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View Full Version : Permit Hunters abusing road closures

11-15-2011, 09:44 PM
Just wanting to know if I'm the only one frustrated with all these Disabled permit hunters abusing all our road closures. And let me make my self clear, these aren't Disabled hunters i'm speaking of, these are rotten *******s that don't want to work as hard as us, but want to reap the benefits of hunting a low-pressured area that hold trophy quality animals. I personally know of a couple in particular that have acquired one of these permits and continually drive past me while i'm 20kms up a road closure on my horses. One of them is a full time mechanic at Canadian Tire here in Castlegar. Could someone tell me how this tit can have any kind of physical disability that would make him eligible for a permit, yet not serious enough to prevent him from working 40hrs a week as a automotive mechanic.

I don't know the answer, but i do know that the Ministry needs to change this program.....it's the biggest joke running right now. The local CO's are spending way too much time trying to regulate these idiots and guys like me are getting tired of putting in the work, sleeping in the weather, and packing out meat while these guys drive past and screw up our hunts.

Any thoughts on how to deal with these guys?

11-15-2011, 09:47 PM
Can't beat em... Join em!!

11-15-2011, 10:00 PM
I'll trade you my permit for your legs. :-D

11-15-2011, 10:33 PM
Road closures, should be road closures, no exceptions for anyone!!!
There are tons of roads that anyone can drive!

11-15-2011, 10:39 PM
I qualify for a disability permit,but I'll be f**8ed if I'll get one as long as I can put one foot in front of the other.I know people with these permits too,that don't deserve them.They give the people who DO need them a bad name. Gunner

11-15-2011, 10:45 PM
Hey Mark , I would like to see your post when you are 72 years old , Your pumper has a leak and runs rough , pacemaker and meds to keep you going and must sleep with a ventilater .
I have all that ,but when some sort sighted young wippersnapper tells me I must hunt from a vehical that Pacemaker slips into a "Demand cycle" and I could get cranky . LOL

11-15-2011, 10:45 PM
Just open the roads for all.

11-15-2011, 10:47 PM
how is it that they can get passed the road closures?

11-15-2011, 10:52 PM
Hey Mark , I would like to see your post when you are 72 years old , Your pumper has a leak and runs rough , pacemaker and meds to keep you going and must sleep with a ventilater .
I have all that ,but when some sort sighted young wippersnapper tells me I must hunt from a vehical that Pacemaker slips into a "Demand cycle" and I could get cranky . LOL

Hey get a permit to shoot from a truck, hunt the seniors cow elk season etc....but a road closure means no vehicles, simple as that!!!!
Why do disabled people need to hunt areas where theres road closures?????
Seems it just leads to abuse of the system anyways.....1 guys doc says he has a bad knee, and he brings all his buddies (to help him pack)

11-15-2011, 10:53 PM
k i want to keep neutral in this convo, but there are actually a heck of a lot of roads that are open for vehicles, i don't see a problem with closing roads but i think that there should be only some roads open to vehicles, some are actually very prone to erosion and what not, and while still huntable don't like 6000lbs of steel running all over them. i am both ways on this one, i do believe they need a stricter program, and that some roads should be fully closed, to give opportunities to those willing to attempt them

Johnny G1
11-15-2011, 10:54 PM
Great first posting if I do say so myself, the day might come young fellow when you mite need a permit????

11-15-2011, 10:57 PM
Hey get a permit to shoot from a truck, hunt the seniors cow elk season etc....but a road closure means no vehicles, simple as that!!!!
Why do disabled people need to hunt areas where theres road closures?????
Seems it just leads to abuse of the system anyways.....1 guys doc says he has a bad knee, and he brings all his buddies (to help him pack)

Because the only reason disabled people can't hunt the area is due to a road closure. Everyone else has access. Some may choose not to use it because of laziness, but that is their choice.

11-15-2011, 10:57 PM
Great first posting if I do say so myself, the day might come young fellow when you mite need a permit????

Why would anyone "NEED" a permit to drive into a "ROAD CLOSED" area????????

11-15-2011, 10:58 PM
Gee Wiz Mark , now your telling me what and how to hunt . You mind your elders . LOL
FYI , a permit holder may NOT bring in all his buddies.

11-15-2011, 11:04 PM
Gee Wiz Mark , now your telling me what and how to hunt . You mind your elders . LOL
FYI , a permit holder may NOT bring in all his buddies.

Where did I tell you how to hunt??????????????

So If a disabled guy cant bring his buddies to help him, hows he supposed to get his animal in the pick-up?????????

11-15-2011, 11:11 PM
Hey get a permit to shoot from a truck, hunt the seniors cow elk season etc....but a road closure means no vehicles, simple as that!!!!
Why do disabled people need to hunt areas where theres road closures?????
Seems it just leads to abuse of the system anyways.....1 guys doc says he has a bad knee, and he brings all his buddies (to help him pack)

Seems clear enough .....

11-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Mark , by now you know that I hunt with a permit . I do not in any way abuse them .......
I have met no one who begrudges me and all are supportive .
I do appreciate your opinion .....

11-15-2011, 11:34 PM
Just wanting to know if I'm the only one frustrated with all these Disabled permit hunters abusing all our road closures. And let me make my self clear, these aren't Disabled hunters i'm speaking of, these are rotten *******s that don't want to work as hard as us, but want to reap the benefits of hunting a low-pressured area that hold trophy quality animals. I personally know of a couple in particular that have acquired one of these permits and continually drive past me while i'm 20kms up a road closure on my horses. One of them is a full time mechanic at Canadian Tire here in Castlegar. Could someone tell me how this tit can have any kind of physical disability that would make him eligible for a permit, yet not serious enough to prevent him from working 40hrs a week as a automotive mechanic.

I don't know the answer, but i do know that the Ministry needs to change this program.....it's the biggest joke running right now. The local CO's are spending way too much time trying to regulate these idiots and guys like me are getting tired of putting in the work, sleeping in the weather, and packing out meat while these guys drive past and screw up our hunts.

Any thoughts on how to deal with these guys?

First of all Not all Disabled Permit holders abuse ALL the road closures . They are limited to one trip a day up to a total 30 km and only on roads that are applied for and granted .
How you handle him is not by blameing all disabled hunters but buy reporting him .

11-15-2011, 11:58 PM
I am not quite sure I get this post. If the hunter is truly Disabled and uses a permit to access some road closer for the joy of getting out. Is the sport of hunting not for one to get out and injoy himself. We all age and are bodies start stopping us from going the distance we use to. So there people who take the time to get the permit so they can try to go a little farther. I my self think it is great these people get the permints and get out to injoy what they love to do. I think it is good on them they try to get to the remote places to try to get the trophey animal. so some off us have to work a little harder and sleep in the rain to pack out are animals. We are luckey we can still do that as am I sure some of these disabled guys would love to be in are shoes.

We are all hunters and we should stick together instead of trying to take stuff away from each other. There to many other groups trying to take away what we love why should we do it to one another.

just my 2 cents

11-16-2011, 12:00 AM
I would also to see some areas(roads) that are only for FOOT traffic, no vehicles horses or anything other than feet. Nice to hike into some araes and know only other hikers will be there. I also do not like to see guides getting permits to drive there clients into there camps....I have seen this amny times in the Flathead. If I have to walk so does the paying hunter.

11-16-2011, 12:10 AM
Ever think of People with like MS or a bad back or anything else that maybe with them sitting in a truck look perfectly fine?

My back is a little ****ed up myself and yes I'm 18 but I will be out there walking as long as I can.

Whonnock Boy
11-16-2011, 12:29 AM
I believe the OP is most upset about 1 permit holder in particular. I don't blame him. If he can stand, hunch over vehicles, look under them, lift heavy vehicle parts for an 8 hour shift, there is no way he should have a permit.

Maybe a phone call to the local CO to voice his concerns is in order. He might be able to shed some light on the subject.

11-16-2011, 06:24 AM
Some of the permit holders I know are the same ones that 20 years ago complained about too much vehicle access, hmmmm............................

11-16-2011, 06:30 AM
Some people need to chill out. Go #$%# somebody else's day up by complaining about this or that. From this, I would have thought it was Feb and hunting season had been closed for a while.

11-16-2011, 06:42 AM
I dont think that the OP was as concerned about the "disabled" hunter coming up on him in a road closure as he was about the guy being able to obtain a permit in the first place.
From my understanding a disabled permit only allows you to shoot from the truck. And one must prove that they are unable to reasonably exit the vehicle to make a shot.
I think if this dude can be a mechanic for 8 hrs a day that he can probably exit a vehicle to make a shot. Therefor he is "abusing" the use of a disabled permit by even having one without justification. Im pretty sure that if I really wanted to, I could get a doctor to sign a form stating hat I qualify too, not that hard to snow a doctor, But I wont.
If the OP is actually complaining about some one driving up a road (closed or not) thats got nothing to do with a disabled hunter, as anyone can drive a rhino.

11-16-2011, 06:43 AM
Time to get rid of all vehicle access closures that are not in place for conservation or environmental reasons.

The dipschit above doesn't understand that the Canadian Tire mechanic is probably the non-gun toting wrangler allowed to help the disabled guy get his meat out.

I have not once wished that I was disabled so I could drive into a closed area. To be jealous of someone with a disability must mean one's life is a real ****ed up mess in other ways.

WTF is in that West Kootenay water, anyways?

11-16-2011, 10:42 AM
half of the responses here sicken me, especially for a first post, or is that your Joke?
permits ar available for those that may be at risk for a serious health problem, or disabled or something along those lines. I personally have had two heart attacks and suffer from heart disease and am high risk for another heart attack, i currently do not have any kind of special permit to go on any road closure, however, that being said, if i was up a road closure and saw that someone had a permit to drive it then so be it, there is lots of medical conditions that are not visible to the eye, if you were talking to myself you would not know that i have a heart condition, and that goes for a few others i know.
you people all sicken me that you do not want to allow a disabled hunter to go into "your" precious spot.
put the shoe on the other foot you arseholes and keep you lame crying comments to yourselves.

11-16-2011, 11:06 AM
Oh, are we done getting pissed at native hunting rights so we are moving on to hating the handicapped? I can't keep up. Maybe when you open the site it should say who we are hating on today.

11-16-2011, 11:12 AM
half of the responses here sicken me, especially for a first post, or is that your Joke?
permits ar available for those that may be at risk for a serious health problem, or disabled or something along those lines. I personally have had two heart attacks and suffer from heart disease and am high risk for another heart attack, i currently do not have any kind of special permit to go on any road closure, however, that being said, if i was up a road closure and saw that someone had a permit to drive it then so be it, there is lots of medical conditions that are not visible to the eye, if you were talking to myself you would not know that i have a heart condition, and that goes for a few others i know.
you people all sicken me that you do not want to allow a disabled hunter to go into "your" precious spot.
put the shoe on the other foot you arseholes and keep you lame crying comments to yourselves.

Good post Ddog!.

I've have been reading this thread and, honestly I'm a little pissed at what some people have posted. Maybe they should spend a day with me road hunting and they would know what its like not be able to walk, let alone stand up and hold a firearm. I depend 100% on someone with me to do the retrieval and dirty work. Granted, there are some people who abuse the system. It happens with the wheelchair parking permits, but like you say, not all people have a visual disability. In the past,when I applied for certain road closure access in the east kootenays, I was denied and offered other roads to access that I never heard about let alone know where they are. Road permit access is up to the Regional Manager of the region to okay or deny.
If the OP has a problem with this Permit holder, maybe he should turn him in and go from there?.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 11:18 AM
If the OP wants to LEARN about a special privilege, he should ASK the one's that have it.

Chat him up, see what comes of it.
Flaming about it here is futile.

11-16-2011, 11:27 AM
First of all Not all Disabled Permit holders abuse ALL the road closures . They are limited to one trip a day up to a total 30 km and only on roads that are applied for and granted .
How you handle him is not by blameing all disabled hunters but buy reporting him .

Thanks for putting that information out there I did not know of these restrictions. I thought if you had the permit you could go any time and any place.

11-16-2011, 11:45 AM
Thanks for putting that information out there I did not know of these restrictions. I thought if you had the permit you could go any time and any place.

I think Greybark is dreaming. No where on my permit does it say restricted to 30km per day.:confused:

11-16-2011, 12:10 PM
H ey d6dan , My permit is for access only and not rifle discharge from a vehical .
My permit states speed not to exceed 10kmh , 30km a day limit and limited to 60kgs of gear not related to hunting. Appendix A Permit CB11-73081
I can`t find the one trip rule but am sure it applies.
No dreaming on this one .LOL Do you hunt Rock Ck for WT ?

Bro 300
11-16-2011, 12:14 PM
Well, lets face it. The reason a lot of roads get closed is because an outfitter can have their own private hunting. So they can use their horses and nobody with a vehicle can use the roads. Eg: Sage creek main line in the Flatheads. Used to be able to drive the main line and hunt all the valleys up till the nineties. Then the road was closed and the outfitter built his lodge right at the closure. So if a disabled BC hunter can drive up there and hunt, then that's great. We are all British Columbians!


11-16-2011, 12:34 PM
H ey d6dan , My permit is for access only and not rifle discharge from a vehical .
My permit states speed not to exceed 10kmh , 30km a day limit and limited to 60kgs of gear not related to hunting. Appendix A Permit CB11-73081
I can`t find the one trip rule but am sure it applies.
No dreaming on this one .LOL Do you hunt Rock Ck for WT ?

Well, I'm not a bowhunter (no pun intended) and I've had a permit since 1996, and I've never had a limit of km's on it..You must walk?. I don't.

I hunt Grand Forks, but I do know Rock Creek area.:-D. Logged the shit out of that country in the 80's.

Getting back to the permit. Do want to see a copy of mine?. No limits of any kind and good for 5 yrs. Mine is for discharge of firearms from a vehicle and access. I rather be walking:icon_frow.

11-16-2011, 12:37 PM
In the past,when I applied for certain road closure access in the east kootenays, I was denied and offered other roads to access that I never heard about let alone know where they are. Road permit access is up to the Regional Manager of the region to okay or deny.
If the OP has a problem with this Permit holder, maybe he should turn him in and go from there?.

My favourite one is "I won't give you a permit there because the guide will be upset" - and yes, the EK are the worst for this.

I think Greybark is dreaming. No where on my permit does it say restricted to 30km per day.:confused:

I have the same restrictions and I don't walk either.

11-16-2011, 12:44 PM
...So if a disabled BC hunter can drive up there and hunt, then that's great. We are all British Columbians!...

Well not really, can you drive up there?

Wheelin Sportsman
11-16-2011, 12:44 PM
As a disabled hunter (low level quadraplegic) i can most deffinately vouche for the abuse of permits ive seen,from the shooting from vehicle to a simple parking permit,its laughable who can obtain them. I find my access to the bush becoming more and more limited especially here on the Island,they dont make gates high enough for me to get under,and you deactivate a road with a 3 foot hole im screwed and now all the private property signs going up by the forest companies..well,its gettin tough. One of the things ive come to enjoy though are the no vehicle access roads..it gives me a chance to jump in an electric wheelchair i tote along for access into the bush when i can find it and go for boot without having to worry about getting splattered by some monster 4x4 tearing down the road and normally there left in decent shape.Dont think i'll ever apply for the access permit myself..

11-16-2011, 12:54 PM
As a disabled hunter (low level quadraplegic) i can most deffinately vouche for the abuse of permits ive seen,from the shooting from vehicle to a simple parking permit,its laughable who can obtain them. I find my access to the bush becoming more and more limited especially here on the Island,they dont make gates high enough for me to get under,and you deactivate a road with a 3 foot hole im screwed and now all the private property signs going up by the forest companies..well,its gettin tough. One of the things ive come to enjoy though are the no vehicle access roads..it gives me a chance to jump in an electric wheelchair i tote along for access into the bush when i can find it and go for boot without having to worry about getting splattered by some monster 4x4 tearing down the road and normally there left in decent shape.Dont think i'll ever apply for the access permit myself..

Good post Wheelin Sportsman.

I too have a electric chair, but have no way to get it out to the bush roads.:cry:

11-16-2011, 12:56 PM
half of the responses here sicken me, especially for a first post, or is that your Joke?
permits ar available for those that may be at risk for a serious health problem, or disabled or something along those lines. I personally have had two heart attacks and suffer from heart disease and am high risk for another heart attack, i currently do not have any kind of special permit to go on any road closure, however, that being said, if i was up a road closure and saw that someone had a permit to drive it then so be it, there is lots of medical conditions that are not visible to the eye, if you were talking to myself you would not know that i have a heart condition, and that goes for a few others i know.
you people all sicken me that you do not want to allow a disabled hunter to go into "your" precious spot.

put the shoe on the other foot you arseholes and keep you lame crying comments to yourselves.

I dont like getting involved in these hreads but,,,,,
10-4 on this one D Dog.
There is alot of BC out there for all. And if some Disabled guy drives by me so be it, im glad im walking.
Why we argue so damed much i'll never know. Maybe all you interior guys should spend some time on the island and get used to "High density hunting" You might then not be so strung up on Disability etc.

Wheelin Sportsman
11-16-2011, 01:15 PM
The thing to remember about permits is,dont believe for a second that any of us disabled hunters ''want'' them,we ''need'' them.

11-16-2011, 01:22 PM
Well, I'm not a bowhunter (no pun intended) and I've had a permit since 1996, and I've never had a limit of km's on it..You must walk?. I don't.

I hunt Grand Forks, but I do know Rock Creek area.:-D. Logged the shit out of that country in the 80's.

Getting back to the permit. Do want to see a copy of mine?. No limits of any kind and good for 5 yrs. Mine is for discharge of firearms from a vehicle and access. I rather be walking:icon_frow.

No need to see your copy as I was the one dreaming .LOL. I manage short no grade hills . Hope to bump into you one of these days .

Wheelin Sportsman
11-16-2011, 01:24 PM
Good post Wheelin Sportsman.

I too have a electric chair, but have no way to get it out to the bush roads.:cry:

The rate its going around here now there'll be no bush roads for us to access anyways..

11-16-2011, 01:46 PM
Hope to bump into you one of these days .

Like wise..

11-16-2011, 01:48 PM
The rate its going around here now there'll be no bush roads for us to access anyways..

Yeah, I hear ya..tough enough getting out, let alone finding a road where there isn't any "road hunters".:shock:

11-16-2011, 01:50 PM
Sorry for getting off track on this thread, But looking at the OP's user name kinda makes me wonder?:?

11-16-2011, 02:01 PM
Sorry for getting off track on this thread, But looking at the OP's user name kinda makes me wonder?:?

yep, New guy,,,, starts one of the big 5 contravercial threads and has nothing to add after 47 posts?
sounds to me like a second identity.

11-16-2011, 02:37 PM
I’m with Mark on this one. I say get rid of them (the permits, not the holders J)!

I’m not suggesting that I won’t one day get old and not be able to do what I can right now. I truly sympathise with anyone who is excluded from taking part in activities that he/she might love and others take for granted. I’m saying that those road closures are there because it has been determined that vehicular traffic is detrimental to maintaining a particular environmental value. What makes the vehicle of a permit holder less detrimental than mine? There are uncounted roads where anyone can hunt from a vehicle. What’s wrong with hunting there? Come to Kamloops! I could burn a full 100L tank of gas road hunting and never step out of my truck. Some days I choose to do that and some I don’t.

When I choose not to, how far I hike and how I get my game back is a function of my own physical handicap. It’s not as far and not as epic as when I was in my early 20s, but maybe a bit farther than last year when I was 15lb heavier and smoking. It is still much farther than some might be able to do, but laughably short compared to some others. So because I can no longer hike as far as I used to or pack with the stamina that I used to, should I expect to be able to rip through sensitive areas (that I used to hike) with a motorized vehicle now? Where is the line between what I’m entitled to do and another guy is entitled to, and who’s making that call? Your doctor might be able to say that you can’t tie your shoe and I can, but can he gauge the fact that you as a permit holder might drive up that road every day for the entire length of the road and I might only drive that road once a season for the bottom 5K?

I guess what I’m getting at is that we all adapt our hunting strategies to our individual abilities rather than expect exemption from social rules that are there for the benefit of the resource users.

I call bullsh*t on the “pro” road permit argument.

Edit: I am totally in favor of permits for the physically handicapped to shoot from vehicles.

11-16-2011, 02:45 PM
Explain to me how a guy with Carpal Tunnel gets a disabled permit?

11-16-2011, 02:51 PM
Explain to me how a guy with Carpal Tunnel gets a disabled permit?

Why don't you explain to us what the CO's said when you made the complaint about the abuse of the permit?

11-16-2011, 03:01 PM
I am totally in favor of permits for the physically handicapped to shoot from vehicles.

I see you've come to your senses on this issue. Thanks..but where does it leave the non-physically disabled people?.:?

Wheelin Sportsman
11-16-2011, 03:05 PM
Heres copy of the application if interested


11-16-2011, 03:23 PM
And here's a copy of the medical form your Dr needs to fill out Legitimately.


11-16-2011, 03:44 PM
Why don't you explain to us what the CO's said when you made the complaint about the abuse of the permit?

Local CO handed out around 10 citations for infractions. Mainly for guys exceeding their daily limit of travel.

11-16-2011, 03:48 PM
Local CO handed out around 10 citations for infractions. Mainly for guys exceeding their daily limit of travel.

So did he do anything about the mechanic?

11-16-2011, 03:49 PM
Local CO handed out around 10 citations for infractions. Mainly for guys exceeding their daily limit of travel.

I really want to make it clear i'm by no means speaking of legitimate permit holders....it's the guys that i know that are completely able bodied who are getting them to hunt low pressure areas which produce trophy animals. I know them, and see them doing it. For example one guy had his wife get a permit for her carpal tunnel. Because a permit holder is allowed one able bodied partner, he drives her up into the road closure........do you think he's letting her pull the trigger on a 350" bull elk, or a 180 class mule deer????? These areas aren't being abused by people looking for meat deer or elk....they're being used to pull out trophies.

11-16-2011, 03:53 PM
So did he do anything about the mechanic?

He's filing a report for the Ministry to review on his experiences over the last 2 years since our bull season has opened up in region 4. He told me before the bull elk season opened we had around 5-10 local permit holders. Since the opening of the bull elk season it's more the quadrupled.

11-16-2011, 03:58 PM
Well, it looks as if he is taking an interest in the abusers. Video evidence is always helpful for this stuff, too.

11-16-2011, 04:09 PM
Interesting thread. Two years ago I was getting firewood up a road closure when a hunter in a jeep came along. Some loggers had placed a log across the road to keep people out of the area they were actively working ( It was Sunday, and they had the day off). The hunter ( about 45 yo) jumped out of his jeep to move the log, which he did...by hand...and with a great show of athleticism. I told him the road was closed for hunting. He told me he had a disabled permit. I was baffled. Sure made me wonder how much abuse of the permits was really going on.

11-16-2011, 04:21 PM
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

11-16-2011, 04:33 PM
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

That's one helluva post Bigbuck - as far as I'm concerned, it's all I need to read to realize the truth of this matter and what's really important.

Thank you for your "2 cents" and I hope for a miracle for you.

11-16-2011, 04:33 PM
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

That gave me the shivers, And is why i have no problem with special privlage for people.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 04:35 PM
Interesting thread. Two years ago I was getting firewood up a road closure when a hunter in a jeep came along. Some loggers had placed a log across the road to keep people out of the area they were actively working ( It was Sunday, and they had the day off). The hunter ( about 45 yo) jumped out of his jeep to move the log, which he did...by hand...and with a great show of athleticism. I told him the road was closed for hunting. He told me he had a disabled permit. I was baffled. Sure made me wonder how much abuse of the permits was really going on.

He may have had a strong back but maybe his knees can't handle hill climbs. :rolleyes:

Who knows...... Disabilities take on a whole new meaning to life. Just because one isn't easily recognizable, doesn't mean that one (or more) doesn't exist.

If someone has suspicions, he should report it to the CO. That's all ya can do.

11-16-2011, 04:37 PM
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

That's tough. I hope a cure to this devastating disease finds you in time.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 04:41 PM
That's tough. I hope a cure to this devastating disease finds you in time.

That's a wicked pill to swallow and I wish him well.

Keep at 'er!
I'm rootin' for ya. :smile:

11-16-2011, 04:53 PM
I'm originally from Quebec, does that mean I can apply for a disabled permit?

11-16-2011, 05:03 PM
I'm originally from Quebec, does that mean I can apply for a disabled permit?

You'll need more than a permit :mrgreen: .

11-16-2011, 05:16 PM
I feel bad for guys that cant walk and id never wish that on anyone, but if i saw anyone ripping past me on their quad or truck up a closed road hunting. I'd slash his tires out permit or no permit. The fact that i have to follow these rules for hunting isnt fair and so is life. So why should the government try to make life fair for people by applying rules to some people and not others. Just my 2 cents, rant away !

11-16-2011, 05:30 PM
He's filing a report for the Ministry to review on his experiences over the last 2 years since our bull season has opened up in region 4. He told me before the bull elk season opened we had around 5-10 local permit holders. Since the opening of the bull elk season it's more the quadrupled.

Duh. 100 : 1 LEH doesn't encourage participation in hunting, does it?

Why don't you get your lazy ass off the road if you don't like handicapped people in trucks? You're the one who can do something about it, they can't. Instead, you want to restrict their experiences in the bush because you road hunt off a horse. Brutal.

11-16-2011, 05:49 PM
I feel bad for guys that cant walk and id never wish that on anyone, but if i saw anyone ripping past me on their quad or truck up a closed road hunting. I'd slash his tires out permit or no permit. The fact that i have to follow these rules for hunting isnt fair and so is life. So why should the government try to make life fair for people by applying rules to some people and not others. Just my 2 cents, rant away !

Probably a poor choice.

11-16-2011, 05:52 PM
Agreed, slashing tires out of someone who is carrying a gun... Sounds like a smart move to me ;)

11-16-2011, 06:10 PM
I feel bad for guys that cant walk and id never wish that on anyone, but if i saw anyone ripping past me on their quad or truck up a closed road hunting. I'd slash his tires out permit or no permit. The fact that i have to follow these rules for hunting isnt fair and so is life. So why should the government try to make life fair for people by applying rules to some people and not others. Just my 2 cents, rant away !

And you'd more than deserve the beating you could get for slashing someones tires...imagine stranding a handi-capped person in the bush by vandalizing their machine...I hope your mother is proud of you.

11-16-2011, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the positive remarks guys, it does mean a lot to have support :) I do greatly appreciate it !!!

11-16-2011, 06:27 PM
Just wanting to know if I'm the only one frustrated with all these... rotten *******s that don't want to work as hard as us, but want to reap the benefits of hunting a low-pressured area that hold trophy quality animals... Any thoughts on how to deal with these guys?

There will always be slobs trying to cheat the system & look for the easy way... eventually they will get what they deserve.

continually drive past me while i'm 20kms up a road closure on my horses...and guys like me are getting tired of putting in the work, sleeping in the weather, and packing out meat while these guys drive past and screw up our hunts.

Some guys feel the same about guys on horses... :D ;)

I hike in mainly & have had guys on horses, quads & rhinos drive past me after I had hiked hours in the dark to get to that spot BUT I still manage to shoot big animals (NONE of which could be shot from anywhere near the seat of anything). Slobs & disabled hunters will get the odd animal off the road. If they need to do that - giv'er.

11-16-2011, 06:43 PM
I feel bad for guys that cant walk and id never wish that on anyone, but if i saw anyone ripping past me on their quad or truck up a closed road hunting. I'd slash his tires out permit or no permit. The fact that i have to follow these rules for hunting isnt fair and so is life. So why should the government try to make life fair for people by applying rules to some people and not others. Just my 2 cents, rant away !

Five minute major for being obtuse.

How do these people live with themselves?

11-16-2011, 06:59 PM
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

Hey Bigbuckadams , your post is the most poignant and heartfelt I have ever read . Your statment that "people who lack character will take advantage" is so true and most of them know it as it shows in there demeaner . Just watch the cringing in those who get remarked to that Parking Place is reserved for those who need it . Prayers and good wishes .

11-16-2011, 07:03 PM
I feel bad for guys that cant walk and id never wish that on anyone, but if i saw anyone ripping past me on their quad or truck up a closed road hunting. I'd slash his tires out permit or no permit. The fact that i have to follow these rules for hunting isnt fair and so is life. So why should the government try to make life fair for people by applying rules to some people and not others. Just my 2 cents, rant away !

Seriously?!! give your f***ing head a shake!
Damn right life isn't fair! The people that qualify for these permits have to live every single day of their lives with their condition! And you say you'll slash their tires because they are getting a small amount of pleasure in a difficult life because they can drive down a road that's closed?? When you can hike up any hill, throw on your pack and gun and wander around anywhere you want?
Try not being able to run around with your kids, jog with your dog, get pumped up about hiking to a remote lake or going after that goat or sheep you've always wanted to shoot!!
How the f*** does a person in Bigbuckadams' situation, who can get, should get, and should use, a permit, diminish your hunting experience? You CAN get off the roads so get off the roads!
Do people abuse pretty much everything they can? Of course, and they should be reported....but your comment is downright ignorant.
get a grip...

11-16-2011, 07:35 PM
All for giving those that have to live with physical challenges a break. I don't however feel it necessary to give privileges to those that are dealing with mobility issues caused by obesity, smoking, alcoholism or other poor life style choices. If one wants to hunt into their later years, best look after yourself. We'll all be there someday.

11-16-2011, 07:44 PM
My son was a hunter when he suffered a serious accident, it left him a quad with the use of two arms and one hand. He has not as yet taken advantage of the disability option to drive on a road closure or to discharge a firearm from his vehicle however we look forward to the day when he is able to hunt again. This website normally supports the hunting sport however with some of the opinions and attitudes expressed on this thread it makes one wonder if the website or even the sport of hunting has a chance in the future.

11-16-2011, 08:38 PM
Sounds like a West Kootenay problem. Biggest worry is somebody else shooting an animal bigger than the next guy....

Easiest solution, if it ain't for conservation scrap the road closure then all the poachers and the honest hunters can hunt together.

11-16-2011, 09:10 PM
Mark, Why do disabled people need to hunt areas where theres road closures????? These people have as much right to access all hunting areas as you do.

You do not know for what reason these people have been given these permits, I will be applying for a disability permit myself for next year and it is not as easy to get as you think.

To qualify your doctor must fill out a section of the form,listing your medical/physical restrictions and I do not think too many doctors would falsify medical information on one of these forms.

When you fill out the application, you include people to go with you to help with game retrieval and handling, so for sure there will be healthy people accompanying permit holders.

The idea that you and others on here think people with disabilities should not have special access makes me sick.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 09:32 PM
This website normally supports the hunting sport however with some of the opinions and attitudes expressed on this thread it makes one wonder if the website or even the sport of hunting has a chance in the future.

I hear ya. :sad: :mad:
But please remember who the fools are (I make a list). Then when it's their turn in need, ask them why you should offer your expertise/service to someone that's as greedy as they.

It doe's come around if we pay attention. :wink: :wink:

blackwater moose
11-16-2011, 09:38 PM
99% of the hunters will obey and respect closures and each other . it is the 1% that screws things up for other people. be glad that you are not in the 1%

11-16-2011, 10:00 PM
My dad was a permit holder a few years back, He passed away before we got to put his permit to use. He was a member of a volunteer fire dept and also a member of the RCMP who was first at the scene of a house fire, He chose to enter the house and look for anyone inside. He found some drunk inside who decided to fill the tub with water and wait out the fire was a good option , The dumbass was smoking in bed. My dad inhaled some burning toxins and forever suffered from a lung disease that attributed to whatever he inhaled that night.He passed away waiting for some donour lung's that never came.Although i am able bodied it would have been my honour too drive him into a road closure to take an animal, And any s.o.b that would have had the ball's to voice his opinion at the time would have bled. That is my 2 cents.

11-16-2011, 10:04 PM
I really want to make it clear i'm by no means speaking of legitimate permit holders....it's the guys that i know that are completely able bodied who are getting them to hunt low pressure areas which produce trophy animals. I know them, and see them doing it. For example one guy had his wife get a permit for her carpal tunnel. Because a permit holder is allowed one able bodied partner, he drives her up into the road closure........do you think he's letting her pull the trigger on a 350" bull elk, or a 180 class mule deer????? These areas aren't being abused by people looking for meat deer or elk....they're being used to pull out trophies.

This is character of hunter i am targeting in this thread

11-16-2011, 10:18 PM
I believe I understand the people you are targeting. It's some other comments I personally take offence from. I too think that the abusers should be punished. Carpal tunnel, in my opinion, doesn't warrant a special permit.

11-16-2011, 10:27 PM
This is character of hunter i am targeting in this thread

C'mon....is this really such a big problem?
You seem to know of a lot of people that are abusing these permits. If you have all the facts, then "observe, record, and report". Get all the info together and report it to a CO.
Personally, I can't recall ever hiking in a "road closed" area where people were ripping past me in trucks, quads, or rhinos. If I did, and then saw them walking or hiking, I'd call it in.
Compared to all the other $hit that goes on "out there" this really seems like a minor issue.
I'm sure there are people out there abusing the permits..just like everything else...but if that's the "premium" we have to pay to allow legitimate users get a permit, I can live with it.

11-16-2011, 10:28 PM
This is character of hunter i am targeting in this thread

Yes, you're targeting someone who might shoot a bigger animal than you, despite your access to horses and your able body. You need to either grow out of your jealousy or give up hunting, because right now, you're in it for all the wrong reasons.

11-16-2011, 10:36 PM
Yes, you're targeting someone who might shoot a bigger animal than you, despite your access to horses and your able body. You need to either grow out of your jealousy or give up hunting, because right now, you're in it for all the wrong reasons.

X2 well said

11-16-2011, 10:56 PM
As a disabled hunter (low level quadraplegic) i can most deffinately vouche for the abuse of permits ive seen,from the shooting from vehicle to a simple parking permit,its laughable who can obtain them. I find my access to the bush becoming more and more limited especially here on the Island,they dont make gates high enough for me to get under,and you deactivate a road with a 3 foot hole im screwed and now all the private property signs going up by the forest companies..well,its gettin tough. One of the things ive come to enjoy though are the no vehicle access roads..it gives me a chance to jump in an electric wheelchair i tote along for access into the bush when i can find it and go for boot without having to worry about getting splattered by some monster 4x4 tearing down the road and normally there left in decent shape.Dont think i'll ever apply for the access permit myself..

Hats off!!

11-16-2011, 11:00 PM
Although nobody has come out and said it, I sense some of the animosity coming from some of the "pro" side may be directed at my commentary.

I am a compassionate person. I understand that many of us have stories that make our hearts ache and our eyes well up. I wholly support making hunting as inclusive an activity as possible. Hell, I would even be in favor of creating "permit-only" seasons (maybe merged with the archery and/or youth seasons?) or hunting zones for physically disabled permit holders to ensure that they are given a strong chance of success. A caveat, however, would have to be that those areas are not ones judged to be adversely impacted by motor-vehicle traffic; They should not be environmentally sensitive.

The argument against the permit holders is not because we don't care to create an inclusive aspect to hunting. It is because it is environmentally detrimental for ANYBODY, able or disabled, to be driving a motor vehicle in some of the more sensitive of the road closure areas. If the intent of the road closure was not to protect environmental values, then great, open it up for permit holders.

If you are disabled, does that entitle you to ignore conservation measures such as bag-limits, limited seasons, etc? No. Do we allow the physically disabled to exploit vulnerable species? NO. So why should it entitle you to exacerbate environmental degradation?

Another caveat is that there should still be other areas (it would make sense if it were those same sensitive areas) where people can hunt and game can roam without ever running into motorized traffic, regardless of who's behind the wheel! Similar to an archery season, it would just maintain a more holistic aspect to the hunt in that area. If there are specially designated "permit only" zones too, that's fine, but they should not be the same areas.

11-16-2011, 11:09 PM
What ROAD closures are in place where driving on the ROAD will detrimentally affect the environment more than horses, bicycles, and boots?

11-16-2011, 11:14 PM
Although nobody has come out and said it, I sense some of the animosity coming from some of the "pro" side may be directed at my commentary.

I am a compassionate person. I understand that many of us have stories that make our hearts ache and our eyes well up. I wholly support making hunting as inclusive an activity as possible. Hell, I would even be in favor of creating "permit-only" seasons (maybe merged with the archery and/or youth seasons?) or hunting zones for physically disabled permit holders to ensure that they are given a strong chance of success. A caveat, however, would have to be that those areas are not ones judged to be adversely impacted by motor-vehicle traffic; They should not be environmentally sensitive.

The argument against the permit holders is not because we don't care to create an inclusive aspect to hunting. It is because it is environmentally detrimental for ANYBODY, able or disabled, to be driving a motor vehicle in some of the more sensitive of the road closure areas. If the intent of the road closure was not to protect environmental values, then great, open it up for permit holders.

If you are disabled, does that entitle you to ignore conservation measures such as bag-limits, limited seasons, etc? No. Do we allow the physically disabled to exploit vulnerable species? NO. So why should it entitle you to exacerbate environmental degradation?

Another caveat is that there should still be other areas (it would make sense if it were those same sensitive areas) where people can hunt and game can roam without ever running into motorized traffic, regardless of who's behind the wheel! Similar to an archery season, it would just maintain a more holistic aspect to the hunt in that area. If there are specially designated "permit only" zones too, that's fine, but they should not be the same areas.

I agree 100%

11-16-2011, 11:18 PM
Yes, you're targeting someone who might shoot a bigger animal than you, despite your access to horses and your able body. You need to either grow out of your jealousy or give up hunting, because right now, you're in it for all the wrong reasons.

BigBS, the OP is obviously very dedicated to hunting (investing the time to care for horses) & he enjoys hunting mature animals.

Not everyone subscribes to your philosophy of road hunting to shoot the first buck they see...

Calling out someone who is potentially breaking the rules &/or poaching should be done.

11-16-2011, 11:19 PM
Although nobody has come out and said it, I sense some of the animosity coming from some of the "pro" side may be directed at my commentary.

I am a compassionate person. I understand that many of us have stories that make our hearts ache and our eyes well up. I wholly support making hunting as inclusive an activity as possible. Hell, I would even be in favor of creating "permit-only" seasons (maybe merged with the archery and/or youth seasons?) or hunting zones for physically disabled permit holders to ensure that they are given a strong chance of success. A caveat, however, would have to be that those areas are not ones judged to be adversely impacted by motor-vehicle traffic; They should not be environmentally sensitive.

The argument against the permit holders is not because we don't care to create an inclusive aspect to hunting. It is because it is environmentally detrimental for ANYBODY, able or disabled, to be driving a motor vehicle in some of the more sensitive of the road closure areas. If the intent of the road closure was not to protect environmental values, then great, open it up for permit holders.

If you are disabled, does that entitle you to ignore conservation measures such as bag-limits, limited seasons, etc? No. Do we allow the physically disabled to exploit vulnerable species? NO. So why should it entitle you to exacerbate environmental degradation?

Another caveat is that there should still be other areas (it would make sense if it were those same sensitive areas) where people can hunt and game can roam without ever running into motorized traffic, regardless of who's behind the wheel! Similar to an archery season, it would just maintain a more holistic aspect to the hunt in that area. If there are specially designated "permit only" zones too, that's fine, but they should not be the same areas.

Any application for a permit must clear several offices within the Fish , Wildlife and Habitat Branch and ALL that you point out is taken into consideration . .It is a long and thourgh process (at least 6 weeks) . This hopefully will clear some of your concerns .

11-16-2011, 11:24 PM
BigBS, the OP is obviously very dedicated to hunting (investing the time to care for horses) & he enjoys hunting mature animals.

Not everyone subscribes to your philosophy of road hunting to shoot the first buck they see...

Calling out someone who is potentially breaking the rules &/or poaching should be done.

He has no idea if someone is breaking the rules or not. None whatsoever.

His true motivation was revealed when he bitched that "since the elk season opened up in the WK, permit applications have quadrupled!" He's just another WK NIMBY trying to find mud to sling at the elk season. This even though he himself is hunting the elk. Ah yes, the hypocrisy is overwhelming.

And **** you SnD, I'll shoot whatever sized animal I want, keep your ****ing asshole comments to yourself about the animals I choose to harvest. Go read the site rules again.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 11:31 PM
What ROAD closures are in place where driving on the ROAD will detrimentally affect the environment more than horses, bicycles, and boots?

My thinkings exactly.

Horses require a lot of motor-skills to ride.
Who's to say that a disabled person is able enough to ride one?

Not me.

To the OP;

Does *your* mechanic require assists/support while at work?

11-16-2011, 11:50 PM
The road closures are not there to protect sensitive environment - except for alpine areas. The COs have told me, very clearly and numerous times, the road closures are there to limit harvest. They have also expressed concern that local guides will be upset if they grant a permit.

Mr. Dean
11-16-2011, 11:54 PM
The road closures are not there to protect sensitive environment - except for alpine areas. The COs have told me, very clearly and numerous times, the road closures are there to limit harvest. They have also expressed concern that local guides will be upset if they grant a permit.

There's a multitude of reasons for limited access areas....

11-17-2011, 12:19 AM
There's a multitude of reasons for limited access areas....

I'm just telling you what I have been told by the COs who are in charge of issuing permits, with respect to several MU in regions 4 and 5. I rarely apply for permits - I've had two or three (plus a couple of rejections by COs for the above noted reasons) in the 20 hunting seasons since my injury. However, when I do apply I end up having the same kinds of conversations - "we need to limit access to help keep harvests down" is the number one topic.

Mr. Dean
11-17-2011, 12:40 AM
I'm just telling you what I have been told by the COs who are in charge of issuing permits, with respect to several MU in regions 4 and 5. I rarely apply for permits - I've had two or three (plus a couple of rejections by COs for the above noted reasons) in the 20 hunting seasons since my injury. However, when I do apply I end up having the same kinds of conversations - "we need to limit access to help keep harvests down" is the number one topic.

Sorry. Lemme expand.

There's a multitude of reasons for "keeping harvests down". The particular need in the areas you seek, needs to be identified, then take it from there.
I'd go over his/her head if I thought I was being screwed with.... If horses are allowed in, you *should* be able to get a permit that has restrictions that prevent you from leaving the road.

11-17-2011, 02:02 AM
He has no idea if someone is breaking the rules or not. None whatsoever.

His true motivation was revealed when he bitched that "since the elk season opened up in the WK, permit applications have quadrupled!" He's just another WK NIMBY trying to find mud to sling at the elk season. This even though he himself is hunting the elk. Ah yes, the hypocrisy is overwhelming.

And **** you SnD, I'll shoot whatever sized animal I want, keep your ****ing asshole comments to yourself about the animals I choose to harvest. Go read the site rules again.

Wow ... someone not get burped tonight or did the Wings lose again. :rolleyes:

Another great aimless post FD.

11-17-2011, 04:48 AM
If and I say If you can't walk I agree that the disabled people should be able to get permits to road closures and that they are confined to a wheel chair or if they have a fatal disease and can't walk very much ..

11-17-2011, 05:53 AM
I have read every post on this thread my friend. I have shot several moose and a few elk, In some countries illegal only means a sick bird, I will take take the chance and help you try and get a moose. So sorry if this offends any body here. Nap.
Guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. I have Lou Gerhig's disease, this is my last year of hunting. I can barely walk right now. I DO NOT have a "special permit", didn't realise one was available. Had I known, I would have grabbed one in a heartbeat. I will NEVER kill an Elk, I will NEVER kill a Moose. I thought I had lots of time to hunt these animals, so I didn't get to it ....yet. Now, I never will. For you healthy individuals, thank God ( or whomever ) that you are healthy. I was able to run 8 months ago, now I will be in a wheelchair in a month or 3. I have no issue with discussion about people who "abuse" the system. But some of the comments here, make me want to puke. I grew up hunting & fishing, I love the outdoors, not as much as my wife, kids & grandkids, but it's right up there with breathing!!! I see "able bodied" people, young and old, taking my handicapped spots at stores, the mall, etc, etc. People who lack character will always take advantage of whatever they can get away with, it's just that simple! We are all HUNTERS and need to stick together, support the people with disabilities, who knows, you may be there soon enough!

11-17-2011, 03:09 PM
And **** you SnD, I'll shoot whatever sized animal I want, keep your ****ing asshole comments to yourself about the animals I choose to harvest. Go read the site rules again.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thx. Mission accomplished! ROFLMAO!!!

Site rules - Apparently the moderators don't care if you get heckled...

(To anyone else - I couldn't care less what size animals anyone chooses to shoot. I've shot a doe, spike, fork... yum! ;) )

11-17-2011, 03:50 PM
I'm just telling you what I have been told by the COs who are in charge of issuing permits, with respect to several MU in regions 4 and 5. I rarely apply for permits - I've had two or three (plus a couple of rejections by COs for the above noted reasons) in the 20 hunting seasons since my injury. However, when I do apply I end up having the same kinds of conversations - "we need to limit access to help keep harvests down" is the number one topic.

The regional manager issues permits not the cos. The cos also do not set the hunting seasons or regulations or road closures. There are very few road closures in regions 4 and 5 which are justified by conservation - they are generally in place for outfitters and local hunters (social closures).

The CO job is one of enforcement.

11-17-2011, 05:50 PM
What ROAD closures are in place where driving on the ROAD will detrimentally affect the environment more than horses, bicycles, and boots?

Lots. Not all road closures are only on big main haul roads. Some of the closure areas extend up road networks to the point where roads turn into old trails, or the roads have long been deactivated and they are partially being reclaimed by the forest. Those special permits do not preclude ATV use, and ATVs in the uppermost reaches of the closure areas have potential to do the most damage.

With respect to horses and foot travel, you're correct, they still have potential to do some damage, but far fewer people are inclined to take a pack-train 50k up a road closure than would be willing to fill the truck with gas and drive 50k in the comfort of a heater, leather seats, coffee & Baileys, etc., so inherently, the far reaches of road networks are impacted less by horses than vehicles.

The regional manager issues permits not the cos. The cos also do not set the hunting seasons or regulations or road closures. There are very few road closures in regions 4 and 5 which are justified by conservation - they are generally in place for outfitters and local hunters (social closures).

Apparently there was a review of the Kootenay road closures conducted last year and many of the "social closures" were repealed. I do understand though, that some of the "guide-influenced" closures remain. In those areas, I'm totally supportive of special permit issuance.

11-17-2011, 07:17 PM
How can one state, "Permit Hunters abusing road closures" when in fact the essence of the permit is to allow the disabled and disenfranchised hunter the ability to pursue their enjoyment in the same light as the rest of us.

It wasn't like it was a horde of road hunters breaking the road closure rules. No, it was one instance of someone legally permitted to do what the rest cannot.

Only a selfish neaderthal http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.png would suggest that the person was not quailfied for the permit without knowing the full circumstance of his disability.

I see the original post as someone with access to horses, who thought he had the utopian exclusive hunting area. Much to his chagrin he found it was not to be with the arrival of what he deems to be a "quasi" disabled person. To whom he goes to no end to discredit with inflamatory statements.

Maybe road closures, since they appear to be for conservation purposes, include all modes of transportation with the exception of mare's shank.

11-17-2011, 07:54 PM
You are so naive and unaware....does carpal tunnel meet your definition of some one disenfranchised.

11-17-2011, 07:57 PM
I seriously doubt anyone would get a disabled permit because of carpal tunnel........

11-17-2011, 07:59 PM
I'm sorry and I certainly dont mean to offend anyone but honestly I think any "group specific" hunt is BS it always leads to abuse in 1 way or another! I know this will get some people going but youth season is taken advantage huge and everyone here knows exactly what I mean kids in camp or at home close to the hunting grounds waiting for the call, say what you want happens lots or dads shooting the kids game it's all BS and so is senior season. Everyone should have the same opportunity period eventually we all get old do the best you can with what you have, and there is no reason why youths cant hunt while everyone else is out there and trust me I have that oppinion with 5 kids at home!?!?! What's next gender specific seasons hell lets throw in a season or 2 for minority groups while we are at it!!!! sorry guys dont mean to offend but I do not agree this province is restricted enough already losing hunters every year because of poor mis managed resources enough already christ!

11-17-2011, 08:16 PM
I'm sorry and I certainly dont mean to offend anyone but honestly I think any "group specific" hunt is BS it always leads to abuse in 1 way or another! I know this will get some people going but youth season is taken advantage huge and everyone here knows exactly what I mean kids in camp or at home close to the hunting grounds waiting for the call, say what you want happens lots or dads shooting the kids game it's all BS and so is senior season. Everyone should have the same opportunity period eventually we all get old do the best you can with what you have, and there is no reason why youths cant hunt while everyone else is out there and trust me I have that oppinion with 5 kids at home!?!?! What's next gender specific seasons hell lets throw in a season or 2 for minority groups while we are at it!!!! sorry guys dont mean to offend but I do not agree this province is restricted enough already losing hunters every year because of poor mis managed resources enough already christ!

Sounds to me like you're all for getting rid of bow only seasons too then?

11-17-2011, 08:18 PM
You are so naive and unaware....does carpal tunnel meet your definition of some one disenfranchised.

Of course you know this for fact......right?

I would agree with what CanuckShooter said, "I seriously doubt anyone would get a disabled permit because of carpal tunnel........"

And I wonder if you know the difference between singular and plurality?

You start the post with the heading, "Permit Hunters abusing road closures". Then you proceed to trash one person whose legal right you question. You castigate all the disabled by making "Hunters" plural.

Not to mention again that if they hold the permit, they have the legal right, whether you think the disability is void or not. That individual has the same right that you think is obstensibly your's alone.
Why don't you just admit it, YOUR PRIVATE DOMAIN WAS BREACHED and your pissed about it.
Suck it up princess!

11-17-2011, 08:23 PM
The regional manager issues permits not the cos.
The CO job is one of enforcement.

Sorry then, I thought the regional manager was a CO.

11-17-2011, 08:54 PM
I seriously doubt anyone would get a disabled permit because of carpal tunnel........

Believe it chief......one of them is a friend of mine's mom.....and he's anything but shy to share it.

11-17-2011, 10:00 PM
Believe it chief......one of them is a friend of mine's mom.....and he's anything but shy to share it.

I have a VERY difficult time believing this. The medical form that a doctor needs to fill out asks, specifically for a vehicle access permit:

"Is the applicant able to walk 100 meters on even ground while carrying a firearm?"

If the answer is yes then: How long would it take? Would it cause considerable pain? Does the applicant require a mobility device (eg. cane)?

What does carpal tunnel syndrome have to do with walking? I think there is more to the story than you are letting on.

11-21-2011, 02:44 PM
Hey Fisher Dude
absolutely not I wouldnt get rid of the bow season and yes I'm a bow hunter myself ,but the reality is every single person regardless of age gender culture or wtf ever, has the opportunity and the choice to either take the opportunity and the time needed to hunt with a bow or not and it's really that simple!!

11-21-2011, 08:14 PM
I'm sorry and I certainly dont mean to offend anyone but honestly I think any "group specific" hunt is BS it always leads to abuse in 1 way or another! I know this will get some people going but youth season is taken advantage huge and everyone here knows exactly what I mean kids in camp or at home close to the hunting grounds waiting for the call, say what you want happens lots or dads shooting the kids game it's all BS and so is senior season. Everyone should have the same opportunity period eventually we all get old do the best you can with what you have, and there is no reason why youths cant hunt while everyone else is out there and trust me I have that oppinion with 5 kids at home!?!?! What's next gender specific seasons hell lets throw in a season or 2 for minority groups while we are at it!!!! sorry guys dont mean to offend but I do not agree this province is restricted enough already losing hunters every year because of poor mis managed resources enough already christ!

Hey Fisher Dude
absolutely not I wouldnt get rid of the bow season and yes I'm a bow hunter myself ,but the reality is every single person regardless of age gender culture or wtf ever, has the opportunity and the choice to either take the opportunity and the time needed to hunt with a bow or not and it's really that simple!!

Just as I thought. You want to get rid of every "special" season except the one you use.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions, and reaffirming my faith in elitist bow hunters. :D

11-22-2011, 07:15 AM
Maybe you should quite being so lazy and cut some trails off the road. since you hunt with horses maybe you should get off the road

11-22-2011, 06:11 PM
The way i see it, if there is a road anyone should be able to drive it . If you want to hike you don't need a road.The same goes with horses. I personally don't know why there are road closures just for hunters.

11-22-2011, 09:25 PM
Must be the end of hunting season with all the bagging,whining and foul language.
To repeat one of the comments from a potty mouth,there are site rules folks.
Time for Mom to wash a few mouths out with soap..LOL

11-22-2011, 09:50 PM
A good cowboy knows when to hang his spurs. How else do you die peacefully in a back country elk camp.