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12-12-2011, 10:25 AM
This will be my first year trying to shoot some coyotes andif lucky a bobcat. I will be calling for them will be a lot of trial and error.Any pointers would be great. My main question is what to all you guys do withthe bodies after you skin them. Are they skinned in the field and left forothers to scavengers to eat.

Camp Cook
12-12-2011, 10:47 AM
Get an electronic caller any will do I use a Foxpro FX3 and their Jack in the Box decoy.

Also get the very best mouth call a Primus Ki-Yi and while you are at it get all of Randy Anderson's coyote hunting videos...

If you cannot figure it out after watching his videos give up trying... :p

Mr. Dean
12-12-2011, 11:13 AM
Feeding the carcasses back to Mother Nature is the best thing you can do. But if you do get a cat, try a sample of the meat - IMO it's the best out there.

BiG Boar
12-12-2011, 11:29 AM
If the coyote meat smells sweet, she's an eater for sure. Take the back straps at least. Best cooked over an open fire.

12-12-2011, 02:20 PM
Cougars I'll eat... Bobcats and lynx=dog food

12-12-2011, 03:17 PM
Back home in ontario the local trappers confederation use to hold wild game dinners. They'd pretty much have anything from squirrel right up to moose.

12-12-2011, 04:48 PM
I used to bring the Yotes home where I could skin the pelts easily then take the carcass back out to the wilds. It was never a problem because when the pelts are prime, late October to about 2nd of 3rd week in January, it was clod enough to be able to keep he for a day or two before returning them to nature.

By February the pelts are all split hairs and before end of October they are "blue".

12-12-2011, 05:23 PM
OK, newb question but gotta ask, What do you guys do with the skins?

12-12-2011, 05:37 PM
It was a really good day for coyote killing they were coming in on a string killed 4 and the other 5 got away now the work begins skining them out. I just use a les johnson mouth call and it seems to work like a charm. I use a 22-250,with 45grain hollow points they work well. Once done skinning them i talk them to the local trapper and he sells them for me

12-12-2011, 06:24 PM
OK, newb question but gotta ask, What do you guys do with the skins?

I posted a link to a site that auctions fur in another thread. See it below. You have to stretch and dry the pelts for marketing. Any holes or tears can be stitched up with dental floss while the pelt is still wet. This doesn't depreciate the value. When you get a little experience you can pelt out a Yote in about 10 minutes each then stitch the tears or holes then pull onto a board that you can easily make. To pelt out a Yote you start at the anus and make an incision in the hide from the tail down to the start of the sex organs. Then use a couple of wood dowels to work the bone out of the tail. then you pull the hide off like a tube careful to keep the feet, ears, eye sockets and around the mouth (keep the whiskers and eye lashes intact). You can put the pet in a sealed black garbage bag, squeezing out all the air, for stretching and drying later. It's better, I find to do 3, 4 or more on the stretching boards at once and better in warmer weather or in a basement.

Some wives really have trouble with the smell of drying pelts in the basement so I wait till warmer weather in spring. It's nice when the temp is above freezing duiring the day. Pelts are prime mid October to mid January. Before October the pelts are "blue" after January the hair becomes frizzy because of split ends.

It has been a lot of years since I pelted out a Yote and best to check on the net to make sure my info is current. Mistakes can drop the value severely. Phone or E-mail these guys for all current info. http://www.furharvesters.com/ If you have a Smart phone execute the QR code in my avatar.

Ken Olychick

12-12-2011, 06:37 PM
wow thats an awsome site! thanks for the post!

12-13-2011, 06:07 PM
Thanks for the info & web site...I just might be hunting me some 'yotes'