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09-18-2006, 09:48 PM
I'll get right to the details.
Day1-stalked 4 rams, none big enough. Found some more just at dark.
Day2-relocated 2nd band of rams, one was a league above the rest, chased them all day, didn't get a shot. Blew my knee out the last 30 minutes of the hike back to camp. Spent rest of trip limping in pain with trekking poles while stoned on Codeine and Ibuprofen.
Day3-Lots of hiking(limping), lots of glassing, no big rams
Day4-Spotted a nice Billy right at daybreak and since I was the only one in our party of 3 without a goat on his wall, we made a play for him. After roasting in the sun for over 3 hours waiting for him to rise from his bed on a high shelf where we couldn't see him, my partner climbed behind and above him to scare him up. My first shot went behind the right shoulder and broke the left, a couple more ensured he would not climb out of our reach. Rest of the day was spent doing dirty work.

Day5-2 of us layed low and spotted, found no new rams but 6 new goats appeared. Could easily have filled the other goat tags, but now all of us were looking at nothing until we had our rams. The third member found the big ram again but got screwed by a thunderstorm which sent the rams running for cover as he made his stalk.
Day6-Lots of hiking, lots of glassing, couldn't find the big boys...Decided to split up and maybe one of us would push the rams into one of the others and get lucky.
Day7-2 of us slept in-I peered out the tent, not quite light enought to glass. I got dressed and began making breakfast when I hear frantic whispers to get my binos! A band of rams are making their way 150 yards from the tent! The 2 biggest are missing, so after some quick evaluating I make the call that one is good and I take the shot as they scoot over a bit of a rise on the mountainside and run 600 yards to feed in the next basin. I wait about 20 minutes then go up on the rocks to check, nothing...I start heading back down when I spot something white, sheep legs! My aim was true, the bullet entered just behind his right shoulder and broke the left. My first ram!!! I even found the bullet resting just inside his hide when I caped him out. Unfortunately we had some camera issues, no pics of me holding the sheep but I can look at him every day once he's mounted above the doorway in the main entrance of my house.

We spent the rest of the trip trying to find the larger rams we had seen, to no avail.
I was lucky to have a hunting partner willing to carry more than his share of the load when I was hurt, I guess what goes around comes around I'm sure I'll pay him back somehow, someday. It still hasn't really sunk in yet that I got my first Stone, maybe once it's hanging on my wall.
The mutton is delicous, however I never did taste the goat. When we returned to base camp with the sheep all the goat meat was gone along with the game bag and the rope holding it up in the tree. We assumed the wolverine we had seen the day before was the culprit. The trip was a dream come true for me, I only wish my hard working mules for hunting partners had experienced the same luck I had. Fun was had by all, and in 3 years when I can take another stone's sheep I hope to be back there again...

09-18-2006, 10:00 PM
Great report...Sounds like an Awesome Hunt8-)
Try this for resizing pics........it works great and is Simple.
When the pic is done just right click and save it back onto your PC

09-18-2006, 10:05 PM
Another site for re-sizing and storing pictures is Photobucket.com Sounds like a great hunt except for the bum knee.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-18-2006, 10:09 PM
Sounds like an awesome trip!!8)
A couple of friends lost 3/4 of their sheep last year to a wolverine. The little buggers can be pretty cunning and bold.......................


09-18-2006, 10:12 PM
congrats on your first ram , sounds like a he** of a trip, can't wait for the pics,

mainland hunter
09-18-2006, 10:30 PM
thats great, nice goat and ram, nice to see people having sheep success

09-18-2006, 10:41 PM
That is awesome! Congrats!

09-19-2006, 06:44 AM
Thanks for taking us on your trip.

09-19-2006, 07:22 AM
Excellent hunting and reporting very good

09-19-2006, 08:11 AM
go figure, the guy with a bum knee shoots a ram from his tent! theres a sheep story ya dont hear to often!!!

09-19-2006, 08:20 AM
After a few years of reading these trip reports its pretty rare for me to get goosebumps! It sounds like you hunt in good company so its likely that you are good company. Well done, .. on both animals!:)

09-19-2006, 10:09 AM
A goat and a sheep.......incredible trip. I have to get off my ass and try that sometime

09-19-2006, 12:44 PM
After a few years of reading these trip reports its pretty rare for me to get goosebumps! It sounds like you hunt in good company so its likely that you are good company. Well done, .. on both animals!:)

I hunt in great company, and can only hope I get the chance to somehow repay my debts from this trip. I guess the hunting gods decided to smile on me this year. I have been hunting since the first day Mom would allow me to tag along with Dad, and at 29 this was by a very long shot the most exciting and successful trip I have ever had.

09-19-2006, 01:02 PM
Wicked hunt man. Doesn't get any better than that.

09-20-2006, 03:52 PM
go figure, the guy with a bum knee shoots a ram from his tent! theres a sheep story ya dont hear to often!!!

:lol: No sh!t. Sound like a great hunt for you. Congrats.

09-20-2006, 05:06 PM
Sounds like a blast man! Except the knee. Awsome that you manged to get both a goat and a sheep. now all we need is more pictures!

09-20-2006, 08:27 PM
Looks like A great hunt bum knee and all. love the goat