View Full Version : Hunters Attacking Hunters in Quebec????

11-04-2011, 10:05 PM
You guys hear about this?


I've heard of guys parking and blocking access to an area they are hunting in at that given time, and I've always taken the approach that if I come into an area where someone else was present I would back out but this stuff going on in Quebec is crazy....

Read the article and ask yourself is there a coincidence this article being written and the fact that Quebec is so against the long gun registry being tanked?

11-04-2011, 10:12 PM
The sooner we let Quebec manage them selves by them selves.....the better off we will be.

Slinky Pickle
11-05-2011, 08:50 AM
So if you assume that there is an area of 150 km x 100 km that is huntable on the Gaspe Peninsula (gotta love Google Earth). Then, if you assume that over that nine day period you have at most half of the 25,000 hunters in there at any one time (probably not unreasonable considering it's such a short season.... say, on a peak weekend). Then you end up with 15,000 sq km for 12,500 hunters or.... 1.2 sq km for each hunter (about 1.1 km x 1.1 km). That sounds pretty chaotic if you ask me.

It sure makes you appreciate some of the other, not so populated spots.

11-05-2011, 09:11 AM
WOW burn down 4 trailers in one camp. Crazy Qurbecers.

I guess thats what happens when you cross a little booze with too much poutine

11-05-2011, 10:23 AM
So if you assume that there is an area of 150 km x 100 km that is huntable on the Gaspe Peninsula (gotta love Google Earth). Then, if you assume that over that nine day period you have at most half of the 25,000 hunters in there at any one time (probably not unreasonable considering it's such a short season.... say, on a peak weekend). Then you end up with 15,000 sq km for 12,500 hunters or.... 1.2 sq km for each hunter (about 1.1 km x 1.1 km). That sounds pretty chaotic if you ask me.

It sure makes you appreciate some of the other, not so populated spots.
The problem is the short season. Extend the season so the hunters are dispersed over time instead of congregating them into a 2 week window.
Wildlife managers seem to think that a shortened season is the key to sound management of the resource. I say bull shit. From what I preceived, that Oct.15th to Oct 31st GOS opening in the Cariboo back in the '90s put more hunters into the field at the same time and the sucess ratio increased. Why, because with more hunters afield, when you put the run on a moose, you drove it right into the sights of another hunter. Whereas, if the hunters were dispersed over a longer hunting period (less afield at a given time), that moose quite likely made good his getaway.
A longer season opening for moose in Quebec would ease the crowding. Then, with the longer season opening, split the hunters into two groups by having half the tag allocations going to the first half of the season and expiring at the end of that period. The other half to the latter part of the season.

11-05-2011, 10:31 AM
That type of behavior is not unique to Qc, I've seen similar scenarios here in Ontario and in NB too.

Walking Buffalo
11-05-2011, 12:54 PM
Here is a link to the Original magazine 3 page article the Globe worked from.

http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.lactualite.com/environnement/la-guerre-des-panaches&ei=MJC1TsX9OYqq2gXB8vnMDQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCYQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.lactualite.com/environnement/la-guerre-des-panaches%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D571%26prmd %3Dimvns

Interesting how the commentators use the label "Cowboy" for these thugs.

11-09-2011, 08:02 PM
The problem is the short season. Extend the season so the hunters are dispersed over time instead of congregating them into a 2 week window.
Wildlife managers seem to think that a shortened season is the key to sound management of the resource. I say bull shit. From what I preceived, that Oct.15th to Oct 31st GOS opening in the Cariboo back in the '90s put more hunters into the field at the same time and the sucess ratio increased. Why, because with more hunters afield, when you put the run on a moose, you drove it right into the sights of another hunter. Whereas, if the hunters were dispersed over a longer hunting period (less afield at a given time), that moose quite likely made good his getaway.
A longer season opening for moose in Quebec would ease the crowding. Then, with the longer season opening, split the hunters into two groups by having half the tag allocations going to the first half of the season and expiring at the end of that period. The other half to the latter part of the season.

This is a large part of the problem.....same as deer season for rifle. 14 days to bag 1 deer. Tempers will flare when so many people feel like they HAVE to bag something. Add the fact that there are very few game wardens in the province to patrol a huge area, most people hunt the same easily accessible areas, and what can amount to a very expensive hunt as the crown land is far from populated areas. That being said the media have a way of spinning any story to fit it's needs and most media here is very much to the left. Then again as mentioned this is not solely a Quebec phenomena.....there are a$$holes everywhere.

11-09-2011, 08:04 PM
The sooner we let Quebec manage them selves by them selves.....the better off we will be.

Hey thanks so very much. :roll:

Canadian Hunter
11-22-2011, 05:47 PM
Quebec has a lot of hunters, in fact too many for the tiny little deer heard. There are 175 000 deer hunters and only a southern Quebec and along st lawrance where you can find deer and densites are relatively low. Gnvt wants them extinct so they've been giving out double tags for several years. Add to that 2 weeks of firearms season smack in the rut and serious loss of land to hunt over the last ten years and you have a problem. Supply and demand, the smaller the supply the greedier poeple get.

Quebec needs to shorten the gun season to 5 to 7 days and put it early december. Have archery/crossbow (if you have to compromise and make poeple happy) start october the 1st and end the last day of gun season. Maybe stop baiting so the massive baiting stops and put some CO's out there to enforce laws. Some poeple need to chill and remember that a hunting license is a permit, not an obligation and that we are all out there to have fun. Some of you are easy on the judgment and finger pointing.

BTW: Quebec wants to part with this stupid long gun registry as much as everybody else.

11-22-2011, 05:59 PM
The problem is the short season. Extend the season so the hunters are dispersed over time instead of congregating them into a 2 week window.
Wildlife managers seem to think that a shortened season is the key to sound management of the resource. I say bull shit. From what I preceived, that Oct.15th to Oct 31st GOS opening in the Cariboo back in the '90s put more hunters into the field at the same time and the sucess ratio increased. Why, because with more hunters afield, when you put the run on a moose, you drove it right into the sights of another hunter. Whereas, if the hunters were dispersed over a longer hunting period (less afield at a given time), that moose quite likely made good his getaway.
A longer season opening for moose in Quebec would ease the crowding. Then, with the longer season opening, split the hunters into two groups by having half the tag allocations going to the first half of the season and expiring at the end of that period. The other half to the latter part of the season.

I totally agree with your thoughts on having such a short season with all the hunters being forced into such a short time frame.....split the seasons...it would sure help in some BC hunts too.