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10-25-2011, 06:08 AM
I am the person that shot that bear,I want to clear up some of the reports I have read and heard.
First is that my dog did not initiate this attack,she was about 10-12 yds in front of me is where she was trained to be and dose not chase anything. My dog did not even know the bear was there as I did not know.
The dog is with me as I am getting up in age and my hearing is not that good anymore.
Another report is that I shot the bear to save the dog, This is not true I shot the bear to save my life. It all happened so fast you do not have time to think, As soon as I saw the bear I hollered as loud as I could as it was going strait at my dog,the bear stopped and turned his head towards me and its hair went up on it,s neck and his eyes locked on mine and he stated towards me and I fired, he went down and got up again and I shot again and he ran into the thick bush just yards from me. I ran from where he went in, to give me some more room incase he came at me again.
I went home and phoned the co,s office. I had to go and give a statement and the officer said they would meet me in the am to go and find the bear.
Myself and two officers went to find the bear and had a time to find as it was quite aways back in the bush,my dog finally found it for us.
I have to say that the two officers that were with me were very professional ,their first concern was my safety, and not at anytime did I feel intimidated by them at all,they were very polite and respectful all the time and did not try to put words in my mouth at all. I had the experience to be with these two gentleman the hole day and was a good experience, the co,s do not always get good press as I have read on this forum, but these two officers were at the top of their profession.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion by the media. Thankyou !!

10-25-2011, 06:22 AM
glad to hear your ok

10-25-2011, 06:27 AM
Well thanks for coming forward with the real story, should clear the rumour mill. That moment where you were locked eye to eye must have been a rush.

10-25-2011, 06:54 AM
Congrats on getting through a very sticky situation.Contrary to what Mr.Suzuki says there are not many areas left in the Province where a confrontation like yours could not occur. Gunner

olharley guy
10-25-2011, 07:09 AM
Howdy, glad you came out unharmed! You don't need this kind of excitement to often in your life. Been there-done that. Later

10-25-2011, 07:53 AM
Wow talk about shooting under pressure. Was he running at the time of the shot? Just wondering if it was a hard shot. Do you even "aim" or just point and shoot. If he was walking towards you it might make the shot easier but a running bear not only adds pressure to the shooter but is a bouncing moving target. Glad it turned out the way it did. Good dog to have found it the next day as well. Thanks for the story.

10-25-2011, 07:53 AM
Glad you and your dog were unharmed.

10-25-2011, 07:58 AM
Must have surprised it. Way to keep your cool. Its good to be alive.

10-25-2011, 08:04 AM
glad to hear u and your dog are ok . also happy to hear the co's u dealt with were good and professional about the situation. cudos for making a good shot under pressure, as it is hard thing to do

.300 R.U.M. Grizzly
10-25-2011, 08:13 AM
Glad you and your dog are okay.

10-25-2011, 08:17 AM
Been in that situation once and know what you were thinking and doing. A bear that close is not a hard target to hit and it is amazing how well a person can shoot when it is you or them.

Good that both of you are fine and you were fortunate to have a couple of understanding CO's.

10-25-2011, 08:25 AM

Thanks for posting your story. It's good to hear it right from the source. I'm very glad you and your companion made it through ok and glad to hear the co's were good guys.

The old pumper must have kicked it up a notch when your eyes met. I hope I'm never in that situation.

10-25-2011, 08:29 AM
I would do the same if in that sitiation, save me or my dogs life. Glad you're ok.

10-25-2011, 08:51 AM
Really glad to hear you and your dog are okay. And glad to hear your experience with the COs went well.

10-25-2011, 09:03 AM
webley----you had experience of lifetime.....good to hear out come was good..i just wonder what happen to the bear.. are co.s taking carcass to check..or what they are doing with it?

Trapper D
10-25-2011, 09:08 AM
The grizzlys sure are moving south from all areas, pitt lake , lumby, vancouver island, 20 minutes north of campbell river. I believe its rising population, and territorys in northly areas is already held by mature bears, also beetle kill areas push their food source out as well. They really need to take a serious look at controlling the population. im not a fan of hunting in grizzly areas to be truthful. I wouldnt be suprised if there is more in lumby area, as i know a few wintering spots of certain kinds of game that they like. another thing is the salmon in the rivers between vancouver island north and prince rupert, cant be doing all that well, due to heavy logging, mining , slack resource management monitoring, rising temperatures in rivers and creeks due to exposure of sunlight with all the beetle killed trees now producing no shade, which will bloom algae and deplete oxygen in the water, which will lessen smolt survival

10-25-2011, 09:27 AM
Contrary to Mr Suzuki's Claim. Griz is moving more and More, Not because of loosing there Range to Progress, But because the Griz are growing in such Numbers that they are forcing each other out of there respective ranges, which yes Causes shortages of food. This makes them move more , and Close to the easy sorce of food" Man". Bang "Dinner time"

10-25-2011, 11:40 AM
Glad you and your dog are ok. Was it the bear in the pics?

Mountain Man
10-25-2011, 12:13 PM
I would have done the same thing, you have mila seconds to make that decision and a dead grizzly is better than a dead person ! Harsh but true. Its easy for nay sayers to think and say that situations like that may have been dealt with in a different way but until you are charged by a grizzly in close proximity peoples opinions mean nothing.

Glad to hear your ok.

green machine
10-25-2011, 01:15 PM
i have looked in to the eyes of a grizzly one time and i was in a truck on the way to barkerville. gave me the creeps and i could not imagine being in your situation. i can say i probably would not wait very long before i pulled the trigger. glad to here your alright.

10-25-2011, 05:40 PM
I woulda done same thing..glad you're ok.

Moose Guide
10-25-2011, 06:19 PM
Good shooting, glad you're ok!! I had the same experience 20 years ago and I got chased by a grizz 2 weeks ago(I was in a river boat and he tried to catch me)

10-25-2011, 06:49 PM
Wow - too much excitment for one day. Yikes! Happy to hear you are okay and your dog.

10-25-2011, 07:31 PM
I get the feeling that if he shot the grizzly to save his dog people would have thought he did something wrong??? NO WAY!! i can tell you right now, i'll shoot any grizz/bear/animal that goes after my dog unprovoked!! dogs are like some peoples kids, would you let a grizz chew on your kid?? NO, For someone to say you should sacrifice your dog for a grizzly life they are uncaring, unloving and in need of mental therapy.

10-25-2011, 07:47 PM
Good to hear your ok. Everyone else would have done the same thing and if they didn't well then they would be dead or badly hurt. Funny thing about the anti dog people, mostly granola back country types but some hunters as well. a grizzly bear is the biggest predator in the americas, it's not scared or intimidated by dogs. so the whole dogs causing attacks is bs. If it wants to kill you it will, or if it wants nothing to do with you it will walk away. Good to hear you had a positive experience with the CO'S.

10-26-2011, 09:59 AM
I really thank you people for your concern for me and my dog. I think i have aged 5 years and my hair is a little greyer this morning. Steve!

10-26-2011, 11:15 AM
My nephew had a similar experience up in the Yukon a couple of years ago.
Things happen. Glad to see both you and my nephew are still around.

10-26-2011, 08:44 PM
I was blown away by this story ( and still the real one as you tell it, thanks). On Saturday I was up just out of Lumby looking for a deer and was walking back to the truck around 1:00. I came out of a little cat trail into this recently logged area and stopped and started to look around. Well about 150yrds away or so I see what I think is a moose as it is HUGE. I watch as this thing turns and lowers its head and there before me is the biggest grizzly I have ever seen in my life. I mean when someone says they saw a big bear I never really knew how I would know it was really big or just relatively large. This thing was just massive, had blondish hair on it in places, a hump like a camel and a head as round as a truck tire. I glassed it for while and it sat looking at me for a bit, turned and left. I had to wait as the path to my truck was close to where the bear was. I compare it's length to a couple of trees and stuff I saw through my binos and it had to be well over 8ft. I am no expert but that is my best judgement.

I then read your story and thought...just how many grizzly's are in that area and man I am lucky that one didn't take a disliking to me. Just the thought of seeing it now blows me away. I guess I am also lucky I got to see such a great animal.

10-27-2011, 04:42 AM
Glad you came out of this without any injury. In your situation, I probably would have done the same thing.

10-27-2011, 07:45 AM
Wow. Scary stuff. Glad you got off ok. To be honest if the bear attacked my dog I would still shoot it. If it attacks your dog 10 y away it is a threat to your life as well. Nicely done acting under duress

10-29-2011, 03:48 PM
not to many grizzlies on vancouver island
The grizzlys sure are moving south from all areas, pitt lake , lumby, vancouver island, 20 minutes north of campbell river. I believe its rising population, and territorys in northly areas is already held by mature bears, also beetle kill areas push their food source out as well. They really need to take a serious look at controlling the population. im not a fan of hunting in grizzly areas to be truthful. I wouldnt be suprised if there is more in lumby area, as i know a few wintering spots of certain kinds of game that they like. another thing is the salmon in the rivers between vancouver island north and prince rupert, cant be doing all that well, due to heavy logging, mining , slack resource management monitoring, rising temperatures in rivers and creeks due to exposure of sunlight with all the beetle killed trees now producing no shade, which will bloom algae and deplete oxygen in the water, which will lessen smolt survival

Lone Ranger
10-29-2011, 04:02 PM
Good shooting, I would have done the same thing. I can only hope that I'm as prepared when my moment comes. LR

10-29-2011, 04:56 PM
WOW, great story. Glad you and your dog are ok. Even if your cleaning bill may be up a little.
Good thing you were not out for grouse though.
Glad you had enough gun with you.

10-29-2011, 05:05 PM
I am the person that shot that bear,I want to clear up some of the reports I have read and heard.
First is that my dog did not initiate this attack,she was about 10-12 yds in front of me is where she was trained to be and dose not chase anything. My dog did not even know the bear was there as I did not know.
The dog is with me as I am getting up in age and my hearing is not that good anymore.
Another report is that I shot the bear to save the dog, This is not true I shot the bear to save my life. It all happened so fast you do not have time to think, As soon as I saw the bear I hollered as loud as I could as it was going strait at my dog,the bear stopped and turned his head towards me and its hair went up on it,s neck and his eyes locked on mine and he stated towards me and I fired, he went down and got up again and I shot again and he ran into the thick bush just yards from me. I ran from where he went in, to give me some more room incase he came at me again.
I went home and phoned the co,s office. I had to go and give a statement and the officer said they would meet me in the am to go and find the bear.
Myself and two officers went to find the bear and had a time to find as it was quite aways back in the bush,my dog finally found it for us.
I have to say that the two officers that were with me were very professional ,their first concern was my safety, and not at anytime did I feel intimidated by them at all,they were very polite and respectful all the time and did not try to put words in my mouth at all. I had the experience to be with these two gentleman the hole day and was a good experience, the co,s do not always get good press as I have read on this forum, but these two officers were at the top of their profession.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion by the media. Thankyou !!
Thanks for sharing this your story. Glad you came out o.k.....Any pictures? (someone had to ask!)

10-30-2011, 09:09 AM
I'm in full support of you and glad you came out unharmed. There was a letter posted on Castanet this morning and the person was upset about what happened. I think it would be nice for HBCers to write in and show our support for the OP. I know I will be.


10-30-2011, 09:36 AM
I read that this morning too Nick. Some people have no clue what they are talking about. The beauty is that they sent it in so it got published and everybody that reads it that knows anything about this would think that they are idiots. Tony K needs to think before speaking!

10-30-2011, 09:54 AM
I read that this morning too Nick. Some people have no clue what they are talking about. The beauty is that they sent it in so it got published and everybody that reads it that knows anything about this would think that they are idiots. Tony K needs to think before speaking!

Tony is out to lunch for sure. Castanet is usually pretty good about posting replies to letters so hopefully a number of people on here write in!

10-30-2011, 10:07 AM
Makes a person wonder how quick Tony's tune would change if he was the one standing there with his dog. I will be writing in for support on this one!

10-30-2011, 05:34 PM
Glad to hear that you are still typing. I have had the chance to deal with the local co's and also found them to be very good to deal with,they are trained to smell out rats ,so they know when the story is the real deal or not and calling in to them is the best way to prove that you are legit.If they find that you did something wrong through the mocassin telagragh you well have your work cut out for you trying to explain why you never called them,if you where "in the right".

buck nash
10-30-2011, 09:14 PM
Good for you for keeping your cool & shooting straight –two shots with the big bore in the vitals.:)
Glad for the happy ending-you & your dog unscathed!:)
The Vernon Morning Star does a bit more justice to the story!

Though this article tells how the co's were immediately contacted volluntairily by the OP, the OP was fully co-operative in helping recover the bear and the co's said it was a justified self-defence shooting; the first comment by some douche who claims to be a guide batently implies that the OP was poaching grizz. Because he carries a 444? Because he takes his dog hunting? I had to reply.

Actually all 5 comments were negative towards the OP. I don't see the reason for suspicion here. What's wrong with using a 444 for deer, especially in thick brush? Why would he call co's?

Anyhow glad everyone's alright.

10-30-2011, 11:39 PM
I was blown away by this story ( and still the real one as you tell it, thanks). On Saturday I was up just out of Lumby looking for a deer and was walking back to the truck around 1:00. I came out of a little cat trail into this recently logged area and stopped and started to look around. Well about 150yrds away or so I see what I think is a moose as it is HUGE. I watch as this thing turns and lowers its head and there before me is the biggest grizzly I have ever seen in my life. I mean when someone says they saw a big bear I never really knew how I would know it was really big or just relatively large. This thing was just massive, had blondish hair on it in places, a hump like a camel and a head as round as a truck tire. I glassed it for while and it sat looking at me for a bit, turned and left. I had to wait as the path to my truck was close to where the bear was. I compare it's length to a couple of trees and stuff I saw through my binos and it had to be well over 8ft. I am no expert but that is my best judgement.

I then read your story and thought...just how many grizzly's are in that area and man I am lucky that one didn't take a disliking to me. Just the thought of seeing it now blows me away. I guess I am also lucky I got to see such a great animal.
Yup. I make my home in Lumby. Hunting in the lower hills during the last 6 years, I have run into grizzlies on 4 different occasions in 4 different local areas. Once between Mable Lake and Sugar Lake, once up at Vidler Ridge, once near Camels Hump, and once just past Goat (mountain) Lake.My closest encounter was 5 years ago just pass goat mountain lake in early November while hunting deer. My partner decided to walk this clearcut, so I went into the swamp adjacent to the cut. I was wearing complete camo and stalking very slowly and methodically, when I saw a huge hump muscle just on the other side showing just above a large fallen tree.

My first thought was the hump of a huge bull moose. But just as fast, I realized it was much larger than any hump I had ever seen on a moose, and if it were a moose I should see a big rack. I quickly deducted it was a large grizz. As it cleared the tree, about 15 yards in front of me, I could see this huge head of a grizz bobing up and down as it walked casually, unaware of my presence. Not unlike the way a domestic cow walks. It continued to walk and it eventually intersected the path which I just walk through. I knew it would pick up my scent then and would react.

I held the crosshairs of my 280 remington on the bear. As soon as it intersected my path, the bear reacted immediately with a loud woof , turned and started running full speed straight at me, taking in deep breaths as it ran. I held the crosshairs of my scope on the bear continually as it charged at me. As I was still and in complete camo, I knew the bear did not see me. But if it continued in its path, it was literally going to run me over and surely there would be an attack without a doubt. With each bound it close the distance VERY quickly. I determined that if it should take one more bound in my direction, I would have to pull the trigger or the next bound it would collide with me. Just at that moment it veered slightly of it`s course and continued running right past me a mere 8 yards in front of me. I never pulled the trigger, but I can tell you that I did not sleep too well for a few nights after that. It was a shiny jet black in color and the biggest bear anyone could imagine. This thing was absolutely HUGE!!!

So, make no mistake, I can tell you with certainty, there is no David Suzuki dilemma here in the Lumby area. Quite the contrary.
By the way, according to well known american biologist Leonard Lee Rue III, in his book (Complete Guide to Game Animals) published by Outdoor Life, the largest wild grizzly known on record weighed in at 1100 pounds, and was named the (Okanagan Cattle Killer). The genetics for big bears are here.

10-31-2011, 12:52 AM
Man I heard the stories on the news but glad to hear it from the you instead of all of the news reporters. I was just up about 35k north of lumby a long time family friend asked me n my dad to go up for a hunt a visit so we did. I bagged a deer as we had permission from a hunter our buddy knows to hunt there so me my dad n our friend where hunting we kept coming across huge piles of bear shit. Well that night me n the friend saw a grizzly way down about a good 700 yards away n we figured it was a cow at first it was so big. Made me wanna think twice before going back up there again.

cmc destroyer
10-31-2011, 11:08 AM
Thanks for posting, I admit I was one of the skeptics. I have had very few griz encounters around the Okanagan and so I figured it was a spiced up story. After reading this I do feel bad for trashing your story in conversations about it. I will share this thread with my hunting buddies and make sure they too know this was legit. Glad your safe bud..

12-20-2015, 01:29 PM
Good job. How big was the bear? Curious, was it mature or young, male or female? Glad you and your dog are ok.

12-21-2015, 05:17 AM
I am not very good at posting pictures but there is one in the bugs and glitches forum on the second page under test, the co,s said he weighed well over 500 lbs. and he was 9-10 years old and a boar. Steve!

12-21-2015, 08:33 AM
I really thank you people for your concern for me and my dog. I think i have aged 5 years and my hair is a little greyer this morning. Steve!
I bet!!! Glad you guys are okay, I would do the same, you did all the right steps also which is good to hear with the co's and you telling your storey mite ease others in reporting so they arnt intimidated from co's.

12-21-2015, 10:25 AM
Glad to hear that you and your dog are safe and sound. I would have shit my pants.

12-21-2015, 10:57 AM
Damn that's some scary s***! Lol just noticed this thread is from 2011..

12-21-2015, 01:04 PM
Damn that's some scary s***! Lol just noticed this thread is from 2011..

Yes prior to this incident there were virtually no grizzly sighting in this area ..... but there has been at least one every year since .

10-31-2021, 09:05 PM

-10 years ago another grizz charge
-remember posting on this thread -Lumby Grizzly-by Webley-his last activity on HBC was today

Some more info with shot grizz photo

From approximately 10 yards, the Lumby deer hunter to save his life fired two shots from a 444-calibre Marlin hunting rifle at the charging male grizz……the 550 lbs bear went down, got back up and took off. They found the grizz dead the next day.
“In this case, there is no doubt in our minds that had he not shot the bear or had a smaller calibre rifle, the hunter would have suffered grievous bodily harm or death,” said Sgt. Josh Lockwood, CO.
Charging grizzly threatens hunter – Vernon Morning Star (https://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/charging-grizzly-threatens-hunter/)


10-31-2021, 09:12 PM
It saddens me that someone has to clear the air about protecting ones self . I’m glad you are safe .

11-01-2021, 04:32 AM
Thanks everybody,Im still here at 74 now though still get out and still seeing lots of grizzlies no more trouble though. once is enough of that. Steve!

11-01-2021, 06:29 AM
As long as you took all that delicious meat and left the hide, claws, gall bladder to waste etc... why would i have a problem?

Glad to hear you made it through the encounter.

11-01-2021, 07:28 AM
Unless I missed it, what did they do with it?

Glad you are a good man under pressure. Even if at the last second the bear changed its mind and broke of the charge, the next time it might not. And that person may be unprepared or unarmed. Good job.

11-01-2021, 08:20 AM
Good to see you are still active here at 74 Webley. 10 years sure goes fast! I did like that the COs mentioned your 444 Marlin and that it would have ended differently with a lesser caliber. I mostly hunt with my .30-30 but have never seen a grizzly where I typically hunt.

11-01-2021, 08:46 AM
Glad you and your dog are safe. I would've done/performed in the same way (I hope!).

11-01-2021, 09:44 AM
A great outcome with no room for second guessing. The experience and instincts kicked in just the way you hope they will and the 444 did its job back on that day…..well done!!

11-01-2021, 11:07 AM
What prompted a resurrection of a ten year old thread? A want once again to castigate ol'Webly or just public interest?

11-01-2021, 01:06 PM
What prompted a resurrection of a ten year old thread? A want once again to castigate ol'Webly or just public interest?
Sucked again. I never look at the date or who posts the threads.

11-01-2021, 01:50 PM
Sucked again. I never look at the date or who posts the threads.

I was going to say that 2011 called and want their thread back.

11-01-2021, 02:13 PM
The first round in my SG is ssg's when prospecting north coastal areas. The rest slugs. This encounter is an example of why. At close range a bullet could easily miss under panic. The pattern of ssg not so much... at least to halt the charge. Talking of big bears, though not a grizzly "The largest polar bear on record, reportedly weighing 1,002 kg (2,209 lb), was a male shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960. This specimen, when mounted, stood 3.39 m (11 ft 1 in) tall on its hindlegs."

11-01-2021, 03:25 PM
Glad you are ok. Not much time for second guessing in that situation.

11-01-2021, 05:29 PM
The first round in my SG is ssg's when prospecting north coastal areas. The rest slugs. This encounter is an example of why. At close range a bullet could easily miss under panic. The pattern of ssg not so much... at least to halt the charge. Talking of big bears, though not a grizzly "The largest polar bear on record, reportedly weighing 1,002 kg (2,209 lb), was a male shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960. This specimen, when mounted, stood 3.39 m (11 ft 1 in) tall on its hindlegs."


11-01-2021, 09:11 PM
The first round in my SG is ssg's when prospecting north coastal areas. The rest slugs. This encounter is an example of why. At close range a bullet could easily miss under panic. The pattern of ssg not so much... at least to halt the charge. Talking of big bears, though not a grizzly "The largest polar bear on record, reportedly weighing 1,002 kg (2,209 lb), was a male shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960. This specimen, when mounted, stood 3.39 m (11 ft 1 in) tall on its hindlegs."What is your pattern at 20 yds? 10 yds? choke?

11-02-2021, 09:12 PM

More on the above-very interesting

A.D.(Arthur R. Dubs) was the hunter who shot the record polar bear in 1960. I think it’s the same guy in the photos above.

A.D. (1930-2013)
………..“Arthur was also renowned for his hunting abilities. In 1960, Arthur took the world's largest polar bear as recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records and Life Magazine. He still holds the world record for the largest Grand Slam of North American bighorn sheep. In 2010, Safari Club International honored Arthur with the International Hunting Ring Award for his worldwide hunting accomplishments”.

https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/138677806/arthur-r.-dubs (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/138677806/arthur-r.-dubs)

11-03-2021, 06:58 PM
lol just realized this story is from 2011. Still glad you were ok though.