View Full Version : How to remove the skin/hide from the face?

09-20-2006, 09:03 PM
In regards to skinning and having a shoulder mount done, how do you guys remove the skin/hide of the face area of your game (ie: ears,nose,lips)? Or, do you leave it up to the taxidermist?

09-20-2006, 09:19 PM
Leave it to your taxidermist, just use lots of salt to preserve, the head is a finiky part, if you screw up it will show and your mount will look horrible.:mad:

09-20-2006, 09:25 PM
I cape all my deer out... The trick is to have a sharp knife or scalpal... When caping you obviously cut up the top middle of the neck to the back of the antlers (about 3 in away). Then in a "y" pattern cut to the base of each antler, the rest is pretty tedious as you need to get all the eyelids, scent glands and lips cutting as close to the bone as posible not cuuting through the hide. Or just cough up the dough to your taxi. bout 25 bucks to split lips 'n' ears never got the taxi to cape it for me.

09-20-2006, 10:22 PM
This is something that needs to be demonstrated in my opinion, not just read about. I was taught to use a top quality exacto knife-very sharp, and when it gets a tiny bit dull, just bust a piece off and you have a brand new blade again. Capes from deer are cheap and easy to come by, so would be a great animal to learn with. At the other end of the spectrum are sheep and grizzlies, very expensive to replace if you mess up the face-I wouldn't attempt one of these unless experienced.

09-20-2006, 10:22 PM
take it to the taxidermist, unless you're way in the middle of buttf%$# nowhere, then you better know how if you're gonna pack it out :D

09-20-2006, 10:33 PM
I suggest if you shoot a 2 point or small animal you don't want caped use it as a test. doing it yourself is risky, you can also get a taxi to show you how to do it.


09-20-2006, 11:10 PM
Thanks guys!

I never skinned any game before, so I thought it should be ok to take the hide off of most of the body except for the face part, and that's why I asked. But I think I'll be better of leaving it to the taxi. However, I like Kirby's idea as well. If it's spike or two point then it doesn't hurt to practice.

09-20-2006, 11:21 PM
keep your blade "pointed" towards bone, pretty hard to mess it up to bad if you do it that way and remember "there is nothing you can do (almost) that the taxidermist can't fix!!:lol:

09-21-2006, 07:25 AM
The worst thing to mess up on is the eyelids.

09-21-2006, 08:02 AM
One important tip no-one pointed out! If you want to mount your deer, be very careful while dragging him out not to tear the hair off, especially while dragging over logs and rocks! As well if you skin your deer up to the head, be sure to leave lots of cape! ( 6" behind the shoulder ) Most people cut the capes to short! Go kill a big one first!

09-21-2006, 08:47 AM
When I am skinning the face I have been taught to get my finger and poke it into the orifices and use as a guide.

As you start skinning the face and get close to the eyes for example Stick your finger straight into the eye socket so you can feel bone. Now you can skin with the knife and keep right up on the bone using your finger as a guide. Its pretty tough to screw up when your doing it this way.

This works well on the lips too...

Just take your time and be careful.

Happy Hunting!

mainland hunter
09-21-2006, 09:12 AM
probably the best point made mark, little cuts are easier to fix than dragged off hair, kirby also made a good point practice on somehting, other than that its really not that hard if you take your time. hardest part is around the antlers and tear ducts for most. a scalpel is your best friend and are cheap. if you can get it to your taxidermist, the quicker the better. if you cant get it there for a while you'll need to turn the lips and ears. carefully leaving the inner ear attached to the cartlidge. and skinning close up to the end of the ear. again just take you time with this. then salt the crap out of it 2 or 3 times. dont spare on the salt. i buy 44 lb bags at costco for 4 dollars

09-22-2006, 05:18 PM
When I am skinning the face I have been taught to get my finger and poke it into the orifices and use as a guide.

This definitely helps especially around the eyes.

I also like to skin the lips/gums and nose back first.

Makes things WAY easier when the face is coming off. If you save it to the end things can get tight.