View Full Version : Resident hunters wolf hunting poll

03-01-2012, 09:58 AM
I was just wondering with all the wolf talk lately, how we are doing as resident hunters at harvesting wolves.

03-01-2012, 10:01 AM
Sorry Moose2, your poll didn't go in as a poll, simply as a post. Depending where you are in BC, there is no bag limit on wolves.

Ahhh .. I see you fixed that up and it's poll now. Good work.

Wild one
03-01-2012, 10:12 AM
Where is the option "would shoot a wolf but every time I see them there running like hell"

03-01-2012, 10:18 AM
Although I have never actually shot a wolf while hunting, I have shot at a couple. Pretty hard to hit them on the run. Even though there are a lot of wolves in the Cariboo, you don't see them very often.

03-01-2012, 10:26 AM
Sorry Moose2, your poll didn't go in as a poll, simply as a post. Depending where you are in BC, there is no bag limit on wolves.

Thanks TPK I hit the wrong button earlier. I knew some areas had no closed season on wolves in lower elevations, but was not aware of the no bag limit.

David Heitsman
03-01-2012, 10:42 AM
Having just missed another wolf last week with Doug AKA Chilcotin Hillbilly, this thread stirs me up a bit.

I managed to miss a black one at very close range last week. This unfortunately is the 4th black one that I have sailed lead at over the years. I missed a large solo black wolf with my .375 H & H on the Sikanni in the late 90's when buffalo hunting. It was 250ish out there and even with a steady rest I managed to shoot over him with no chance for good second shot. I have managed to kill one on the Sikanni and handed my rifle off and quickly calling them back so we could take two!

Then in '07 I was returning from a sheep hunt on the Tuchodi and as I crested the hill there was half a dozen wolves feeding on a calf elk I had photgraphed with it's mother a couple days prior. A good rest was difficult as the snow was so powdery
and deep. Using my daypack I held on the black one at 280 and spun him around and then emptied my clip on the rapidly dispersing pack. There was red in the snow up the hill but I never caught up to him for dispatch.

The next year found me at the Gataga headwaters looking at 7 wolves playing on a gravel bar. We tried to call them closer than the 400 yard distance that they were at but they would'nt buy anything we were selling. We got to within 170
and opened up on them with two rifles, me once again holding on the black one. After the shot he got up acting sick so I started spraying at the others thinking he was just dead on his feet and by the time the dust settled there were no wolves laying on the beach. I walked up and here was this crater in the sand with 4 deep scratch marks where the wolf had scrambled to it's feet. I was in an inch low and the sand had erupted under it and concussed the wolf causing it to stagger but unfortunately the shot wasn't fatal.

This year on the Upper Dunedin I thought we'd get one as we had a pair come to within 50 -60 yards but must have winded us and quietly broded. They were howling and then moaning together but with the heavy brush I just couldn't see them.

Having just returned from Tatlayoko area, I can reasonably state that there is an overabundance as every day we would see several fresh tracks cutting our skidoo trails. Hard to numerate them but I'm thinking maybe two packs, one is splintered due to effective trapping but I'm thinking an aerial or poison program might be more effective.

So to sum, and to answer your poll question, I think I'm really one of BC's wolves best friends. I've seen 17 in the last 12 -15 years and not put much of a dent in them.

(After seeing Motzold's post, I just remembered in '07 seeing a black wolf leading 4 greys across the Airport mountain meadows at the Empire Valley. I called to them and ended up with a young one within 40 yards who must have been there all along as the rest were still a 1/2 K away. He scrambled at our scent and I didn't take the shot. There's not much to point at when your looking at the back side of a wolf evaporating away in front of your eyes. So I guess I've seen 23 now total.

David Heitsman
03-01-2012, 10:57 AM

Your post rang true for me. I actually didn't kill the black Tatlayoko wolf right away last week since I wasn't sure that it wasn't maybe a large stray ranch dog. It knew we were there, there was lots of skidoo coming and going and yet he just stayed close by. If any of you have ever seen that Bateman Midnight Black Wolf print http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.artandnature.com/bateman/midnightblackwolf.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.artandnature.com/bateman/midnightblackwolf.html&h=452&w=600&sz=44&tbnid=gQy4xEjvdyQHAM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=122&prev=/search%3Fq%3DRobert%2BBateman%2Bwolf%26tbm%3Disch% 26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Robert+Bateman+wolf&docid=zOh6fFQnBZHmIM&sa=X&ei=xbdPT8fGNcqZiAK37vS1Bg&ved=0CE4Q9QEwAg&dur=2953, that is exactly what it looked like.

A few years ago, a guide on the Sikanni had his dog shot by a hunter thinking it was a wolf. The hunter paid him well for the dog, funny thing is, as the legend grows, all the guides showed up the next year with big grey dogs! Anyway this was going through my mind as I stalled on shooting this wolf or not.

03-01-2012, 11:00 AM
I have taken 6 wolves in 26 years of hunting, all well hunting other species. I have seen maybe around 20 wolves while I have been hunting and maybe another dozen on hiways. Although I have tried for them in the winter I haven't shot one while targeting them.

03-01-2012, 11:13 AM
This year I've put over 20 days in and haven't seen one yet. I do average 20 coyotes a year though.

Over the years, I've seen 4 and shot 3.

I shot 2 geese hunting with 3.5" Faststeel. The third one got away due to shotgun magazine limits.
Got a nice one in McBride too, black male, 150lbs 6'6", rugged that one.

Really pisses me off when people say they see them and don't shoot at them.

03-01-2012, 11:14 AM
You should have put in an option for those of us that have missed.... I've shot at them, but I've never shot one.

bc traper
03-01-2012, 11:20 AM
We should also try and do a count of wolves taken this year both trapping and hunting

03-01-2012, 02:56 PM
You should have put in an option for those of us that have missed.... I've shot at them, but I've never shot one.

Yup, that and as Wild One said , seen em running at 400+ yards.

250 sav
03-01-2012, 03:57 PM
I've shot wolves when targeting other species and when targeting preditors.

03-01-2012, 10:16 PM
Don't get me started about wolves.

03-01-2012, 11:11 PM
I shot my first wolf at Horsefly in 1972 at 11 years of age, I was home alone for the day when Dad's sheep bells started ringing as they did when the coyotes were after them. Grabbed the .270 and went out to see what was going on. There in the middle of 200 sheep was a black wolf. I was pretty excited when it fell over and phoned two of the neighbors to let them know what I'd done. They were both convinced that I had shot someone's dog until they saw him. It was rare to even see a track in that area back then. The summer hide wasn't worth skinning and no one thought to take a picture.

I've lost track of wolves shot since then but I know it is well over 50. Did snare and trap a pack of 6 in 1989 but haven't made the time since.

03-01-2012, 11:16 PM
Moose2, you didn't make provision for Farmer Season!!! LOL

Mr. Dean
03-02-2012, 12:58 AM
Where is the option "would shoot a wolf but every time I see them there running like hell"

That's where I'm at.... And WTS, I have only actually ever seen 1 in the wild, while hunting deer.

03-02-2012, 06:43 AM
I shot two on the Island 20 odd years ago, One big male and a black female the male made the BC record book, a friend of mine said they were cougar hunting and a couple of wolves attacked his dog,s, So I went out the next morning with predator call found tracks and started calling and no more than 3 minutes the big male came running out of the bush straight at me and the female came out to my right, the rest is history. They made nice rugs. Steve!!

03-02-2012, 06:47 AM
I've seen 6 wolves while hunting big game. Never had a decent shot at any of them so I didn't shoot. I have yet to see a wolf in B.C. in 5 seasons of hunting here, I've heard them, see sign but never actually seen one. This year I bought a 25-06 as a dedicated deer/sheep/wolf/coyote gun but haven't so far had any luck taking a wolf.