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10-03-2011, 07:06 PM
What is it with the disrespect of some guys blocking off FSR so they can have it to them selves. I can respect hunters that ask me not to go in an area if there friends are hunting it but to block the road off completely is a slap in the face to me. I dont care if the road ends up ahead its for all to enjoy and i have seen this twice now. Just wondering the thoughts of HBC members. I dont post much on here but i need to speak. Thanks

10-03-2011, 07:32 PM
Drive around them if you can. If not then block them in

10-03-2011, 07:33 PM
You weren't hunt in the West Kootenay, were you?

Best to call RAPP and report it. Few people that seem to do that semi-regularly.

10-03-2011, 07:36 PM
Ive seen camps set up on a small bridge blocking off a huge area. I was pissed, almost slash some tires pissed.

The Dude
10-03-2011, 07:39 PM
Valve stems are really easy to remove, and a bugger to replace in the bush. A lookout is strongly recommended.

10-03-2011, 07:43 PM
set some bear traps on the hoods of their trucks if no ones home ...

10-03-2011, 07:47 PM
would sure look funny if they came back to camp and their rigs were spray painted with "we roadblock cuz we are ass$@les"..
ive never came across that but ya it is very disrespectful..

10-03-2011, 07:48 PM
I like the way you think Dude, thats exactly what I would do or drive through then leave immediately(RAPP is probably a good idea though).

PS did you fill out your hurt feeling report?

10-03-2011, 07:49 PM
jam cow pies up the tailpipe

10-03-2011, 07:49 PM
Seen it in squamish and in ontario, CO's made the hunters remove their campers from the FSR after they blocked the road with them. They'd driven past my father and friends campers (who'd placed their's off to the side of the road) a cple hundred yards and blocked the road completely two weeks before the moose opener. Campers were removed a week before the opener.

10-03-2011, 07:52 PM
I think i would get the urge to have a crap suddenly.

10-03-2011, 07:54 PM
If no ones around climb on to the hood of a vehicle(if there's one there of course) and take a giant shit on there hood!

10-03-2011, 07:58 PM
I will respect when people are there first and I will find somewhere else to hunt, but not when they block the road. That's when it is time to quad or walk right past camp and go hunting.

10-03-2011, 08:01 PM
Hmmmm i bet loosening off an oil drain plug a turn or two may make it fall out a little later on down a dirt road. I also bet insurance wouldn't cover a seized engine due to lack of maintenance.

10-03-2011, 08:02 PM
Small spur road I can understand, blocking off access to a huge area is asking for a steamer on the hood of your truck.

10-03-2011, 08:10 PM
What is it with the disrespect of some guys blocking off FSR so they can have it to them selves. I can respect hunters that ask me not to go in an area if there friends are hunting it but to block the road off completely is a slap in the face to me. I dont care if the road ends up ahead its for all to enjoy and i have seen this twice now. Just wondering the thoughts of HBC members. I dont post much on here but i need to speak. Thanks
Never know what COULD happen to a camp like that when no ones around ! Strange things go on in the forest ! :evil:

10-03-2011, 08:14 PM
Yeah, heard about 2 blocked roads this weekend from an oldtime hardcore hunter that hiked up those same drainages long before there were roads. Funny enough this morning I spoke to a kid with a quad in his truck & it turned out it was him and his buddies. I gave him shit for the old boy.

10-03-2011, 08:23 PM
Im just glad I havent come across this type of behavior as I dont know if I could help myself. that kind of thing just gets under my skin.

10-03-2011, 08:25 PM
I saw a camp on a overgrown road this past weekend that was blocking some nice moose meadows. I met the hunters and had a pleasant chat and wished them luck. I could have been pissed but what good would that have done. I chose to hunt somewhere else and had that new area all to myself. It's all a matter of perspective people. Really who gives a rats a$$ if someone blocks off some short little access road? Most MU's are pretty damn big. That really doesn't hurt nothing. What really was a shock was to hear that every bridge is pulled in a nice moosey valley that I have hunted and worked in for years. That hurts. Got lots of found memories there. But the bridges were 5 year temps when they were put in and that was well over 10 years ago. Safety says they need to be pulled but it still hurts to loose that sweet valley.

Davey Crockett
10-03-2011, 08:37 PM
That's just plain ignorant; although, I suppose it depends on how big of an area they are blocking. What I don't understand is don't the people who pull these stunts expect some sort of vandalism? It wouldn't seem to be worth while to be wondering who is pinching a loaf on your hood while you are away hunting.

10-03-2011, 08:44 PM
Small spur road I can understand, blocking off access to a huge area is asking for a steamer on the hood of your truck.

I think blocking any road of any size is wrong, no-one has the right to the woods more than anyone else!
I just experienced some of this BS in the west koots the other day!

10-03-2011, 08:50 PM
I agree with what you're saying to a point, but nothing is more frustrating than finding a nice area to glass for a morning and then have someone drive right up to you and blow your chances of having any animals come out for the morning. I would never block a road, but I can see the validity of blocking a road off near the end of it, so noone disturbs your still hunt.
I think blocking any road of any size is wrong, no-one has the right to the woods more than anyone else!
I just experienced some of this BS in the west koots the other day!

bc mike
10-03-2011, 08:58 PM
I don't agree with blocking of any part of road. If I did that I would expect to have my camp trashed for my stupidity. Nor do I understand why hunters set up camp in the middle of a prime prime hunting area. When there are fs campsites close by.

10-03-2011, 08:59 PM
thanks for the replies. I dont care how short the road is its not YOURS. Most FSR off main dead end and thats usually where the deer are in the clearings at the end. point is its not right. Im not a whiner or a vandal but that tested my anger. by all means if he was camped on the side and said his buddy was walking the road i would have had respect but he put up his hands to me and i lots it.

10-03-2011, 09:02 PM
I think any kind of illegal road blockage is wrong. On other hand anyone seeing truck parked at some spur road should turn around and find another hunting spots.

10-03-2011, 09:05 PM
Drop a deuce on the hood... Then If there's enough loose gravel on the road burn out with back end at them, to pepper there truck/ camper

10-03-2011, 09:05 PM
nope princeton

10-03-2011, 09:15 PM
I think blocking any road of any size is wrong, no-one has the right to the woods more than anyone else!
I just experienced some of this BS in the west koots the other day!

Yeah, heard about 2 blocked roads this weekend from an oldtime hardcore hunter that hiked up those same drainages long before there were roads. Funny enough this morning I spoke to a kid with a quad in his truck & it turned out it was him and his buddies. I gave him shit for the old boy.

Sad state of affairs in the neck of the woods.

10-03-2011, 09:19 PM
I can handle stupid but ignorance drives me over the edge. I will respect another hunter if they are first out but I cant respect someone with no respect for others and on that note if it was a cabin tent I would shite in a bed.

10-03-2011, 09:23 PM
Had an older style motor-home blocking a road on us up Pass Creek in Castlegar this weekend. 2 other guys who were a little more aggressive than us went and "had a word" with this guy. Needless to say he moved immediately.

10-03-2011, 09:26 PM
Hey if it's Mike Tyson blocking the road with his Hummer you better not be dum and dummer, Swallow your pride reverse your vehicle fast and ride .. avoid a beating ..
Jel .. Back-out real qwick like and don't be looking back .. slack. :evil: .. :twisted: .. ubeddergit

10-03-2011, 09:29 PM
Ran in to this situation last year, these guys were blocking a whole network of roads... we ended up avoiding the conflict, had a short chat and turned around, bunch of asshats if you ask me!

10-03-2011, 09:37 PM
Midnight,,,,,,, 5 gallons of gas spilled in the middle of the road,,,,,,,,,, a match and gunfire,,,,,,,,, They should get the point.

Nope, i like to avoid conflict. I can always find somewhere to hunt. Then when you get back to camp your day isnt ruined.

10-03-2011, 09:37 PM
haha Tyson may have changed my mind, But im not one to curl in a corner when i see somthing thats wrong like some people. I can get along with anyone (almost) especially one that enjoys the outdoors as much as i do.

10-03-2011, 09:46 PM
We cleared rocks and logs off a road in region 4, then I did the same in region 8 this weekend, after some selfish pricks tried blocking off the roads for their "private use." This pisses me off enough to spend the time and energy to fully re-open the roads. If I find someone doing it, I will pursue charges of obstructing a lawful hunt and altering a road without a permit against the idiots who think they have special priviledges over everyone else.

10-03-2011, 09:56 PM
If you got a chainsaw..... Why not return the favour and block their way out?

Haha that'll teach some a$$hats that someone is not happy. And you can do it safely down the road before the nex junction. would be a shame to waste good loving trees but a few deadfall.

I'd spend the time.

deer nut
10-03-2011, 10:00 PM
Report them to Forestry Compliance & Enforcement and/ or the COS. Totally unacceptable!

10-03-2011, 10:11 PM
Last year when the calf cow elk season started up in the EK's someone decided to set up camp on a fairly popular FSR and i came across it. I was LIVID but then i smirked a little bit when i seen a spot where a truck decided they were going to drive away from the camp with a little authority (spin the tires.) Anyways to make it short a window was busted and there were numerous dents on the trailer along with pebbles and shit throughout the camp, i guess someone didn't like them being there.

10-04-2011, 08:54 AM
There is another prespective that you should look at, and that is the other side of the coin.
Whether you set up a camp or perhaps just position a vehicle to block the road, depends on the length of the road and whether it is a through road or just a short spur into a small logged area.

Here's my scenerio.

Last week I was hunting lower end of region 7. There is a short spur that leaves the main and goes down the hill for about ½ a km before it makes a 170° turn and parallels a combination of swamp and lakes for an additional distance of 1km making it a total of 1½ km. In the last km, there is a slight rise in elevation and in the middle of this is a small turnaround spur before it proceeds down to the terminal point.

Anyhow, this particular evening, I get in with my quad, park it at the top of the hill so anyone approaching will see it and maybe get the picture and turn around.

I pussyfoot down the hill to overlook the small lake and swamp. I settle my ass down on the edge of the bank so I am not skylighted in any direction. With eager anticipation, I wait for something to appear because I know there are moose abound as I had seen a cow just that morning about 400 yards down the swamp knoshing on some aquatic vegetation. I watched her nigh on ¾ of an hour with hopes that a bull would appear.

Back to the present time.

You know when all is settled in, when the sounds of the forest and critters are perking up your ears? Yeah, that sound. Suddenly broken when a couple of complete moronic jackasses lumber their old blue Ford pickup past the ATV and continue on down the hill to turn around just about where I have my ass planted.

Can you imagine their chagrin if I had taken my truck and used it to block the road at the junction of the main? Why, they would have probably wanted to do damage to my truck for blocking them off, yet thought nothing of continuing onward to put a kibosh on my evening hunting.

This is the way that I look at it.

If the camp blocks a small area with a few short spurs from the camp area, I move on. If the camp blocks a road that makes a loop, I will back up and go to the other end and come back to the camp from the other direction. I will pass by and will honk the horn until someone shows up to move enough camp to let me pass. If I have to backtrack, I will do so with the horn blaring for several kms and I will do it tomorrow and the day after and the day after............

10-04-2011, 09:04 AM
Tow strap and a few clevis come to mind maybe even a winch if you can find a nice grade where you can gently lower their vehicle down in to a nice convenient location for their "new camp"

10-04-2011, 09:07 AM
Blocking roads is ignorant and illegal. I would report any such activity to the CO or even the RCMP.

10-04-2011, 09:16 AM
There is another prespective that you should look at, and that is the other side of the coin.
Whether you set up a camp or perhaps just position a vehicle to block the road, depends on the length of the road and whether it is a through road or just a short spur into a small logged area.

Here's my scenerio.

Last week I was hunting lower end of region 7. There is a short spur that leaves the main and goes down the hill for about ½ a km before it makes a 170° turn and parallels a combination of swamp and lakes for an additional distance of 1km making it a total of 1½ km. In the last km, there is a slight rise in elevation and in the middle of this is a small turnaround spur before it proceeds down to the terminal point.

Anyhow, this particular evening, I get in with my quad, park it at the top of the hill so anyone approaching will see it and maybe get the picture and turn around.

I pussyfoot down the hill to overlook the small lake and swamp. I settle my ass down on the edge of the bank so I am not skylighted in any direction. With eager anticipation, I wait for something to appear because I know there are moose abound as I had seen a cow just that morning about 400 yards down the swamp knoshing on some aquatic vegetation. I watched her nigh on ¾ of an hour with hopes that a bull would appear.

Back to the present time.

You know when all is settled in, when the sounds of the forest and critters are perking up your ears? Yeah, that sound. Suddenly broken when a couple of complete moronic jackasses lumber their old blue Ford pickup past the ATV and continue on down the hill to turn around just about where I have my ass planted.

Can you imagine their chagrin if I had taken my truck and used it to block the road at the junction of the main? Why, they would have probably wanted to do damage to my truck for blocking them off, yet thought nothing of continuing onward to put a kibosh on my evening hunting.

This is the way that I look at it.

If the camp blocks a small area with a few short spurs from the camp area, I move on. If the camp blocks a road that makes a loop, I will back up and go to the other end and come back to the camp from the other direction. I will pass by and will honk the horn until someone shows up to move enough camp to let me pass. If I have to backtrack, I will do so with the horn blaring for several kms and I will do it tomorrow and the day after and the day after............

Bottom line Jager.....you have no right to reserve a place all for yourself!
Regardless of your opinion, if you or anyone else decides to do this, expect damage to your vehicles, CO's called, or horns honking at least!

If you want to hunt where vehicles wont come along, go where there's no roads!

Where I was recently, some guys blocked a road with a huge camp, 4 camper trailer units. A CO came out and said that 7 different people had called them in!
Same crew did the same thing last year, they were of the frame of mind that the road dead ended and "THEY" were hunting there?????

Buy some private land if you want it all for yourself!

10-04-2011, 09:34 AM
I think blocking any road of any size is wrong, no-one has the right to the woods more than anyone else!
I just experienced some of this BS in the west koots the other day!

There is another prespective that you should look at, and that is the other side of the coin.
Whether you set up a camp or perhaps just position a vehicle to block the road, depends on the length of the road and whether it is a through road or just a short spur into a small logged area.

Here's my scenerio.

Last week I was hunting lower end of region 7. There is a short spur that leaves the main and goes down the hill for about ½ a km before it makes a 170° turn and parallels a combination of swamp and lakes for an additional distance of 1km making it a total of 1½ km. In the last km, there is a slight rise in elevation and in the middle of this is a small turnaround spur before it proceeds down to the terminal point.

Anyhow, this particular evening, I get in with my quad, park it at the top of the hill so anyone approaching will see it and maybe get the picture and turn around.

I pussyfoot down the hill to overlook the small lake and swamp. I settle my ass down on the edge of the bank so I am not skylighted in any direction. With eager anticipation, I wait for something to appear because I know there are moose abound as I had seen a cow just that morning about 400 yards down the swamp knoshing on some aquatic vegetation. I watched her nigh on ¾ of an hour with hopes that a bull would appear.

Back to the present time.

You know when all is settled in, when the sounds of the forest and critters are perking up your ears? Yeah, that sound. Suddenly broken when a couple of complete moronic jackasses lumber their old blue Ford pickup past the ATV and continue on down the hill to turn around just about where I have my ass planted.

Can you imagine their chagrin if I had taken my truck and used it to block the road at the junction of the main? Why, they would have probably wanted to do damage to my truck for blocking them off, yet thought nothing of continuing onward to put a kibosh on my evening hunting.

This is the way that I look at it.

If the camp blocks a small area with a few short spurs from the camp area, I move on. If the camp blocks a road that makes a loop, I will back up and go to the other end and come back to the camp from the other direction. I will pass by and will honk the horn until someone shows up to move enough camp to let me pass. If I have to backtrack, I will do so with the horn blaring for several kms and I will do it tomorrow and the day after and the day after............

Roads..... are for driving on. They are not built for pleasure or so that someone can block them and walk on them (really that is just road hunting anyways).

If the desire is not to see people driving, do not hunt on or within eye sight of roads..........

10-04-2011, 09:40 AM
Where I was recently, some guys blocked a road with a huge camp, 4 camper trailer units. A CO came out and said that 7 different people had called them in!
Same crew did the same thing last year, they were of the frame of mind that the road dead ended and "THEY" were hunting there?????

Certainly not anything new.

Don't know what the attraction is, but there are some serious ignoramouses out there every single year.

Between blocking roads and filling the decoys chalk full of lead every year they seem to keep the COS very, very, very busy.

10-04-2011, 09:49 AM
That would be beyond annoying...but that being said, I tend to not get into confrontations with armed idiots, so I would have gotten plate numbers etc and reported them asap.

I actually haven't run into blocked roads yet, but then I've also been avoiding certain areas as it's elk season and the mobs have no doubt decended...

When I am hunting a dead end road, or dead-end cut-block, I make a point of parking the truck at the side of the road, making it as obvious as possible that this particularly spot is "busy". I would hope that anyone happening upon the truck would realize what is going on and go somewhere else.

10-04-2011, 10:16 AM
I would suggest leaving a note on the road side window, I thankfully have never seen this as I still hunt always and don't like seeing people when I hunt and so enjoy wearing out my boots. This is just another reason for me to hike in and it points out how Canada has changed since I was young. Enjoy your time out there people I'm hoping I can get out soon.

10-04-2011, 10:16 AM
Bottom line Jager.....you have no right to reserve a place all for yourself!
Regardless of your opinion, if you or anyone else decides to do this, expect damage to your vehicles, CO's called, or horns honking at least!

If you want to hunt where vehicles wont come along, go where there's no roads!

Where I was recently, some guys blocked a road with a huge camp, 4 camper trailer units. A CO came out and said that 7 different people had called them in!
Same crew did the same thing last year, they were of the frame of mind that the road dead ended and "THEY" were hunting there?????

Buy some private land if you want it all for yourself!Wait a minute, this is not me dude, "Bottom line Jager.....you have no right to reserve a place all for yourself! " I am not for blocking any road. The fact is that if I see your vehicle parked in a dead end area that I was thinking of hunting, whether your vehicle is blocking the road or not. I am backing out of there and attempting to leave you in peace and tranquillity. I expect the same treatment. In my case, I made no attempt to hinder anyone's forward progress. I attempted to show that someone was already there and they should do the right thing and leave as I would have done.
You're right though, I could have buried my quad deep in the bush and made my way out of sight and out of mind. It's just nice to be able to see so much from the vantage point I had, going down to the swamp would have greatly restricted the visible area.
Bottom line is, I don't condone blocking access, but by the same token, I don't condone mental midgets blowing into an area where it is quite evident that someone is already on the scene.
Sometines, you just don't know, especially if you and the other hunter are on foot, like the guy that I called in to the horny cow call. He did not know I was there because he accessed from a different point. It was a nice interlude.

10-04-2011, 10:17 AM
I know I sound like Jelvis here, but 2 wrongs do not make a right !!!

Yes, they are ignorant and assholes, but that does not give you the right to vandalize their property (as was alluded to in numerous posts), that's how the situation escalates and someone is gonna get hurt or killed (You never know who can see you that is from the camp)....

I always have a paper and pen in my vehicle, so I would write them a shitty gram and leave it on their windshield...They can not say it escalated cause you put a piece of paper under their wiper....No defending against vandalism to protect property here...

Take a couple pics and details (licence plate numbers, exact location etc) etc and report it to your friendly CO...Let him take care of it...

MInd you, a big old draft beer-homemade rutted mule deer chili-washed down with a dozen pickled eggs bowel movement (AKA SPLAT!!!!) on the guys windshield, may get the point across too....

But let's take the high road here...

10-04-2011, 10:34 AM
Is this a 'mainland' problem, or does it happen on the island too? Never heard of this in any areas I frequent.

Peter Pepper
10-04-2011, 10:34 AM
Bottom line Jager.....you have no right to reserve a place all for yourself!
Regardless of your opinion, if you or anyone else decides to do this, expect damage to your vehicles, CO's called, or horns honking at least!

If you want to hunt where vehicles wont come along, go where there's no roads!

Where I was recently, some guys blocked a road with a huge camp, 4 camper trailer units. A CO came out and said that 7 different people had called them in!
Same crew did the same thing last year, they were of the frame of mind that the road dead ended and "THEY" were hunting there?????

Buy some private land if you want it all for yourself!

x2 what mark said. Hopefully most people will move on if they see a parked truck, but really if they wanna hunt the same patch of wood you are in, well it's a free country. Even if you've hunted that spot since time began, if they want to set up near ya, it's up to them.

10-04-2011, 10:37 AM
Sounds similar to river fishing etiquette, which most people are totally unaware of.

10-04-2011, 10:42 AM
a few years ago I came upon a camp( trailers, pick-up trucks, tents) blocking a FSR that meandered several more km into the wilderness, I had wanted to hunt near the end of that road,

as i sat there and mused my options, a 45 inch bull moose walked out on the FSR road about 50 yards from the intrusive campsite blocking the FSR,

I stepped out of my pick-up, DROPPED the 45 inch bull moose, with one shot to his neck from about 75 yards, gutted the moose, winched it into my pick-up box, and drove away laughing my a$$ off,

left those "ROAD BLOCKING A-Holes" with a fresh moose gut pile about 50 yards from their camp, with lots of hungry Grizz and Black bear in the area in late Sept I was certain they would be moving camp very soon !, or at LEAST spending some very sleepless nights,,,,,,,,,,,:twisted:

10-04-2011, 12:08 PM
This type of activity takes many forms, from the truck "half blocking" the road to one guy that gets left to turn hunters around because his partners are "working this road". None of it works for me. I will give anyone time and space out of courtesy if I see them in person sitting or still hunting in an area but an abandoned vehicle or quad does not mean that the operator is in the vicinity (he could have hiked far from the imediate area) so I carry on with my own plans.
And on the flip side if I decide to park my truck/quad and walk to the end of a road and you drive up behind me be prepared to have a friendly chat, exchange a few lies and carry on in which ever direction you like......remember there is just as much game behind you as there is in front of you. More often than not a vehicle or person going by will get Mr. Big out of bed anyhow. Anybody that intentionally blocks a road gets whatever they have coming, and if I needed to get down that road to get a moose out I would respectfully winch you're gear out of the way.....after all if it ran why would it be abandoned in the middle of the road?

10-04-2011, 12:38 PM
Can't say I have actually had a road or trail completely blocked off. If I see a quad parked to the side of a trail or cutblock, I respectfully leave them alone as they were there first. If they park across the trail somewhat to try and keep me out, I'll likely ride in there just for spite (I know.....i'm an a-hole lol). We did have someone this fall stop us when we were riding into the area we elk hunt every year. I've hunted this same small area for about 15 years now and never seen these guys before but I guess they figured it was theirs exclusively. They actually stopped my hunting partner to inform him that "they" were already there. He replied with a grin "ok, thanks" and away we went. The idiots may or may not have known that the trail turns into a road that goes on for about 60 kms......lots of area for everyone.

Big Lew
10-04-2011, 12:52 PM
I winched a blazer out of the way once that had parked completely blocking an access road that went for several miles and was the only way in or out. My tracks were plainly visible as the only one using the road, and had not come back out. Had I not had a chain or winch, and had an emergency, it would have been bad. The moron had a huge space across the road to park on big enough to park several logging trucks. It was tempting to pull him over the bank, but then I would have been as bad as he if he had an emergency.

10-04-2011, 03:59 PM
I came across a camper parked in the middle of the road an hour before daylight and about 3 kms from the slashes at the end of the road. As I parked my truck in the nearest turn-out and started assembling my gear and lunch in my daypack their lights came on inside and they started stirring around. One 'gentleman' came out and approached me saying, "What do you think you're doing? This is our spot". I explained that the road forked and there were two really good areas to hunt and told him they could have first choice and besides, I was hiking all the way up to the treeline anyway. The guy told me the whole area was theirs and that I should bugger off. By this time the guy's partner came out as well and they became belligerent and threatening. I calmly walked to my truck, got a pen and piece of paper, made a show of writing down their licence plate number and put the paper in my pocket. I wished them luck and walked past their camper to go hunting. When I came back from an epic hike at the end of the day they were already gone and had left my vehicle alone.
I have only had this happen once as a discussion about where you wish to go usually satisfies everyone when a chance meeting takes place in the woods. I do find it a bit funny that I seem to always be the first to volunteer my plans as hunters are pretty protective of their spots. I am always prepared to vary my plans if a fellow hunter was planning the same hike/route.

10-04-2011, 04:22 PM
I winched a blazer out of the way once that had parked completely blocking an access road that went for several miles and was the only way in or out. My tracks were plainly visible as the only one using the road, and had not come back out. Had I not had a chain or winch, and had an emergency, it would have been bad. The moron had a huge space across the road to park on big enough to park several logging trucks. It was tempting to pull him over the bank, but then I would have been as bad as he if he had an emergency.

Tod Bartell drives a Blazer. I bet it was him!

new hunter
10-04-2011, 05:05 PM
I try to be considerate , If I see a guy lining up a shot {or checking sometking out in the bush } I pull over , shut off the truck . If I see a rig pulled over , I turn around and find a different road .
Behavior like thaty mentioned earlier should be fined , call it an asshole tax . Shouldn't be to difficult , just make illegal to park in a manner that blocks the road . Thats another thing I don't do , always look for a spot to park that allows other people to get by , you never know if someones camped further up the road , I don't want to be the prick that blocks someone in .

.330 Dakota
10-04-2011, 05:07 PM
Guys, 2 wrongs dont make a right..Bet you heard that growing up. Lets take the high road and call the CO to remove them and to educate them in hunter ethics. Stooping to their level makes you the same class.

.330 Dakota
10-04-2011, 05:07 PM
Tod Bartell drives a Blazer. I bet it was him!

Leave Todd alone and the Blazer will punish him on its own...lol

10-04-2011, 05:38 PM
I think that Mark, Goat Guy and Peter Pecker have a misconception of the situation that I presented. It is not a situation of erecting a camp on the road, it is merely a short spur road. Actually, it does have an excellent camping site that is out of the way and yes, it would restrict access to that particular swamp, not much different than any other camping spot except it is not on a through road that restricts 100s of hectares of huntable land.
Roads are roads, much like trails where access is gained by whatever means. The point is, if the road or trail culminates at a point not too distant, and you become aware that someone else is present at that location, do you not think that it would be appropiate to turn your sorry ass around and find another place instead of screwing it up for the person that preceded you?
I know that if the opposite happened to me, I would vacate the area as quickly and quietly as possible and leave the person already there in peace. To think otherwise would be as ignorant as the crew that erects a camp in the middle of a through road.
And as a side note, I am in favour of deactivation all un-used FSRs.

The Dawg
10-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Moosinaround and I last year came across a camp with a sign posted that said something along the lines of "We've been hunting here since 1984. Please respect our area and leave"

We drove right by it .

10-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Was out last night and a guy parked his side x side across the trail between two rocks so no one els could drive past. Kinda lame he had an area that he could of parked off of the trail so people could of gotten past. If i see a truck parked or a quad usually we leave the area alone and let the guys hunt but to block it off is bad manners.

10-04-2011, 06:09 PM
i like my winch, and depending on how angry i am depends on how much i pull it into the ditch/swamp etc.

you want to be treated like a human being? act like one

bad dog
10-04-2011, 06:10 PM
2 years ago ,, were heading in to work ,,, low bed with a wheel loader , 4 gravel trucks , a grader ,, 6 am , main line south end of reg. 7 campers blocked off the road ,, we stop , and 5 of these guys walk out , tell us point blank ,, to f ---- off there hunting in there and thats that ,, and will be for a week ,,,, we call the boss ,, he says do what yea got to , we all got turned around ,, with plate numbers ,, pics etc, then billy on the low bed walks back , asks the guy with the rifle ,, how long were they going to be there , again they said a week ,, he said ok ,, went back to the first bridge , jumped the loader off ,, piled a mound of about 90 yards of gravel right in the middle of the road ,, got his spray can and wrote road closed due to hunting !!! i think they must have taken all week to shovel there way out ,,, dam it felt good ,,, the co agreed with us !!!!

10-04-2011, 06:19 PM
2 years ago ,, were heading in to work ,,, low bed with a wheel loader , 4 gravel trucks , a grader ,, 6 am , main line south end of reg. 7 campers blocked off the road ,, we stop , and 5 of these guys walk out , tell us point blank ,, to f ---- off there hunting in there and thats that ,, and will be for a week ,,,, we call the boss ,, he says do what yea got to , we all got turned around ,, with plate numbers ,, pics etc, then billy on the low bed walks back , asks the guy with the rifle ,, how long were they going to be there , again they said a week ,, he said ok ,, went back to the first bridge , jumped the loader off ,, piled a mound of about 90 yards of gravel right in the middle of the road ,, got his spray can and wrote road closed due to hunting !!! i think they must have taken all week to shovel there way out ,,, dam it felt good ,,, the co agreed with us !!!!

thats awsome . but it sure woulda been hard to walk away from that .if they were blocking me from my work i woulda had a hard time walking away. what what u guys did was sweet

Davey Crockett
10-04-2011, 06:32 PM
2 years ago ,, were heading in to work ,,, low bed with a wheel loader , 4 gravel trucks , a grader ,, 6 am , main line south end of reg. 7 campers blocked off the road ,, we stop , and 5 of these guys walk out , tell us point blank ,, to f ---- off there hunting in there and thats that ,, and will be for a week ,,,, we call the boss ,, he says do what yea got to , we all got turned around ,, with plate numbers ,, pics etc, then billy on the low bed walks back , asks the guy with the rifle ,, how long were they going to be there , again they said a week ,, he said ok ,, went back to the first bridge , jumped the loader off ,, piled a mound of about 90 yards of gravel right in the middle of the road ,, got his spray can and wrote road closed due to hunting !!! i think they must have taken all week to shovel there way out ,,, dam it felt good ,,, the co agreed with us !!!!

That is just awesome.

10-04-2011, 06:37 PM
I don't post much but was in Chetwynd a few years ago and watch with a smile as some locals pulled a wall tent down with a truck because they would not let anybody by I wanted to ride through there camp and was met with you are not going but in the end they left with there tails up there you can now guess where.

10-04-2011, 07:31 PM
I've said it before, and I will say it again. Never block a road, even if the road ends 50 yards or 50 kilometers past the block. Roads are not there for our hunting convenience. They were built for resource extraction and we have the priveledge to be able to use them to get hunting. You never know when someone might need the road in the course of making a living, and doing dumb shit like blocking a road because you are hunting in the area only leads to gates being errected and access to these areas being restricted because of your dumbass moves.

I just don't get why people do this, you are inviting pissed off people to mess with your vehicle...good luck!

10-04-2011, 07:39 PM
I think that Mark, Goat Guy and Peter Pecker have a misconception of the situation that I presented. It is not a situation of erecting a camp on the road, it is merely a short spur road. Actually, it does have an excellent camping site that is out of the way and yes, it would restrict access to that particular swamp, not much different than any other camping spot except it is not on a through road that restricts 100s of hectares of huntable land.
Roads are roads, much like trails where access is gained by whatever means. The point is, if the road or trail culminates at a point not too distant, and you become aware that someone else is present at that location, do you not think that it would be appropiate to turn your sorry ass around and find another place instead of screwing it up for the person that preceded you?
I know that if the opposite happened to me, I would vacate the area as quickly and quietly as possible and leave the person already there in peace. To think otherwise would be as ignorant as the crew that erects a camp in the middle of a through road.
And as a side note, I am in favour of deactivation all un-used FSRs.

Ethically? Yes I agree with you. Personally I turn around and find another spot. Legally? Unless it is private property and they do not have access then they have as much right to be there as you, whether you were there first or not. I have had people drive passed me while walking dead end roads, had chats with some and others just drove past. I've also dropped a couple animals after they have gone passed. They seem to like to move after something comes by. Is it annoying when someone comes into a spot you were hoping to have all to yourself? Yes but they have just as much right to that spot as you. It is crown land not private. Blocking a road though is illegal. I liked the idea of loosening the oil pan bolt ;) I have come across it that before and it pissed me off but at least I knew they weren't going to be hunting the other areas I had in mind.

10-04-2011, 07:46 PM
when i get up early and spend 2 hrs plus driving to a specific spot to hunt and some D.P has the rd blocked to where i want to go... i would be realy pissed off and wouldnt be leavin till i have my say in the matter ...

10-04-2011, 07:46 PM
I get a kick out of all the internet tough guys on here. What you type and what you really would do is probably very very different. If you thought about some of the things typed in this thread, you really have serious issues and should seek proffessional help. What some of you are advocating is way worse ethics than the person you are complaining about who is blocking the road. Seriously, is it that much of a big deal that you 'need' to drive that extra 100 metres that you would vandalize another person's property? Give your head's a shake.

10-04-2011, 07:47 PM
i think tampering with someones vehicle even if hes being an idiot by blocking the road could bring on some nasty retaliation. so i wouldnt recomend touching another hunters vehicle .that would be a stupid thing to do .un do the oil drain plug. youd seize the motor and stick the guy in the bush. not smart

10-04-2011, 07:49 PM
I get a kick out of all the internet tough guys on here. What you type and what you really would do is probably very very different. If you thought about some of the things typed in this thread, you really have serious issues and should seek proffessional help. What some of you are advocating is way worse ethics than the person you are complaining about who is blocking the road. Seriously, is it that much of a big deal that you 'need' to drive that extra 100 metres that you would vandalize another person's property? Give your head's a shake.

one thing ill agree with u dana

.330 Dakota
10-04-2011, 07:52 PM
i think tampering with someones vehicle even if hes being an idiot by blocking the road could bring on some nasty retaliation. so i wouldnt recomend touching another hunters vehicle .that would be a stupid thing to do .un do the oil drain plug. youd seize the motor and stick the guy in the bush. not smart

Well said, for example there could be an old guy with a bad ticker that was just along for the ride, and you never know what could happen, so lets be ethical and mature shall we.

10-04-2011, 07:53 PM
There is another prespective that you should look at, and that is the other side of the coin.
Whether you set up a camp or perhaps just position a vehicle to block the road, depends on the length of the road and whether it is a through road or just a short spur into a small logged area.

Here's my scenerio.

Last week I was hunting lower end of region 7. There is a short spur that leaves the main and goes down the hill for about ½ a km before it makes a 170° turn and parallels a combination of swamp and lakes for an additional distance of 1km making it a total of 1½ km. In the last km, there is a slight rise in elevation and in the middle of this is a small turnaround spur before it proceeds down to the terminal point.

Anyhow, this particular evening, I get in with my quad, park it at the top of the hill so anyone approaching will see it and maybe get the picture and turn around.

I pussyfoot down the hill to overlook the small lake and swamp. I settle my ass down on the edge of the bank so I am not skylighted in any direction. With eager anticipation, I wait for something to appear because I know there are moose abound as I had seen a cow just that morning about 400 yards down the swamp knoshing on some aquatic vegetation. I watched her nigh on ¾ of an hour with hopes that a bull would appear.

Back to the present time.

You know when all is settled in, when the sounds of the forest and critters are perking up your ears? Yeah, that sound. Suddenly broken when a couple of complete moronic jackasses lumber their old blue Ford pickup past the ATV and continue on down the hill to turn around just about where I have my ass planted.

Can you imagine their chagrin if I had taken my truck and used it to block the road at the junction of the main? Why, they would have probably wanted to do damage to my truck for blocking them off, yet thought nothing of continuing onward to put a kibosh on my evening hunting.

This is the way that I look at it.

If the camp blocks a small area with a few short spurs from the camp area, I move on. If the camp blocks a road that makes a loop, I will back up and go to the other end and come back to the camp from the other direction. I will pass by and will honk the horn until someone shows up to move enough camp to let me pass. If I have to backtrack, I will do so with the horn blaring for several kms and I will do it tomorrow and the day after and the day after............

Yea, I always really appreciate it when bubbas drive around my truck to hunt the same area with their quads and trucks... Some people don't get the hint: Go find another spot to hunt, this one's taken! They're the same dinks that scope ya as well...

10-04-2011, 07:55 PM
I get a kick out of all the internet tough guys on here. What you type and what you really would do is probably very very different. If you thought about some of the things typed in this thread, you really have serious issues and should seek proffessional help. What some of you are advocating is way worse ethics than the person you are complaining about who is blocking the road. Seriously, is it that much of a big deal that you 'need' to drive that extra 100 metres that you would vandalize another person's property? Give your head's a shake.

im not a tough guy steve...but im a bit confrontational..and when some one pisses me off i dont let it go by without having my say .. makes me feel better when i let it all out lol

10-04-2011, 09:02 PM
One major thing that no one has talked about is safety, I had a situation some years ago where I was set up in a area at the end of a road with a swamp on one side and a cut block on the other when a bull moose was coming in to my call a van drove in passed my truck and turned around with back-up beeper..beep beep beep in the middle of the block.No bull came in then.Two days later frost on the bridge before the cut block in the dark,so no one was there and I decided to let people know I was hunting this and would be set up on opposite side of block so I parked across the road write before block and I had two older italian people walk in, wind everything and ruin my morning telling me I can't a blocka da road! As a safe hunter who in the ETHICS SCHOOL I went to,I beg to differ and this was done for both parties safety. I would never block a main road but everyone has a right to be safe and enjoy calling in a bull!

10-04-2011, 09:06 PM
I think that Mark, Goat Guy and Peter Pecker have a misconception of the situation that I presented. It is not a situation of erecting a camp on the road, it is merely a short spur road. Actually, it does have an excellent camping site that is out of the way and yes, it would restrict access to that particular swamp, not much different than any other camping spot except it is not on a through road that restricts 100s of hectares of huntable land.
Roads are roads, much like trails where access is gained by whatever means. The point is, if the road or trail culminates at a point not too distant, and you become aware that someone else is present at that location, do you not think that it would be appropiate to turn your sorry ass around and find another place instead of screwing it up for the person that preceded you?
I know that if the opposite happened to me, I would vacate the area as quickly and quietly as possible and leave the person already there in peace. To think otherwise would be as ignorant as the crew that erects a camp in the middle of a through road.
And as a side note, I am in favour of deactivation all un-used FSRs.

No misconceptions at all.

Roads are for everyone's use, not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason. It's crown land and you have no more ownership than the next taxpayer.

This isn't a difficult concept.

Don't block other people's access....... and if you don't want to see other people road hunting and have your 'hunt ruined' get away from the roads.

10-04-2011, 09:09 PM
I give one warning to move there camp and let me thru . and if i get any flack i take plate numbers and call the C.O. .

10-04-2011, 09:12 PM
im not a tough guy steve...but im a bit confrontational..and when some one pisses me off i dont let it go by without having my say .. makes me feel better when i let it all out lol

I wasn't aiming my post towards you, but instead at the morons that think that messing with someones vehicle is a okay thing. Didn't they ever learn 2 wrongs do not make a right? Or how bout, turn the other cheek? Like I shared earier in this thread, I experienced a old brushed in road blocked by a camp this weekend. That old road leads to some nice moosey meadows. Did I go storming in and act like an raging lunitic because gawd forbid I had to change my plans for the day? Nope, I came up with a different plan. Sometimes that different plan leads to the 'just meant to be' when it comes to being in the right place at the right time.

10-05-2011, 12:30 AM
No misconceptions at all.

Roads are for everyone's use, not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason. It's crown land and you have no more ownership than the next taxpayer.

This isn't a difficult concept.

Don't block other people's access....... and if you don't want to see other people road hunting and have your 'hunt ruined' get away from the roads.
From this quote, "not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason", I draw the conclusion that you're the type of person that would have no qualms about barging into a lineup at a theater, the beer stand lineup at the hockey game, the fishing hole already lined with others or pulling out of line at a construction stop and moving to the front of that line. "This isn't a difficult concept."

10-05-2011, 01:57 AM
50 yards from the end of a road? Whatever thats fine. Several km from the end? **** right off.

10-05-2011, 06:46 AM
From this quote, "not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason", I draw the conclusion that you're the type of person that would have no qualms about barging into a lineup at a theater, the beer stand lineup at the hockey game, the fishing hole already lined with others or pulling out of line at a construction stop and moving to the front of that line. "This isn't a difficult concept."

There's a difference between waiting your turn as opposed to claiming something that is'nt yours. Lame analogy.

10-05-2011, 08:16 AM
The island has them too. I think it comes from desperation. If people dont have much success then they go into to an area and see game the get all crazy desperate. The attitude of those hunters needs to change but Im not sure whos job it is to educate them. I know in my circumstance i had done some preseason elk scoiting and foumd four nice bulls in the backend of a single road entry slash. Got up early rode to spot on Atv and low and behold a truck and camper were camped smack dab in the middle of the road. Proceeded to drice right through campsite around chair etc and up the road to the spot where these camo laden dudes were sitting behind a log glassing. Made a point of talking loudly to my partner the whole time turned around and left. No property damage but got rid of my anger without any vandalism.

Big Lew
10-05-2011, 08:23 AM
Re: Camps blocking FSR

50 yards from the end of a road? Whatever, that's fine. Several km from the end? From this quote, "not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason", I draw the conclusion that you're the type of person that would have no qualms about barging into a lineup at a theater, the beer stand lineup at the hockey game, the fishing hole already lined with others or pulling out of line at a construction stop and moving to the front of that line. "This isn't a difficult concept"

Have to agree with "Jagermeister", a lot of us witness this type of rude and inconsiderate behaviour daily. Some hunters have no concept of consideration, respect, or fairness to others at all, and will aggressively drive up and crowd, hunt the same small slash etc., or honk their horn and try to scare game away from others. Blocking any access is never right, even parking in front of a locked gate, but if someone is already in at the end and parked off to the side, allowing vehicle turn around space, have the decency to move on....you would be pissed off if they shadowed, or interrupted your hunt.

cariboo crawler
10-05-2011, 08:41 AM
2 years ago ,, were heading in to work ,,, low bed with a wheel loader , 4 gravel trucks , a grader ,, 6 am , main line south end of reg. 7 campers blocked off the road ,, we stop , and 5 of these guys walk out , tell us point blank ,, to f ---- off there hunting in there and thats that ,, and will be for a week ,,,, we call the boss ,, he says do what yea got to , we all got turned around ,, with plate numbers ,, pics etc, then billy on the low bed walks back , asks the guy with the rifle ,, how long were they going to be there , again they said a week ,, he said ok ,, went back to the first bridge , jumped the loader off ,, piled a mound of about 90 yards of gravel right in the middle of the road ,, got his spray can and wrote road closed due to hunting !!! i think they must have taken all week to shovel there way out ,,, dam it felt good ,,, the co agreed with us !!!!

thats a great story!! I love it when that happens!! If the keys were in the machine I would have done the same thing .

10-05-2011, 08:57 AM
Ok, so some of you guys think it's wrong to block a road off even 50M from the end even if it really does end. Personaly, I would find it annoying if I was at the end of that road and every ten minutes someone was driving up that road while I'm trying to be quiet and either glass for game animals or call in a moose for example.

What is the compromise here? cause I wouldn't neccesarily want every road hunter in the hunting area using the end of that road as a turn around. Would putting up a sign be a good idea?

10-05-2011, 09:04 AM
Ok, so some of you guys think it's wrong to block a road off even 50M from the end even if it really does end. Personaly, I would find it annoying if I was at the end of that road and every ten minutes someone was driving up that road while I'm trying to be quiet and either glass for game animals or call in a moose for example.

What is the compromise here? cause I wouldn't neccesarily want every road hunter in the hunting area using the end of that road as a turn around. Would putting up a sign be a good idea?

If you dont want to be bothered by vehicles get off the road.....pretty simple folks!

Big lew & Jager....you'll receive far more respect from most hunters by parking to the side of the road, than you will by blocking it!!!!

10-05-2011, 09:04 AM
What is the compromise here? cause I wouldn't neccesarily want every road hunter in the hunting area using the end of that road as a turn around. Would putting up a sign be a good idea?

The compromise is easy for most people.
Dont block the road and dont drive by a truck that is obviously hunting.

If YOU dont block the road YOU are not being a dip
If YOU dont drive by a truck YOU are not being a dip. Simple isnt it.

Be courtious in the bush and if someone else decides to be a dip go find somewhere else to go and dont let it ruin your day.
thing is, do you want to go blindly forth where you know there is a guy somewhere? But you dont realy know where.
Do you want to get in a fight with a guy "Garding" The door?
do you want something to happen to your truck while you are hunting, worring about it because you know you are wrong???

This whole thing is dirt simple to me.

Davey Crockett
10-05-2011, 09:05 AM
The island has them too. I think it comes from desperation. If people dont have much success then they go into to an area and see game the get all crazy desperate. The attitude of those hunters needs to change but Im not sure whos job it is to educate them. I know in my circumstance i had done some preseason elk scoiting and foumd four nice bulls in the backend of a single road entry slash. Got up early rode to spot on Atv and low and behold a truck and camper were camped smack dab in the middle of the road. Proceeded to drice right through campsite around chair etc and up the road to the spot where these camo laden dudes were sitting behind a log glassing. Made a point of talking loudly to my partner the whole time turned around and left. No property damage but got rid of my anger without any vandalism.

So these guys chose to block off a single cut block or small area (and were there first) and you thought it was a good idea to weave your quad through their camp and continue to try to sewer their hunt. Do you think this is legal?

If they weren't blocking the road, what would you have done? I think it is perfectly fine to "claim" a small area. Some do it by blocking the road (I don't) and others may just park on the side of the road and hope you get the hint and turn around. If someone is already hunting the area, it is taken. Not only is it bad manners to do anything other than leave, it isn't safe.

Attempting to block a drainage or a large road system is a completely different than someone claiming a single hunting spot.

10-05-2011, 09:14 AM
A gate on a forestry road was opened to the public and some guy went through and snapped his own lock to the gate to keep people out. This is totally bush league and so is putting a camp in the middle of a road. It's the same as blocking the doorway to a store, which has a sale on,until your shopping is done.This type of goings on simply breeds confrontation.

10-05-2011, 10:16 AM
Locked forestry gate happened to me some years back, problem was I got locked in by some dipshit.

10-05-2011, 10:18 AM
I think it is perfectly fine to "claim" a small area. If someone is already hunting the area, it is taken. Not only is it bad manners to do anything other than leave, it isn't safe.

Attempting to block a drainage or a large road system is a completely different than someone claiming a single hunting spot.

Davey you are making the assumption that everyone using said road is after the same thing you are. You have absolutely no right to "claim" anything.
The guy coming up behind you may be prospecting (or he may have a legitimate mineral "claim") he may be doing some timber cruising for his employer, hell he might even be looking for a load of firewood and you are in the middle of his permit area.

As others have said, If you are on the road get used to having some traffic. What would you say to the guy that walks up behind you when you are sitting on a ridge 2k from your truck....."hey buddy this is my mountain, I was here first" ....not likely. And yet you expect to be be able to claim an area on a traveled public service road as your own and expect everyone to go in the other direction....see my point.

10-05-2011, 10:56 AM
just for a different perspective, I am a first year hunter, but have basically grown up in the woods, quadding, snowmobiling, learning about the wild edibles, fishing, you name it. I have come accross this before by a group of beligerant hunters who had blocked off access 3KM to the end of the road, well at the end of that road was a great moral patch that I liked to get wild mushrooms at in an old burn area, I was not a hunter at the time. I had only brought along a rubbermaid bin to put them in so I had to hike in that 3KM with that darned bin, and 3 km back out with a good load of mushrooms, not a huge deal but why should I have to deal with that extra trouble? I thought it was BS, I was not even a hunter yet he was blocking access to something I wanted to get out and enjoy, and not even competing with their hunt. Its not only hunters that you are hindering back country access, others get caught in the cross fire as well and I can tell you at the time it did sour me on hunters in general, until I reminded myself there are bad apples in every group.

Davey Crockett
10-05-2011, 10:58 AM
Davey you are making the assumption that everyone using said road is after the same thing you are. You have absolutely no right to "claim" anything.
The guy coming up behind you may be prospecting (or he may have a legitimate mineral "claim") he may be doing some timber cruising for his employer, hell he might even be looking for a load of firewood and you are in the middle of his permit area.

As others have said, If you are on the road get used to having some traffic. What would you say to the guy that walks up behind you when you are sitting on a ridge 2k from your truck....."hey buddy this is my mountain, I was here first" ....not likely. And yet you expect to be be able to claim an area on a traveled public service road as your own and expect everyone to go in the other direction....see my point.

Fair enough. My post was a response to how the hunter responded to a cutblock being blocked, not the other situations you mentioned. I felt that their response was uncalled for.

As fir meeting another hunter far from a road, it has happened to me. We made a plan to go our separate ways, not to hunt in top of one another.

Trapper D
10-05-2011, 11:06 AM
ya that happens onthe island as well. a quite well known guide outfitter ( rhymes with an ice sport) put his own locks on the gate in his guide outfit territory. the trapper who also had his line on the same turf, was locked behind the gate , and as a result had to beat the shit out of his truck , as the other routes were deactivated, also had to use his chainsaw gas in his truck to make it out, with enough fuel to get to a fuel station.

blackwater moose
10-05-2011, 11:10 AM
If you got a chainsaw..... Why not return the favour and block their way out?

Haha that'll teach some a$$hats that someone is not happy. And you can do it safely down the road before the nex junction. would be a shame to waste good loving trees but a few deadfall.

I'd spend the time.

tough to do this in P.G., hardly any trees left

10-05-2011, 12:20 PM
If you dont want to be bothered by vehicles get off the road.....pretty simple folks!

Big lew & Jager....you'll receive far more respect from most hunters by parking to the side of the road, than you will by blocking it!!!!Whatever gave you the idea that I blocked the road? No such thing happened and I have never blocked any road. The fact is the end of the road was on sight of where I parked the atv off to the side. The swamps in this area have access roads all around so hiking to that quasi secluded spot that you like to refer to is not really an option. This is not a situation where you are hiking altitude such as one wod do when hunting deer or elk. This is valley bottoms where logging roads traverse both sides so as not to disturb the riparian zone that the swamps lie in. From these main roads, little spur roads branch off. Some go uphill and some go down hill. If you ant to take someone to task, you should direct your attention to those that have todrive to the end of these little spur roads.
I am all for deactivating these spurs right after the usable timber is removed. Only then will the random road hunter will be forced to hoof it. Only then will I have that Damm swamp to myself!

Peter Pepper
10-05-2011, 12:27 PM
One major thing that no one has talked about is safety, I had a situation some years ago where I was set up in a area at the end of a road with a swamp on one side and a cut block on the other when a bull moose was coming in to my call a van drove in passed my truck and turned around with back-up beeper..beep beep beep in the middle of the block.No bull came in then.Two days later frost on the bridge before the cut block in the dark,so no one was there and I decided to let people know I was hunting this and would be set up on opposite side of block so I parked across the road write before block and I had two older italian people walk in, wind everything and ruin my morning telling me I can't a blocka da road! As a safe hunter who in the ETHICS SCHOOL I went to,I beg to differ and this was done for both parties safety. I would never block a main road but everyone has a right to be safe and enjoy calling in a bull!

At least you didn't come back to a CarBQ. Some people might get cold waiting for thier turn to access the area

10-05-2011, 12:29 PM
Piss in there gas tank, should cause some karma down the road.

10-05-2011, 12:31 PM
You don't have a legal right as a hunter to block anything on crown land be it the road or a gate. Not to mention it is completely disrespectful. I've actually only been blocked once on a road as I was circling around a field to pick up my buddy who had walked up a cut block. Pissed me off because I was just grabbing my buddy after a long day hunting. They were right on the other side of a creek crossing blocking the road and it was the only way through.

Ultimately my buddy had to hoof it an extra hour + to get to the spot I was at. Nothing major but it was quite the inconvenience. If I was more of an ass I would have hooked up my winch to their bumper and pulled them into the deep end of the creek. Full size F250 + 10k winch can pull a Jeep Cherokee no problem even with brakes on.

They're lucky I was still in a good mood. Would have been a bad day for them trying to get their winchless Jeep out of 3 feet of water and mud.

Edit: On that note, the only camps I don't have issue with blocking areas are the Native camps that get set up from time to time. I don't always agree with their reasons but I respect them and leave them be.

10-05-2011, 01:01 PM
I feel sorry for you so called "hunters" that think the ROAD is such a valuable location for finding game:confused::confused:

I ran into some guys last year who tried to block access 8km from the end and it blew me away that they didnt understand that the BUSH is where you find the deer

The road is just for access

10-05-2011, 01:27 PM
Had a group of people camped on the Elk Lake boat launch (Williams lake area) Told me to drag my boat around them. I then shot them all. Kust kidding but certainly felt like it. What arrogance.

10-05-2011, 04:15 PM
Re: Camps blocking FSR

50 yards from the end of a road? Whatever, that's fine. Several km from the end? From this quote, "not exclusive to whoever got their first or feels a sense of entitlement for whatever reason", I draw the conclusion that you're the type of person that would have no qualms about barging into a lineup at a theater, the beer stand lineup at the hockey game, the fishing hole already lined with others or pulling out of line at a construction stop and moving to the front of that line. "This isn't a difficult concept"

Have to agree with "Jagermeister", a lot of us witness this type of rude and inconsiderate behaviour daily. Some hunters have no concept of consideration, respect, or fairness to others at all, and will aggressively drive up and crowd, hunt the same small slash etc., or honk their horn and try to scare game away from others. Blocking any access is never right, even parking in front of a locked gate, but if someone is already in at the end and parked off to the side, allowing vehicle turn around space, have the decency to move on....you would be pissed off if they shadowed, or interrupted your hunt.

Hahaha, no, not at all. Very poor analogy.

Jager's concept is to block the entrance to the beer stand lineup so he can be the only one there.

The rude and inconsiderate behaviour starts with the guy blocking the road.

Doesn't affect me personally either way. Don't hunt on or near roads, very seldom looking at cutblocks, much less crowds other hunters so the rest really doesn't fit.

Never seen it or had it happen, but the likelihood of someone honking their horn to scare game away from others is probably 0 if your vehicle isn't blocking the road.

The resource and the access to it belongs to all of us - treat everyone else as you'd like to be treated and none of us will have any issues.

10-05-2011, 05:26 PM
Piss in there gas tank, should cause some karma down the road.

do u really think your ballsy enough to piss in a guys gas tank who probably close by with a gun . cuz if i saw u doing that to my truck youd be in trouble

10-05-2011, 06:39 PM
do u really think your ballsy enough to piss in a guys gas tank who probably close by with a gun . cuz if i saw u doing that to my truck youd be in trouble

You tell'em Jeffery.

Actually, I think it would be pretty difficult to pee in someones gas tank, and it would really not have much effect. Don't even mention violence, especially a threat with a gun or you'll be taking up archery.

Big Lew
10-05-2011, 06:44 PM
You tell'em Jeffery.

Actually, I think it would be pretty difficult to pee in someones gas tank, and it would really not have much effect. Don't even mention violence, especially a threat with a gun or you'll be taking up archery

Even if you were able to reach, just imagine getting the head stuck in the spring loaded one way filler tube! Pretty hard to run away pulling the truck with your "rope"!

10-05-2011, 06:55 PM
Last week I arranged to meet a buddy up a road. I got part way up the road and there was this shiny new truck blocking the road. I got pissed off, pulled out the chainsaw and dropped a big tree right on the truck, doused the tree in gas and set the whole thing ablaze!!

I was feeling pretty smug until my buddy walked down the road and freaked out.

Seems he had just bought a new truck and I hadn't seen it yet !!

10-05-2011, 06:58 PM
Last week I arranged to meet a buddy up a road. I got part way up the road and there was this shiny new truck blocking the road. I got pissed off, pulled out the chainsaw and dropped a big tree right on the truck, doused the tree in gas and set the whole thing ablaze!!

I was feeling pretty smug until my buddy walked down the road and freaked out.

Seems he had just bought a new truck and I hadn't seen it yet !!

Ha Ha Ha! That just about sums this whole thread up.

10-05-2011, 07:24 PM
You tell'em Jeffery.

Actually, I think it would be pretty difficult to pee in someones gas tank, and it would really not have much effect. Don't even mention violence, especially a threat with a gun or you'll be taking up archery.

only my mother calls me jeffery . nobody else

Dutch Ppoacher
10-05-2011, 07:32 PM
I get a kick out of all the internet tough guys on here. What you type and what you really would do is probably very very different. If you thought about some of the things typed in this thread, you really have serious issues and should seek proffessional help. What some of you are advocating is way worse ethics than the person you are complaining about who is blocking the road. Seriously, is it that much of a big deal that you 'need' to drive that extra 100 metres that you would vandalize another person's property? Give your head's a shake.

I agree with dana...

10-05-2011, 08:01 PM
I can't believe what I am reading if these posts are all true some of these people should take a long look in the mirror. Some of these posts are clearly do not fall into the actions of a sportsman.

10-05-2011, 09:09 PM
Define sportsman? I think many of the contents of this thread were intended with a twist of humour, or maybe I'm the dummy?