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View Full Version : Trail Camera Stolen from 8-12 near Carmi

10-11-2011, 08:04 AM
Don't people have ethics? respect?

This past Friday evening i went into the location to exchange the SD card and on Monday when i returned the camera was gone. I looked around in all directions for any sign of the camera. No marks of the tree it was secured to, nothing. The camera is away from major roads, 800m+ from any logging. The camera has been in the same spot since end of June.

I left a note attached to the tree, so maybe if the person feels guilty they will return it. I guess if this person has the balls to steal someone elses property that probably will not be happening.

I can't believe this has happened. Apparently you need to lock the camera to the tree.

Disapointed hunter.

BiG Boar
10-11-2011, 08:09 AM
Leave a $200 bill on a bench and someone is going to take it eventually. I have 3 cams, which I have not put out yet. However I bought them knowing they were probably going to go missing one day, and wrote them off as I pulled them off the shelf in the store.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-11-2011, 08:10 AM
It seems to be the "norm" these days. Not getting your trailcam stolen is a stroke of luck.


10-11-2011, 08:12 AM
I have a camera, and its locked. I know for a fact that one day Ill go check it and it'll be missing. Its bound to happen, there is posts every week about cameras being stolen, and how surprised the person is that it needed to be locked. Thats just the way she goes. knock on wood mine is still there.

10-11-2011, 08:47 AM
unless its on your property then expect others to find it and expect a certain amount of the population to be pos thieves or vandels.

Mountain Hunter
10-11-2011, 08:50 AM
I loaned out my Moultrie cam last year to a fellow who found a moose kill during the winter northeast of Chetwynd, hardly anyone ever out on the roads but the next day the camera was gone and fresh boot prints in the snow. He didn't think way out there on a remote road during winter with hardly any traffic, let alone somebody getting out of the truck and following his boot tracks in, was it going to get stolen.

I usually use cable locks which have held most people to be honest and not blow the cam off the tree with an axe or shoot it, but I have had someone pry the lid open just enough to pull the memory card out and take that (East Kootenay in the high country). I think some people that unknowingly get their picture taken don't like it and decide to take action!

10-11-2011, 11:39 AM

I know exactly how you feel, having had one of my cams stolen last week. What is wrong with people?


10-11-2011, 11:43 AM
people will steal anything not bolted down, had my three jerry cans taken out of my truck yesterday, in a busy area too, oh well I should have known better

10-11-2011, 11:49 AM
I just picked up a 2 pack of cams on sale at crappy tire this morning. Bought the cheapest ones I could and will lock them but I will not get attached to them.

10-11-2011, 12:03 PM
I have been hunting for 30 years and I have never seen a cam on a tree.

10-11-2011, 05:19 PM
that dose suck big time, but i have 2 cams i have never put out yet cuz i have no way to lock them to the tree yet, ofcourse someone is going to take it if its not locked up, it sucks that people do it but it dose happen

10-11-2011, 05:33 PM
[QUOTE I think some people that unknowingly get their picture taken don't like it and decide to take action![/QUOTE]

The cam only takes a pic of someone from the waste down. Trail cams should be mounted only 4 feet max onto a tree

10-11-2011, 05:36 PM
My dad lives in rural Manitoba and owns 260 acres of prime elk hunting land. He came out to visit us a couple weeks ago and when he got home someone cut his cable lock and stole his camera too. So don't think if you lock them to a tree there safe.

It seems to be an epidemic with stealing memory cards and cameras. I really hope someone catches someone someday and lays a beating on them. It feels like someone stole my quad, that's how much it hurts.


10-11-2011, 06:21 PM
I put a note on my camera's that asked if they found the other camera set up very close to this one. Just in an effort to make a person think twice about taking it. Have not lost one yet but eventually it may happen anyways.

10-11-2011, 06:49 PM
This sucks man...
So what do I do with my ATV when I go for a walk....do I keep it under 300 yards of sight (that's about my comfortable range with my 300 win mag...hehehe), but serious what do you do if you get of your atv and walk into the thick stuff ??

10-11-2011, 07:12 PM
I had mine stolen off my own private property which is posted and gated. I was gone up north for the first two weeks of Sept and when I got home, went to check it and it was gone. **** was I mad.

I picked a few more cheap cameras, and now I've got one setup out in the open, and two others that are concealed very well and both pointing at the first camera. I'm really gonna enjoy it when I catch the loser piece of crap who decides to steal another one. :)

10-11-2011, 07:37 PM
I'm looking to purchase one but this is making me think twice. Answer me this- do you have to put a trail cam at a height that can be seen so easily? Can they be effective when mounted 10 feet or more above ground level? I'm thinking that most of these douchebags will only be looking for the easy score or am I wrong?

10-12-2011, 04:13 PM
Lock the Damn thing to a Tree.... Pretty much a no-brainer if you don't want it to grow legs..!!! You can't trust anybody these days. The very first thing I did with my cam was build a lock for it! I found 2 cameras this year while out hiking and low and behold, here's a 200-250$ camera secured to a tree with a nylon strap. If I had a pen and paper I would have left the person a note telling them how fortunate they are because I just walked away from a FREE camera. ..Use your head people!! Once season opens, it's amazing where you will run into other hunters, some un-ethical, and cameras go missing! Do you lock your house when your gone?? Lock the truck up when your downtown?? Lock up your friggin camera!! Sorry for the rant but alot of whining about cameras going missing and it's YOUR own damn fault!!

10-12-2011, 04:15 PM
Don't people have ethics? respect?

I can't believe this has happened. Apparently you need to lock the camera to the tree.

Disapointed hunter.

Watch out, next time they may just take the tree also.

10-12-2011, 04:52 PM
I guess we can only take heart in knowing that when thieves use stolen trailcams they are only going to be temporary operators until another PoS steals it off them!

As much as it sucks, it seems obvious that only a portion of people that end up seeing your trail cam are going to pass it by without deciding to grab it. If there's snow and your tracks leading to it, you may as well advertise it in the "freebies" section of the classifieds!

10-13-2011, 08:30 PM
I have been hunting for 30 years and I have never seen a cam on a tree.

Funny I said the same thing early last year, then I found 3 last year.....Im up to 6 so far this year, about half of them are cable locked.

Half the time I find a real "sweet spot" and say to myself, I should put a cam here.....I look around and see one.

Ive had my cams found by other hunters, so far honest ones. :-D

10-13-2011, 10:04 PM
Can they be effective when mounted 10 feet or more above ground level?

They will work really well from 10 ft. You need to put a piece of wood on the top end to angle camera down and do some test photo's. Set it up at an angle to a trail to maximize exposure.

Mountain Hunter
10-13-2011, 11:14 PM
They will work really well from 10 ft. You need to put a piece of wood on the top end to angle camera down and do some test photo's. Set it up at an angle to a trail to maximize exposure.

Heck ya, putting them up out of sight of people and animals works well!

The Silent Stalker
10-13-2011, 11:38 PM
Since they have gotten more popular and cheaper it saddens me that people steal them. I have never seen one in the bush but when I do, score! I have morals, although somewhat twisted at times. I would never steal another man's camera but if I ever come across one, you can bet you will have a pic of my ass mooning you, then I'll hold up a sign saying sorry I stumbled on it, enjoy the pic and good luck to you sir! I think messing with a man's hunting is going to lead to bad Karma.

10-13-2011, 11:40 PM
Thats a great idea putting them up high like that?! Not many people ever look up! Every cam I have found, I have made a silly little face hoping it took my picture and walked away chuckling!

Shooter Jr.
10-14-2011, 12:24 AM
Well we have 4 or 5 SD cards for the Video cam, camera, trail cam x2, and other random stuff, and all the cards are loaded with past season and personal photos, i would feel really, weird if one of our cards went missing, some of the cards have a few hundred pictures of our family's deer, dogs, family, wildlife. Definitely wouldn't want someone to have all those photos for their own use.