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View Full Version : Bear Spray, hand gun, rifle, or defender....what do you carry when bowhunting?

09-15-2006, 07:21 PM
Ok this is a carryover from another archery site but I thought I'd pose the same question here....

I do carry bear spray and use common sense and I am quite aware of my vulnerability when I bowhunt. Ok I would love to pack a hand gun but the legalities of it all precludes me from doing so.

There are some other tools such as a 12 guage defender that others use but I find too bulky. That said, if the $hit hit the fan, I'd probably wish I had something besides bear spray!

So what do you carry or do while bowhunting?

09-15-2006, 09:18 PM
Most bow hutners I know carry nothign more than common (or not so common):lol: sense. A few pack bear spray, which is not apoor idea.

Hnadguns are somewhat probematic since you need a Widerness ATC to carry one, and you are *supposed* to be engaged in work (not bow hunting) when you carry it. However, most people that are willing to go throught he process obtain the proper permits in BC.

Rifles and shotguns are also a probem, since they are bulky and heavy when you are already carrying a bow.

Whiel it is illegal, I have also heard of bow hunters putting a pistol in thier pocket, and just keeping it hidden in camp or when in transit.

I personally have no problems with handguns, and feel that anyone who is qualified should be able to carry a handgun in the bush for protection, but again, it is illegal to do so without proper permits.

I dont' consider myself a bow hunter, and feel that the hutning rifle I have is more than adequate, so no need for ahandgun, or bear spray.

09-15-2006, 09:28 PM
Ya watch your back and I wouldn't carry a handgun.

09-15-2006, 09:29 PM
Depends. If am alone in griz country, pepper spray. I am an just in black bear country typically nothing. Unless I am chasing bears then I have a 12 gauge for walking in on the downed animal.

Not overly worried, I have dozens of encounters every year without fail and only had once charge so far, and that was just a bluff. Altough I have worked in areas when we have problem bears then a 12 gauge sides me.


09-15-2006, 09:30 PM
Don't pack anything just common sense and keen awareness of my surroundings..

09-15-2006, 09:35 PM
Not overly worried, I have dozens of encounters every year without fail
Treadwell never had a Prob for 12 years either..........
But we all know how that ended :redface:
(jk;-) )

I don't Bow Hunt.....yet:|
If I did I'd carry something that goes Bang for sure.
Maybe even just for approaching a downed animal as Kirby Suggested:|

09-15-2006, 09:46 PM
I have actually had more concern with cougers when hunting late season mule deer. Griz (knock on wood...) have been fine but black bears have been an issue on several concerns.

As mentioned I only carry bear spray and LOTS of times I have fogotten it. I've always hated returning in the AM to finish packing out an animal (I've had a rifle with me) and wondering if anything was going to be sitting on it. I am sure you have all had similar feelings.

I no longer work in the forest industry so I can't provide a really good work excuse to get the ok of packing a handgun and IMHO the $hit would hit the fan if you ever got caught packing one illegally. Risk is not worth it to me.

A very good friend of mine was mauled by a bear a number of years ago while timber crusing (walked in between a sow and cubs). He always said that if he had had a hand gun, he felt he would have had a better chance since he feels he could have gotten it out. However that said, he did survive the attack with considerable injury though but perhaps if had merely wounded the bear, he could have been way worse off....

I through this thread out in the bowhunting section since when I used to rifle hunt, it was never of any concern to me. Now that I am no longer "armed" so to speak, I was ,merely curious what others do.

09-15-2006, 11:34 PM
Just a note on handguns for BEar Defense.

Phil Shoemaker - An Alaskan outfitter that has had more encounters with LARGFE coastal grizzlies than most of us will ever have said somethign like this:

A handgun is not as good as a rifle (clearly)

Most bear encounters are not "quick, bear sees you charge" encounters. (IE, you have time to draw your weapon, and diffuse the situation- most of the time)

Handguns can allow someone to diffuse a situation, better than no gun at

Handguns are much more portable.

It is unthinkabe that you can stand your ground agianst an aggresive bear (although that is what you shoud most often do) wihtout a firearm. A hndgun will give you that confidence.

He sites a great encounter. His daughtwer was guiding soe guys, she climbed to the top of a bank of a river, and found a sow and 2 cubs. She backed away, drew her 357 and talked tot he bear. She stood her gorund, at a safer/non threatening distance. The sow was aggresive at first, then deemed her no danger, rounded up her cubs and left.

HAd she RAN, the sow may have been triggered into a 'predator/prey" reaction. HAd she been unarmed, she woudl have lacked the cinfidence to stay put, slowly back away, and deal with it.

I've never been *charged* by a bear, but I have been stalked by bears and I have *stood down* plenty, wiht a gun in my hand and sometimes not. I was not happy without a gun.

09-16-2006, 12:18 AM
I usually carry bear spray and a sharp fixed blade knife. I do some prospecting and am waiting for the results of my ATC application, but am unsure I will get it as it is not my full time job... Seems the gov is pretty anal about how you can protect yourself in the bush! A shotgun is noce, but so bulky when panning/sniping, etc...


mainland hunter
09-16-2006, 12:34 AM
they need to change that stupid atc law why can you carry one when youre working and not when youre bowhunting, its silly. why can one individual defend themself and another not, it doesnt make sense. i went on my first bowhunt this year and the biggest difference was being without a gun, not a big deal but i would like to carry a handgun for the times i do go out with a bow

09-16-2006, 01:04 AM
they need to change that stupid atc law why can you carry one when youre working and not when youre bowhunting, its silly. why can one individual defend themself and another not, it doesnt make sense. i went on my first bowhunt this year and the biggest difference was being without a gun, not a big deal but i would like to carry a handgun for the times i do go out with a bow

It is not a provincial hunting law, it is a federal gunlaw.

The obvious answer is clear....

09-16-2006, 10:06 AM
Just bought a defender....agree with common sense and standing ground. Not had an encounter yet but will see what happens when I do!

09-16-2006, 11:38 AM
I should expand on my previous comment...A lot depends on where you hunt..In the valley bottom of the East Kootenay trench, I am lucky if I see one bear per bow season...Have had no bad luck with them and with so few sightings I just am not too concerned....

IF I was hunting high elevation, back country with lots of bear sign, I would go with the defender....

09-16-2006, 01:21 PM
If I am hunting bear with my bow I take WillyQ as back-up.

09-18-2006, 04:58 PM
You CAN legally carry and shoot an "antique" handgun in the same area that you can carry a rifle. But, alas, it's not so clear and straight forward........

An antique is a firearm made on or before 1898 [ I think 1898 is correct, but the date may be off a year or two ]. This includes rifles and handguns, each can be an antique. Further critera of an antique status is that ammo can not be readily bought for said guns, like in your local gun store. As you can see, this rules out .22 .38 and such. A .455 Webly revolver is one example of an antique hand gun. This ammo can be made by obtaining components and handloading. This is fine. No firearms lisence, PAL, or CORE course is required to own / posess / shoot an antique. Since an antique gun is not considered a "firearm" in the eyes of the law, it can be carried and shot where a rifle can. It may aswell just be a hunk of metal. However, if it is used in a crime, like a hold-up or used in a treatening manner, or any other crime, then you can be charged with a firearm offence. Antique hand guns must be carried during transport in the same manner that a restricted firearm is carried.........in a lockable secure case / box. But, once in the bush, you can carry it in a hip holster if you like. You would be well advised to carry a COPY of your antique gun certificate that you have obtained from firearms Canada , and a copy of the antique gun laws, since, not many police / LEO's will know the antique laws inside out. This cetificate will have your guns serial number on it and it is proof that you gun qualifies for "antique status".

Now, hunting [ bow, rifle ] with the antique handgun on oneself could be a different manner. You would have to prove that you were not hunting with the handgun, and fact that could be very difficult to prove to a LEO.

09-18-2006, 05:56 PM
just carry bear spray. it will have a better effect than a bullet if you can beleive it. from close range of course.
if specifically hunting grizz bear, make sure you are backed with someone who you are confident with. and make sure they have a high powered magnum rifle.

mainland hunter
09-18-2006, 10:39 PM
ive heard that bear spray is better than a gun but i just dont trust that. and im not willing to test that theory. especially on a grizz

Stone Sheep Steve
09-19-2006, 07:51 AM
I should expand on my previous comment...A lot depends on where you hunt..In the valley bottom of the East Kootenay trench, I am lucky if I see one bear per bow season...Have had no bad luck with them and with so few sightings I just am not too concerned....

IF I was hunting high elevation, back country with lots of bear sign, I would go with the defender....
I know of a fella that had to drop a charging grizz in the city alfalfa fields just south of your home town. Luckily, it was rifle season.
Anywhere, anytime.................ALWAYS be prepared.


09-19-2006, 11:19 AM
My problem wiht bear spray really is wind. You can gas yourself pretty easy, and I've had enough bear spray on me over the years that I know I don't like it.

Apparently horses don't liek bear spray, either.8-) :lol:

10-11-2006, 03:28 PM
Just carry your bow & hunt.

Bow Walker
10-11-2006, 04:24 PM
Not really a problem here on the Island. I've hunterd since I was first able to keep up with my Dad, (45 or so yrs) and have not had a bear encounter that I would consider to be risky or dangerous.

Now places in the and on the mainland are different. It also depends on the time of the year that the encounter happens.

Just mho

10-12-2006, 09:48 AM
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you can carry antique handguns around, the barrels are too short!!

10-12-2006, 02:51 PM
Hey I ALWAYS take me defender with me.....I have a mixed bag of shells...usually have oo buck for first round...then slug, slug and maybe 2 more oo buck shots....oops that makes 5 rounds...hmmmm...lol...rather pay the fine and deal with the BS than end up like the Grizzly man!!! Nothin worse than hunting the thick with only a bow and a stick!! Just my 2 cents worth!!

10-12-2006, 03:40 PM
Hey I ALWAYS take me defender with me.....I have a mixed bag of shells...usually have oo buck for first round...then slug, slug and maybe 2 more oo buck shots....oops that makes 5 rounds...hmmmm...lol...rather pay the fine and deal with the BS than end up like the Grizzly man!!! Nothin worse than hunting the thick with only a bow and a stick!! Just my 2 cents worth!!

I thought as long as you weren't using the shotgun for hunting waterfowl you didn't need to have a plugged mag

10-12-2006, 03:43 PM
I thought as long as you weren't using the shotgun for hunting waterfowl you didn't need to have a plugged mag


If you are *hunting* using SHOT or any combonation of shot and single projectile, you are limited to 3 rounds.

If you are not *hunting* or if you are using single projectile (slug) only, then you are not limited to 3 rounds.

Slugs are a way better option for bear defense, anyway, so you may as well pull the plug on that defender and load up with slugs.8-)

10-19-2006, 08:31 PM
when i am in bear country I carry flare pen type Bangers .... Never had to use em yet thankfully .... I carry alot of common sense with me as well ....