View Full Version : Setting up Center shot

03-06-2012, 05:12 PM
When I am setting up my center shot does the target I am shooting at have to be the same height as the arrow on my rest or is it okay to shoot at my bag target on the ground?

03-06-2012, 06:47 PM
I think youre splitting hairs here. Shooting a straight line of sight and on level ground is obviously preferred but the distance variance created by shooting the hypotenuse is negligible. in fact, your arrow travels a hyperbolic pathway from the point of release on your bow - it begins below and travels above an imaginary line from your bow site to your target before impact. In other words, the only benefit to having a level target is the measuring of linear yardage (no angle variances).
Instead focus on placing your center pin in a convenient spot in your sight so as to not get tight on space for your further pins.

I am way too long winded...

03-06-2012, 07:34 PM
I think youre splitting hairs here. Shooting a straight line of sight and on level ground is obviously preferred but the distance variance created by shooting the hypotenuse is negligible. in fact, your arrow travels a hyperbolic pathway from the point of release on your bow - it begins below and travels above an imaginary line from your bow site to your target before impact. In other words, the only benefit to having a level target is the measuring of linear yardage (no angle variances).
Instead focus on placing your center pin in a convenient spot in your sight so as to not get tight on space for your further pins.

I am way too long winded...

Great thank you for that. I am relatively new to tuning.

Bow Walker
03-07-2012, 03:54 PM
If you're doing the 'walk-back' tuning thing then try to find as level a place as possible. The further back you go the more the angle will influence your P.O.I.

03-18-2012, 08:10 PM
put your target up say 4 feet to middle, that way you stand up straight and level " T " shape that way there will be no erruor in form by having to lean { shoot } down

03-18-2012, 09:37 PM
For setting centre shot, I find it very handy to put a length of flagging [or similar] tape perfectly vertical on your target. Then concentrate your aim at the tape and don't worry about up and down impact point.
You are only concerned with left/right impact and this lets you focus solely on that aim.
Shoot at fifteen yards and then again at forty or fifty. Shoot from as far back as you can comfortably shoot, with a good degree of accuracy.
You will have to adjust your sights as well during the process.

Bow Walker
03-19-2012, 08:29 AM
That's called "Walk-back Tuning" and it works great.

03-19-2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks everyone for your help. I seem to have it shooting really good now.