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View Full Version : Leaseman and Son and Srupp 2011 fall hunt

10-15-2011, 02:46 PM
Here are some of the scenery photos..



10-15-2011, 02:55 PM
and some more..

10-15-2011, 03:00 PM
and final scenery photoshttp://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d47/srupp/P10102560002.jpg


10-15-2011, 03:17 PM
Looks like nice country can't wait for the rest of the story

10-15-2011, 03:39 PM
Beautiful scenery. What part of bc were you in? Cariboo?

10-15-2011, 03:47 PM
yes Moose was near Likely..deer was near horsefly..so were the grizzlies..

once Mike gets a chance to put in his story I will post some more success photos..and some of the events,,

10-15-2011, 05:12 PM
Nice pics, cant Waite for the rest!

10-15-2011, 05:26 PM
This thread is a bigger tease than my prom date.
We want animals Srupp!
Nice country tho.

10-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Beautiful country for sure

10-15-2011, 06:15 PM
Great scenery pics Srupp. Thanks for posting them. You have to love this beautiful Province of ours. Can't wait to see the rest.

10-15-2011, 06:40 PM
can't wait for the story and pics!


10-16-2011, 09:21 AM
yes it WAS an exciting trip...everything from fires burning cabins, to having to deal with strangers pulling in needing "PARAMEDIC STEVEN " lol, grizzlies, dead people,several chances @ bulls...Mike and Nick hearing thgeir first bull moose come calling...to harvesting bull, and buck..


10-16-2011, 09:29 AM
Did u kill these people???

10-16-2011, 09:41 AM
Did u kill these people???

Ah yeah , a little nervous to go hunt'n with you again Steve!!! The rest of the trip sounds fun though.. Come on Mike post your pics Bud!! I have heard all about your hunt just no pics yet. I bet Nick got a great first time education he will never forget, way to mentor there Elmer.....

10-16-2011, 11:24 AM
nope didnt kill the one guy... and helped the second guy..

I have the moose photos..just wanted Mikes imput before I posted my photos...


10-16-2011, 04:22 PM
nope didnt kill the one guy... and helped the second guy..

I have the moose photos..just wanted Mikes imput before I posted my photos...


Hmm - seems Mike's MIA??? Something more to tell here Steven?? haha

10-16-2011, 06:00 PM
ahhhhhh I think I need to laywer up...lol


10-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Nice pics steven was a pleasure to meet you and the leaseman , looking forward to the rest of story and some more pics.

10-17-2011, 09:24 AM
Waiting with baited breath...

10-17-2011, 11:31 AM
yup Greg it WAS wild ride to be sure..waqiting to see what Mike and his son Nick felt about the whole adventure..

22 savage..Daryle??

met Jeff and my hair cutter Wendy and her husband, plus a few others...seemed like everone I met I knew or they knew me...some even liked me..lol..

Just hoping the Leaseman and son enjoyed the trip..THATS what it was ALL about..


10-17-2011, 11:12 PM
Yes Steven its Darrell will be back up your way for a cow draw in 5-15c some time in November.Thanks again for the info you shared with Dad and I ,and also the help you offered to kirk and his partner at the gravel pit .Hopefully they got their bull also.

10-18-2011, 12:38 AM
Glad you and you Dad had such a great time, it was my pleasure to meet you and of course your Dad..VERY PLEASED YOU GUYS WERE SUCCESSFULL....there were 9 bulls pulledd out in the 3 weeks in Nyland- maude area .yes I also hope Kirk and his partner were successfull...hopefully on that BIG bull @ Piggy meadow/cut...

THANKS AGAIN for dropping off the much appreciated "goods" lol



I will be in Alberta from Nov 12..to 23rd?? on a whitetail hunt....otherwise 'around"

10-20-2011, 08:49 AM
Sorry for the long delay in getting this "story" going boys.....:mrgreen:

First time in quite a few years I have taken 2 weeks off for hunting.... now I remember why..... work just builds up while I am gone and no one to look after it....:wink:

10-20-2011, 09:07 AM
So where do I start??

My son and I left for Steve's place the morning of September 30th.... after a quick stop at the bank for funds (none available, contact branch, a good start with limited cash..... and still waiting for new credit cards.....:wink:) we hit the road from the lower mainland.....

A few stops for fuel, food and a couple of final quick shots from the sons new rifle (and numerous calls from Srupp wondering where the hell we were!!) and we arrive in Billys Puddle!

Steve is ready to go, chomping at the bit so to speak, so we load up the last of the fuel and supplies and head for the great adventure!

Being from the lower mainland, most of my moose hunting has been south of Vanderhoof (7-11 &12) for roughly 35+ years! I am not use to you interior and northern boys having the long drive of 45 minutes before you are hunting!!!

We set up camp where Steve wanted to and made us city folk feel right at home! We were "camping" within a 100 yards of a stop sign....:mrgreen:

10-20-2011, 09:18 AM
Sounds like you all had a good time!:mrgreen:Any pictures kicking around yet?:-D

10-20-2011, 09:18 AM
Steve and my son Nick went for a quick quad ride while I started supper the first night we arrived. I had borrowed a quad and Steve had his so my son spent a lot of time doubling on Steve's...... I did a few turns in camp so just the two of them could get out together.... for some reason they seem to enjoy each others company.....;).... (might be the warped humor!!)

We covered a lot of country on the quads, old cuts, bogs,lakes etc. On a few occasions (3-4?) we finally got the opportunity to hear Steve call bulls with them answering.... was interesting and exciting because with all my other moose hunts we always did the "seek and distroy" method in Vanderhoof, we went looking foir them!

Several days passed with sitings of deer, cows/calfs, bear and quite a few grouse (enough to keep my son happy!) but no bull for me (pardon the pun!) Steve and Nick had spotted a bull in a slash on Thursday night about 2k from camp so the morning hunt was set for this area.....

10-20-2011, 09:54 AM
So up at o'dark o'clock, a quick cup of tea and hot chocolate for the road and off to the slash.....

Did I mention it was damn cold, sleeting/raining and the wind blowing..... guess that was why Steve told to sit on the berm in the open slash.....:mrgreen:.....I also forgot to mention that due to funding and such, my water proof gear is sadly lacking in the pant dept..... so being soaked to the ass is not only an expression for me......:wink:

Slowly the darkness gives way to the weak fall morning light and shapes are able to be seen...... all are stumpos!!

The showers slowed, the wind eased and the wet morning became more bearable although after a couple of hours of sitting, I was getting damn cold!

I finally said ten more minutes and I am going to wimp out.....!

7-8 minutes later I see a moose come out of the thick stuff and is trotting straight across in front of me, but a fair way out there! Up with the binos and yup, there is horns! With the speed he is going, we will run out of clear real estate in a very quick time! Up with the rifle, free hand shot and I am thinking a little to far back!! He does a 90 degree turn away from me and heads down into a ravine and comes up the other side, still heading away! I take another bead, hold over a bit for the distance and hit him hard.... A small group of trees (4-5) are right beside him and he turns into these, never to leave again!


Now the funny part was Steve was not too far away, same with my son. We each had a radio, I could hear them plain as day but my wouldn't send! They headed over to where I was and after the high fives etc., the work started... "You shot him on WHICH side of the ravine!!!????" seemed to be the theme....:mrgreen:

10-20-2011, 09:57 AM
So hopefully Steve isn't working and can post some pics as his was the only camera at the site........:mrgreen:

Back to work for me, but this was the main hunt, but we do have a part 2 and 3 which I will get to later!


10-20-2011, 10:35 AM
Nice hunt. I seem to recall the saying you shot him where a few times from a few of my hunts. But the best one was "Why the "F**K" did you shoot him in the swamp. Now you have to go swimming". Yep that was a fun northern hunt in October with ice on the water and snowing so hard we where wondering if we would make it out lol.

Moose was not shot in the water, he just decided to have one last swim but never made it to shore.

10-20-2011, 11:07 AM




10-20-2011, 11:09 AM
Haha......nice toque Mike!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Congrats on the moose!!

10-20-2011, 11:39 AM
So the most difficult part of the whole endeavor ??? Getting permission to take 2 weeks from work to go hunting...however the selecting the proper gear, clothes, and ensuring it was working and in finest order took a complete week..by then I was CHOMPING at the bit to get going..

with all the hunters contacting me..I selected an area for Mike and Nick that was just out of the ordinary..,with active logging perhaps it would discourage others also??

We set out and in no time with Nick..AKA THE SHERPA..we had Mikes wonderful camper, the 2 quads, chainsaws, 2 generators my fiberglass tent..and a significant quantity of exceptional food.

The first night we spent looking over the maps I had printed up..giving a outlay of the land, water, swamps, trails..and rds...and how we were going to systimatically work through the area till we had a bull on the ground for Mike..

The first morning found us huddled above a creek long before the sun was up...shiverring in the grey mist we started the cow calling...some 2 hours later on the first morning the unmistakable grunts of a bull answering had Mike loading his 30-06..however the grunts only lasted for 10 minutes and then just like my youth...he too was gone.....

for the next few days we got up early...hunted every cut block , creek, slash and trail...successfully seeing 100 grouse?? beras..BIG and small...brown and black..none were Nicks choice..

Every evening the quads were filled with fuel...Mike cooked a gourmet meal...we briefly discussed the days events..and Ruppster hit the hay whiel Father and son spent quality time watching dvd movies...

we met numerous folks in the woods members from HBC...my Hairdresser Wendy..and other aquaintances..Darryl and his Dad were successfull in taking a bull second day??

We saw does and fawns, and small bucks..however it was moose time..

We did see cows and calves.. and a bull one evening when Mike was in the next cutblock..however we also were hearing the odd bull..and seeing fresh moose tracks each morning..
The weather was way too warm.

the one night Mike went to PIGGY cutblock..and I to a cut 3 kms away..Mike was going to stay till dark...from 2 kms away i saw a bull..should be 70 yards from Mike..no shot???? I headed over and in the same cut block saw a 50" bull headed for cover.....no Mike...

Mike had headed to camp@ 6:00 ana 2 bulls were there @ 6:15....

next am we headed to the same cut..Mike got the seat of honor and I went just around the corner to ensure ALL of the cut block was viwed..

At 930 am 3 shots rang out...Mike had his Moose down...a tricky shot..because of the 6 -8 year old christmas tree cut block..Mike definatly did NOT have a easy shot..but GOT ER DONE!!..

we spent a bit of time with the hero stuff..and then because of the heat worked our assses off..loaded the trailer with a long rope tied off to a snatch block on my quad(which was tied off via the winch to a stump) and a direct pull of the complete moose to the rd and the trailer..

immediatly after that once Mike had signed a letter allowing us to comply with the regs we raced off to town the hang the bull in my garage...a quick shower and a cold bottle of DR pepper for Nick..it was out to the camp..

Here we had decided to pull up camp and head to Horsefly for Deer...

I gave my maps to the only group of guys who had not located a bull...and was actually surprised by just how little they had learne of the area..so hopefully they also were successful after we left.we had herad wolves and seen cougar tracks daily..???

one last event at that camp I needed to hit the boys room..was in the bushes doing my potty..when 2 yhoos pulled up..I kinda screamed out that I was currently busy..they pulled out BINOCULARS and drove even closer... I screamed out seriously..as I put down Roberto Luongos stats papers I was using for toilet paper (OOOOPS SORRY NICK..LOL)

I really did get angry..obviously going to bathroom....why get CLOSER?? and use your binos???fat old man going potty....wierd...

In the process of backing up further from view..I baqcked right into"my buisness" and ruined a pair of sweat pants////&^$$*#%^#%^#%^#%^*!!

so once cleaned up..off fort Horsefly Part deux


10-20-2011, 12:27 PM
great story love all the smiles

10-20-2011, 12:34 PM
Sounds good so far.. Keep it coming.

Big Lew
10-20-2011, 12:35 PM
"Leaseman", the smile says it all, congratulations. Getting your moose was 'icing on the cake' to what sounds like a wonderful outing with your Son and a good friend. Hope you get to enjoy many more, same goes for you to "Srupp"

10-20-2011, 12:37 PM
Great shots. What is the make of your camera?

My field camera is terrible.

10-20-2011, 01:07 PM
Thanks Big lew...it truly was enjoyable.....and I "think " Nick learned a whole bunch?? sounds and sights and animal tracks...hearing his first Bull moose...seeing his first grizzly bear..the basics..101 of moose calling and hunting..pretty boring to a 17 year old..but some advanced stuff also..Mike of course this isnt his first rodeo..hmmm but he did see the clowns..lol..

I took 2 cameras..the first was a pocket camera Olymous...waterproof..it was always with us..

Second was a Nikkon..D200 for the photo of the moose and Mike/Nick etc..

As for the smiles....there were times we were laughing so hard I could hardly breathe...lots of good times...

To get Susans permission was so very important...I am fortunate I get a lot of chances to go hunting with a lot of guys and gals..I cqant possibly go on even a few of em..I appreciate Susans allowing.me 2 weeks to tag along.

Also it takes considerable amount of gear to go out and deal with everything and anything nature has to throw at you..for example..the one day we went 15 kms way back to this cutblock that no one goes to..except a HUGE 100 foot humungous spruce?? was blown over blocking the last 5 kms to the cut bloc...

no problem..I had a wonderful chainsaw, sharp, and tuned up, fresh gas...as I said no problem..I just reched into the front dry box and SHIT!!!!I had left the saw at home that morning at the trailer...seee more laughter @ Steven...groan... we did get back into there the next day and succesfully excluded another spot the bulls were not hiding out in...


10-20-2011, 07:02 PM
Good job guys, congrats!

10-20-2011, 07:17 PM
Great adventure. Congratulations.

10-20-2011, 07:19 PM
Never ceases too amaze me how many people you help out. Good on you Steve I am sure it helps keeping hunter numbers up. Thanks for posting fellas

Call of the Wild
10-20-2011, 07:23 PM
Very nice scenery with some happy hunters. Good for you guys to bring a young guy with you.

10-20-2011, 08:14 PM
Congrats goes out to Steve, Mike and Nick !! Looks like a great eating Bull !! Hope your still warmed up from the Butchering because you may get lucky enough to help out do Aarons Bull if we get one before you get to Alberta.
You guys did get a Muley or 2 as well didn't ya ?
Now with any Luck you won't wreck another pair of sweats while here with the Cozy accomodations Andy is setting us up with.
See ya in about 3 weeks....

10-21-2011, 08:33 AM
hmmm yes we did get deer, part DEUX...yep Ill bring the knives..just in case..and extra sweats..lol



Say Hi to Roxanna and Grinch

10-21-2011, 08:48 AM
Good story Steve, and good on you for sharing your experience with a new hunter.

Good luck on your whitetail hunt

10-21-2011, 02:05 PM

Congrats on that fine bull!!!! Some good eats for the winter.

Steven, sent you a PM



10-22-2011, 11:54 AM
Sitkas spruce..Ebony asked when Kasha is coming to visit, again..lol..

Nick asked some incredibly good questions...from survival techniques, to rd layouts..to calling moose..from differnce in field dressing moose vs deer..to proper carcass care after the shot..basic saftey issues..ie jacket over the cable when winching etc.....Nick is a great student..always have fun with him..except wjhen he insisits Luongo is a good goalie..lol


nature girl
10-22-2011, 07:03 PM
You guys had a great time. Thanks for posting the story it was good to read.

10-22-2011, 07:32 PM
Great thread!
Great pictures with Great success

10-22-2011, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the great photos Steven. That is what hunting is all about, fun and good times.
Jelvis .. You helped others fulfill their hunting dreams Congratulations u did awesome

David Heitsman
10-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Enjoyed the story guys. Grew up in Quesnel / Williams Lake so some of it sounds familiar to me.

10-23-2011, 08:14 AM
Thanks everyone....(Did not know David was from this area..)..I always have enjoyed the 'mentoring" maybe its the 35 years of helping as a Paramedic??but I truly do enjoy sharing what I have been blessed to do, and love and learn and now share..

It is doubly fun when its with friends...and Mikes son asked not just the easy questions but the hard ones also..he's a good young man ..and doesnt just accept "stock replies"

The one day we had wandered all over the place and I asked him " if you came out to these 2 rds WHICH WAY is out??..and shared the solution to getting out the first time and the right way in logging country/cutblocks..

I especially enjoyed Nicks reaction to how much blood, and work is involved in a moose versus a deer...

Mike and Nick are in Princeton..once he is back i will do my final Part Deux "deer bears and dead bodies "


10-24-2011, 08:05 AM
The one day we had wandered all over the place and I asked him " if you came out to these 2 rds WHICH WAY is out??..and shared the solution to getting out the first time and the right way in logging country/cutblocks..


Ok I will bite? Care to enlighten the rest of us? Other than direction and volume of traffic tracks and ... GPS I am stumped.


10-26-2011, 02:24 PM
lol...when logging rds are put in they are done so that the branch out into the various cutblocks, also as the drivers haul the logs out they come together to form the main haul rd..so the various smaller rds branch "INTO' the bigger rds that connect to the main spur rds..

So when you look it forms an "arrow" the "Y" points out..gradual entries for the large trucks into the main rds..no sharp turns..larger cutblocks ..ie many small rds become less and less...entering the main haul rds...the "y"
Google some logging areas...it does work..and when thought about..even makes sense..lol just follow the "arrow" of the "Y" out...


10-26-2011, 02:28 PM
I want to "Thank" my Buddy Mike AKA leaseman for not only inviting me to join his LEH hunt for moose...but for arranging the "thank you card" on behalf of some of the ladies and gentlemen I have been privileged to share information and hopefully some help with Grizzlies, deer, black bears, sheep, and moose..

Mike took considerable time getting this "HUGE" thank you toggether..and the thought is so very very much appreciated.


cheers and heart felt gratitude...


Big Lew
10-26-2011, 03:22 PM
lol...when logging rds are put in they are done so that the branch out into the various cutblocks, also as the drivers haul the logs out they come together to form the main haul rd..so the various smaller rds branch "INTO' the bigger rds that connect to the main spur rds..

So when you look it forms an "arrow" the "Y" points out..gradual entries for the large trucks into the main rds..no sharp turns..larger cutblocks ..ie many small rds become less and less...entering the main haul rds...the "y"
Google some logging areas...it does work..and when thought about..even makes sense..lol just follow the "arrow" of the "Y" out...


Good comment "srupp," I've relied on that observation during all my traveling on logging roads.....the only time it can get you in trouble is when roads from different logging blocks share the same roads, then you might end up coming out somewhere far from where you started, or in an entire different valley. As I always carry lots of extra gas, and am completely self-reliant (carrying foods, sleeping gear and 1st aid, power saw, winching and towing equipment etc.), it doesn't worry me, but for those that don't, especially having extra gas, it can be a big problem.

10-26-2011, 03:31 PM
big thank you for postin this thread!

10-26-2011, 03:54 PM
Sounds like it was a good adventure for everyone. Waiting for part 2 tho..

10-26-2011, 04:59 PM
Glad to see you were successful Mike and Son. You help/mentor so many (me included) with the fishing locally that it seams only fitting that someone did the same for you with hunting. Great experience for your son..
Not sure about the arm waving, TP holdin, one legged track pants dance show you were putting on Srupp, but I guess those boys took a real liking to you:twisted:
Can't wait for the rest of the story..Thanks

10-27-2011, 11:03 AM
Nice Moose guys it sounds like a good hunt.

10-27-2011, 12:38 PM
Nice sign Srupp!, you deserve it Steven!..:-D. Boy, you look cold?..

11-09-2011, 07:25 PM
Still waiting for part Deux... Any idea when we will see this?

11-09-2011, 07:34 PM
Very nice thanks for sharing.

11-10-2011, 12:53 AM
Part DEUX...

I have been very busy with my court case with WCB, and then getting ready for 12 day Alberta whitetail trip and moose butchering duties...

We pulled up stakes from the moose area and headed accross the Beaver Valley cuttoff rd to Horsefly, and from there we went to Lemon lake where we pulled in and made camp...

Mike was out of water so he took his camper to get filled while Nick and I went scouting..seen some does and a small black bear...

The next morning we went high up Horsefly mtn and then crawled our way accoss some slash to connect up with a coplete different rd section....coming down we ran into Jeff from this site..he wondered how the %$^%^#^***$ we got into the are as non of the puddles showed any vehicles coming in..lol we explained the brush busting quad trick and solved his mystery..nice guy..

Soon after Jeff left we wer glass in the hill side and out walked a gorgeous brown grizzly bear..fat and shiney and approx 8 1/2 foot male..Nick and I watched him chow down on some berries and we headed off to different areas..

We really put on the miles and seen numerous deer but no big 5 x 5 that Nick was wanting...(and 200,000 other BC hunters)..on the way back to the camp we pushed another grizzly off the rd when we rounded the corner and there he was...cool...

One after noon siesta time..a truck came sliding into our camp and the lady got out yelling something....Nick came banging on the door..pulling it open he anounced some lady had pulled in looking for "Paramedic Steven"...(I often camp here bear/deer/moose) and I imediatly though "Paramedic Steven isnt here..HUNTER Steven is"

I went out to see the comotion and I thought I had bad days..this guy had invited 20 friends to his cabin to have thanksgiving turkey..however the chiminey catches on fire..so everyone forms a human water bucket brigade..he's on the roof it gets wet and he falls 16 feet to the ground...getting hurt..en route out they remember a Paramedic(even remembered my name) camps here so they stopped en route to the hospital...So I got to do what I do , and have done for the past 35 years...help hurt people.. did a thorough exam..my A-B-C'S etc...and felt he was relativly unscathed.. and dint want an Ambulance called nor a chopper..and insisted he was good to go with his wife to hospital....off they go...
We did some black bear glassing...Bigbore 14 knows the area..we did see a few bear nothing extraordinary...and found some amazing trails...

One of these trails headed towards Black Creek rd..and we encountered some choppers..and lots of traffic down the back side of the mountain..later we found out a well known ex guide ..parts of his body were found by neighbors he had been eaten by bears..now wheather he was killed by bears or died of natural causes ?? and then was scavenged upon by the numerous bears in the area being opportunistic...

We found lots of bears and lots of deer sign..plenty of grizzly...and even the odd moose...but not the big deer...

One evening we were waaaaay out in the toolies on a ridge and there were 2 bucks and 2 does...I asked Nick if he wanted one of the bucks..no.... so i took one for sausage material ( made mild Italian brekfast sausage in the synthetic casings..)..So it was yet another opportunity to take Nick through the field processing steps...and back to camp to hang the meat buck..

We did spend a few more days do the same ..trying to find a big buck but there was not the snow...and the winds from horsefly lake were incredible...and nothing of size seemed to be moving ..even in the spots that had in the past produced some 300 pound deer..

Eventually we pulled camp and headed back to Williams Lake..where Nick and Mike made arrangements to stop by Princeton to hunt for a couple more days for deer..

Mike graciously shared 1/2 his moose with Susan and I..so i spent a day making roasts steaks, and burger, cleaning up gear,trailer, and quad...

I really enjoyed Mike and his son Nick..always some laughter and fun.,...incredible food!!!! and we met numerous members from this site...it was a SAFE trip...both Mike and Nick had never herd bull moose responding and calling back..grunting...all in all a very enjoyable time... and I will try and pull up a photo of the meat muley.

I am off to Alberta/Sask border for a whitetail hunt.. for 8 days..and then the new Cabelas store in Edmonton...

And AGAIN to all those involved in the "THANK YOU CARD" you are welcome and thank you...every day I get e-mails from more successful bear, moose, deer hunters...3 more this week....I appreciate the feedback from your hunts...



11-10-2011, 01:23 AM
Sounds like an excellent trip. Not looking good for getting away from work again this month, make sure you don't get buck fever on the monster I know your going to see with Phil!

11-10-2011, 01:39 AM
Thanks Joe..I will try...first cut up that moose Phil and his son got..lol...always enjoy Alberta...

that riverbottom holds some BIG deer..


11-10-2011, 10:14 AM
Great story Steven sounds like it was a trip the young fella will remember for a life time. I know I still remember my trips with my Dad and his best friend Pat when I was 15-16.

Good luck in AB.


11-10-2011, 08:46 PM
I missed where this hunt took place. Was it region 5 or region 3. Was the moose LEH? Because it sure doesn't look immature........

11-10-2011, 09:14 PM
It was region 5..and yes Mike pulled his first moose tag LEH in over 15 years...and yes again it wasnt an immy...it was however a bang bang bang ..flop ...good enough yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww


11-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Nice to fill an LEH filled mine this year but not a moose LEH didn't get one this year

11-11-2011, 01:33 PM
Thanks for part Deux. Some real excitement! Good luck on your Alberta Hunt. Will be up in Williams Lk from 19-24 but you won't be there.

11-18-2011, 11:11 AM
Yes it was a great trip.....:-D

Lots of fun, good to finally get a damn draw! last moose draw was 1996 in 7-11 where I hunted moose with my Dad (and buddies) since the early 70's. Was also nice to get my son on his first moose hunt too, he has taken 5 deer of his own so far, but never been in on a moose kill! It was too funny to watch him try to "move" the moose! He sure did work his butt off with all the work on the recovery!

It was a change to watch Steve in action calling moose, but man, I (never mind my son!) have a problem sitting still for hours.....:-?..... I am more of a walk/drive/glass and sit for maybe 45-60 minutes max!

Nick and I left Steve to his half moose and headed back down to Tulameen to try and hook up with a couple of buddies that I have hunted with for close to 30 years..... Couldn't find them so we spent a couple of days chasing deer around our old stomping grounds, again nick couldn't find the buck he wanted, did see quite a few deer and a few bear!

I have finally got the chance to get back into more hunting, starting this year and it was great to have a bear hunt this spring and a moose hunt with good ol' Ruppster!

Steve, both Nick and I appreciated your time (never mind our friendship!!) and look forward to tiring you out on a few southern trips chasing dinos! Thanks my friend!


11-18-2011, 12:07 PM
Since this trip I have done a weekend trip for birds and we did a weekend trip with my nephew and two hunting buddies!

We roughed it on this trip and took a cabin (5 of us!) at the Coquihalla Lakes and had a quick weekend hunt! I will post this one in the next week or so as I am just about to leave for Williams Lake to collect my moose.....:mrgreen:
