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View Full Version : My first hunting trip to 100 mile house

10-04-2011, 08:03 AM
Well it's opening day for any buck, we are up before dawn and ready to go. My father in-law, brother in-law and myself are on the road at dawn and we're off to their favourite cut blocks and roads. These two guys have been hunting these areas since the late 70's, so i'm sure today will be a successful hunt. 11 hours later and 1 doe and two fawns to shown for our efforts, we sit and talk about the unbelievable absence of bucks. We run into a friend who has been living in the region for 60 years, he tells us the same sad news that we already knew, very little out there right now. His take is that the wolf and other predator population is growing, which means less deer, moose and other game for us hunters. It's three days later and 350kms on my truck, with having taken many roads that haven't been used in a long time, (lots of fallen trees and overgrown) we have been skunked, for the first time for as long as these guys can remember. I could see the disappointment in their actions, they really wanted me to bag my first mulie. I had a fantastic time listening to their stories, having some time to bond about a sport we all love, hunting. I can't wait until our next trip later this year. Good luck out there, and remember, hunting isn't always about the kill.

10-04-2011, 08:19 AM
Thats hunting, you just had a bad day, it happens all the time!

Ive got buddies in 100 mile that have said there's more bucks running around than they have ever seen in recent years!

4 point
10-04-2011, 08:27 AM
Well you had fun and a visit with good folks. Around here there are lots of bucks. Sometimes you just don't find them other times their everywhere. Just getting out and exploring, hiking, enjoying the outdoors is the biggest reward. Keep at in kman you'll get one.