View Full Version : Cheeks without Dekes

11-18-2011, 11:46 AM
So, KLP1 was at it again this am the snow didn't slow us down, nor did it prevent us from driving into our field.
The flight started a good 1/2hr before legal, courtesy of the snow. When legal arrived we whacked a pair of drake Lards, and then it all stopped. All the traffic was flying at least a 1/2mile AGL :evil:.

Somewhere around 0800, after watching a couple 500 swans fly around, a few cheeks started to get on the move. Course we didn't pack any goose dekes into the field today. But that doesn't stop Lorne from just laying on his Saunders traffic, turns them on a dime. He may be ugly and not that good of a shot, but god damm can he call cheeks. Small flock gives us a look but hates the triple robos, and pisses off. Shortly there after a solo cheek is flying around looking for love, however, what he finds as he makes a pass over the robos is a chest full of steel.

about a 1/2hr later a flock of about 10 cheeks, lead by a slimy lesser, again Lorne Lays on that Saunders. They turn right on the far side of the robos, and we send a volley at them. One cheeks peels off and circles back I offer up my last shell into him and down he goes.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380922_10150361096301610_515476609_8611582_1173126 240_n.jpg

So not a bad day considering how slow it was, and I came home to find out the Queen has seen fit to send me to the Nucks game on Sunday for CF appreciation night. :mrgreen:


11-18-2011, 01:17 PM
We also shot all drakes, lards and cheeks

field marshal
11-18-2011, 01:21 PM
So, KLP1 was at it again this am the snow didn't slow us down, nor did it prevent us from driving into our field.
The flight started a good 1/2hr before legal, courtesy of the snow. When legal arrived we whacked a pair of drake Lards, and then it all stopped. All the traffic was flying at least a 1/2mile AGL :evil:.

Somewhere around 0800, after watching a couple 500 swans fly around, a few cheeks started to get on the move. Course we didn't pack any goose dekes into the field today. But that doesn't stop Lorne from just laying on his Saunders traffic, turns them on a dime. He may be ugly and not that good of a shot, but god damm can he call cheeks. Small flock gives us a look but hates the triple robos, and pisses off. Shortly there after a solo cheek is flying around looking for love, however, what he finds as he makes a pass over the robos is a chest full of steel.

about a 1/2hr later a flock of about 10 cheeks, lead by a slimy lesser, again Lorne Lays on that Saunders. They turn right on the far side of the robos, and we send a volley at them. One cheeks peels off and circles back I offer up my last shell into him and down he goes.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380922_10150361096301610_515476609_8611582_1173126 240_n.jpg

So not a bad day considering how slow it was, and I came home to find out the Queen has seen fit to send me to the Nucks game on Sunday for CF appreciation night. :mrgreen:

303 Seems going to a Canuck's game is more like a punishment than a reward???????????-----Field Marshal.