View Full Version : first year bear hunting

02-28-2012, 11:03 PM
well this is my first year hunting bear in the interior(100 mile house) wondering when the bear start to come out up here with the colder weather i wouldnt think they would be around begin of april just wondering when they start stomping around?

02-29-2012, 03:29 AM
mid to late april you should start seeing them out and about,
watch for open areas with alot of clover, its thier favorite meal when they first come out.

02-29-2012, 03:58 AM
thanks for the help

02-29-2012, 04:01 AM
np and goodluck this spring

02-29-2012, 04:04 AM
same to you hopefully i get my first bear this year

02-29-2012, 05:51 AM
South facing slopes are your friend.

02-29-2012, 10:18 AM
the farther south you are the earlier you can find them out and about. After 20 years of hunting them around quesnel I have found that every year we go out a couple times in April and every year we swear we won't go out in april anymore as it has been a complete waste of time. Usually it starts getting decent around the May long week-end. All that being said we have taken one pretty good bear in mid-april while out scouting locations for a spring grizz draw some years back so you just never know. For you around 100 mile I would say beginning of May you should start seeing some. However, if nothing else, going out in April will get you out of the house and will give you an idea what areas are shedding the snow the quickest. Good luck to you!


02-29-2012, 10:19 AM
I start going out as soon as the season opens, but i dont expect to see anything either. What it does do is give you an idea of where is "Greening up" first. And where the snow line is. This way you "Work your way into the season" And big 10-4 on the South facing slopes thing!

Good luck have fun and watch the bear as long as you can to be sure there is no cubs. Spring bear is a pretty easy hunt so dont hurry yourself.