View Full Version : Hanging game meat

10-12-2011, 08:30 AM
Got a whitey doe the other day. Was just wondering what people think about hanging the meat for a couple days until I get it to the butcher. In the Cranbrook area.

10-12-2011, 08:33 AM
probably better that you do hang it for a couple days. Given that the temperature is'nt getting above 5 deg. or so. any warmer than that and I'd be getting it to a cooler quickly.

10-12-2011, 09:38 AM
We always hang our game for several days in the bush. We will skin it, clean all hair , dirt etc off of it. Give it a quick wash down with a light mix of vinegar and water (help keep the flies away) and then wrap it in chessecloth. We always locate out meat pole where the sun is unable to get to it at anytime of the day.Especially in the event of the temp. getting above 5 degrees celcius. I believe they say 1 day per 100 pounds. We have never had an issue with our meat and by taking the extra time to really clean it help in the long run. Your butcher also really appreciates it.

10-12-2011, 10:14 AM
For sure hang it, if it's cool out.! Couple days won't hurt one bit, other than it will lose some weight from dehydration. A screened enclosed meat tent is ideal for this, as it will keep the flys, and birds off, as well as shading it from the sun. They are a great investment if you hunt a lot.