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10-23-2006, 07:57 AM
Seems to me that every truck I see this year has a quad in the back or multiple quads on a trailer. When did the quad become an essential piece of hunting equipment? I guess you are not much of a hunter if you don't have one eh?

10-23-2006, 08:13 AM
Not sure where your going with this but I think the ATV is just another tool if you have one. I have and use an ATV but I don't think it makes me a better hunter than the guy without one......... When I bought my ATV it wasn't specifically for hunting. I use the ATV's to travel on roads that I wouldn't want to take my truck on. I also spend a good portion of the summer riding and scouting as well. If you road hunt with an ATV I would say it is no diffrent than road hunting with a truck just much colder:lol:. You still need to get off it and hike to get to the big boys.

10-23-2006, 08:27 AM
Like mcrae said, i use my atv all year long as well plowing snow! It seems that most people have $50,000 trucks theses days and i find that id rather bag on my quad than the pickup when roadhunting or exploring a new areas! Not to mention very handy to get critters out of the bush, especially moose and elk!!!!

10-23-2006, 08:29 AM
Seems to me that every truck I see this year has a quad in the back or multiple quads on a trailer. When did the quad become an essential piece of hunting equipment? I guess you are not much of a hunter if you don't have one eh?

Hunting is a matter of luck!! and Timeing and some hard work8-) IMO .."Just because you got the toys " doesn't mean it's going to get that trophy " It might help but thats it...8-) Cheers!

10-23-2006, 08:36 AM
Don't forget there are hunters out there who due to physical limitations or handicaps might not be able to spend time hunting on foot.

A quad would come in pretty handy then... wouldn't it?

The stereotype and holier then thou attitude towards people who use trucks/quads to hunt is pretty childish I think.

Happy Hunting!

10-23-2006, 08:39 AM
I love quads for hunting as well as just exploring!

I had the great pleaser of knowing the late, great hunter\naturalist\auther Andey Russel and in his later years he hunted in a VW Jetta. So the toys don't make the hunter.

10-23-2006, 08:54 AM
I find this a strange post,I dont use a quad but there are times I wish I had one ,any tool that enhances one experience is a positive ,if a quad can pull your moose out for you great,a boat doesnt make you a better fisherman but it can take you where the fish are ,so whats the diffrence?There are lots of hunters that have all the toys and do not shoot very much,and there are guys that use all this stuff to their benefit ,accept
peoples diffrences and enjoy being in the outdoors .:)

10-23-2006, 09:03 AM
With the price of a newer pickup running into the 30 - 50 K. range, the quad is a natural pairing. I bet most 4x4's don't get far 'offroad' (read 'offpavement') these days.

10-23-2006, 09:16 AM
I see where Dana is coming from to a point. The quad has changed certain types of hunting, along with many other tools we use that are different than what our grandfathers used, but somehow the quad is just a little more blatant. Many skills that hunters had to develop in years gone by are degrading. You can be a tubby, out of shape couch jockey with little or no knowledge of how to pack quarters etc. and still get way into the backcountry and get meat out, all without barely having to get out of the saddle. I recently hunted with some guys that use a quad for bringing meat out and exploring. I shot a deer way back into the bush and one of them got the quad right in there to load it up after hearing the shot. It was just to easy and I can't help feeling like something was missing (oh yah I remember now, its called the work).

I don't have a problem with quads for exploring skidder trails and getting you to the point where you want to start hunting and even for pulling game out if you can. Having said this they just plain wreck my hunting experiences in many areas I like to go (or used to like to go). This is especially true in broken country where they can be easily gotten into the bush. I hear the just another tool argument and tend to agree my problem is more about ethics than anything else. I think when you hunt on a quad a way more respect to fellow hunters needs to be shown than what I have been seeing out there.

On my last hunt two guys on quads were running around at 30km an hour all over the place driving deer out of the bush, jumping off and trying to shoot them on the run. On two occasions I was stalking a section of pretty thick stuff only to have these guys rush the bush and bomb through scaring everything out into the open where they tried to give chase. Our group harvested more toa man than these two clowns but they sure managed to ruin everyones hunting experience on that stretch of mountain. This is becoming an all to common experience for me and now I hike further and steeper to avoid it but it just plain ticks me off that I have to. Even if guys on quads are just running the trails the noise pollution gets more than annoying after a while. Hunting is about more than just harvesting for me, I head in to the wilderness for solitude and even when an area has high hunting pressure with guys on foot this is more than possible but with quads forget it. When the wilderness sounds like a dirt bike track I have to admit sometimes I wish the darn things were never invented.

My 2 cents

10-23-2006, 09:16 AM
No offence intended toward anyone, but, I think that I see the point that Dana is trying to make here. I have never even sat on a quad, trike or dirtbike and only have ridden a snowsled when working for the BCFS as I just prefer to backpack. I am under NO illusion that an old geezer like me can/will be as efficient in terms of getting game down and out as if I had a quad, this is simply what I prefer to do.

So, as so often, Bigwhiteys makes a very sound point here, if one guy doesn't want a quad, fine, but, although I do not like the noise of them, I also recognize that some people may need one to be able to have some hunting, at least. So, I believe in making sure that their use is regulated in a manner that protects our wild environment and then the option is up to the individual.

This reminds me of a couple of really good deerhunting books I once read, by famous American bowhunters who totally scorn the "crossbow" users and consider only themselves and their buds who use longbows to be legitimate bowhunters.....kinda snobby, IMO.

There are many who believe that one should not use an autoloading rifle to hunt with and only bolts, levers, pumps and single-shots are "kosher"; this is ludicrous as the 180 NP out of a BAR does exactly the same thing as out of a custom P-64 by super-famous gunsmith, in short, who gives a sh*t!

10-23-2006, 09:25 AM
I'll bite. The biggest reason for using my quad is economy. I can hunt a lot more and spend less money, as well as saving wear and tear on the pick-up. Another plus is being closer to the road when looking for tracks etc(especially spring bears) and a full view on both sides, unlike a pickup. That said, I actually do more walking when I hunt with a quad, sometimes just to warm up.:)

Now for the downside. I get real pissed when I hike into alpine/sub alpine areas and see where some a$$hole(s) have rooted up big ruts all over the place with their quads, simply because they could. I definately feel it is high time for more quad/jeep restrictions in higher sensitivity areas. When quads are used responsibly on road systems and skid trails, I have no issue.


10-23-2006, 09:29 AM
The point of the thread is that I'm seeing a big trend that the 'toys' make the hunter. You need this and that and the other thing to make you a great hunter. This year in particular I've been seeing a ton of quads. Seems like more young guys than old guys too. My old man is a disabled hunter and he has a quad. I do see there uses, but geeze does every hunter need one? I think they are more of a distractant to hunting than an aid. Seems like people are more into bombing around here and there, doing donuts and taking the quad into places that it would be way easier to walk into. Not very efficient hunting if you ask me. I guess it's like cammo, quad's are the 'in' thing.

10-23-2006, 09:33 AM
Oh boy, i can see this thread going sideways pretty quick here! Back to danas original statement, we are just living in a time where people have more money for toys and gadgets! 20 years ago most hunters didnt even wear camo! let alone have new trucks, quads, fancy scopes, spotting scopes, range finders, trail-cams, the list goes on! if you can invent one thing that might be a bit advantageous to a hunter, people will buy it!

10-23-2006, 09:35 AM
Don't need a ATV. My Bronco II with oversize wheels will go just about anywhere an ATV will...not to mention its got 'heat', and somewhere to sleep.

10-23-2006, 09:36 AM
Geez dana we were thinking the same thing and typing at the same time, but you beat me!

10-23-2006, 09:41 AM
EXACTLY Mark, why wreck our 50,000 trucks! Kutenay is bang on too. River otter I agree, so much less fuel consumption! When I hunted from my truck I was always worried about coming back to smashed windows, as I always hike in from where I park. Well now I park at a main pullout or private road intersection, many times besides machines or w/e being run by guys I know, quad in and stash my quad and hike from there.
But because a guy has a quad means nothing at all. I went on a 2 week elk trip and maybe started my quad 8 times, and did not use it on the morning I scouted my elk, or evening I shot my elk. The view of a quad "making" a hunter or any other toy is that of the person who thinks it, not the "trend." ow as a quad user I also see the damage from people who feel the need to drive a trail right through an ideal piece of land, because they are too lazy to hike it. I see where Dana is coming from though, just this year I hiked in to my favorite spot, took me years to find a spot like this and found several hours of networked quad trails winding through the immediate area! Turns out the quad club liked my spaced timber with moss ang grass floors. There were rubs in there like I had never seen before on trees I never realized blacktails would rub on. Whats a guy do though, it's public land and they have as much right to be there as I do. This year there is no buck sign whatsoever. Now there is a huge difference between doing donuts and using them for the purpose of transporting yourself for hunting! One man chooses to hunt, another chooses to quad recreationally, there's going to be a clash as with fly fisherman and gear fisherman, bow hunters and crossbow hunters and so on.

10-23-2006, 09:46 AM
I agree with westcoaster 100%. I understand that quads are a good tool to have to get you into those hunting areas where the road has been deactivated, or is to bushy and you would rather beat up on your quad to get in there< but there are some guys that will not get off of them. never. I was in a meadow the other day for open moose season standing there when all of a sudden a quad comes riding in. spinning out in the mud and braking branches. Ofcourse a guy isnt going to see anything. The animal would have to be absolutely stupid. What happened to hunting. Calling, stalking, waiting, listening. To me thats hunting. A buddy of mine got a moose the other day with his quad. the were trying to get it out when the quad rolled twice, landing on the meat and leaked gasoline all over it. It took them all day to get the one moose out, plus they messed up there bike and their meat. Me and my buddy shot two moose yeturday morning. we had 1.5 km pack back to the truck. we packed two moose out buy 5:30 pm. I would much rather take the walking gig. just my 2 cents

10-23-2006, 09:47 AM
Anyone can drive the roads, but a quad can get you back where the average guy can't drive or walk so you can have an area to yourself. I know I don't like crowds. The Atv opens up this possibility not to re-mention the others already brought up. The same probably happened when the Indian discovered the horse could be used for hunting and packing, same idea. $50,000 truck, $10,000 Quad, which one would you rather abuse. Only makes sense if you can afford them.

10-23-2006, 09:57 AM
I've had many people get mad at me because I've said things like '99.9% of the hunters out there are too lazy to hunt where I hunt." But you know what, it's sooo true. It is my observation that most hunters don't have the gumption to get out of the truck or off the quad and hunt on foot. I guess the hunting is just too easy here in the province. Whatever floats your boat. Each to there own, but don't be thinking you are going to be consitantly whackin' monsters as you pound that quad up goat trails, riping and tearing as you go.

10-23-2006, 09:59 AM
I think it has a lot to do with edicit. These wagon trains of quads will drive right past my white truck parked in the middle of the road leading into an obvious dead end cut. They will either then drive right up to me or scope the hill I'm sitting on which results in me revealing myself to prevent being shot.
This is coming from a rip it up two stoke riding haul ass rider but i have a brain in my head I turn around and leave people alone when it looks like there is a set up. You can chin wag when you pass each other on the road.
I am now packing a road cone on my travel in the truck and place it in the middle of the road to indicate that I'm down the dead end road. Now I need a sign for the top of it or maybe spay paint hunting on the side of it as it seems to just make them curious.
As for the # of quads "grow ops" you gotta do something with that money.

10-23-2006, 10:41 AM
Seems to me that every truck I see this year has a quad in the back or multiple quads on a trailer. When did the quad become an essential piece of hunting equipment? I guess you are not much of a hunter if you don't have one eh?

Are you feeling bored today? Stir the pot up a little?

Quads are fine by me - they take hunters who would probably otherwise pound bush and turn them into another form of road hunter. So long as they're following the letter of the law I don't care.

10-23-2006, 10:46 AM
I dont' have a quad, but at times I sure woudl like one!!

I bet my 10 yr old truck woud have preffered I bought a quad at the same time I bougth the truck, since I have put thousands and thousands of off pavement kms on that truck, and while it still runs great, the body shows it.

Most of those kms have been driving in to a hunting area, as well, not road hunting. I'll road hunt some times but mostly I prefer to be on foot- however a quad sure would be nice to get up that old skidder trail and then head out form...Or spring bear hunting, I liek to drive up to an area, then park the truck and head out to check the cut blocks on foot. A quad woudl save alot of wear and tear!8)

I'm not too lazy to hunt anywhere. I;m just not smart enough. I hunt hard, I just don't hunt smart.8):lol:

10-23-2006, 10:48 AM
What's wrong with a little pot stirring? :) I never said quads were bad did I?

10-23-2006, 10:49 AM
Wellll...........what can one say to that.....maybe ditch the pink tutu and wear some nice green clothing when hunting??????

10-23-2006, 10:50 AM
The point of the thread is that I'm seeing a big trend that the 'toys' make the hunter. You need this and that and the other thing to make you a great hunter.

This trend did not start with quads, nor will it end there. Scopes, 3500 fps magnums, high definition 3-D camo, ulluminated reticles etc...etc........
High tech tools can make a good hunter better, but will never make a bad hunter good.

This year in particular I've been seeing a ton of quads. Seems like more young guys than old guys too.

The "Play Station Generation". I see quite a few of these guys as well, but they don't threaten my hunting as long as they're not destroying habitat. I actually benefit from these goof balls, because since they think they have the "full hunting package", running the roads straddling their shiny new Hondolarisahawski, they leave all the quality hunting alone and train the critters to use the game trails that parrallel the main roads.

My old man is a disabled hunter and he has a quad. I do see there uses, but geeze does every hunter need one?
I think they are more of a distractant to hunting than an aid. Seems like people are more into bombing around here and there, doing donuts and taking the quad into places that it would be way easier to walk into. Not very efficient hunting if you ask me. I guess it's like cammo, quad's are the 'in' thing.

My old man uses a quad as well, not because he's disabled per se, but because he's not 30 any more. I actually feel better knowing he's on his quad than out in his pickup. Quad's are harder to get stuck, easier to get unstuck(especially with a winch) and when you come to the end of a narrow road, they are much easier to turn around than a truck. He also comes back to camp earlier to start the fire when it starts getting cold.:lol:


10-23-2006, 10:56 AM

10-23-2006, 10:56 AM
25 years ago you may have said this about scopes, 150 years ago you may have said this about cartiges, 250 years ago you may have said this about muskets. Its called evolution and invention. Get to like it, its not going away.

10-23-2006, 11:08 AM
If guys want to bomb around on their toys, who cares. It just makes the alpine less crowded. No need for this thread. Dana.......we all bow down at your feet. You are the man.

10-23-2006, 11:11 AM

Must be a day at the office; I know you'd be out hunting right now if you didn't have to work! :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-23-2006, 11:14 AM
Dana.......we all bow down at your feet.


10-23-2006, 11:22 AM
LOL! It's cruel and unusual punishment to have to work during hunting season.

10-23-2006, 11:27 AM
LOL! It's cruel and unusual punishment to have to work during hunting season.

I'm sure there's worse, just can't think of what it might be.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-23-2006, 11:31 AM
My truck wouldn't look the way it does or have the rattles that it does if I had a quad back when I bought my truck new. My 4X4 is now unreliable so a used quad is in the works in the next two years(no $ for a new truck). I don't road hunt so there's bitching about using it to hunt off. Just a means of getting to where you want to hunt.


10-23-2006, 11:43 AM
Maybe the hunters on this board are not the hunters I'm seeing as I've yet run into one quad parked with someone walking. ;) All the quad tracks I see just go up and down the roads, back and forth. They go up skid trails that only go 200m and then turn around and back to the roads again. The one's I've watched don't even notice when they drive past me. They don't seem to glass much longer than the classic '2 mins, nope no animals in this block' on to the next. :)

10-23-2006, 11:53 AM
OZONE.....It was supposed to be sarcastic. I don't know why it is so important to shred people. If they want to drive around like morons on their quads, who cares. I just don't see why the board needs to know how great of a hunter some people think they are.

10-23-2006, 12:14 PM
I have a quad.

Have not used this year, took it on a moose hunt last year, didnt use it. Come to think of it, I've use it once in 3 seasons.

If I need it, I'll use it. I will always bring it on a moose hunt if no one else does just for the purpose of recovery.

10-23-2006, 12:20 PM
Quit y'er bitchin everyone. Hunt how YOU want, and let other people hunt the way THEY want. There's enought anti's to bitch about what and how we do things. We don't need this crap from fellow hunters.

10-23-2006, 12:23 PM
I've had them.........No Longer own one.
I do Prefer to "Hoof" it nowadays......that may change as I get Older I'm sure....:lol:

Hopefully ALL the Road Warriors tearing the heck out of everything don't get them Banned before that happens though :mad:

They do have thier Place...like everything else, if used Correctly.

10-23-2006, 12:26 PM
My 4X4 is now unreliable so a used quad is in the works in the next two years(no $ for a new truck). SSS

But, but, but....what about the Dual-Sport? Does it know you feel this way?

10-23-2006, 12:28 PM
I dont object to people with quads, however if you happen to park your truck at a nice overgrown old logging road/skidder trail and make it quiet obvious that you are in there and still someone on a quad decides to go in excactly on that road and pases you to get to wherever they are going faster then you just to turn around at the end of the road and come back out within 10min. that what pisses me off. Your chances are just about 0 of seeing anything after that. I.M.H.O

10-23-2006, 12:29 PM
Dana.......we all bow down at your feet. You are the man

Definately my new hunting herohttp://bestsmileys.com/darwin/2.gif

10-23-2006, 12:37 PM
I don't really have a problems with quads. I don't own one, but can borrow one from work anytime I want. I shot my moose this year while walking 4 km down an old road and used a quad to pack it out. I also used a dirt bike for years for hunting, however only to access certain areas to go for a walk.

I guess the only problem I have with them is it means alot of lazy hunters can now access and in a sense ruin my hunts almost anywhere. I'm not saying all road hunters are lazy by any means.....I know some people have disablitiles, injuries,are getting older, or just prefer this method. However, it used to be that lazier hunters stuck to the roads, and that was fine, I could walk old skid trails/logging roads, and easily get away from them. However, these same people that have quads now drive down these skid trails/logging roads, even though they never would take the time to walk in, or couldn't drive in with their trucks before.

This year I had a nice little spot scouted out, an older cutblock 1.5 km down at the end of an old logging road, fairly grown in. Two days in a row the same guy on a quad drove in, circled the block and left....didn't even see me. I just don't understand why a healthy able-bodied person wouldn't park the quad and walk the 1.5 km....But what can you do. Good thing is there is enough space out there for everyone.

10-23-2006, 12:39 PM
what I can see here is the idea that if you don't have a supercharge finklemister double over head cam double load super bass stereo in your car you ain't a man...

haven't we grown out of that yet, I go further on my quad than most guys do on foot so enjoy hunting where i passed up maybe theres a trophy there.

10-23-2006, 12:43 PM
Dana you wouldnt find my quad parked, it's camo ;) Must be a different group of fellows we know because all the boys I pound the hills with are the toughest you'll ever meet and we all park our quads :)
Ozone; Evolution is so right. I JUST Stopped dragging my knuckles when I walk. I want to evolve into that damn trail camera you have but they havent returned my emails or phone calls and I've been trying them since I last pm'd you!!

Trigger; Nice job man. You and Cec both get a moose? Pics?

10-23-2006, 12:44 PM
Wow some of you boys are just way too easy.:lol: :lol:

10-23-2006, 01:25 PM
I go to great lengths to make sure my quad isn't spotted. I'm one of those "gotta see whats over the next rise" kind of people and often my morning hunt turns into an all day affair. I stash my quad accordingly.

I have to wonder about the posters who get all defensive about using a quad for hunting, unless they are the guys with the shiny new grips on the bottom of their old hunting boots:lol: . Dana never called out quad users, not that I read anyway, just the guys who glue themselves to the seat and don't get off for anything short of a potty break.


10-23-2006, 01:37 PM
I dont object to people with quads, however if you happen to park your truck at a nice overgrown old logging road/skidder trail and make it quiet obvious that you are in there and still someone on a quad decides to go in excactly on that road and pases you to get to wherever they are going faster then you just to turn around at the end of the road and come back out within 10min. that what pisses me off. Your chances are just about 0 of seeing anything after that. I.M.H.O

This makes me wanna puke.

I stopped going to one of my favorite spots to meat hunt with my father because of the fleet of disrespectful quad hunters that visit this spot every year.

They do just that, bomb right by you when you are walking into a dead end cut even though they know it's a dead end cut and you showed up first. They know, because they quad into it 10 times throughout the day and worse even, their partners are in the loop too. Every half hour one of them rolls on in.

2 years ago I stopped the one guy and told him we were walking in. He said good luck and went in anyways.

It's only a matter of time that people like this who sneak around barriers and trenches and continue to chop trails screw them selves and we then see designated quad routes only in this province. They ruin it for the responsible quad users.

10-23-2006, 01:48 PM
I really dont mind quad hunters as long as they respect the land and respect other hunters! The reason why i dont mind them is because the more quad hunters, the less guys walking through the bush where i find the best hunting :lol: . One day even i may own a quad, but that will likely be the day i turn 50 and am not able to put 20-30kms on my legs and get into some of the ground i want to hunt. Hell, this weekend i packed 12kms back to a cabin and hunted out from there for the weekend. I didnt even see a deer but what made the trip worthwhile was the fact that no one else was back there hunting and i had thousands of hecares of prime muley habitat all to myself 8-) .

BTW Steve did you get the big muley pics i sent ya of Cody's Buck?
Steve gets home tonight so we'll have to set up a hunt sometime.

10-23-2006, 01:50 PM
Don't own a quad.......sure would like too. As others mentioned. Alot less wear on my truck would be great. Also for animal recovery. I am envious when I see guys dragging a moose out to a main rd when it would take me and a few buddies a ton of work with meat on our backs.

10-23-2006, 01:53 PM
I've never used a quad, but I can see they have their place. I personally have concerns about their use for hunting, but I support their use in game retrieval. Using a quad in place of a truck for road hunting is an advantage. (if hunters haven't figured that out, they need to work on their efficiency. no door to open or close.)

I'm not opposed to road hunting on quads.

Perhaps the hunting questionnaire should start to ask if the successful hunter was: 1) road hunting, 2) using a quad, so that we can determine the impact.

Access is an issue.

There is a habitat issue when guys are driving their quads out and beyond roads. And there is an ethical question, when a hiking hunter works hard to hike into an area, and the hunter on a quad can afford to sleep in an extra hour because he drives right into the basin the other guy has worked hard to get into.

I agree that 250 years ago the use of a more efficient rifle was merely an evolutionary issue, however I would ask the question, at what point, do we as hunters place some boundaries on our advantage over wildlife. To not establish sustainable boundaries is irresponsible.

Again, I'm not opposed. These are merely thoughts that come to mind.


10-23-2006, 02:01 PM
I own a quad, but dont use it to hunt with, but if I shot a moose that fell more than 200 yards off a road, Id go home and get my atv.

10-23-2006, 02:04 PM
Well the quad is way ahead of horses on the evolution scale of hunting equipment but you can still go where quads will never make it so it's hardly "evolution".

10-23-2006, 02:07 PM
Matt,I got the pic and the reply from Greg. LOL! We'll see who'll top that buck this year, either way we'll get pics of you holding it so you can get your 100 bucks from Cody. LMAO!!!! I'll send ya an email later tonight.As for those who think quads are part of the evolution of hunting, I've got news for ya, big muleys have developed these 2 big things called ears, and they aren't about to stand around when they hear one of those 'glued to the seat' quad hunters coming up the trail. Now, a dumb ol' swamp donkey might think you are another bull and come to challenge ya, but no one ever accussed them of being smart. ;)

10-23-2006, 02:07 PM
Ahem, there ARE guys of 50 and even OLDER whoe actually DO hike for 20 K, I am one of these and I am 60. No, we older guys do not walk as fast, but, some of us still backpack year-round and can painfully struggle a few klicks, at least! :) :) :)

I do what I do as that is what I enjoy, BUT, I am retired and have all the time, equipment and whatever I need to go where I want. However, a guy in his 40's, full-time job, wife plus maybe three young teens and only three weeks per year for vacation HAS to be far more realistic about how he uses his hunting weekends; this, IMO, is where a quad can be a really practical tool.

I think that Otto (Booner) and JT make good points, but, I gotta applaud Dana for bringing this up as irresponsible use of this type of machinery really is one thing that the antis can use to convince the public at large that we hunters ARE knuckle-draggers. There will be further restrictions on motorized access, no question, the point is, IMO, to lobby so that these will be as "hunter friendly" as possible, consistent with the need for environmental protection.

Discussions here can be of great value in determining how to approach this as we ARE a minority and we ARE definitely NOT "cool"......thank gawd!

Stone Sheep Steve
10-23-2006, 02:53 PM
Are you feeling bored today? Stir the pot up a little?
I think it's just a little "pre-rut sparring":lol: . When you live with the deer most of the year ,eventually, you start to act like one.
Dana- Is your neck starting to get a little swollen, too??:lol:


10-23-2006, 03:08 PM
I've spent 18 days since the start of the season sleeping in a tent. 'Stir' Crazy is just starting. ;)

10-23-2006, 03:10 PM
However, a guy in his 40's, full-time job, wife plus maybe three young teens and only three weeks per year for vacation HAS to be far more realistic about how he uses his hunting weekends; this, IMO, is where a quad can be a really practical tool.

Not too many 40 year olds with families can afford to make ATV "Toys" a big priority. At least not the ones that stay married. ;)

My Theory moose hunting:

ATV's have increased hunter mobilty and increased access. 20 years ago we thought gas was expensive, drove around a bit but usually dropped partners off, or walked into cut blocks or past those risky muddy bits. We also learned after doing it once:oops: , shooting a moose any distance from vehicle access was a bad thing.

Now with Quads this just isn't the case. I believe quads have in general increased hunter success. Hunter success is one of those numbers the management people punch into the grand formula. Greater hunter success contributes to s a shorter season for all of us.

For example. Southern region 6. (6-04-6-08 etc.). In the 80's there was an open 4 wk. season from mid Oct. to mid Nov. There was no less hunters then, nor were there any more moose. Now there's only a week. What changed?

10-23-2006, 03:10 PM
I've spent 18 days since the start of the season sleeping in a tent. 'Stir' Crazy is just starting. ;)

Hopefully you'll get some hair down before you go into full blown madtrapper mode. Nobody wants to see that.

10-23-2006, 03:19 PM
I might just go the Charles Bronson version of the Mad Trapper on the next ATV I see. It's called a High Country tuneup. ;)

10-23-2006, 03:39 PM
Okay, I'll bite. I like my quad for a lot of reasons...the fuel economy (25 mpg vs 12 in my bush truck), the wear and tear it saves on the truck, and the enjoyment of the wind in my face. I tend to quad into an area, then stash the quad and walk. The surgeon's orders after he took the last chunk of cartilage from my knee was to stay off the up and downs if I can and walk the flats...not always possible where I like to hunt, so the quad helps me get there.

There will always be those dorks who are inconsiderate...some even are walking and will stroll past you into an area they know you are hunting. I just sleep a bit better at night knowing my ethics are different from theirs.

10-23-2006, 03:40 PM
I might just go the Charles Bronson version of the Mad Trapper on the next ATV I see. It's called a High Country tuneup. ;)

LMAO......now that is pretty good!!:lol:

10-23-2006, 04:13 PM
I think that the increasing number of deactivated roads and deep cross-ditching is leading to more and more hunters deciding that a quad is "necessary" for where they want to go. We might be into some years of reinvention of hunting in some areas that may just end up keeping more bucks deeper and higher for those of us that enjoy the hikes.

Quads are also now really becoming known as the all-season, all-size, all-sport and all-work machine to the previously unindoctrinated. I think either the growth of numbers used in the bush will have to start to level off or there certainly could be bans on use in certain sensitive areas.

Of course, in some ares deer see more logging trucks than anything else!

10-23-2006, 04:40 PM
I really don't see what the big deal is if people choose to hunt on quads. Classifying all quad hunters as "lazy" is an unfair stereotype. Everyone hunts for different reasons. Walking is only one technique to hunting...

I know lot's of people who enjoy pounding the roads, trails, skidder paths, etc, because they truly like to learn and see new areas... What's the problem with that?

Killing is really only one aspect of hunting... and not every hunter has the desire to hike into these rugged areas to have the chance at a trophy animal... In saying that, the animals do have to cross the road sooner or later:wink:

Quads are similar so religion, you don't have to believe in it if you don't want to... but that doesn't make it wrong.


10-23-2006, 08:49 PM
Thread title: I Guess I'm Not Much A Hunter... That might be true, but you're a pretty good troll:lol:

There is some pretty broad brush strokes going on here. Idiot hunters can be hunting buy truck, quad or foot, it doesn't matter what they drive.

It's too bad some people never grow tired of telling others how great they are.:)

10-23-2006, 09:46 PM
I can't stand all this my style of hunting is better than yours crap. Stereotyping guys on quads as unethical bandits ripping up the country. I have been a proud roadhunter since I was 5 years old. I live where I hunt and can't remember a season when I didn't get my game. Just because (I am to lazy) to hike into the alpine for trophy bucks doesn't make me less of a hunter. I have a 1500 beater truck and a quad I bought brand new in 2003 it now has 3000 miles on it, so you can see where my priorities are. I have seen just as many guys in pickups race past you to get to a spot.

I love my quad and consider myself to be a highly ethical hunter. I love the outdoors just as much as anyone on this site and don't like to see one group bashing another.

10-23-2006, 11:11 PM
Speaking for myself, I only addressed those types of disrespectful hunters that just happened to ruin opening day 2 years in a row at our general opener spot here in the Cariboo.

I don't care if it's quad, foot, Harley or jet pack. It's BS.

If I were walking up the trail and a hunter jogged by me to that dead end cut it would be the same thing.

Most of my hunting is on foot. I park at the trail head. If I do happen to do a little road hunting it is because of foul weather or I'm trying to get a little buck on the road for someone who happens to be with me. If it's weather, I don't want to be on my quad.

Last year a quad was used to recover my buck in a spot that is cabled off. I called a friend who was in the area since I was 10 hours from home. I have a canopy on my truck and I'm not dragging a trailer everywhere.

There are more than a few people who abuse their privilege to hunt with a quad though. Road hunting has always been out there. I don't know why road hunters are getting their hackles up. It's the quad hunters who are "road hunting" where years ago you had to walk that are giving the group a bad name(excluding quad dependant persons of course). If quad users are offended, the stereotyping is a result of the abusers. Kind of like the crooks giving us gun owners a bad name.:cry:

The Hermit
10-23-2006, 11:48 PM
I WANT one for a bunch of reasons.

First, can't get a truck around most of the damned gates on Van Isl and a quad would make getting into the areas I used to hunt would be possible again.

Second, my preferrence is to still hunt. Riding into the area then walking would be sweet and bringing big game out would be so much easier. I admit it I'm getting lazy... I don't want to carry quarters for hours upon hours!

Third, I think riding one woudl be kinda fun. I like salmon fising but admit that cruising and water skiing is fun too. ATVs are multipurpose and having one for scouting in the summer would be awesome!

10-24-2006, 06:36 PM
I always thought getting in the outdoors was to be FUN! Who cares quad or not, every person has thier own intentions but in the end when your packing up to go home, did ya have fun, got stories to tell etc. I own a quad and a truck yadda yadda but I don't always choose to ride it, and I don't always want to hike but I just out to get away from work, cellphones etc. Anyhow thers my 3 cents!:evil:

10-24-2006, 06:49 PM
I can't stand all this my style of hunting is better than yours crap. Stereotyping guys on quads as unethical bandits ripping up the country. I have been a proud roadhunter since I was 5 years old. I live where I hunt and can't remember a season when I didn't get my game. Just because (I am to lazy) to hike into the alpine for trophy bucks doesn't make me less of a hunter. I have a 1500 beater truck and a quad I bought brand new in 2003 it now has 3000 miles on it, so you can see where my priorities are. I have seen just as many guys in pickups race past you to get to a spot.

I love my quad and consider myself to be a highly ethical hunter. I love the outdoors just as much as anyone on this site and don't like to see one group bashing another.

woo hoo, well said i would be prudent to remind all those that unless you are on your own land everyone else has as much right to be there as you, even the jerks on horses , mountain bikes, dirt bikers who are out for fun, that idiot that keeps flying over in the helicopter whatever. a GOOD HUNTER will adapt to his situation and over come the adversity. If you don't like the rest of the world being alive to bad quit whining.

10-24-2006, 07:00 PM
Wow, this threads getting nasty! Anyhow I've seen more road hunters than guys on quads and theres nothing wrong with that, its warm in the cab and you can have the odd brewski but the guys that ride quads choose too, and the guys that walk once again choose to, so whats the deal? In some cicumstances people that can't walk that well anymore (injury etc.) choose to have a quad because they don't want to be in a truck but past the de-activations, so in essance this gives a person revival to something he may have givin up. Me, if its too cold, the cab of the truck and coffee and baileys!:twisted:

10-24-2006, 07:16 PM
Some of you guys need to learn how to read. ;) How many times can the same thing be written by different people. :) You guys need to chill a little. :)

10-24-2006, 07:18 PM
And browning boy,
You do know that drinkin and driving is still drinkin and driving when you are on a bush road don't you. CO's and MOF have the authority to slam ya for it but that's a whole nuther debate now ain't it?

10-24-2006, 07:58 PM
Quads to hunters are like horses to hunters, except with a quad you don't have to muck out the barn.

10-24-2006, 08:04 PM
Hey Steve I still think my Meindl Canada Pro boots along with my tatonka packframe is still the best damn quad going LOL! Cheers

10-24-2006, 08:11 PM
Yes Dana, I know the rules, but I agree, time to close this thread!

10-24-2006, 08:13 PM
Question; Are bow hunters in a tree stand just lazy rifle hunters that don't want to walk and can't afford a quad or a reliable truck ? :lol: :lol: : By the way I own the big fancy truck and a quad but the strange thing is I love to walk, where's my head? :eek:

10-24-2006, 08:24 PM
Yes Dana, I know the rules, but I agree, time to close this thread!

hey this is fun don't close it. debate is healthy it gives a guy a chance to vent so he doesn't do something brainless and neandertholic, like go all charles branson mad trapper high country tune up on some poor happless ARMED individual and gets himself hurt.:lol:

10-24-2006, 08:24 PM
Holy crap this is quite the thread, i say screw the quad, screw the horses, get some damn good boots, warm clothes, and a good pack board and it's a little something we call HUNTING driving around shooting from a motorized vehicle is not hunting (unless you have a disability and a love for hunting) then i would agree but if your healthy then get off your ass and do some walking and hiking!!!!!!!!!!!!! My opinion is they should ban quads for the purpose of hunting like they do with snowmobiles, where i hunt down here in the kootenays 90% of the roads are closed for the purpose of hunting anyways, so we hike for our game!

10-24-2006, 08:36 PM
Just curious. Is it legal to take a quad around a legal gate or access area's (by using deactivated backroads) that are closed to the general public vehicles? What's the point of the gate then?

This seems to be common practise on Vancouver Island.

10-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Holy crap this is quite the thread, i say screw the quad, screw the horses, get some damn good boots, warm clothes, and a good pack board and it's a little something we call HUNTING driving around shooting from a motorized vehicle is not hunting (unless you have a disability and a love for hunting) then i would agree but if your healthy then get off your ass and do some walking and hiking!!!!!!!!!!!!! My opinion is they should ban quads for the purpose of hunting like they do with snowmobiles, where i hunt down here in the kootenays 90% of the roads are closed for the purpose of hunting anyways, so we hike for our game!

You are My Hero!!

10-24-2006, 08:50 PM
Steel Ram,
You'd have to know the purpose of the gate to know if it is illegal or not. If it is a Ministry placed gate for the purpose of restricting vehicle traffic during the hunting season or to restrict vehicles to hike in lakes ect..., then yes it is illegal to drive a quad around them. It seems that it is a growing trend both here and in the US that ATV users are illiterate and can't read the signs that are posted banning them from being in certain locals. It seems these same illiterate quad users can't seem to read the hunting regs either. Hopefully the Raise a Reader program will reach out to these poor souls so that they won't be in the dilemma of having a CO in a helicopter land beside them in a Wilderness Area and fine them and then fly the quad out at their expense.

10-24-2006, 08:51 PM
Everytime you post I think a lot of guys are hoping you'll tell them where a big konger buck is holed up! Good on ya! Where is that big konger(s) anway?LOL

10-24-2006, 08:52 PM
Just curious. Is it legal to take a quad around a legal gate or access area's (by using deactivated backroads) that are closed to the general public vehicles? What's the point of the gate then?

This seems to be common practise on Vancouver Island.

As legal as it is to walk around the same gate. The problem with the island is that the government gave all our land to timberwest so they could rape it then sell it off for devolpment. It' s a battle tween us (anybody who likes to use the woods for any reason) and them. If you can't do the time don't protest.

The Hermit
10-24-2006, 08:56 PM
Wow, this threads getting nasty! Anyhow I've seen more road hunters than guys on quads and theres nothing wrong with that, its warm in the cab and you can have the odd brewski but the guys that ride quads choose too, and the guys that walk once again choose to, so whats the deal? In some cicumstances people that can't walk that well anymore (injury etc.) choose to have a quad because they don't want to be in a truck but past the de-activations, so in essance this gives a person revival to something he may have givin up. Me, if its too cold, the cab of the truck and coffee and baileys!:twisted:

Tell me where you hunt please... I want to be as far away from ANYONE that drinks ANY "brewskis" and drives let alone doing that while hunting! That is WACK and I'd report anyone I saw doing that.

10-24-2006, 09:05 PM
If you want to make some good hard cash while hunting chickens, it sure pays to pick up beer cans that slob hunters throw out the window as they have their fun road hunting. Once, my son made more than $20 and we only drove one road.

10-24-2006, 09:14 PM
Mild Mannered Steve By Day, Hard Ass Dana By Night. Keeper of all that is ethical about hunting :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-24-2006, 09:16 PM
hey this is fun don't close it. debate is healthy it gives a guy a chance to vent so he doesn't do something brainless and neandertholic, like go all charles branson mad trapper high country tune up on some poor happless ARMED individual and gets himself hurt.:lol:

WHy woud we close it?

It's just a debate.8-)

10-24-2006, 09:18 PM
If you want to make some good hard cash while hunting chickens, it sure pays to pick up beer cans that slob hunters throw out the window as they have their fun road hunting. Once, my son made more than $20 and we only drove one road.

Dana just admitted it-

He is a road hunter.8-)8-)

10-24-2006, 09:22 PM
$20.00 for one road......mm if I drove ten roads that would be..... and if I backtracked, who knows I might afford one of them new fangle quad things, like all the other great hunters.

10-24-2006, 09:23 PM
Dana just admitted it-

He is a road hunter.8-)8-)


10-24-2006, 09:24 PM
Yup, I noticed that, too.....BUT, at least he doesn't run around in a pink freakin' TUTU, chasing a bear with a spear!!!!!! :) :) :)

10-24-2006, 09:29 PM
Never once said I never road hunt. Working in the bush means that I pretty much road hunt every day. I've got quite the eye for chickens and beer cans in the ditchlines. ;)

10-24-2006, 09:32 PM
I pretty much road hunt every day. So would it be fair to say that you road hunt more than the average roadhunter ? and the defendant replies..........:lol: :lol:

10-24-2006, 09:39 PM
Sometimes I only have a 30 min one way drive to work and other times it's 3 hours one way. Many times it's not daylight for at least one way of the drive, especially with the time fleeting sooo much near the end of the season. Soooo, I'd say I'd be equivalant to the average road hunter. ;)

10-24-2006, 09:41 PM
I agree with westcoaster 100%.

I think this is the most intelligent post I have ever seen on this whole board! Now all I need to do is indoctrinate the rest of you and this just might be a respectable place to hang out. :lol: :lol:

10-24-2006, 09:45 PM
I don't own a quad, and only road hunt to and from set areas. Lazy? picture this: floating down a peacefull river in my zodiac fishing rod in one hand binos in the other, calling once in a while... The river gods are VERY good to me:twisted:

10-24-2006, 09:47 PM
Pleeease tell us you're not pit-lamping too. Say it ain't so Dana, Say it ain't so

Many times it's not daylight

10-24-2006, 09:59 PM
The drive to work is in the dark you moron!!! :)

10-24-2006, 10:02 PM
The drive to work is in the dark you moron!!!

Yup, road hunting, AND using the high beams in the dark....

Dana the road hunting pit lamper!!!:eek:

I am stunned. I must go lie down.


10-24-2006, 10:03 PM
Just having a little fun with ya, Dana :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-24-2006, 10:05 PM
Yup, road hunting, AND using the high beams in the dark....

Dana the road hunting pit lamper!!!:eek:

I am stunned. I must go lie down.


with a truck box full of open beer cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-24-2006, 10:07 PM
with a truck box full of open beer cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a minor in the truck!!

10-24-2006, 10:11 PM
That's it! I'm out of here! I'm taking my toys and going home! ;)

10-24-2006, 10:20 PM
That's it! I'm out of here! I'm taking my toys and going home! ;)

Ahh c'mon we all still love ya ..... except maybe jelvis and moosehunter but hey:tongue: :lol:

10-24-2006, 10:24 PM
Oh Sure, Now what are we going to do, You know Dana always has the best stuff :-?

Originally Posted by dana
That's it! I'm out of here! I'm taking my toys and going home! ;)

10-24-2006, 10:48 PM
Quads should be allowed for hunting purposes only between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm. This gives the guys that have them the chance to hike around like they say they all do.

10-24-2006, 10:57 PM
Break out the mechanical deer, gotta catch him with a smokin' barrel!

10-25-2006, 07:28 PM
Quads should be allowed for hunting purposes only between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm. This gives the guys that have them the chance to hike around like they say they all do.

PRETTY NARROW MINDED IDEA. you should only be allowed to shoot between 745 and 800 and 245 and 300 so you don't disturb game i'm trying to set up on. how do you like them apples. I have a disability that prevents prolonged walking on uneven ground, notice the word prolonged. I'm only good for about 30 to 45 mins before the pain sets in, but i can still walk.

10-25-2006, 07:34 PM
Whats the matter Buck? Most guys on here with quads say they don't hunt off of them and that they all hike. With my suggestion they can still use the toys to retrieve game.

10-25-2006, 08:31 PM
Don't you think that we (hunters) are discriminated against enough by the general public... yet here we are trying to discriminate against each other for using different forms of legal hunting methods?

10-25-2006, 08:47 PM
I am a proud ATV hunter, its fun and kicks ass, we get our game each year and have fun doing so, I've been known to road hunt on the odd occasion and even hike, seems like on this thread that you're looked down apon by the "mighty" hiker, oh well, ATV's kick ass, some say lazy, take a grizzly out in the "keg for 4 hours and see if you're feeling lazy, nope not here! Theres a method to all types of madness, now lets all go have some fun! On your quad!:lol: :twisted:

10-25-2006, 09:02 PM
I was getting tired of super hunter anyway, so if he takes his bullets and goes home, walking all the way of course, fine... I'm not giving him a ride on my quad!!!

10-25-2006, 09:06 PM
Here Here!:lol:

10-25-2006, 09:26 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "trophy" hunter and passed up alot of large "burgers", you instantly judge our conversation that we sit on our buts all day and putter around like 90% of hunters (road and ATV). You just have to laugh, you basically are saying that one hunter is better than another just by a thread? I think an ATV is great, its a time saver, back saver and sometimes a life saver, seems to me even the greats use atv's as well, they also still hunt, hike or drive around. Just talk to freshtracks or mntmnan about our "Kechika" experiences and then we'll talk about pass ups on large game!:lol:

10-25-2006, 09:45 PM
Nope can't walk it, just ride it!:lol:

10-25-2006, 09:46 PM
Yup sometimes the truth does hurt.

10-25-2006, 09:52 PM
Yes poor me, I can't hunt because I don't constantly hike, I would never get a trophy:lol: Man you guys are sure defensive on this issue, gotta lighten up, but lets get into jetboats now shall we, who will see more game???:lol:

oscar makonka
10-25-2006, 09:54 PM
I got nothing against quads, by themselves they are harmless. Problem is many of their owners are idiots and are going to ruin it for the responsible quadders. Don't know what it is like in BC but here in Alberta they are doing a lot of damage. as a result there is getting to be an intensly vocal opposition to them. As a result they are getting banned in many areas.

Some folks here say whats the difference between quads and horses for hunting, not much except for the fact that quads outnumber horses about 1000 to 1 when used for hunting and one quad will do more damage than 10 horses. It took 200 years of horses in the bush to make the few horse trails spread here and there over the country. It took maybe the last 10 years since the quads got really popular to put trails literally everywhere. I find a new trail or two everytme I go hunting, hiking, fishing, I haven't found a new horsetrail in my life, though i've found a few that haven't been used in a decade or so......till the quadder finds it.

Anyway the more quads there are the sooner they will get kicked out of the bush and then they will have to concentrate into the few areas that are left designated for their use and I will be able to hunt in piece and QUIET....thank you.

10-25-2006, 09:59 PM
Defensive??? LOL! It seems the only ones who are all worked up are the quad users. :) I don't recall saying anything about being a super hunter either. Actually I think the title of the thread is 'Guess I'm not much of a Hunter" Doesn't sound like you guys have been reading the thread. I guess it just proves my theory that certain ATV users are indeed illiterate.

10-25-2006, 10:00 PM
Hey Jmac, just for the record I never called anyone "superhunter" but I did mention "here, here" because the way that its coming out is that one hunter is better than another, you say it might be "big bucks" but in the end I believe its a freezer full of meat, no matter if you hike 25 miles uphill both ways in the snow to get your game!:lol: LOL In the end its the time you had away from work! But I still love my machines!:twisted:

10-25-2006, 10:05 PM
Yis dina, uz hunderz our bary elitaret! At leas we spel ATV!:lol: LOL

10-25-2006, 10:12 PM
Walked 2 vehicle restricted roads today....full of quad tracks.

10-25-2006, 10:16 PM
Well thats just stupid, no one should go past any gates, restricted areas etc. Its just the one apple that makes the others look rotten, kind of like the ranch land owners from just regular tresspassers. ex. ask a farmer in region 7 for permission, you'll probly get kicked in the sack!:lol:

10-26-2006, 03:19 PM
If I never went behind any gates to hunt, then I would have to drive hours to hunt anywhere on this island and even that wouldn't give me jack sh*t for areas to hunt. Our Government sold us out to the big logging companies.

Going past a farmers gate or a logging gate is not the same thing. I would never hunt Private land where there is actually a farm or someone "citizen" owning the land. I am aware of the consequences.

Another thing about this thread. I love riding my ATV and I use it almost every time I rifle hunt to get me into the areas that I hunt deer in...by foot when I get there. Does this arguement apply to horses then too, they get people to where they need to go to get game too. I don't own a farm so therefor I don't have a horse, but I do have a shop and in it, a couple quads.

Mr. Dean
10-26-2006, 07:21 PM
Another thing about this thread. I love riding my ATV and I use it almost every time I rifle hunt to get me into the areas that I hunt deer in...by foot when I get there. Does this arguement apply to horses then too, they get people to where they need to go to get game too. I don't own a farm so therefor I don't have a horse, but I do have a shop and in it, a couple quads.

That about sum's it up for me as well. Albeit, I haven't even used it at all this year, but it still goes in with me, just in case I need a work horse.

For two years I used the ATV as a commuter vehicle to get to the hunting grounds and back to camp.

I learned for that purpose, a heater is BLISS. Hard to beat the quad for hauln' and packn' though.

10-26-2006, 07:37 PM
You are My Hero!!

you being sarcastic or what this is my opinion

10-26-2006, 07:41 PM
I don't care who hunts on a quad or out of a vehicle or whatever i just wish all those guys who do hunt on quads STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE AREAS THAT MOTORIZED VEHICLES ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE

10-26-2006, 10:50 PM
I think this is the first time I have ever agreed with something I've read of yours Chevy, Nothing pisses me off like Quads or vehicles in areas they aren't supposed to be. Well that ain't completely true lots of things piss me off but this is a good one. I use a horse most of the time, her name is Jesse she is four and we are good friends, part of the reason for my love of Leverguns. You wanna get into remote areas try a pony quads are miles behind. Hunter orange is a good idea though, unless you don't mind some Surrey Comando's scoping you out! (inspired by actual events so don't even bother getting offended) Oh yeah Jesse don't like quads either they get her all riled up, but I can see their uses especially when used consideratly and legally. But what the hell do I know.

10-27-2006, 08:18 AM
I've had many people get mad at me because I've said things like '99.9% of the hunters out there are too lazy to hunt where I hunt." But you know what, it's sooo true. It is my observation that most hunters don't have the gumption to get out of the truck or off the quad and hunt on foot. I guess the hunting is just too easy here in the province. Whatever floats your boat. Each to there own, but don't be thinking you are going to be consitantly whackin' monsters as you pound that quad up goat trails, riping and tearing as you go.

Can a guy access this area with a quad (got this map from HuntshootBC... it is posted there now)?


10-27-2006, 08:32 AM
Us 50 year old guys definately walk a lot slower..But then, the animals come out as they think we are just trees blowing in the wind..:mrgreen: ;-)
My 10 year old truck would like it if I had a quad,but I have a boat, so that's it for my toys.(Or so she says:-D )

10-27-2006, 09:04 AM
Quads are a pretty neat tool but for half the money you could get a small Suzuki Samuria or a chev. tracker. There almost as agile as the quad, but with a roof and heater:-P .IMO

10-27-2006, 09:11 AM
Stone Chaser,Except for a new road that has been built into one of those spots, there ain't no way you can quad it. Like I've said before, 99.9% of the hunters out there are too damn lazy to hunt where I hunt.

10-27-2006, 10:56 AM
I'm assuming that Steve explored the areas on that map and took time to GPS points of interest, deer travel routes and places where the good deer hide out. That seems to me to be pretty dedicated hunting the kind of effort that is rewarded with big bucks. But geuss what now theres a road so now every lazy POS in the province can get in there and get a trophy, Whohoo. I'm not saying I'm better than any other hunter, maybe not even on par, since I cancelled my Reg3 tag on a mature two point so what do I know. Only that I found him after four hrs on horse back, spotted him across a medow snuck up to within 35yrds of him and shot him with my 45/70. Does this make me a good hunter? No. Am I trying to blow my own horn? No, for the same reason I didn't post the story of the kill. Some of us just enjoy hunting for what it is and not always about filling tags or shooting wall hangers, and quite often those same people dont like running into other hunters while pursuing game.

10-27-2006, 11:12 AM
That's the funny thing though. I've seen a few new vehicles driving around thus far this year, but it has been pretty damn ass quiet. Was a lot of quad action this summer though. Maybe the mad rush is coming in Nov. I highly doubt that too many will get 'lucky' on or near the roads. If someone wants to get off their fat ass and hit the timber, maybe, just maybe I'll regret having my hunting area posted up on the WWW. But, like I said, I highly doubt that. If a POS hunter like Danny thinks he's got what it takes to battle the rhodo and the club, let him try. ;) Am I tooting my own horn? No, just stating the obvious is all. Maybe I'll be proven wrong. My friends still are counting on that I'm right. Guess we'll see come the end of the season.

10-27-2006, 11:25 AM
What makes you think everyone is ''obsessed" like you on shooting a big mule deer buck?I have seen you contradict your self so many times,you put guys down for shooting a so called ''dink'' 2 point muledeer ,but you blast a ''small whitetail'' on day one of your hunt and tell everyone that the score is not important.The only person you should be competing against is yourself ,and dont worry so much about what other people do.:confused:

10-27-2006, 11:40 AM
Who have I ever blasted about shooting a 2 point? As a matter of fact of many of the hunting sites I frequent, I'm one of the first guys to offer my congrats to hunters, regarding what size of deer they shoot. Have I razed my friends? Damn rights. And they have Razed me. You should of seen the razzing I took for BCrams over that dink 178 buck I took a couple years ago. :) I have never been ashamed to shoot a meat buck. I do it most every year and have posted up pics almost every year. So what's your point. This year I killed a nice little whitey meat buck on opening day with my son along. He spotted it first. Sooo, because I am a trophy muley nut, I can't meat hunt too? Give me a break man. I don't rip on anyone about what they shoot. I think you might read into too many of the poking and jabing that I give my friends is all. But the fact remains, if you want to shoot a big buck, if that is your dream, then you ain't going to do it by killing little ones all the time. There are many years I don't even cut my tag. I go out of Region and shoot a meat buck in the beginning of the season and then hunt till the 10th and hold out and eand tag soup here in Region 3. Does that make me a better hunter than you. Of course not. But it allows me to Hunt a long hunt. It allows me to see things and observe things that many don't get to see because many chose to hammer the first buck they see. Like I've said many times in this thread, if riding a quad all day long floats your boat, more power to ya. But don't be thinking you're going whack a monster buck year in and year out, cause it ain't gonna happen.

10-27-2006, 11:51 AM
If I take my sailboat and go hunting am I a bad person? I leave at 1:30 woohoo

10-27-2006, 12:07 PM
When you make a comment that 99.9 % are too lazy to hunt where you do ,it makes me shake my head.If a guy is looking for a small meat buck or immature bull moose does it make sense for him to walk up a steep ridge for two hours to get an animal that he could of shot close to a road.I would bet that B.C has alot more meat hunters than serious trophy hunters, that being said most people do not have the same expectations as you, when it comes to shooting a muledeer,does that make them lazy ? No, just different . I hunt many diffrent ways ,road hunting is great for early season bear hunting and the conversations my family and I have are priceless .I fill my tags every year using diffrent techniques.:smile:

10-27-2006, 12:44 PM
Am I tooting my own horn?

I think you've done a fair amount of tooting

10-27-2006, 03:27 PM
Me thinks it is called boredom!!!! Yah I'm not much of a hunter either!! Quads have their place especially for retrieving game. heart breaking for someone to shoot a record book animal as they pour a drink and it walks out who cares. Hunters who hunt and appreciate the hunt frequent this site those who want ohhs and ahsss over 649 win or the huge buck or the magnificent 2 point frequent hunt shoot dot com.

It sure looks tasty!!!!!

10-27-2006, 03:33 PM
*****!!!! That is pretty damn funny. :)

10-27-2006, 03:40 PM
Thank God my Dog doesn't have a clue!!!!

10-27-2006, 03:44 PM
Stone Chaser,Except for a new road that has been built into one of those spots, there ain't no way you can quad it. Like I've said before, 99.9% of the hunters out there are too damn lazy to hunt where I hunt.

Maybe 99.9% of the AVERAGE BC hunter, but you'd be a tad egotistical (Actually, you ARE) to believe that you can outwalk 99.9% of the members on here and Huntshoot BC.

Most of your spots on the map are merely a short jaunt from the road. You should try sheep hunting if you call that hiking!

You rarely see sheep hunters comment on how lazy the other hunters are, but my last ram had me packing a 102lb pack a little over 40km one way (horizontal distance) thorough HELL in just over 2 days.

Does that make me a better hunter than the rest, or superior..... not a chance, and I don't for one second think I am!

I'd bet there are dozens of guys on here that could have done that trip and still had energy to play a round of golf afterwards.

Point is, there are some SERIOUS hunters on this site, and you give them VERY little credit.


10-27-2006, 04:07 PM
Man I can't believe people would put maps of where other people hunt and get big deer on the web. It's one thing to give pointers but man all the homers will be zonin in on that area so fast. I imagine some serious hunters and even the hackers in B.C. will be barnyarded up in Steve's backyard come next month! Mind you Steve is pretty crafty and he and his crew could be given y'all the bum steer (which would be great LOL)!

10-27-2006, 04:13 PM
Hey,If I told you a bar that had beautiful single women in it every night of the week ,would that guarntee you a date?:lol:

10-27-2006, 04:18 PM
Stonechaser-I would say that a lot of the guys on this site couldnt cover the ground that dana could in a day. This guy is in the bush day in and day out and that alone gives him a head start on 90%+ of the guys on this site. Sure a lot of guys can cover ground and packing a 102lb pack over 40km is tough. Fact it, a lot of the guys on this site would find that a lot more difficult than the "Hardcore" guys on this site and thats whats keepin' them from hunting the country dana hunts!

10-27-2006, 04:21 PM
BIGHUNTERFISH-That would depend on the guy headin' into the bar. Just like it would depend on the hunter hunting this area :lol: .

10-27-2006, 04:31 PM
Matt,My point exactly.:)

10-27-2006, 04:33 PM
I found this pretty funny. I was looking through my good friend photo album on huntshoot and saw a pic that was titled "Training Day" You guys may get a good chuckle out of that one. Hell, i wish my "Training Days" consisted of them machines in the pic :lol:. Check it out.


10-27-2006, 04:35 PM
you could have all the best gear for deer money can buy but if you can't hike to em see em and shoot em you're not gonna get it done. However in hunting there is the luck or horshoes up your *ss phenomenon. Luckily it only rears it head once in a blue moon for the homers. The guys/gals that consistently take big bucks are the guys/gals that live it and breathe it.

10-27-2006, 04:37 PM
Packin a heavy loaded pack in sheep country is tough no doubt. That is why so many guys can't seem to seal the deal when they go up North. They see some of the hard-core sheep nuts come back with nice rams and post it up on the internet and they think, 'wow, I need to do that.' They are out of shape, have been sitting much to long on the seats of their quads, they smoke, they start to drink beer at 9am when they are road hunting, but they still think they have what it takes to kill a Booner Stone. How many of those guys get their asses kicked when they head up there?
Just the same with hard-core deer hunters like my friends and I. We have done the research, we have put the time in, we hike 90% slopes clawing our way through the devils club or the rhodo jungles up high. Do you think that the average hunter reading this from the concrete jungle has the ability to get the job done?
That map shows a lot of the area we were successful in last year. I've been all over that area and the area to the North and the South. I know where the deer are when and if they ain't there yet, where to find them. It is tough ground, but it is not the physical that would do 99.9% of the hunters in, it is instead the mental game. If you read the story of my 2003 buck in Trophy Hunter you'll understand what I mean by that.
I orginally posted up that map months ago on HS because I was pissed off at guys wanting something for nothing. Guys who think they, as weekend warriors, can come in and shoot big bucks just like me, even though I have hunted the area for over 15 years now. You think I'm cocky? Don't you think that 99.9% of these weekend warriors from the concrete jungles are even more cocky because they think they are the Shzit and can out hunt dana and his crew. That is why I flipped and said F##k it, you think you are all that, come and try.

10-27-2006, 05:07 PM
Stonechaser-I would say that a lot of the guys on this site couldnt cover the ground that dana could in a day. This guy is in the bush day in and day out and that alone gives him a head start on 90%+ of the guys on this site. Sure a lot of guys can cover ground and packing a 102lb pack over 40km is tough. Fact it, a lot of the guys on this site would find that a lot more difficult than the "Hardcore" guys on this site and thats whats keepin' them from hunting the country dana hunts!

Possibly, but I consider myself a true "hardcore" hunter, with sheep, mulies, and elk being my main passions. Consequently I spend a lot of time on the road out hunting, usually spending 14+ days up north (Cassiars and Rockies) for sheep, and another 10 or so for mulies.

Me and my 2 best hunting buddies work in the bush ourselves, and I'll guarantee that Dana and co. won't leave us behind running D-lines etc. (throw a HEAVY pack on you'd better eat a good breakfast)!

I am not trying to get into a pissing match.... My point is:

The one thing I've learned in my travels is that I'm not alone... there are others willing to go the distance (and can).

Possibly the one reason nobody bugs you in your mulie spot is the wide availibility of good mulie spots (good sheep spots are more conentrated and fewer in number).

I'm not for one second discrediting Dana and his "crew", you boys put the mulies on the dirt! However as you fellas start to hunt more than an hour or two from your house, you'll find that there are others out there.... some that will even have you questioning how "hardcore" you are.

Simply put, there are some real ANIMALS out there hunting in BC's hills, and just because you're not meeting them don't think they don't exist...some are likely reading this as you respond!

Difference being that they haven't let their hats get smaller than their heads!


10-27-2006, 05:09 PM
I have never read a post where a guy from the city says he can out hunt you ,what makes alot of people mad is when you make blanket comments about people being lazy that you have never met,you have a great deal of experience and knowledge ,you should channel this in a positive way showing some humility instead of arrogance.I still think it is more important to be known as a great person than a great hunter but if you can combine the two it would be a great accomplishment.I will be the first to say like reading your posts , I just think you shouln't under estimate some people.P.S I look forward to seeing the pics of the big buck you will get in a few weeks.:)

10-27-2006, 05:14 PM
I know there are some hard-core hunters out there, thus why I say 99.9%. Will that .1% bite me in the ass? I doubt it. Most of them already have their hidey holes. If 1 does show up and gets it done, I'll be the first to shake their hand.

10-27-2006, 05:16 PM
Good posts guys and I totally agree. I know there are guys out there that hunt just as hard or harder than myself or my friends. Im sure you hunt just as hard SC because i have seen your pictures and some of the game you have taken! In no way was this post or the previous one meant to start a pissing match :smile: . I just wanted to chime in on the action.

Where is it you live StoneChaser?

10-27-2006, 05:20 PM
I guess if you had been getting a bizilion emails and PM's like I have, you'd probably start approaching things differently too. Fact is, this is the internet. I really could care less what complete strangers think of me because of the way I type. My friends know what kind of guy I am. I highly doubt that they think I'm a Jerk. ;)

10-27-2006, 05:41 PM
Stop bitching a start hunting.8)

10-27-2006, 06:07 PM
I guess if you had been getting a bizilion emails and PM's like I have, you'd probably start approaching things differently too. Fact is, this is the internet. I really could care less what complete strangers think of me because of the way I type. My friends know what kind of guy I am. I highly doubt that they think I'm a Jerk. ;)

I think your a complete azz hole :lol: ... I like this thread its done a lot of stirring.. Wanna be my friend?

10-27-2006, 06:09 PM
Hey Brambles. Where ya been? Haven't seen ya online for a while. How's the hunting been treatin' ya?

Stone Sheep Steve
10-27-2006, 06:22 PM
Hey Brambles. Where ya been? Haven't seen ya online for a while. How's the hunting been treatin' ya?

I think he's still basking in the glory of his NICE BILLY!8)
I just heard some other great billies are no longer with us?!


10-27-2006, 07:11 PM
Why am I writing this? Not totally sure. I normally keep to myself but I wanted to toss out there that I have also worked in the bush for many years. The last 3 years were 100% camp work. 16 nights/20days a month in a tent all year minus the usual winter layoffs. That does not for one second make me ANY better of a hunter or mentally tougher than anyone else out there. I quit that job September 1st. Not because it was too tough but because my employer refused to pay me for my over time hours and then tried to intimidate me into shutting up about it. I use a quad to hunt. It takes me to my trail heads and then I hike. Everywhere I go when hunting I have my pack board on and I walk, and walk and walk. Never once have I felt the need to tell everyone about it. But I will tell you this, No one would be leaving me behind on any hike.

Now I am far from a great hunter. I stick close to home. Hunt my couple spots I have. Sometimes I have some luck. I never see anyone else out there hiking either but I hardly think that has much to do with laziness.

Dana you ride on a pretty high horse somedays. You've certainly earned some braggin rights but no one likes a braggart. I've only been hunting like this for about 5 years now and have a lot to learn. But I sure won't be joining your choir.

10-27-2006, 07:35 PM
Mark S,
I think you obviously miss the point of this thread but that's okay. If you somehow think I'm a braggart then I won't be the one changing your mind. You can think what you will because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't affect me. I'm just some jackass on a hunting Internet Site that some people hate, some people like and some people are indifferent. I sit behind a computer screen and you don't know me and I don't know you. That's the funny thing about the internet. Complete Strangers pretending to be something they ain't talking to each other as if they know each other.

10-27-2006, 07:41 PM
Quite the thread guys. I road hunt don't own a quad (but do have a tracker), and I hike, walk a lot when hunting. I'm not hard core, you won't see me posting pics of the animals I've harvested. I'm not a trophy hunter (most the meat is tough). i can still hike a fair ways, BUT I guess I'm classed as one of THOSE lazy guys out there. I won't drive or walk by someone else who is already in an area, and if I do meet up with others guys on the road in the same area I'm in, I like to stop and have a bs, and see where they are heading, so we don't screw up each other. All in all I just like getting out and seeing the country and getting some meat for the freezer. And I will invite guys back to camp, for stories and a brew. Maybe I'm just a ho hum hunter.

10-27-2006, 07:49 PM
You might not care what peoples perception of you is,but it may be one of these guys you have insulted that gives you a ride when your old Blazer breaks down,or you blow the sole out of the danner boots,and when your 60 k into the bush,you wont be too proud to jump on that ''quad'' or in that nice warm 4x4 will you?

10-27-2006, 07:54 PM
Quite the thread guys. I road hunt don't own a quad (but do have a tracker), and I hike, walk a lot when hunting. I'm not hard core, you won't see me posting pics of the animals I've harvested. I'm not a trophy hunter (most the meat is tough). i can still hike a fair ways, BUT I guess I'm classed as one of THOSE lazy guys out there. I won't drive or walk by someone else who is already in an area, and if I do meet up with others guys on the road in the same area I'm in, I like to stop and have a bs, and see where they are heading, so we don't screw up each other. All in all I just like getting out and seeing the country and getting some meat for the freezer. And I will invite guys back to camp, for stories and a brew. Maybe I'm just a ho hum hunter.

I'll go huntin' with you. Sounds like a good time.

10-27-2006, 07:59 PM
You might not care what peoples perception of you is,but it may be one of these guys you have insulted that gives you a ride when your old Blazer breaks down,or you blow the sole out of the danner boots,and when your 60 k into the bush,you wont be too proud to jump on that ''quad'' or in that nice warm 4x4 will you?

Was this refering to me, if so I surely didn't mean to insult anyone. Did I insult you?

10-27-2006, 08:01 PM
You're welcome anytime, I always enjoy meeting new guys. Its great hearing new stories and talking about the country we each seen:)

10-27-2006, 08:03 PM
I found this pretty funny. I was looking through my good friend photo album on huntshoot and saw a pic that was titled "Training Day" You guys may get a good chuckle out of that one. Hell, i wish my "Training Days" consisted of them machines in the pic :lol:. Check it out.


HA HA HA very nice MattB look like newer quads too lol they probably don't have engines and the dogs pull them around LOL !!!!!!!!!

10-27-2006, 08:06 PM
No Elkster,That was for the self proclaimed king of mule deer hunters.AKA DANA.:lol:

10-27-2006, 08:11 PM
Just a reminder to play nice here guys.8)

10-27-2006, 09:41 PM
Are you a hunter when you go in on jetboat? There are numerous B&C animals taken with this form of travel, speaking of that my companion took a B&C grizzly 2 years ago by getting to an area from one, 3rd in BC record book (intials F.R.). Many forms of travel as well as many forms of hunting AKA enjoying yourself:smile:

10-27-2006, 10:25 PM
I think to clear the air i could offer but a humble opinion, It is eternally frustrating when someone invades your personal space. In the hunting world this space maybe a few square klicks, what the complaint in general here seems to be is when people intrude into your percieved space with out reproach. It is unforgivable if someone knowingly rides right through where you just spent the best part of an hour hiking to. Common descentcy would dictate that as second to the hole you should beat it out of there. Often this does not happen and the offending second party has ruffled some feathers and rightly so. On the flip side if you walk into an area of 300 square hectares and have parked on the road somewhere how the hell does anyone know where you are. accidental intrusion is something we just have to live with unpleasant or not.
There has been complaints of quad tracks in no motor zones, Don't whine - observe record report, operating any motorized vehicle in a no go zone is an offence as much as poaching.

10-27-2006, 10:26 PM
You think I'm cocky? Don't you think that 99.9% of these weekend warriors from the concrete jungles are even more cocky because they think they are the Shzit and can out hunt dana and his crew.

Geez, you said it again; the last time I said weekend warrior it caused a complete uproar. Watch yourself!!!!

10-27-2006, 10:57 PM
Mooshy peas, mooshy peas.
Some people like em,
some people don't.
If you eat em,
like em,
or not,
end result is the same.

10-28-2006, 07:55 AM
Hey Brambles. Where ya been? Haven't seen ya online for a while. How's the hunting been treatin' ya?

Busy, Busy

Early archery mule deer hunt, spotted 15 bucks on one hillside and stalked the biggest one, estimated 165 - 170. Not a monster but a great deer with a bow and he was in full velvet and short summer grey coat. Missed him at 40 yards when the doe he was with spooked.:frown: Awesome stalk through the high alpine, no shoes, inching along, great fun.

Went on 2 bighorn hunts 0/2 for them, lots of hiking and beautiful country, well worth the trip.

Shot my goat, first one and I am really happy with him. Very tough accent and decent

Did some elk hunting but wasn't really into it this year.

At the tail end of one of our sheep hunts my brother shot a nice 4x4 mulie 150's ish. Packed him 12 kms, 118 lb packs each. Good equipment test

I've also been renovating part of the house so that its all spiffy for the new furniture and tv. Thats taken almost 2 weeks already and have been putting in some hours at work waiting for more time off.

As it sits right now I only work 4 days in November8) I'll be looking for my whitey and mule deer pretty steady.
I'll hunt region 4 till the 10th and maybe head somewhere else till the 15th.
I hunted for a month straight So far I figure I've lost 14 lbs and covered approx 125 ish kms backpacking and was getting a litte tired but now I'm all refreshed and getting all excited again now that the temps have dropped and can see snow in the mountains

My brother also bagged a 135 ish whitetail and shot a pumper of a goat that might go 50.

10-28-2006, 11:11 AM
we have 3 quads we talk hunting everyyear..all we use them for is going to an area that lokos likely.then we get off an walk ..i would rather go for a nice long hike and see nothing then ride on a quad or in a truck and see nothing.hiking is the funnest part of hunting to me.because i see new area u cant on a quad or truck.

10-28-2006, 12:57 PM
we have 3 quads we talk hunting everyyear..all we use them for is going to an area that lokos likely.then we get off an walk ..i would rather go for a nice long hike and see nothing then ride on a quad or in a truck and see nothing.hiking is the funnest part of hunting to me.because i see new area u cant on a quad or truck.
Good thought,
But bad typing...

10-28-2006, 02:53 PM
Good thought,
But bad typing...

Ha ha..... maybe you should spellcheck your sigline :lol:

No work is done untill your hands are dirty.

I think you need a little practice if you plan to remain the grammar Nazi 8) !

Squeeze (add the "e")

Untill (Drop the "l")

Breathe (Add the "e" in the context "Breathe, Relax, Aim, Squeeze")

example: I took a Breath....but I need air to Breathe.

Sorry I couldn't resist (you set yourself up for that one)....all in good fun!


10-28-2006, 03:10 PM
I am the worlds worst typist...always getitng lettrs reversed!:lol:

10-28-2006, 03:11 PM
simin don wory abut id id takkez yerz tu lern to spel gud :lol:

10-28-2006, 03:44 PM
I have tried to stay away from this thread but I just can't...gotta wade into this a bit.

Dana I certainly respect the amount of time and effort you put into your hunting and your ability to consistantly be able to meet "YOUR" goals. I also understand very well that this is indeed the internet and your "net" persona may not be completely reflective of your true personality. Now I think you may believe your online ramblings are all in good fun and I truly believe you mean noone any harm, but I don't think you realize sometimes how your posts can make others feel...especially newer hunters. I don't think you mean to do it and you never do it directly to anyone, but your postings tend to de-value the quality of animals and hunting experiences of anyone who does not walk 10 miles straight uphill through devils club to pass on anything under 200". It would be like me coming on here and continually posting how archery gear is the only "true" way to a trophy...anything else is just killin and not worth my time. You have to realize that not everyone has the bush skills you have, is in the kind of shape you are, or generally has spent as much time in the bush as you have through your work and hunting. I think the best way I can illustrate what I'm trying to say is by citing an example from my own life where I was doing something very similiar and didn't even know it.

I shoot a lot of 3D archery tournaments and am quite accomplished at it. My standards are 190 out of 200 points on your average course. Now what was happening was I would come off a course where I had just shot say 184/200 and would say something like "MAN!!! I can't believe I only shot a 184!!! That sucks...that course was so easy!!" Now standing next to me is a fellow who just achieved his personal goal of breaking 160 points....how do you think he feels to hear me talk about how shooting a 184 sucks? Completely unintentionally I have now made him feel like his achievement don't amount to squat. That is how your posts can sometimes make people feel.
Now don't get me wrong, I like the posts were things get stirred up a bit, but it can be done without degrading others (albiet unintentionally) because your personal standards for deer are much higher than your average joe, much like my personal standards for 3D are much higher than your average joe shooter out for some fun.

Hopefully you take this post and think on it a little and take from it what you will.

As always
Just my opinion

10-28-2006, 03:45 PM
I am the worlds worst typist...always getitng lettrs reversed!:lol:

no the worlds worst typist was the late great "bonecollector"...you however are the worlds ugliest ballerina!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


10-28-2006, 04:22 PM
I have tried to stay away from this thread but I just can't...gotta wade into this a bit.

Dana I certainly respect the amount of time and effort you put into your hunting and your ability to consistantly be able to meet "YOUR" goals. I also understand very well that this is indeed the internet and your "net" persona may not be completely reflective of your true personality. Now I think you may believe your online ramblings are all in good fun and I truly believe you mean noone any harm, but I don't think you realize sometimes how your posts can make others feel...especially newer hunters. I don't think you mean to do it and you never do it directly to anyone, but your postings tend to de-value the quality of animals and hunting experiences of anyone who does not walk 10 miles straight uphill through devils club to pass on anything under 200". It would be like me coming on here and continually posting how archery gear is the only "true" way to a trophy...anything else is just killin and not worth my time. You have to realize that not everyone has the bush skills you have, is in the kind of shape you are, or generally has spent as much time in the bush as you have through your work and hunting. I think the best way I can illustrate what I'm trying to say is by citing an example from my own life where I was doing something very similiar and didn't even know it.

I shoot a lot of 3D archery tournaments and am quite accomplished at it. My standards are 190 out of 200 points on your average course. Now what was happening was I would come off a course where I had just shot say 184/200 and would say something like "MAN!!! I can't believe I only shot a 184!!! That sucks...that course was so easy!!" Now standing next to me is a fellow who just achieved his personal goal of breaking 160 points....how do you think he feels to hear me talk about how shooting a 184 sucks? Completely unintentionally I have now made him feel like his achievement don't amount to squat. That is how your posts can sometimes make people feel.
Now don't get me wrong, I like the posts were things get stirred up a bit, but it can be done without degrading others (albiet unintentionally) because your personal standards for deer are much higher than your average joe, much like my personal standards for 3D are much higher than your average joe shooter out for some fun.

Hopefully you take this post and think on it a little and take from it what you will.

As always
Just my opinion

I think that this is a very good point that a lot of people should read and take to heart not just Dana. The computer makes things always sound worse then they are intended. Not everyone can word things as well as they want when typing out a response, I am guilty of this too.

I can understand how the things that Dana says may be recieved poorly by the reading public, In the past I too have had a few threads go sour because of conflict with Dana's ideals. We have since hashed things out and I understand him a little better and hopefully he understands me better too. I have never met him, actually I have only met a handfull of guys on here in person. I think Dana is a guy who you have to meet to really "get" him.

Geez this thread is getting really "touchy feely":redface: maybe we should all sit in a circle, hold hands and sing Kumbaya:mrgreen:

10-28-2006, 04:25 PM
I would hope that most on these internet sites are intelligent enough to know that 99.9% of the crap I post is just goofing around. It is very rarely do I ever post anything serious. Even in serious discussions like the ones Goatguy starts up, I'm normally the guy throwing out red herrings. ;) If people take what I write at face value, then they must think I'm more than a little bit schizophrenic and must be off my meds 99.9% of the time. :) If people pay any attention to my ramblings they will see the true me come out in threads like the one I posted up after I got back from hunting 7 days with my son and my dad this sept.
I see where you are going but I throw in soooo many smilies to cover my self that people who think I'm serious must not be paying too much attention and read (or even misread) one line and they go off on a tangent, which makes me laugh even more.
In dead seriousness, I have been a staunch supporter of congratulating people when ever they harvest regarding what size of animal they kill. I've also been a defender of those that others may choose to rag on (remember Boo's little debacle of calling out a young hunter here thinking his muley was a whitey. We never did see his apology now did we)
Several have hit the nail right on the head in this thread by saying I must be bored. 99.9% of my stirring happens when I log on and see nothing new and the www seems pretty darn dead. I stir to liven things up. Just look at this thread. ;)

10-28-2006, 04:26 PM
Geez this thread is getting really "touchy feely":redface: maybe we should all sit in a circle, hold hands and sing Kumbaya:mrgreen:

Was it my post or the thought of gatehouse in his Too-too that got you feeling all "touchy feely"???:tongue:


10-28-2006, 05:02 PM
Since we are all singing Kumbaya and everything, here's a pic that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but then again, what is the topic of this thread? ;) This to me is what hunting is all about. My son was able to kill 3 chickens today, for a grand total of 16 thus far this season.

10-28-2006, 05:13 PM
nice birds looks proud but not as much as you i'ld say

10-28-2006, 06:38 PM

Damn it man, stop posting all the pics of your kid hammering on grouse, your making me look bad!!! I've only got 6 this year:mad: :lol: :lol:

Congrats to the kids, as to the rest of the thread, hey, its alot of entertainment when its dark out and I can't be hunting!


10-28-2006, 06:59 PM
Dana, i have been on several different boards with ya for several years now....long enough that I "get it"! I have also seen your soft underbelly when it comes to your kids and your family, so I and some others who've been around you on the boards can read you well enough to see whats really going on when your just trying to stir it up a bit. The only thing I worry about is those out there that don't really get it and may get discouraged and maybe take a step back, especially young or newer hunters. Like I said, not a bash or anything...just something for folks to think about when they are posting up!

Pass on my hearty congrats to your boy! Sounds like he's having a great season!


10-28-2006, 07:52 PM
OK so at 192 posts in this thread I figure I'll put in my $0.02

I have a quad, just bought it this summer after meeting with another HBC member in Port Hardy for bear last spring. He had a quad and it was just the ticket for the style of hunting up there.

I'm no huge fan of hunters driving through the area I'm hunting in but I feel they have as much right to be there as I do and if it was that big of an issue there is nothing stopping me from heading further into the bush away from the quads.

I would much prefer to use horses but the quad costs me nothing while it sits in the GF's yard. No feed, vet, manure or shoeing. I have a dream of buying some acerage in the interrior and you can bet I'll have a small string of ponies. I have already built my own packsaddle, panniers etc but the quad still won't be retired.

Plenty of hunters need the latest and greatest hot shot cartridge as well. Look at the huge sales when the short mag rounds came out, same deal with the super short mags. Nothing wrong with them and if I could afford it I would probably own one just cuz I'm a gun junky but the BSA CF-2 in 7mm Rem Mag that I bought used over 20 years ago still puts 5 rounds in one hole, I have never lost an animal I shot at with it, and has taken game at ranges I don't even want to admit to.

When I'm hunting my camp is always open to anyone. If you are going to be in an area I'm hunting in feel free to stop by in your quad, truck or Mendel's I don't care if you are using a RemChester wizzmag, flintlock, crossbow or a sharp stick to hunt with the coffe will be just as hot and you will be just as welcome and I'm pretty sure 90% of the people on this list would make the same offer regardless of how the posts they made in this thread were interpreted (or misinterpreted).

OK now my typing finger is tired and I need to rest it up so I can take a bigger buck than my GF tomorrow when I'm road hunting the FSR's around Mount Washington.


10-28-2006, 10:36 PM
Damn it man, stop posting all the pics of your kid hammering on grouse, your making me look bad!!! I've only got 6 this year:mad: :lol: :lol:

Congrats to the kids, as to the rest of the thread, hey, its alot of entertainment when its dark out and I can't be hunting!


cant agree with ya more...i only got 4 so far this year....Dana congrats to ur kid...

10-29-2006, 10:29 AM
If you are having that much trouble with quad riders, then I suggest that perhaps what you call "getting to where others dont" is really not that far from logging and skid roads as you would have us believe!
My experience is there's lots of area, with no quad access and no competition. GO FIND IT!

10-29-2006, 10:43 AM
I can remember it very well. The same discussions came up when compound bows became popular and before that when treestands became popular. Some hunters back then where of the opinion that this is not fair to the game or that hunters using these tools are "...not much of a hunter". Pope & Young and some other organizations voiced their disapproval very loud and clear back then about compound bows and treestands, just as they do today about the crossbow and to an extend about the ATV's. But as the past has shown they will come around one day and think differently. Once they figured out how to make money with the new trend.:wink:

I say get with the times. ATV’s have become very popular and not only for hunters. For many hunters, especially for the older generation, these vehicles are an aid to continue hunting. The ATV riders that tear up the landscape are not necessary all hunters. Like I said ATV’s are very popular and in fact there are more non-hunters that own an ATV than hunters.

mainland hunter
10-29-2006, 10:48 AM
i dont have any problems with quads when they stay on roads and cutlines but it does bug me when you see someone bushwack to where they shouldnt be. not many quaders do that but some do. especially in the alpine. there is sensitive vegetation there that takes a long time to regrow and i have seen quads push way off of a trail to get up there and that shouldnt happen IMO

10-29-2006, 11:03 AM
If you are that bothered by ATV's, then perhaps you dont hunt as far from logging roads and skid trails as you would have us believe?
Never had a problem with them, never used them for hunting and love listening to bitchy people gripe! Male menopause is a bitch isn't it?
There is a lot of good hunting areas where quads can not get o get of your azz (and off the "e-hunting" grounds)and find it!

mainland hunter
10-29-2006, 11:15 AM
im talking about the ones who rip up areas they shouldnt, its against the law but still happens alot. earlier this year i was hunting in the alpine. hiked along ways in and one guy had actually drove over the small trees. there was no trail he made his own path in. this should bother people. like i said no issue whatsoever with guys who hunt with quads where quads are aloud. i like using them for bear hunting from slash to slash.

10-29-2006, 01:09 PM
Dana, I have alot of respect for what you have accomplished. No question. I have more respect for the fact of what you do for your children in getting them outdoors and active and getting them into hunting. Its important to instill that in kids. Keeps them from sitting in front of the TV all day. I just wanted to also throw that in.

I understand exactly what you meant by starting this thread. I was just tossing in my 2 cents about the comment that seems to make everyone a bit hot.

If you changed it from "too lazy" to " Not as passionate" I'd agree completely.

A bit back more to the point. Every hobby has guys that must have the best, newest, flashiest tool to do it and it also has guys that are more of traditionalists. It applies to everything, Archery, mountain climbing, hot rodding, fishing, even art.

Do it how you like it to be done. But most of all have a good time doing it

10-29-2006, 01:34 PM
Interesting post thus far.....here are my thoughts to sum it up -

Quads: Love them or hate them, they're a mainstay fixture in hunting now days.

- owning a quad or other form of ATV for many individuals is the equivalent machochism of owning a big calibre rifle as part of the must have arsenal ........ does it really make you a better hunter? Probably not.

- quads for many individuals are an effective means of transportation into and out of a hunting area as well as 'just for packing' game out and there are hunters that use them exclusively for this purpose.

- quads have opened doors for those who otherwise cannot hunt on foot due to health concerns, injury and it adds years to hunting for those in the aging population to continue the joys of hunting.

- quads have, without question - made many many hunters lazy. They no longer see the need to get out and hunt on foot, instead wishing to bomb around the country side until they see something to shoot. If that is their perogative, that is fine.

- quads, without question, are causing the demise, (in my opinion for many hunters) the skills that go with classic hunting styles such as still hunting heavy timber for willy whitetails or muleys, the skill of spot and stalk hunting, calling, tracking and most importantly, understanding the habits and habitat of the game being pursued.

- from a personal standpoint, I have seen far more abuse to the landscape, tresspassing, and disregard and disrespect to other hunters, landowners, gates etc .... by quad owners/hunters than I have seen by responsible quad owners / hunters. I am sure there are those who are reading this that know exactly who they are or people they know. Perhaps some will take it upon themselves to set good examples for others and those who will change their behaviour to be better individuals when hunting with quads.

- are quad hunters successful on big animals ? I would say some are........and I know a particular individual or two on this site that shot a boone and crocket muley buck while driving around on a quad while hunting moose. Does this make them hunters a better hunter? Not necessarily - but at least don't crack yourself up as a mighty hunter because you got lucky. There are guys who are consistent on big bucks and then those who aren't. I and most other guys (Dana included) wouldn't shy away from doing the same if that kind of luck came into our laps either but I would at least admit it was just plain luck and not because I am a high and mighty hunter with the skill sets to increase the likelyhood of shooting a big buck.

Quads - People that use them, love them for what they can do and really enjoy that style of hunting. As long as they are used legally and respectfully - have at it.

It just leaves the bigger bucks for those who don't use them :)

10-29-2006, 02:19 PM
Re: Dana

He certainly has come across as indignant and cocky to many on here! However, for those that know him personally - we know he isn't that way. Plain and simple, this guy knows mule deer. He lives and breaths mule deer day in and day out. He is as hardcore as they come.

After a couple years of invites to hunt with him - I finally took him up on his offer last year and joined him and the others on their hunt by which many of you are familiar with. Its not too often you see a collection of big bucks from one camp! You can ask these guys to pick an area anywhere in BC to hunt and they will consistently finish the hunt with big bucks.

Sure many hunters have killed a book class buck. But how many do you have killed several? There's consistency and then there's no consistency. These guys have consistency and I am a firm believer that the majority of guys just do not have what it takes to be "consistent".

The guys that are consistent make up a very small 'fraction' of the hunting community and I know several such individuals and Dana and the guys in his camp make up this small fraction.

Reality check....

For the majority of those who make their travels to Clearwater country for a chance at a big buck because Dana and his friends have killed them OR anywhere in British Columbia for that matter ---- you may hunt 10-20 years and you will never see - much less kill a book class buck (although many will get lucky) Meanwhile, Dana and others I know (don't know) will consistently keep taking book class muleys because of their knowledge of mule deer.

Reality check.....

Most guys don't know what a live 170 class muley even looks like. A 140-160 buck looks mighty big to those who have not seen or shot alot of big bucks!

10-30-2006, 05:01 PM
Since we are all singing Kumbaya and everything, here's a pic that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but then again, what is the topic of this thread? ;) This to me is what hunting is all about. My son was able to kill 3 chickens today, for a grand total of 16 thus far this season.
You're a Trouble maker ! :smile:
Congrats to your Boy on the Birds......Thats Excellent !
I agree with an earlier Poster though.........
If you stopped hunting on the Roads you'd see alot less Quads ! :lol: