View Full Version : cross dominant vision and aiming

02-03-2012, 02:56 PM
Any of you guys have any ideas of how to aim if you shoot right handed but your dominant eye is left?:confused:

02-03-2012, 03:06 PM
Just close your left eye!

02-03-2012, 03:08 PM
maybe an eye patch?

02-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Wear clear glasses,and stick a small bit of black tape on bottem left lense,to remind you to close your left eye when you take a shot.
Shooting instructors use this method.
Only close your eye at the last moment before you shoot


02-03-2012, 03:43 PM
yep ... Use left handed equipment ....

with archery .... your dominant eye dictates what hand equipment you are to shoot effectively.

to shoot effectively its best to keep both eyes open

Bow Walker
02-03-2012, 05:53 PM
What BZM said. Shooting with both eyes open helps a whole lot with your depth of field.

If you're going to continue to shoot right-handed - when you should really switch to being a lefty - then you should practice hard at aiming with the right eye and closing the left eye as you are just about to release the shot.

02-03-2012, 07:25 PM
I,ve always just closed my left eye,works for me.

02-03-2012, 10:26 PM
Even out your eyes with perscription glasses ....

02-03-2012, 10:36 PM
I have trained myself over the years to shoot right handed left eye dominant and keep both eye's open. At first I started with just closing my left eye and over the years have mastered the ability to almost control my eye dominance to the point I can keep both eye's open and shoot. I'm extremely talented.:mrgreen:

When I look through a spotting scope I always use my left eye. feels real weird to use my right eye with my spotter even though I do use it sometimes to give my left eye a break.

02-03-2012, 10:42 PM
If you're going to continue to shoot right-handed - when you should really switch to being a lefty - then you should practice hard at aiming with the right eye and closing the left eye as you are just about to release the shot.

We never had left handed rifles when I grew up, so I always shot right handed with right handed rifles. About 10 years ago I decided to see if I could shoot more accurate shooting left eye'd so I crawled in behind my rifle shooting left handed and WHOLY SHIT I just about broke my shoulder with a .270. Now I knew how recoil sensitive people felt, hurt like a bugger. My right side was so use to taking the abuse my left side didn't know what to do, that was the first and last shot I fired off the bench left handed. Over the years I've shot animals left handed because for some reason or another I had to limit my movement and take the avaliable shot, which was left handed. Never bothered me while shooting on game but I'll never forget that day at the range. OUCH

The Hermit
02-05-2012, 05:28 PM
I am left eye dominant but my right eye has much better vision. I shoot right handed... when shooting the longbow I have both eyes open but with the peep sight on the compound I close my left eye.

Beyond about 30 yards I have real difficulty seeing the bullseye. I also absolutely friggin hate having to wear glasses when shooting... its bad enough on the coast to have to deal with fog on the external lenses on the rifle scope and binos without my glasses. So...

I went for my first of two appointments to see about my candidacy for cataract removal and lens replacement surgery. There are three types of lenses these days; hard lenses with no correction; folded soft lenses with some physical surgery to correct astigmatism, and the newest are a gel lens that can be shaped with ulrtra-violet light which effectively enables the surgeon to shape them into your prescription so that you never need glasses again for reading or distant vision. Not cheap at $6200 but WTF a good pair of spectacles these days are $1,000 so I'm going to go for it if after the second appointment the Dr says yes!