View Full Version : Sonething we should be aware of.

11-19-2011, 11:34 PM
It seems that we are encountering an ever increasing wolf population. With this in mind, it then may be that there will be an increased exposure to parasites that are relevent to the wild canines.
The one that concern me the most is the Hydatid Disease Tapeworm.
Of course exposure is increased if you handle them in course of skinning them. But did you know that you can also be exposed to the eggs from the scats of wolves and coyotes. Simply kicking a turd could put the eggs on your boot and you can become exposed or inflicted when removing your boots. Also, those that think that drinking water from alpine sources should re-think the purity of that water source also. If the water source is exposed to wolf scat, then the eggs could be in that water. Taking extra precaution would not be out of order.
On top of that, the deer and moose that we harvest, could also have the worm crawling about inside as we dress the animal therby exposing ourselves once again.
Peruse this link for a more concise information.

11-20-2011, 09:12 AM
Boy that's a eye opener!!Thanks for the info

11-20-2011, 11:43 AM
Just another reason to go slug some wolves, this winter.

BiG Boar
11-20-2011, 12:03 PM
Anyone know what the infection rate is like here in BC? Also, what about coyotes? They recomend wearing gloves when skinning wolves in the BC regulations but they don't do the same for Coyotes.

I will avoid kicking wolf crap from now on aslo.