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01-10-2012, 12:44 PM
So let's say a guy has never hunted grizzly bear and would like to give it a go.

I live where the closest grizzly is 3 hours away an sleeping in a den so how would one figure out where to put your very first draw?

I've never even been anywhere that grizzly bears live let alone seen one outside of the zoo. I'd really like to try my luck on a draw this year but I'm worried I'll be in over my head with little time and finances for scouting trips in the spring.

If anyone can shed some light on what kind of terrain I should be looking for and methods of hunting them it would be greatly appreciated. I'm in around Vernon area and I've got 5 days off in the spring time to do some hunting before work takes over my life for the spring/summer.

Pm's work if anyone has any ideas or decent places I can put in for, obviously the ones with higher odds will probably be the better places to hunt but I certainly don't mind packing in and out of the bush if need be.

Thanks a lot to all that can help

01-10-2012, 12:52 PM
South facing slopes with green grass is a good place to start looking in the spring. Expect to be able to see them through binos from across the valley and then work your way over to them.
Or just road hunt through cut-blocks on the southsides with green grass. I know road hunting is frowned upon on this site, but it's pretty effective. More like spot and stock with a truck!

01-10-2012, 12:53 PM
hmmmm Give me a call..I have some experience in what your asking and grizzly bears..and really do love to try and help..specially newbies..lol

grizzly hunting = most fun you can have with your cloths on..

Pm me and Ill give you my schedule and my work hrs...I leave for hawaii in a couple weeks...


01-10-2012, 12:54 PM
Hey tikkatac....

I am sure plenty of guys are going to chime in but you should use the search function as pretty much every winter/spring there is generally a thread that fires up that is FULL of great ideas for hunting them. They have covered everything from selecting a region, suitable firearm, access, where to find them once you get the draw (south facing slopes :wink:) etc etc.

Search based on the "title/heading" of the thread if you use the 'advanced search' as it will weed out the threads that have Grizzly in the body of them.

Tons of info on hunting them on this site from lots of VERY experienced guys.

01-10-2012, 12:58 PM
Hey tikkatac....

I am sure plenty of guys are going to chime in but you should use the search function as pretty much every winter/spring there is generally a thread that fires up that is FULL of great ideas for hunting them. They have covered everything from selecting a region, suitable firearm, access, where to find them once you get the draw (south facing slopes :wink:) etc etc.

Search based on the "title/heading" of the thread if you use the 'advanced search' as it will weed out the threads that have Grizzly in the body of them.

Tons of info on hunting them on this site from lots of VERY experienced guys.

I did use the search function but I got lots of threads about nothing to do with how and where... The advanced search is probably why I needed to do... Sorry this god damn intergoogle machine is complicated. Seems like once you think you've got it figured out there's a new way of doing the same thing...

Steve I will definitely drop you a PM thank you very much for taking the time.

01-10-2012, 01:04 PM
Am I correct to assume hunting grizz will be the same a blackies? I've hunted lots of black bear but for some reason I have it in my brain that grizzly bears are totally diffrent creatures... If hunting grizz is very similar to black bear then I think I'll have better luck finding them then I think.

I would also imagine the population is less then black bears?? No??? I know I can't go out in the spring without seeing at least one or two blackies wandering around the hill sides or backroads.

Thanks again for all the help ladies and gents.

01-10-2012, 01:22 PM
Here is a search query you can click on with threads "titled" Grizzly....lots of info on stories, tips, various draws etc. It goes from the most recent as of yesterday and descending in age of the post.


01-10-2012, 01:30 PM
Lol, you're link turned up a whole lotta nothin' :) thanks tho:)

01-10-2012, 01:37 PM
Lol, you're link turned up a whole lotta nothin' :) thanks tho:)

Did it bring up the search query though.....or just blanks?

01-10-2012, 01:58 PM
Did it bring up the search query though.....or just blanks?

vBulletin Message
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

01-10-2012, 02:07 PM
Ah.....okay. Here is what to do.

Go to "Advanced Search" in the top right hand corner.

Type "Grizzly" into your Keyword search query. Next to it click on the "Search Titles Only".

Next go to the section on "Additional Options" and then next to "Find Posts" you can select from those two drop downs to search from your "last visit" and then select "older" in the next drop down menu.

Go to the next section of "Sort Results By"....and choose "By Date" under relevance and then in "descending" order then click on "Search Now" on the right hand side of that panel.

This will give you threads with "Grizzly" in the title since your last visit sorted by the most recent date and getting older from there......if all goes as it should when I did the search.

01-10-2012, 02:09 PM
hmmm no grizzlies left..move along nothing to see..lol..ha ha ha

this spring should be a great season...as a LOT of tags were unused last fall....especially along the coast.. as well a few tags were not used due to snow levels..for interior bears

The only fly in the ointment is lack of snow, its needed for the slides to welll slide...if lack of snow the worst thing is everything greens up at the same time alowing bears to feed everywhere..and not the slides..

The lack of snow may also impact the time of exit from dens.... interior bears...coastal bears to a lesser extent..

the winter is still only 1/2 over..so for bear hunters hope for snow...we need another 4-6 feet...in the mountains...

hmm regardless there are lots of G bears out there..personally know dozens of places that guarantee hold bears every year....and most of these could be searched out using GOOGLE earth...and asking WHY



BiG Boar
01-10-2012, 02:29 PM
grizzly hunting = most fun you can have with your cloths onGrizzly hunting = 97% boredom. 3% sheer terror and excitment. You still against wolf hunting TT? Cuz this cute cuddly ball of fluff is pretty much in the same basket.

01-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Grizzly hunting = 97% boredom. 3% sheer terror and excitment. You still against wolf hunting TT? Cuz this cute cuddly ball of fluff is pretty much in the same basket.

Not so much against wolf hunting anymore seeing as I've since moved out from under my rock to see the damage they cause to elk and moose stocks.

I admidt I may have been a little hasty on the wolf thing but they're just so darn cute from afar:)

Besides that I was in the mood to rattle some cages that day;)

01-10-2012, 04:13 PM
hmmmm Give me a call..I have some experience in what your asking and grizzly bears..and really do love to try and help..specially newbies..lol

grizzly hunting = most fun you can have with your cloths on..

Pm me and Ill give you my schedule and my work hrs...I leave for hawaii in a couple weeks...


loL WITH Your closth on.....
and make sure you have a big gun

01-10-2012, 05:06 PM
Seems for me the afternoons were far better than the mornings. The best thing about it was spring in the mountians, a great time to be out! Make sure you have a black bear tag in your pocket. I always feel like there are two springs, the front country and the south slopes and such, and then the dark north slopes and steep back country. Try hitting it for one or both, unless you live close. Bring extra stuff you might not normally carry, ie frame pack, wadders( wigglies), salt, chainsaw, rain gear and layers. You will be cutting your way up roads that havent seen people for somtimes half a year. Mark the slides from google earth on your map to not forget where they are. Good luck!

01-10-2012, 05:56 PM
hmmm I love spring grizzly hunting..its justy plain fun..spring in the mountains..good advice on the black bear tag..however most of the G bears I have harvested were in the am..early am..by far... both coastal and interior..I have always maintained give me that first hour in the am for grizzlies and you can hunt the rest of the day opposite is true for black bears Ill take that last hour often last 30 minutes for the bigger bears..

I asked another friend that has hunted G bears for the past 35 years..he also feels the am is better.. but hey as long as your moving out of the area before thermals change at about 10 am..air starts to rise...opposite occurs 4 pm...air starts sinking as it cools as well as the felt wind ..some slides could not be hunted for days because of winds..and we KNEW there were bears on the slides..

One individual from the site went into a valley I suggested..and they came out the following day TOO MANY GRIZZLIES up the valley...

Yes there still are exceptional areas for bears...

and glassing is just important with G bears..the silent ghosts..one moment nothing and the next a 500 pound 8 1/2 foot bear is a mere 200 yards away..absolutley no noise..

regardless its plenty of fun and excitement..


01-10-2012, 06:36 PM
so far we have seen more lone G bears (and larger) in the late afternoon/evenings rather then in the morning . my advice is bring everything you wont need. ie boat,atv/mc, boots snowshoes, and even hounds just in case. So far at least three things dont go as planned for us so make sure you have at least 4 or more plans :-D.

01-11-2012, 09:37 AM
Once you know the area a bit and where the slides are, park a long way off and walk in( if slides are close to an FSR). A smart grizzly knows what a moter, particulaly an ATV sounds like and will move off to the bushes even if only a few metres. Glass the snow piles up high too, seen them sprawled out beside of or on top of the snow, like a big dog on a hot day. Note a small grizzly looks larger on top of the snow. Be ready for one walking right down the FSR smack dab in the middle of the day.