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02-03-2012, 12:10 PM
this will be my first time submitting for LEH, what should i know and do about LEH? any strategy involved in submitting for a LEH?

SS :-D


02-03-2012, 12:13 PM
If you want to hunt, put in for draws that are less than 5:1, preferably <2:1. Most of the hunts I put in for are <3:1.

If you want to sit at home and complain for the rest of your life put in for stuff that's above 5:1. You'll be in good company here if you take that route.

02-03-2012, 12:15 PM
thanks that's great advise.

02-03-2012, 12:17 PM
millions of people play the lottery every week in BC

the LEH is the only one I play and I've won 3 draws in 3 years so I can't complain
any bull moose, mule doe and cow elk
never cut a tag on any yet either which definately sucks
but I'll try again

02-03-2012, 12:21 PM
Make sure you check out access for the area and other things (ie. long travel times, cold temps, etc.) that might affect your ability to use the LEH permit if you get one. Particularly need to pay attention on the really low odds draw.

02-03-2012, 12:23 PM
The other bit is if you are thinking of an area you havent been too get the road atlas.
I find as well using the online PDF you can print the odds and the maps of areas you are interested in then you can hold them side by side without having to flip back and forth.

When you get your area you will be putting in for use a ruler and a fluorescent marker and highlight the line and draw number. This will eliminate cross eyed draws. I screwed up one year by having too many beers and filling out the cards! oops. We got our mooses though, but it was scary for a while!

If you are thinking Island rosies and want to bounce some areas off someone you can PM me and i will tell you what i can.

02-03-2012, 12:39 PM
My strategy has worked the past 2 yrs and I'm not sharing it!lol

02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
My strategy has worked the past 2 yrs and I'm not sharing it!lol

Why post then you B&%t*#d ! LOL !

02-03-2012, 01:11 PM
If you are thinking Island rosies and want to bounce some areas off someone you can PM me and i will tell you what i can.

thanks 835

much appreciated, sadly not planning a island trip.

02-03-2012, 01:17 PM
Thats no problem SS, you cant plan on the draw either!

02-03-2012, 01:29 PM
Please only submit for draws you would actually go and try. submitting for hunts that require a fly in or a boat areknown by doing a bit of investigating...

Good luck on your draws....


02-03-2012, 02:01 PM
i want the roads washed out so its jet boat only access :mrgreen:

With a bit of research one can find out the areas that have washed out sections and whether or not they will be fixed for spring (normally wait till after the melt it seems)

still doesnt mean that they will be there when you get there ,

Weatherby Fan
02-03-2012, 02:24 PM
this will be my first time submitting for LEH, what should i know and do about LEH? any strategy involved in submitting for a LEH?

SS :-D


We always plan our hunts and put in for draws that work for our planned trips never plan a trip around an leh draw just setting yourself up for disappointment
We go elk hunting in the Kootenays most years and put a cow elk draw in for the same time,we put our moose draws in for late season area 3 in conjunction with our planned deer hunts so if we get a draw it's a bonus.

02-03-2012, 03:06 PM
this will be my first time submitting for LEH, what should i know and do about LEH? any strategy involved in submitting for a LEH?

SS :-D


If this is your first time which i would question, i would go for the the high odd draws just because first timers luck is really good. ie rosie's on the island

02-04-2012, 02:29 AM
If me I would do a lot of research on the area that you would like to a hunt before putting in for LEH.

02-04-2012, 02:55 AM
this will be my first time submitting for LEH, what should i know and do about LEH? any strategy involved in submitting for a LEH?

SS :-D


Make sure you use black ink when you fill out your cards! It doesn't hurt to mail them in an envelope with $100bill slipped in!! Other than that once submitted all you can do is pray!

02-04-2012, 01:28 PM
Probably the #1 thing is to make sure you fill everything in properly and get it in the mail well before the deadline other than that I can't see any other "strategy" being anything other than superstition. Remember if anything is filled in wrong it goes in the can and you're out. They are not complicated to fill in you just have to read the instructions.

02-04-2012, 01:49 PM
I got 1 LEH draw - in 1983. :icon_frow

02-04-2012, 02:10 PM
Make sure you use black ink when you fill out your cards! It doesn't hurt to mail them in an envelope with $100bill slipped in!! Other than that once submitted all you can do is pray!

don't under estimate pray part of it...cheers f-g:-D

02-04-2012, 03:02 PM
with only 1 year i didn't get drawn for anything in the last12 years,i've done pretty good.
like others i won't put in for a hunt i know i won't give it my all to make.
although i try to keep the lower odd # type hunts a priority i also factor in access to the area.if i can do it resonably by myself,(i never count on others to be there,to many disappointments),then i will try it.
i will also try higher odd type draws for animals that i would never get the oppertunity for during the regular g o s.this way if i do get lucky then my season just got that much better.
every year i will put in for
mule doe
cali sheep
rossy elk
i will add, that every time i send off my cards i consider it part of my yearly donation to helping our wildlife,and never think that i am just sending my hard earned money to the government.
black ink,blue ink,red ink doesn't matter,just be sure that you put the hunt codes down on a seperate piece of paper before you fill out your cards.just a good way of knowing ahead of time that both 1st and 2nd choices are the correct ones and your have done your homework long before your cards are sent in.
its really not rocket science, just plain ol common sence.
make it fun as every bit of research you do only gives you more knowledge of our province.

02-04-2012, 03:25 PM
I mail mine every year with a 50$ bill in the same envelope.

I get a moose draw EVERY YEAR!!!

No joke......it works!!!!

02-04-2012, 04:13 PM
I got 1 LEH draw - in 1983. :icon_frow

Silly boy you forgot the $100 bills....;-)

Scouter Bear
02-06-2012, 12:26 AM
My 2 cents worth is that you study the areas that you want to hunt. Know which tags you would like to go for. The biggest one is will you have the time to go to those locations at the times you Might get in the draws.
Last year I didn't get any LEH but I did plan a couple of hunts that went south quickly. Then again that may not apply. Just ensure you fill the tags out correctly and clearly.

02-06-2012, 02:21 AM
Hey sorry to hijack the thread but I've never looked at LEH before this year so I was wondering how expensive it was per animal and if you have to pay for adding a second option in case your first choice doesn't work out? Do you pay for entering the LEH or only per animal that you get drawn?

Also, when are the forms available to fill out?


02-06-2012, 02:53 AM
Hey sorry to hijack the thread but I've never looked at LEH before this year so I was wondering how expensive it was per animal and if you have to pay for adding a second option in case your first choice doesn't work out? Do you pay for entering the LEH or only per animal that you get drawn?

Also, when are the forms available to fill out?

You pay for each LEH card you get the coast is around $600 dollars if you get picked for your second choice you don't pay anything extra it is included with your first choice.

02-06-2012, 04:22 AM
600 dollars!? Lol

02-06-2012, 05:18 AM
600 dollars!? Lol

Coast of $600 $800 close enough can't remember the exact coast but its in between 6 and 8 dollars.

02-06-2012, 05:23 AM
Pick up your copy of the LEH synopsis as early as you can, give yourself lots of time to read over it. First time around it can be a little more confusing than the standard synopsis.

02-06-2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks, I've already written down the dates and regions that I'd be able and willing to go if drawn, but the price if its as high as h1947 says, might limit me to a goat or sheep (possibly Rosie Elk) application. Save the extra cash for the gas getting there and the time off.

Thanks for the info, here's hoping my first-timer odds will be successfull!

02-06-2012, 02:09 PM
Wayne means $6.00 to $8.00 not $600.00 to $800.00 It's all in the decimal place boys.

You can only submit one card for each species and your second choice option does not cost more. You pay for the card up front. It's up top you to fill it in correctly and get it into the LEH office on time.

02-06-2012, 04:09 PM
Shhhhh don't tell him it's only 6$ or he is going to do it every year!

Hahaha good luck with the leh, my advice is apply for draws with good odds (duh) for everything except the kamloops sheep draw...

02-06-2012, 08:55 PM
Please only submit for draws you would actually go and try. submitting for hunts that require a fly in or a boat areknown by doing a bit of investigating...

Good luck on your draws....


Spoke to a guy this week-end that drew an LEH for a goat and and elk and never went. I asked, why did you put in the LEH? He shrugged his shoulders and said his plans changed.
I would like to put in for a goat draw, but I don't have a partner willing to go. Do I try to win the draw and solicit strangers or not put one in at all?

02-07-2012, 05:32 PM
thanks very much for the replies.
