View Full Version : Flyfishing Kamchatka

11-24-2011, 01:29 PM
"These fish hit that huge fly broadside because they're Killers! They WANT to KILL something!" :twisted:

DEFINITELY on my Bucket List! VERY much hope to make it there before I wander on!

A little bit of promo in these vids, but a good amount of Great Action footage!


ENJOY! http://forum.flybc.ca/style_emoticons/default/hangloose.gif


11-24-2011, 02:34 PM
i wanna go

11-24-2011, 02:58 PM
i wanna go to!

11-24-2011, 03:10 PM
Great video called EASTERN RISES. Watch it. All about Kamchatka flyfishing. And one of te best fishin videos artistically speaking I have ever seen.

11-24-2011, 03:23 PM
Great video called EASTERN RISES. Watch it. All about Kamchatka flyfishing. And one of the best fishing videos artistically speaking I have ever seen.

Have yet to see that, but a Buddy is bringing me a copy through the holidaze. Certain to make me NEED to go there even more!! :twisted:

Here's a sneak preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yignZc2JtoE


11-24-2011, 03:57 PM
That does look awesome. Thanks for posting.

11-25-2011, 08:06 AM
Heard of mousing for big Brown Trout, but Rainbows?.... Now that is cool!

11-25-2011, 09:58 AM
Heard of mousing for big Brown Trout, but Rainbows?.... Now that is cool!

aYup! Certainly is!! :twisted:

Back in the day the Crowsnest area had quite a few Uber-Large Browns. And of course being Young Guns with Attitude, me and The Ladz were keen to figure out just how to land them repeatedly. We had the standard mouse-trap pail in camp, which collected loads of "bait" to experiment with. We found a wire harness behind the mouses shoulders with a trailing siwash was DEADLY just at and after nightfall. Was a REEL Rush to watch those big ol' Hawgs smash the mice with Absolute Ferocity!! And the fight was nothing short of incredible!!

From what the videos show, methinks "live bait" simply ain't required on those systems. A LOT of BIG Bows!!

Always dreamed of combining a Maral and Marco Polo Sheep hunt with a fishing foray of this type! Now to win the Lottery TWICE in order to Make It So!! :mrgreen:


11-25-2011, 09:48 PM
go for this one.. much more fun and much more harder to get..

11-25-2011, 10:20 PM
aYup! Certainly is!! :twisted:

Back in the day the Crowsnest area had quite a few Uber-Large Browns. And of course being Young Guns with Attitude, me and The Ladz were keen to figure out just how to land them repeatedly. We had the standard mouse-trap pail in camp, which collected loads of "bait" to experiment with. We found a wire harness behind the mouses shoulders with a trailing siwash was DEADLY just at and after nightfall. Was a REEL Rush to watch those big ol' Hawgs smash the mice with Absolute Ferocity!! And the fight was nothing short of incredible!!

From what the videos show, methinks "live bait" simply ain't required on those systems. A LOT of BIG Bows!!


I grew up fishing the Cowichan for Browns and caught many on the dry fly. Nothing huge (biggest was 26 1/2 inches long) but have heard stories of fish over 10 pounds. Some guy's stand by the mouse pattern at night on a big moon. Other's like big white streamers. Pretty much the only way to be consistantly into big fish on the Cowichan is by fishing the night bite. I find it incredible that those rainbows are that ferocious during the middle of the day. And the size and color of those fish is something else too. Thanks for posting these clips there Nog! That would be a dream to be able to persue Rainbows like those.