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View Full Version : Late November Hunt questions?

11-08-2011, 08:54 PM
Hi all, I am a long time follower and have enjoyed everyones pictures, stories and of course knowledge with experience. I know that I must have a joke before I post my first thread and I hope that it has not been written on here before. What is the cheapest kind of meat that you can buy?........ Deer balls. They are under a buck! I am going hunting in 4-point season on November 25-28. I have never hunted this late but due to a new hunter being born a month ago I am lucky to be let out at all and will take what I can get. We are thinking about hunting 3-30 and possibly the loon lake area but will take any advice and locations (don't need to say it but not looking for your honey holes) just would like a little insight from experienced hunters that know the area better than I do, especially this late in the season. Any information will be greatly appreciated and a thank you to all, with congrats on everyones successful season.:-D

11-10-2011, 12:13 PM
Try Gang Ranch, tons of donkeys up there!!!

11-10-2011, 12:37 PM
Wear warm clothIng, make sure someone knows where you can be found if you dOnt make it out on the appointed date.

11-10-2011, 12:48 PM
Find the does, stay on them...a buck will be near or coming to them real quick.....Just depends if he is a 4 or not...If its not, move onto the next group of does..

Spikers may be seen with the does, but they are not the breeding buck, so if oyu see does with a spike, a big boy could also be with them...

11-10-2011, 01:07 PM
I would stay away from the Northern section of 3-30, being the area close to bonaparte lake as all the deer migrate to lower elevations by the end of october. We are up here right now on a 10 day moose hunt and have seen maybe 15 deer. You are on the right track with loon lake, that's where alot of the deer move down to and we have had good late season success in that area. They should be in full rut by that time, so as mentioned above, find the does and keep a close eye on them! Good luck

11-10-2011, 03:48 PM
I would head further west of 3-30 more towards Empire Valley/Gang ranch. 3-31 , 5-2 5-3or even 3-32

11-10-2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks for the all the info. Hopefully I will get lucky. Luck to all and full tags