View Full Version : Taking my wife out for her first hunt..

10-20-2011, 09:19 PM
Well I am trying to get my wife in to hunting as she has her hunter number but has not bought a license yet. I decided to take her out on the first day of antlerless WT. 15 minutes 3 does pop out on to the edge of a cut block and she damn new jumps through the roof of the truck. She is reaching for the binos as she asks what species it is. Truck hits park and the slight noise of it disengaging the gear sends up the flags and the run about 50 yards away but also in to the middle of the cut block. I creep out of the truck and drop the magazine in hiking about 30 yards in to the cut block and lay prone on a rock out cropping. I line up the biggest of the 3 does but it is quartering away at about 130 yds where it stops. My wife, standing on the step of the truck looking over the hood with the binos. Laying there breath slowing and finger tightening against the trigger. My concentration is disrupted by some loud snorting just 15 yards in front of me. Paying more attention to the snorting I lose my opportunity on the nice doe as she quarters away and walks back in to the tree line. From the snorts springs a doe, flag flying and a sprint for the tree line. I lay there and watch the beautiful doe run and walk back to the truck unloading my rifle. My wife bouncing up and down on the road, excited about seeing the does and ragging on me for not taking the shot at the first doe. Get back in the truck and start heading further up the road to my little spot turn down the next road and not even 15 minutes from the last deer we saw, Ashlie jumps again nearly screaming deer. I stop scanning for the deer looking about 100 yds down the road in the new cut block. She points and barely can get it out of her mouth "right there". 10 yds in front of the truck there is a large mound of dirt and I catch a glimpse of a twitching ear. Put my truck in to park and the doe pops its head up and moves slightly now exposing a flag. I dont move and it goes back to grazing. Getting out of the truck it pops its head up again and starts walking out in to the open. Watching it walk out in front of me and the truck I decide that she is worth shooting as she is a decent size so I pop the magazine back in and jack in a shell. She stops instantly and looks back at me but doesnt run and standing perfectly broadside. Kneel and raise the rifle, followed by the blast of my 300WSM. She jumps about 4 feet in the air coming down and bounding 2 more times before dropping to the ground. I look over at my wife to see her bawling her eyes out. I go around the truck and give her a hug and just let her cry it out as I comfort her. She continues on to say " I dont think I like hunting." I tell her that it was ok and I am just happy she came out with me and it is ok if she just waits in the truck while i field dress the beautiful doe. After getting all the necessary equipment sorted out I start towards the deer. I turn around to see my wife walking on a mission to catch up to me. I asked what she was doing and her response was "i am part of this hunt I cant just do part of it, I want to see the whole thing."
She gets her hands right in there asking questions about what I am doing.
I explain all the steps to her and then it was time to drag the deer to the road. She grabs an ear and a leg and we drag it up to the road. Load it in to the truck and get all cleaned up. 90 minutes after leaving the house, we were on our way back home. Half way down the back road she is all smiles again and looks over at me to say thank you for bringing her. The next words almost made me crash the truck. She says I cant believe I was crying like a baby. I think I like hunting more then fishing, we should do this more often"

Apparently I have 64kb of room and used 58 of it already so here is the links



Stone C. Killer
10-20-2011, 09:34 PM
That's awesome! I'm hoping to do the same thing witha doe draw I got for this Nov. All the best.

The Dude
10-20-2011, 09:35 PM
LMAO...wimmen is the craziest peoples! Glad your honey took to hunting! Good on ya, and congrats on the venison! :D

10-20-2011, 09:44 PM
"we should do this more often" that's gotta be a man's favorite thing to hear!!! Congratulations to the both of you, enjoy that whitetail, yum.

10-21-2011, 06:10 AM
Good hunting partners are hard to find so keep her happy.

Wild Images
10-21-2011, 06:14 AM

10-21-2011, 08:15 AM
Good for you..... my wife's out hunting right now with her friend (also a lady) and I'm stuck watching the kid this morning LOL....... actually I'm not laughing:confused:. Anyways women in the field is a more and more common sight and that couldn't be better for hunter recruitment. Keep it up guy!

10-21-2011, 08:26 AM
AWESOME! My wife loves hunting to, or I should say, supports it. She admits she has no problem letting me out as often as possible and loves fresh game, just can't handle seeing the dead animal.

nature girl
10-21-2011, 09:14 PM
Thats great your wife came out with you. And when she started crying you didnt treat her like crap or she would probably never would go out with you again.

Trapper D
10-21-2011, 09:36 PM
congrats on the deer , ya it can be fun with the lady

10-21-2011, 09:56 PM
That's awesome that your wife came with you. The fact that you gave her a hug when she was upset....tells me you are on your way to a long-lasting healthy marriage. May the two of you have alot of good hunting memories.

10-21-2011, 11:08 PM
Thanks everyone. Already planning a 2 day hunt to fill Mule deer and moose tag when I am back home from work. She is already excited to go. Just need to find a good place for the elusive spike fork near Kelowna
Cant go too far cause our 13 month old will be at grandmas