View Full Version : Wild duck for dinner oh so good

12-21-2011, 07:10 PM
Well tried the duck we got yesterday, oh so good sliced the breast nice and thin seared then tossed it into a sauce of szechuan sauce and garlic squeezed a fresh orange over top a little fresh pepper served on Quinoa wow now Im hooked on ducks for sure and the best part is so is the wife :-D

12-21-2011, 07:14 PM
its a funny thing really, used to hate duck, loved to shoot em but hated to eat em, then i found out how to cook em, and wow i love duck.
by the sounds of it i have a new recipe to try!

Foxton Gundogs
12-22-2011, 02:24 PM
SO MANY great recipes pot there and you can invent your own as well slow cooked in and orange/ginger base marmalade sauce is fantastic, whole duck cooked beer but style only instead of beer put a spiced wed wine in the can(I love u Tanya...oops sorry SJ lol) it goes on and on and when you get tired of fresh waterfowl theres always sausage to be made.

12-22-2011, 02:53 PM
I eat duck quite regular and I enjoy it.
But theres lots of other wild meat I prefer ,especially upland game

12-22-2011, 02:59 PM
ya Tanya has got to be the best wild game cook out there, anything and everything is great with her cooking... except when she wakes everybody up when she beats the hell out of old chewy goose breasts to tenderize them with her meat mallet.

12-22-2011, 05:32 PM
Our favorite is a couple of nice plump ducks plucked. I use my compressor set at about 5psi and a long thin wand to seperate skin from flesh, coat with a sweet teriyaki sauce BJ uses the Presidents Choice and adds garlic and honey, stuff with rice and your choice of seasoning and veggies. Roast the ducks on a rack at 425 to crisp up the skin then turn down to 325 till almost done, duck should be very slightly pink, paint on the sauce again and broil on med for about 15 min. on a low rack. Scrunptious with a bottle of Sonora Desart Ranch Merlot. A lot of work but well worth it