View Full Version : what type of moose call you guys are using any tips ,easy use etc ?

ques deer
10-10-2011, 01:00 PM
been checking most hunting retailers they just sale the simple plastic ones what you guys use

10-10-2011, 01:17 PM
My cupped hands and voice. Just listen to what a cow and bull sound like (lots of vids on utube) and go out and give 'er, it's easy. It's more important to use the right type of call than worry about how it sounds. And be patient. I've called at the same spot morning & night for days before a bull finally came in. A plastic gallon bleach jug with the bottom cut off is a good amplifier and if you rake the brush with it, it sounds like an antler. I've also called bulls in by just raking on top of their rub line scrapes in mid-Sept. Seems to piss them off when another bull is acting tough in "their" territory ;)

10-10-2011, 01:27 PM
Use your vioce and practice as said prior you can use sometime to make your voice carry farther I use a highway safety cone, bottom weighted part cut off.

10-10-2011, 01:32 PM
i dont call moose to often cuz i dont hunt them hard but if i see them i call them to get there attention or make them stop and i just use my voice and cupped hands. a coffee can and shoe string works great too.