View Full Version : A little Blood in the Tub

03-11-2012, 01:23 PM
So... last day of the season, this alone has got to be the best year for geese for us ever (besides the opener with Tanya and shotgunjohn) we never shoot geese in our little duck haven, but this year i did a little exploring and found a cute little spot. We went there twice this year and each time produced geese 5 the first time in february and 4 yesterday. If you see that one of the geese is missing a neck, wing and leg its because it was ran over with the motor when retrieving the birds (DID YOU KNOW THEY COULD DIVE?) i mean wtf? well the breasts were fine but its just a little gruesome, the two other geese were clean and not bloody DOI. the other goose for some reason just wouldn't stop bleeding, so there was just a big puddle of red blood with some rain sitting in a pool at the back of the canoe. If you don't like the photos then don't complain and go away. all of the birds have been eaten already and the chopped up one had perfectly clean breasts, just like all of them, no pellets either!

We tried to get rid of the blood in the boat but i guess not all of it got out (last photo)





03-11-2012, 06:12 PM
O yes geese can dive and they can swim a hell of a long way submerged and if you've already eaten those geese I'm glad I don't have to feed you. Is that the solution for shooting by the river,good choice.

03-11-2012, 06:28 PM
Hey it works. Teriyaki stir fry for 2 of them and gave 2 away to friends

03-12-2012, 05:09 PM

03-12-2012, 05:14 PM
thats no tub


03-12-2012, 06:32 PM
I guess that motor is featherless as well as weedless. Wouldn't of thought a electric motor would chop chop like that.