View Full Version : A couple of blondes down by the creek

6 K
11-06-2011, 08:44 AM
After a very sphincter puckering,grizzly recovery experiance the evening before that ended in four quick shots and a dead grizz right at last light.i needed to return to the scean to retrieve my rain pants and hunting boots from the creek's edge. I opted not to carry them with me as we looked for the wounded bruin.

Wanting really only to get back and help with the fleshing that needed to be done back at camp, I was not being overly causious about scent or noise I was creating. So it came as somewhat of a surprise when I heard that very distinct grunting below me. Another one?

We had spotted no less than seven grizzlies the first evening we returned to the kutzylope, one of which was a real dandy blonde, but were unable to get a shot for my partner, whom we had decided, should get the first one since I got a bear last trip we were here and due to the fact I was looking for my third and he his first.the morning of the second day had produced only the sound of a quickly departing bear so we chose to vacate the area, allowing the bears to return undisturbed to their fishing and us to do some of our own.That is when some very carless knife handleing on my part had almost ended the trip. A deep cut from knuckle to knuckle on my left hand trigger finger was the reward for my stupidity. Good thing the medic and his kit were up to snuff. With a watchful eye on the wound we determined we could keep hunting. That night had produced a beautiful 6ft8 grizz.

Now another bear was less than a hundred yds below me somewhere along my side of the creek. As I made my way down the bank a view through the trees allowed me a glance at a very large blonde head swimming across to the other side. "HOLY SNAPPERJACKS"! Could it be the blonde brute from two days past? It was only 100yds from the last place I had seen him. So it seemed possible if not probable. Moving quickly as I dare down the bear path to the water i steped up my stealth ten fold. Twenty yards from the bank I devated off the path to a raised nob that would offer an elivated view of the area I seen the bear crossing. To my astonishment he was still there eating a not so lucky sockeye. The wind in my favor alowed me a little time to evaluate this guy. Ears small and far apart, nose long, head and chest were blond, long claws, and most important lone bear. It sat on its haunches and finished devouring its prey I made ready to take the shot.

Cross hairs centered on the bears' chest as he faced me I pressured the trigger. T.Z.O.D. thundered once, the bear folded as the loudest bullet "SWITHACK" imaginable retured to me. Now I've heard bullets stike animals before but I knew somehow this was different. 24 hours previous I was thinking the trip was going to be curtailed due to my accident, now the second blonde of the trip made no noticable movement. Bear down! Wow. I went back to camp to pick up my somewhat excited partner. We returned to the grizz together took some pics and skinned. No other animals give me as much trouble with sizeing up as bears and to my dissapointment my trophy suffered ground shrinkage. The head was big; at least my male only streak was still in tackt, wrong! I shot the perverbaial blockheaded female. Crap!

Futher exsamining reviealed what had caused the pronounced sound of the bullet strike. She had one claw damaged and the next near blown off. More damage was discovered at the bace of the nose and down her chin also the entry wound was very long. Best I can make out she must have thought that soceye was "finger licking good" and moved to do just that when I touched off. The 200gr e-tip raked across one knuckle through the next, split her lip and chin, and started to endo when it smashed into her brisket. No wounder I heard it hit. Field optopsiy found the bullet had passed sideways through the chest and spine stopping less than an inch from the hide just below the half way point of the hump.

We returned to camp for 10:45 a full hour and a half earlier than the night before. In the morning we finished up our hide work and got to do a little more fishing. Minus the self-masacation this time. Then all too soon it was time to go.

Upon returning to my truck another twist awaited me. A broken window. Some p.o.s.-s.o.b. Swiped some of my partners gear he had intended to use for a goat hunt. Buggers! I would like to have found them; my skinning skills were all honed up. We could have left their measly carcasses next the bears'.

I chose to leave the skull in the hide to show our resident grizzly judgeing expert and get his oppion on weather he thought this las had a fellas knogen or weather I still required more accompanyment with feild judgeing the sex of bears. I told him the story in such a way as to leave the gender omitted. Coulden't help but smile when he said "well at least it's a boar".





11-06-2011, 08:52 AM
Beautiful bear

11-06-2011, 09:32 AM
Congrats on your bear!

11-06-2011, 09:56 AM
congradulations...very nice bear..


nature girl
11-06-2011, 10:04 AM
Nice job. Very nice bear.

11-06-2011, 10:16 AM
great story!

11-06-2011, 10:18 AM
Awesome guys congrats

11-06-2011, 11:13 AM
Great story , congrats on the bears.

11-06-2011, 11:33 AM
Great story and a hullava nice bear!. Congrats...

11-06-2011, 12:41 PM
ooooooooooo, dats nice bears, congrats!

11-06-2011, 12:55 PM
Good lookin' bruin. What did your's measure? Was your partner's a sow too? How old do you figure they were - I thought salmon bears would be bigger...

6 K
11-06-2011, 02:28 PM
Good lookin' bruin. What did your's measure? Was your partner's a sow too? How old do you figure they were - I thought salmon bears would be bigger...

Thanks for the "nice bear " comments guys and gals.
She was a nice bear from the arm pits/hump forward but her winter coat really hadn't come in yet. If I had seen her from the side I am pretty sure I would have passed. She is the only bear we have taken out of there that has not had a really good hide.
She measured 6ft 3inch nose to tail and 7ft claw to claw so whatever that squares.
Personally I think she was getting on in years, her skull is longer and wider than my 6ft 8inch boar from two years ago.
My partners' bear was also a sow. We knew this before we shot however, she and the situation was too perfect to let go.

11-06-2011, 06:35 PM
Congrats on your bear 6K, too bad about the truck being broken into.

11-06-2011, 06:57 PM
Excitement on every hunt of yours this year! Sounds like no shortage of action that's for sure. I'm thinking about getting a trail cam and setting it up to watch my truck while I'm hunting so it can help identify any fine gentlemen that choose to "investigate" the scene...would be pretty handy to get a license plate!

11-06-2011, 07:14 PM
Had the same thought as well TSW, catch those buggers red handed.

11-06-2011, 07:32 PM
Congrats on a very good looking bear. The blonde cape's unreal hey? Nice work. And sorry to hear about the f@ck w@d that messed your truck.

Kitimat Killer
11-06-2011, 07:34 PM
Awesome bears guys way to go


11-06-2011, 11:21 PM
Great bear 6K and story! As for the theives.... It takes 2 seconds to set up a couple trail cams by your truck if your gonna leave it for a while. Most likley, you'll get a plate number or a face you can hunt down ;)

6 K
11-07-2011, 06:21 AM
[QUOTE=It takes 2 seconds to set up a couple trail cams by your truck if your gonna leave it for a while. Most likley, you'll get a plate number or a face you can hunt down ;)[/QUOTE]

Ya I have thought about this.
Problem is if they see the camera or the flash, they'll steal that too.:neutral:

11-07-2011, 07:41 AM
Sounds like a great hunt to bad some sob had to give it a bad ending, but congrads on your bears guys.

11-11-2011, 10:49 PM
Thanks for posting. A great hunt with plenty of excitement and then some. A couple of grizz tags cut and some fishing . . . sounds like a trip many would have enjoyed! Good thing you both made it home in one piece and alive.

btw - it's time for the old grizzly judging expert to retire! :wink:

Gun Dog
11-11-2011, 11:10 PM
Great story and cograts on staying at the right end of the food chain.

6 K
11-11-2011, 11:17 PM
btw - it's time for the old grizzly judging expert to retire! :wink:

Retire from WHAT?

11-11-2011, 11:18 PM
Beauty bear, congrats!