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10-12-2011, 09:47 AM
So this long weekend i head out for a hunt go down some good FSR roads that take you well up into the alpine. I go to the very end of a dead end road park and head out, come back a couple hours later and start heading down the road to find that some a**hole had blocked the road in an area where there was no way of getting around him! Blocking off a road is one thing but to block off a road without even going to the end of it to see if anyone else was down it is F'ing joke! It was not a trough road so i was literly blocked in! I hit the horn a couple times waited about 10 minutes no one came so i LAYED on the horn for at least 5 minutes no one came i was blocked in for FOUR HOURS before he came back to the vechile! I was livid and let him know! Anyways if your going to be a prick and block the road at least go to the end of the road and make sure your not blocking anyone in!

10-12-2011, 09:51 AM
There just was a thread on blocking off roads. Your story is a good one for those to read that thought it was OK, most didn't.

10-12-2011, 09:55 AM
Couldnt push him out of the way?

10-12-2011, 09:55 AM
Keep a come-along in your truck and winch him outta the way. He will wonder why he is in the ditch all of a sudden.

10-12-2011, 10:00 AM
Strong winch and a snatch block..

Sounds like the clowns that do this on purpose, thinking they will have all the area to themselves if they block the road off. They were wrong not to check the length of the road before doing so..

It's Catch 22. On the one hand you have the thoughtful guy who pulls his truck to the side, but after finally sneaking his way up to a good hunting spot, has some yahoos noisely ripping up the road, spooking everything. On the other hand, if you block the road (even after checking the end of it so as not to block someone in), people wanting to come up it, are pissed off at you...You really can't friggin win..

10-12-2011, 10:09 AM
ya you can win.
How ofter do people go driving by you? Really. If it happens that much go somewhere where there is less traffic. Get off the road.
I can honestly say i have never had that happen to me, people driving by me. I have ran into people hunting and i know people who have had it happen.

But really,,, does it happen to you enough that you would block a road? Why block the road and have some guy get mad at you, let the guy have the option to do what he wants. If he drives by you call it a bad day. Because what that happenes like once a year. If it happens more then that move to a new spot.

10-12-2011, 10:09 AM
I've had a forestry road blocked by another hunter only once. chains and 4x4 fixed that real quick. next time I' think i'll flatten all the tires too. no excuse such a prickish thing.

agree with above. get out of your truck, and wear out some soles. then people driving by and disturbing you won't be an issue.

10-12-2011, 10:48 AM
I think I would have pushed his truck out of the way. That would REALLY piss me off.

10-12-2011, 10:53 AM
No but seriously should have phoned the cops and reported him for wrongful imprisonment...

10-12-2011, 11:05 AM
Yeah, personally I would of done 1 of 2 things after laying on the horn for 5 min and no one showing. 1 option would be the civil approach, that would be to take down his plate and report him later, more likely after about an hour I would have smashed his window out, put the vehicle in neutral and push it into the ditch and left him a note saying "thanks for the stress relief, I really needed it!"

10-12-2011, 11:13 AM
Part of the reason I like aftermarket bumpers :)

He would have been in the ditch for sure.

10-12-2011, 11:47 AM
that actually happened to me one day whilst out fishing,, this jerk off decided to park sideways and head down a different trail instead of driving to the end of the road to see if there was another vehicle in the turn around at the end, where i was and one other fellow.
3 hours later when he did not return, his truck was pushed sideways by the back end and over the edge it went (another person did this) it would have taken him a very long time to get his vehicle out of the location it went to.
some peoples kids are just morons and have no brains at all.

10-12-2011, 12:00 PM
I would have tried to move him. What did the idiot say?

The Dude
10-12-2011, 12:11 PM
What if you had a medical emergency?
What a pinhead. He interfered with a legal hunt, which is an offence, and there might be something in the rules about blocking a road, altho I'm not sure if that would be covered by the Highways rules...prolly not.
If you got his license #, and did nothing other than chew him out, I'd still report him. Anyone that ignorant is not going to change simply because they made a stranger mad.
Me? His truck would be well into the weeds when he came back for it, but that's just me. I'm emotional sometimes :D

10-12-2011, 12:12 PM
If I couldn't get him out of my way he would definately be following drag marks to the end of the road to find his truck. Or If he was on a hill unbolt his driveshaft u joint and hope he didn't set his parking brake.

10-12-2011, 12:22 PM
Sounds like he did not know that you were there, and that his actions were not intentional, so he can be forgiven on that account. However, he is guilty of assuming that he had the whole road to himself.......

For those of you who say *move him!* really? Giving out such free advice on the internet is one thing, actually doing said action is quite another.

OK, so the guy does not know that you have parked above him, comes back to his truck to see someone in the process of vandalizing it, pushing it, winching it, etc. He thinks WTF is this guy doing, and takes action....... Soiunds like a gunfight in the making.
Rainsford, you did the right thing and kept your cool, and waited for him to return. Everybody got home, no one got hurt, and no one went to jail.

Now, if that fella had any integrity and understanding for his actions, he would be dropping off a bottle of Crown Royal for the consternation he had caused you.

10-12-2011, 12:26 PM
My dodge will push em outta the way no problem. If you had a winch n block shoulda winched it off into the ditch after digging it out nice n deep first.

10-12-2011, 12:28 PM
I think I would have winched him sideways enough to get by, and then flattened one tire to leave a message... no damage done... I would not have waited more than 5 minutes to do this.

10-12-2011, 12:31 PM
Sounds like he did not know that you were there, and that his actions were not intentional, so he can be forgiven on that account. However, he is guilty of assuming that he had the whole road to himself.......

For those of you who say *move him!* really? Giving out such free advice on the internet is one thing, actually doing said action is quite another.

OK, so the guy does not know that you have parked above him, comes back to his truck to see someone in the process of vandalizing it, pushing it, winching it, etc. He thinks WTF is this guy doing, and takes action....... Soiunds like a gunfight in the making.
Rainsford, you did the right thing and kept your cool, and waited for him to return. Everybody got home, no one got hurt, and no one went to jail.

Now, if that fella had any integrity and understanding for his actions, he would be dropping off a bottle of Crown Royal for the consternation he had caused you.

How does one unintentionally park across a roadway?

The reason it's illegal is to avoid these situations in the first place.

So whether he meant to block buddy in or not, it's still a bush league move.

I can see your point about not vandalizing the guys vehicle, but other than that I don't get your logic. If he didn't know what was ahead of him, he shouldn't block the road. If he did know what was ahead of him, he shouldn't block the road....

10-12-2011, 12:36 PM
Don't just think he blocked the road to hunters he blocked it to all users. What if a tree spacer was in there and just cut open his femoral artery? Or a lowbed just showed up with a feller buncher needing to get in there and buddy's spending a thousand bucks an hour calmly waiting for the driver to return? I don't think so. Blocking any road, trail or spur is just plain ****ing wrong on many levels. Definitely grounds for having your truck yanked off to the side by what ever means it takes. With the stuff I always carry I would have simpley hooked a block onto the high side of the ditch and pulled his pickup into said ditch.

10-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Here we go again!!!!!

10-12-2011, 01:31 PM
Unforantetly there was no way i could move him, we were high in the alpine with cliff on one side and rock on the other, if i had of tried to moved him his truck would have been gone down the cliff. When the guy finally came out he said something along the lines of "Sorry man i didnt know anyone else was up here" i asked how he didnt hear the horn he said he did but didnt know that it was coming from that spot. After chewing him out after that he didnt say much just moved his vechile.

10-12-2011, 01:35 PM
man if that ever happened to me im pretty sure after a few honks and shots in air that truck would have been moved one way or another good on you for not shooting a bunch of holes in it some people just are clueless

10-12-2011, 02:46 PM
Car horns aren't all that easy to hear in many circumstances. Not much you could do in that circumstance, even pooping on his hood was out.

10-12-2011, 02:52 PM
Ya make sure you are on the right side of the truck before you poo on the hood.

10-12-2011, 03:31 PM
Another handy thing to have in your truck is a tow-truck kit. For $80 bucks you can get into almost everything. I would've looked for keys in the gas flap first, then wheelwells, then check inside the truck for a key. If that didn't work I'd try for neutral or put the transfer case in neutral and get it out of the way.
The last thing I'd do would be to do any damage, because it always comes back around on a guy.

10-12-2011, 06:05 PM
yup you should have pushed his truck into the ditch that is what i would have done F HIM!!

10-12-2011, 06:25 PM
waste 4 hours of my time and I would snap. How old was this moron?

10-12-2011, 06:35 PM
I would just like to add that more people should be aware of the regulations regarding hunting and record all the pertinent information and report and charge idiots like that. The same thing happened two years ago and I reported the guys to the CO and they were both charged. "It is unlawful to interfere with or obstruct a person licensed or permitted to hunt, guide or trap while that person is lawfully so engaged."

10-12-2011, 09:08 PM
4 hours? I would have lost my s*#t! That truck would not have been in the same place when he got back. Weather it was pushed, tugged driveshaft removed and rolled.. What ever it took. If someone was hurt bad and could not get out, that guy would be in alot of trouble.

10-13-2011, 09:52 AM
Another handy thing to have in your truck is a tow-truck kit. For $80 bucks you can get into almost everything. I would've looked for keys in the gas flap first, then wheelwells, then check inside the truck for a key. If that didn't work I'd try for neutral or put the transfer case in neutral and get it out of the way.
The last thing I'd do would be to do any damage, because it always comes back around on a guy.

It's a pity that there are not more of your type around and less of the others!

The Guy parked in the Alpine (and probably has done so many, many times before never seeing another soul) - up a road with rocks and cliffs.

sure he made a mistake - but is this enough reason to destroy his property, and possibly pick up a criminal record for yourself? - I don't think so!

Four Hours - Wow! is that considred a life time now?

I would have simply left the dude a shitty note, had my lunch, and gone off hunting in a different direction.

there is more to life than blowing a gasket over stuff like this!

10-13-2011, 09:54 AM
It's a pity that there are not more of your type around and less of the others!

The Guy parked in the Alpine (and probably has done so many, many times before never seeing another soul) - up a road with rocks and cliffs.

sure he made a mistake - but is this enough reason to destroy his property, and possibly pick up a criminal record for yourself? - I don't think so! Four Hours - Wow!

I would have simply left the dude a shitty note, had my lunch, and gone off hunting in a different direction.

there is more to life than blowing a gasket over stuff like this!

the guy could of been out on a hunt for a few days ..then what !

10-13-2011, 10:03 AM
the guy could of been out on a hunt for a few days ..then what !

Send him a message.........via smoke signals. :wink:


10-13-2011, 10:04 AM
egg zactly hahaha.... heat up your cheese sandwhich to boot lol

10-13-2011, 10:21 AM
Well said Kudu.

What ever happened to calm, rational thinking, and looking at the situation from all angles before jumping from DEFCON 5 to DEFCON 2. So it seems, rage and bravado rules these these threads........good grief. A man can afford to have either a gun or a temper.......but not both!

Can`t wait four measly hours to get back home to see momma? It`s ONLY four hours fellas. Sure, there are a hundred different scenarios and repercussion what-ifs that one could confabulate in one`s mind, but really, must we turn every such circumstance into an action block buster from Hollywood?

Mr. Dean
10-13-2011, 11:04 AM
Total BS.
I wouldn't have caused him damage but I would've been going home.... And he would be getting a follow up from the RCMP and/or the CO's.

I don't understand how another person can justify making decisions that can potentially threaten another's life. Be it blocking access or stealing a chainsaw.... I just don't get it.

10-14-2011, 12:24 PM
Well said Kudu.

What ever happened to calm, rational thinking, and looking at the situation from all angles before jumping from DEFCON 5 to DEFCON 2. So it seems, rage and bravado rules these these threads........good grief. A man can afford to have either a gun or a temper.......but not both!

Can`t wait four measly hours to get back home to see momma? It`s ONLY four hours fellas. Sure, there are a hundred different scenarios and repercussion what-ifs that one could confabulate in one`s mind, but really, must we turn every such circumstance into an action block buster from Hollywood?

First off I also agree with Kudo on not destroying other peoples property. Did I say I destroyed his property NO I don’t believe I did, YES I did chew him out and rightfully so; hopefully after doing so he doesn’t do this again incase there IS an emergency.
“Four mesely hours” is this a joke? Ya I had to wait for 4 hours but the amount of time is not the point, I should never have had to wait in the first place for this guy for any amount of time. If he was not being lazy and was thinking about other peoples safety instead of just himself, he would have driven the extra 10 minutes down the road which would have been the RESPONSIBLE and SAFE thing to do (maybe he would have done this if he was thinking RATIONALY). If this was done the whole situation wouldn't have occured in the first place; not to mention blocking a road you don't own is illegal.
"Can’t wait four measly hours to get back home to see momma?", What an ignorant comment from an obviously ignorant person. What ever happened to mature thinking before posting?

10-15-2011, 07:19 AM
An annoying situation for sure, and unsafe. However, you did the right thing. After the error and subsquent tongue lashing most people would not do the same again. Possibly the person in err is on this site, if he didn't get the message before he may now. Nice to see people with self control out there.

10-15-2011, 07:47 AM
It's a pity that there are not more of your type around and less of the others!

The Guy parked in the Alpine (and probably has done so many, many times before never seeing another soul) - up a road with rocks and cliffs.

sure he made a mistake - but is this enough reason to destroy his property, and possibly pick up a criminal record for yourself? - I don't think so!

Four Hours - Wow! is that considred a life time now?

I would have simply left the dude a shitty note, had my lunch, and gone off hunting in a different direction.

there is more to life than blowing a gasket over stuff like this!

It's this type of thinking that make road-blockers think it's OK......your too chickenpoop to hurt his vehicle so what does the inconsiderate turd care?? It's you that gets to sit there for hours. IMO a long walk home would be his best education.

10-15-2011, 10:50 AM
First off I also agree with Kudo on not destroying other peoples property. Did I say I destroyed his property NO I don’t believe I did, YES I did chew him out and rightfully so; hopefully after doing so he doesn’t do this again incase there IS an emergency.
“Four mesely hours” is this a joke? Ya I had to wait for 4 hours but the amount of time is not the point, I should never have had to wait in the first place for this guy for any amount of time. If he was not being lazy and was thinking about other peoples safety instead of just himself, he would have driven the extra 10 minutes down the road which would have been the RESPONSIBLE and SAFE thing to do (maybe he would have done this if he was thinking RATIONALY). If this was done the whole situation wouldn't have occured in the first place; not to mention blocking a road you don't own is illegal.
"Can’t wait four measly hours to get back home to see momma?", What an ignorant comment from an obviously ignorant person. What ever happened to mature thinking before posting?

If you read my first post, you will see that I supported your action, and recognized how you remained rational, and in control of your anger and disgust. You chewed his ass. Good! I would have also. You vented, de-fused, and moved on, and so did he, hopefully now a little wiser.
Four measly hours?. Yep. Four measly hours is still four measly hours in my mind. I`ve waited a lot longer for a lot less..........and life still goes on.

10-15-2011, 12:00 PM
This whole road blocking thing seems to have been spawned on VI. I Ran into more trucks parked across the road when I lived in Nanaimo than I can count and it seems to be accepted there as the norm. Then moose hunting one year up north I run into the same thing.....guys from VI claiming my opening morning cruise as thier own. Get serious. And this "get over it, its only 4 hours, no big deal".......what gives you the right to take four hours of my day away....on purpose. Don't give me this he did it by accident BS, the road was intentionally blocked and the dickhead was not even hunting within sight of his truck....so why even block the road to start with.

Kudos to you Rainsford for not blowing a gasket.

Moose Guide
10-15-2011, 01:12 PM
Strong winch and a snatch block..

Sounds like the clowns that do this on purpose, thinking they will have all the area to themselves if they block the road off. They were wrong not to check the length of the road before doing so..

It's Catch 22. On the one hand you have the thoughtful guy who pulls his truck to the side, but after finally sneaking his way up to a good hunting spot, has some yahoos noisely ripping up the road, spooking everything. On the other hand, if you block the road (even after checking the end of it so as not to block someone in), people wanting to come up it, are pissed off at you...You really can't friggin win..

Actually it is illegal to block the road and you can get a ticket if you are reported.

10-15-2011, 02:03 PM
I would have pulled him out of the way and shit on his front window. Damage his truck...no. But if it got damaged pulling it too bad, that's not to say I wouldn't try to pull it out with the utmost of care, no one wants to strand someone else in the bush, if you do on purpose you are no better than him....

I garantee my truck is bigger than his....I could pull it

10-15-2011, 04:03 PM
4 hours is a lifetime in my world now. MY FREE TIME is hard earned and if your free time is worth nothing then get a life but don't mess my free time just ask my customer whos vehicle is in my shop till MONDAY am because he was an hour late.

10-15-2011, 04:53 PM
hmmm I like Kudus ideas..and DARKSITH..hilarious..

But getting into a confrontation ANY CONFRONTATION in the backwoods is dangerous..its he said vs you said...you did the right thing..bilious and nasty lack of thoughtfullness...but I agree with your tact.


10-15-2011, 05:33 PM
safe to say the asshole would be winched or pulled out of my way after about 30min, and to those trying to justify the actions of some clown blocking a road your just as bad as them, not sure bout legalities but i recall being told by a forest ranger that a ticket can be issued when we ran into a situation like this that was resolved much quicker as the clown was within ear shot but didnt much care when we hollered and honked until he realized his keys were in the ignition and we had put it in neutral and pushed it out of the way by hand, at which point he was all ready to fight until the ranger informed him that your not allowed to block roads because of the obvious reasons of blocking workers,firefighters,SAR and not to mention it pisses people off.


and to those that think winching or dragging a vehicle out of the way implies we are destroying or vandalizing the vehicle, you obviously havent spent enough time around vehicles, winching or pulling a truck far enough out of the way to get around is not going to cause any harm and maybe the clown will get the idea and not block the road next time

10-15-2011, 06:04 PM
Four hours of my very limited hunting time is forever. If I couldn't move it I'd start disassembling it . . . and then poop on the hood.

nature girl
10-15-2011, 07:55 PM
My grandpa told me once someone blocked the road he had a bronco truck he pussed the truck it went in the ditch.
It would be one thing if the drivers side door was open so he would probably be after a animal so youd wait a bit. But if I had to wait 4 hours Id be pissed to. Or I would say F$$k it and park the truck at the side of the road so other people could pass when the guy or gal finally moved there vehicle and just go hunting.