View Full Version : Curious about others opinions on muley hunt.

11-18-2011, 11:32 PM
Here's the scenario....
Hunted the same ridge and sage flats for three days last week end. We had great days repeatedly coming up on about four different groups of does (usually about 5 -7 in each group). Amongst all of these there were a few small bucks and one particularly large 3 point that seemed to be making his way between most of the groups. We know its the same buck because he is unusually big and his rack is almost perfectly symmetrical. Early on that week end in the same area I viewed some lucky fellows posing with a good sized 4 point through my binoculars.

We kept hammering the same ridge for all three days in the hope that with so many does in the area there was bound to be more larger bucks making there way through the area....No such luck!


Was this the right approach or should we have moved on when we new that one large buck had already been taken out and the only other buck was not a shooter?

I am going out this Sunday....Should I go to the same spot with the hope that 1 week might be enough time for other bucks to make there way in to the area?

11-18-2011, 11:40 PM
Youll never know-you could have went somewhere else and seen no shooters and wondered if you would have stayed if that big one woulda showed..
Bucks are travelling lots rite now, id say your in a good area and just keep puttin in time, where theres does...-well u know the rest...
Sometimes you get nocturnal bucks.
I see your frustration tho when you keep seeing lil bucks and think the big one is gone.. Id say dont throw out that spot completely, can u try a day there and a day in another nearby area?

11-18-2011, 11:53 PM
Ya...you get what I,m saying...

Only have a couple days left free to hunt. I,ve got a reno waiting...

I,m leaning to the 'sticking it out' scenario.

Thanks for the advice

11-18-2011, 11:57 PM
patience is usually rewarded...keep doggin the does

11-19-2011, 12:01 AM
Buddy just dropped a HOG out of a group and on a small mountain, days later other buddies blew it on a MONSTER within yards of where his Jr, died. They are men looking for loving, since when do guys stop harassing the hottest chick in the bar ........ never .... another stud will come eventually !


11-19-2011, 03:58 AM
My opinion is I would go back to where them does are a shooter buck will pick up on them does very soon ,good luck hope you see a shooter..

11-19-2011, 07:43 AM
Buddy blew a shot on a 4x4 years back, knocked hair off his back, I shot the same buck 8km away and three days later. They move lots in the rut. The big bucks will hide until they see the small bucks tending a doe in heat... I would stick to those does big time!!!

11-19-2011, 08:10 AM
I prefer to hunt an area where I am at least seeing sign and know the area as opposed to moving to a new area with a big ? mark if you are going to see anything..with your time left...I say stick it out....

11-19-2011, 08:15 AM
Good luck Bosca! I hope it works out for you and cant wait to see a pic

11-19-2011, 08:19 AM
Yup, stick with the does, defnately!


11-19-2011, 08:26 AM
My motto: "Hunt the does during the rut."

The bigger buck is probably there already. He's just smart enough to put the deke on you while you watch the 2 points and the does. :wink:

11-19-2011, 09:06 AM
We got a saying on the West Coast that I think applies here. "Stick and stay and make it pay!" Good luck man, I wish I had a spot to go to, I knew there were a bunch of hot does waiting to be bred!!

11-19-2011, 11:17 AM
ive killed a number of bucks while they were dogging a doe. in at least 3 cases, while I was still gutting/packing the deer, other shooters were within bow range checking out what happened.

watch those does.