View Full Version : Need help with form

Wildman Expedtions
10-26-2011, 06:49 PM
I just baught a new bowsight and trying to sight it in has been a hell of a task for me cause i can't seem to get the exact spot everytime i practice , one day ill do great then the other i can't hit the broadside of a barn! any advice would be appreciated guys! thanks jo

10-26-2011, 09:28 PM
is everything tight? is your string settled or still stretching out? what kind of bow are you shooting ... is your anchor solid... it could be as simple as lighting issues ... how big is your peep?

Pics say 1000 words

10-27-2011, 08:33 AM
Not sure if you are using a peep or not? I had the same issue when I started shooting. I fixed the problem, when I started "haloing" the peep sight around the sight housing. I use a Trophy Ridge VR5 sight and the instructions said to use a 1/4 inch peep. The 1/4 inch peep allows me to see the entire sight housing just within the peep sight. By keeping the "halo" affect equally around the sight housing I have now added an additional reference. Nose to string, knuckle to below hollow under ear lobe, and peep around sight housing. After months of practice it comes naturally, and it comes together without thinking about it. I hope this helps you, as it's an easy fix. One more thing, that helped me. Do not drop your bow right away after the shot. Watch the arrow hit, before dropping bow...much the same as a golfer keeping his head down, and not lifting it right away to watch the ball.

Bow Walker
10-27-2011, 09:53 AM
What Riverbc said is critical to being consistent in accuracy.

But - before that you've got to get your shooting form down so that it is natural, relaxed, and very repeatable. Are you leaning your head into the peep just to be able to see your sight? That'll throw you off big time.

Try bringing your bow up and then closing your eyes - go to full draw, still with your eyes closed, and settle into your shooting form - release-hand knuckle in the hollow under your ear, shoulders relaxed, head up straight. Now open your aiming eye. Are you looking right through the peep or do you have to move your head to get a halo effect (as described by Riverbc)?

If you have to move you head at all - move your peep up or down the string so that you can see the sight and you get that halo effect. Serve the peep tight into its new position and practice a few times until you're naturally coming into your shooting position without any thought.

Another thought here - proper aiming involves halo-ing the sight housing and choosing a pin to put on the target. Some people have tried to have just the aiming pin inside the peep aperture, ignoring the sight housing. This results in very inconsistent shooting and your POI being all over the place.

BZM is right, in that a pic of you at full draw, just before you release, is worth a thousand words.

10-27-2011, 10:37 AM
Make sure your bow fits. My draw length was a little to long and it raised havoc on my shooting. Especially when I got into actually hunting positions.

10-27-2011, 10:43 AM
it has been my experience that bow torque is the biggest cause of inconsistency

Wildman Expedtions
10-27-2011, 09:48 PM
im shooting an oneida tomcatt II and the thing is im using a peepless red dot sight, i had it shooting right one time but i realized i was holding my wrist at a wrong angle and the arrows were flying sideways? i found that im more acurate by placing my shooting hand right behind my right earlobe. I think with some work on my form i should be able to tackle the rest of the pins? thanks for all the advice guys, im just a newbie and don't have anyone to actually show me what to do :/