View Full Version : 3rd deer this season has hit the dirt and its my 1st 4 point muley have a look

10-24-2011, 02:02 PM
Hey HuntingBC,

Well i have reached my limit for deer and it was a happy ending to my deer season, this season started off with a 5x4 whitetail with matching double browtines, then there was a spike mule takin in region 3 so i could have some more meat, and now this guy was takin in region 8.

well heres how it all went down, after goin out thrusday moring, friday evening, saturday moring, sunday moring, and out of those 4 days i only seen 4 moose all cows and 4 deer no antlers, so after seeing not a damn thing on sunday moring not even a grouse and a chipmunk, something in the back of my head was tellin me to go look for an immy i have seen about a week ago, I got to my spot where i wanted to hunt thismoring a bit early about 15-20min before i could see, so i sat there and ejoyed some hot chocolate yumm yumm, Once i could see i started to mozzy on down the road, made it to then end with out seeing a thing about a 20min hunting speed drive, i turned around at the end of the road and started to head back and check the upper road, and about half way back to the Y in the road i spotted movement out my side of the truck and hit the breaks, i jumped outta my truck and got to the first rock i could see for a rest, i scoped him with my Leupold Canadian 4x12x50 at about 175-200 yards and i seen he was a buck and a nice one was taller then his ears, when he turned his head i noticed the one side was a nice tall 3point and i have never shot a 3point muley before only spikes and 2points and being any buck still i thought im takin this one, and BANG!!! off went the 300 Win Mag. the buck did a big jump and kick so i knew i had hit him good, so i grabbed my bag with all my knives and saw in it and headed for where he was standing when i shot him, when i got up to where i had shot him there was no blood so i started to walk the way he went after i shot him (towards the tree line), still there was no blood, after about 20 min or so i headed back to where i had shot him starting to feel dissapointed and that i may not recover this one, and after walkin in circles where i had shot him, i found blood and was very excited :mrgreen:, so i started to follow the blood trail for about 50-60yards and the blood trail stopped so i was thinkin come on, and as i was standing over top of the last drop of blood i could find, I started to spin in a circle and there he was layin dead about 10-15 yards away from me and only about 50-60 yards from where i shot him, and at that time i noticed holy S**t hes a 4x3 and then the HOOTIN AND HOLLERIN STARTED, he is also the biggest Mule Deer i have ever shot to date, and after a hour and a half solo drag out
Here is a pic of my first 4x3 muley

The Dawg
10-24-2011, 02:04 PM

Its nice to walk up and find that theres no ground shrinkage :)


Mikey Rafiki
10-24-2011, 02:12 PM
Well done!

Although those extra points sure are squeakers, especially if you are counting the sticker on the back of the left side.

Still bigger than anything I've dumped this year :)

10-24-2011, 02:15 PM
Nice buck, Matt. Congrats on a successful season. With three deer down, you've got time now to be a dedicated immy hunter. Good luck - go get him!

10-24-2011, 02:21 PM
ya that one on the back left side is a squeaker for sure haha, i guess he could be a 4x2 depending on how one counts his points haha, but on the mini tapemeasure all points are long enough to count as points and he is my biggest muley i ever shot todate, and thank you Mikey Rafiki

Well done!

Although those extra points sure are squeakers, especially if you are counting the sticker on the back of the left side.

10-24-2011, 03:19 PM
good on ya man....I shot one like that for my first 4 point and was damn proud to say I shot a four point....Congrats on having such a great year....is that a skiff of snow or heavy frost?

10-24-2011, 03:24 PM
Its very nice to see how excited you are with your hunt!! Congratulations!!

10-24-2011, 05:15 PM
stitch yes that is a skiff of snow :) not frost, it was lightly snowing but didnt last long when i was sittin in my truck waitin for sunrise drinkin my hot chocolate, the roads were totally covered with a skiff of snow the truck was leavin track all the way up

is that a skiff of snow or heavy frost?

10-25-2011, 12:03 PM
Nice buck matt, way to finish up the season

10-25-2011, 12:48 PM
Well done Matt and congrats on your first four point!!!

10-25-2011, 01:37 PM
Nice buck. Lots of good eats this winter.

10-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Nice one for sure!!Congrats on a good season!

10-25-2011, 02:48 PM
Congrats! Thats a great eating deer their~! And a 4 point to boot! Great season your having! Cheers!
Thanks for sharing with us!

10-25-2011, 03:05 PM
Feel like helping a new guy out?I was up that way last friday and didn't see a damn thing except a highway doe.

10-25-2011, 08:21 PM
Nice mule deer buck.

10-26-2011, 08:02 AM
Way to go Matt.Congrats on tagging out.. Now its time for chickens and coyotes:mrgreen:.

10-26-2011, 05:26 PM
thanks calv! that was a nice lookin buck you got this year aswell right at the begining, congrats on yours too man!!

Nice buck matt, way to finish up the season

10-26-2011, 11:22 PM
ya its time for chickens and yotes forsure, i also still got a moose tag to try and fill and iv seen a few immys but before they opened, so now time to try to go and find them again before they close,

and thanks for everyones replys :)

Now its time for chickens and coyotes:mrgreen:.