03-17-2012, 07:09 PM
The small % of fish caught by the rec. fishery compared to the money put back into the local economy. I don't get what DFO is thinking, but then again I don't think DFO gets it either.

To bad if these changes are implemented, say goodbye to places like Pt. Renfrew

03-20-2012, 12:32 PM
More "Spin" from The Dino: http://www.timescolonist.com/Chinook+fishery+woes+being+spread+around+says/6327429/story.html

At least they finally admitted which Faction is contributing the most to the declining stocks...

A meeting between DFO and southern Vancouver Island sports fishers will begin at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Four Points Sheraton in Langford.

Not my back yard, but I am making every attempt to be there... :evil:


03-22-2012, 01:06 PM
got one suspicion confirmed last night- a lot of those ''wild''salmon I released last year could well have been unclipped hatchery stock-and if what one person said was correct-out of nearly half a million smolts he released-only 50,000 were clipped...

but DFO admitted they have no idea where these endangered chinook are dying-in the stream before they go to sea, in the sea, in the river going tpo spawn or of disease.Their last data was from 2006-and from that they're extrapolating this years escapement and making policy that is going to seriously impact us with a 50% reduction.Not good enough.

03-22-2012, 01:59 PM
I was there last night and would have liked to ask, "If I were a farmer and my family is hungry because we are running short of food I would not tell them to on eat fewer potatoes and tomatoes, I would plant more crops so there would be a bounty for everyone." Isn't salmon enhancement (hatcheries) a better solution to fewer fish? Maybe I'm just not getting it but hatcheries seem like a no brainer to me. Isn't that what all the salmon stamp money is supposed to go to?

03-22-2012, 02:18 PM
got one suspicion confirmed last night- a lot of those ''wild''salmon I released last year could well have been unclipped hatchery stock-and if what one person said was correct-out of nearly half a million smolts he released-only 50,000 were clipped...


That is a common practice. The Cowichan is loaded with Hatchery wild fish.
They do it to save money.

03-22-2012, 05:07 PM
where to start ? how about stop the herring fishery , taking large portions of chinook feed makes no sense , when was the last time you saw a huge bait ball in active pass , the columbia river basin is looking at a gillnet ban , could the fraser r be next ,i hope . the hatchery idea would be great it works for rivers inlet

03-22-2012, 06:08 PM
I was just not impressed-yes,that run may well be endangered-but curtailing the fishery will not fix the problem of what is causing the fish to die.That is the issue they need to address,and in the meantime embarque on a massive enhancement program with hatcheries[they have time to do it if they get right on it now-before the fish show up]If there is a serious problem-then cutting the fishery will only delay the inevitable-that run going extinct.They don't have up to date data,they don't know why the fish are not making it back, they don't know if its a virus, they don't even know if the fish are dying before they go to sea,at sea,or in the rivers on the way to spawn-yet they make policy that will have far reaching impact on the commercial/sport industry.The US has already proved they can have a sustainable-even burgeoning salmon fishery-by way of enhancement-why are we committed to the ''wild salmon'' ideology[meaning doing nothing but cutting back on the quota]-when the fishery is dying?It makes no sense to me.I completely agree with the poster-PRODUCE MORE FISH.

oh-and another point-what about all the ''wild'' chinook that I hooked but didn't release?-seals got them.....will DFO include a seal/sea lion cull?