View Full Version : Moose hunt, right now need ideas! Fort St. James north

BiG Boar
10-03-2011, 01:15 PM
We're on a moose hunt currently just north of Fort St James. We are here for 9 days. We have found some moose sign and have called in 1 moose so far. Unfrotunatley it was too dark to see horns! Even at 35 yards! We still have 7 days left. We are really focusing on calling, but I am also concerned about our calling location. We called the moose in up high, 4000 feet! There are many lakes lower around the 3000 foot level. Should we try down low more for this time of year?

They say not to over call. How frequent should one call? We are doing 3-5 cow calls (in under a minute) and doing this about every 15 minutes, from a vantage point for sound. I am mixing in some bull grunts, maybe 3 per 15 minute section. Last week I called in 2 bulls up north, but they were 9 and 8 points each, with 1 or 2 for the front palms. So I know my sound is pretty good. And they were right at tree line.

How often should I expect bulls to respond? Every day? Every second day?

What times of day is best? Currently we are doing dark morning till 10am and then 4pm till dark (8ish).

If I don't get any response in an area after a morning and evening of calling should I move on? How many days should I call from one spot?

How should I best hunt during the mid day? Cruising on the quad looking for chickens? Or is it productive calling then too?

Have seen some snow around the 4000 foot mark yesterday, so I think that is good.

Any tips or suggestions would be great. Even if you x2 previous comments, so I know that this is a common thought. Thanks guys.

10-03-2011, 01:55 PM
Use to hunt 7-26 lots. Once the rut comes on, head closer to the water. The meadows and sloughs will hold cows and the bulls will follow. Call all day if the rut is on and return to last calling place 1st thing in the morning. Often a bull will come in overnight looking for the cow

10-03-2011, 02:01 PM
I like to stay close to meadows and water as well. I like to return to the calling site from the previous morn. as well. If you watch your scent and work an area, you will get a bull to come in. As long as it is just your crew working an area you will see a bull. They will service the harem they have and then move on to find more cows so be patient. There is a pretty good moose pop. in the omenica, so just keep working the wet areas, swamps ect, and you will get them. I'll bet you see one on the road and shoot it!! Good luck up there, moosin

10-03-2011, 02:16 PM
Back to where you called the night before.
good luck...heres hoping for some sweet pics and a story!


10-03-2011, 02:26 PM
. i do a cow call every 7 mins

The Dude
10-03-2011, 02:47 PM
We hunted there a few years back, blew it on a cow/calf setup, and that was the only chance we had. Ended up leaving the area early, and heading south for Mulies. Lotsa grouse, absolutely lousy with them, but remarkedly untainted by large ungulates when we hunted there. :-(

10-03-2011, 02:48 PM
I have some friends up near pink mtn, and the rut is on full speed up there which isnt to far from you.

The Dawg
10-03-2011, 03:04 PM
I like to stay close to meadows and water as well. I like to return to the calling site from the previous morn. as well. If you watch your scent and work an area, you will get a bull to come in. As long as it is just your crew working an area you will see a bull. They will service the harem they have and then move on to find more cows so be patient. There is a pretty good moose pop. in the omenica, so just keep working the wet areas, swamps ect, and you will get them. I'll bet you see one on the road and shoot it!! Good luck up there,

The man speaks the truth!!! Ask me how I know! :)

10-03-2011, 05:53 PM
Which MU north of FSJames?

BiG Boar
10-03-2011, 06:10 PM
7-26 and we're on the east side, near dem lake.

10-03-2011, 06:15 PM
7-26 and we're on the east side, near dem lake.

Fire Sitkaspruce a PM.

10-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Ive been hunting 'unhunted' moose in the mountains for years and am not familiar with hunting them with roads ect.
Ive never considered wet areas a factor in the fall as they are up high /low and actually all over the place.
!st light I glass and listen. I found that most bulls cant walk without grunting.No grunt , their standing. Cows look for bulls and fight each other while surrounding a big bull.Bulls make scrapes like whitetails and cows love em. The BIG herd bull will attract numerous cows and they will stay with him until another bull kicks his ass , then he goes off cruising and grunting.
I'll belt out loud long cow calls every 20 mi er so...with a few grunts thrown in....listen , have a nap...do it all again.....it'll happen!

BiG Boar
10-03-2011, 06:27 PM
Problem with glassing is that it's mostly cut blocks here, no alpine in sight. I am glassing what I can of the cut blocks though. I hate to think that road hunting is smarter, have just been using the quad to get 500 yards from a good vantage point and the walking that 500 yards. I know patience is important, but I'm getting impatient! 1 hour of light left.
Have emailed sitkaspruce but he must be hunting!
Any tricks to bringing them in real close for a bow shot?

10-03-2011, 06:38 PM
Problem with glassing is that it's mostly cut blocks here, no alpine in sight. I am glassing what I can of the cut blocks though. I hate to think that road hunting is smarter, have just been using the quad to get 500 yards from a good vantage point and the walking that 500 yards. I know patience is important, but I'm getting impatient! 1 hour of light left.
Have emailed sitkaspruce but he must be hunting!
Any tricks to bringing them in real close for a bow shot?

Once you get them going moose are easy to call in. Almost as dumb as elk........

Find sign, start calling, keep on going back. Try to get a high point so your calls carry. As long as camp is quiet make sure you call at night before you go to bed. Lots of times you'll find a bull hanging around the next morning.

10-03-2011, 06:57 PM
I think you would be hard pressed to find horns on a moose in broad daylight either!! :wink:. I know...I know...unhelpful but I couldn't resist...it's been a long day for me :-|.

10-03-2011, 07:51 PM
Cut blocks are very good. See if you can glass any first then set up & call. Watch your wind! When you get one coming he will most likely try and get your wind. Once he is committed he will come right into to bow range.

BiG Boar
10-03-2011, 08:20 PM
Well, the father in law and I split up again. He went to a low area where we thought the moose he scared off might have gone. Sure enough he gave one call and got a bull grunt back and then saw the moose at 150 yards. As he was planning his stalk/shot a chopper buzzed over head (I know this, because it came over me too pretty low) and the moose ran for it! We know where he was heading and will try to call him in at first light. He definitely has paddles and is definitely alone. Keep the ideas coming. I need the encouragement at this point. Yesterday the father in law walked into a cut at dark and heard a crashing in the bush. Right near where he called a moose into 35 yards the previous night. I think this is all the same moose, I would love to insert an arrow into his lung meat.

10-03-2011, 08:24 PM
If you have a boat, go across Dem Lake to the south east, there is a channel there that leads to another small body of water and lot os meadow/swamp. WE ALMOST ALWAYS CALLED IN A BULL OR 2 BACK THERE IN EARLY oCT

10-04-2011, 06:55 AM
I played with a couple bulls up north of PG a few years back. Took a good week, but Noahdawg, Brett, Minimoosin, and I finally got him. Was always 200-300 yrds from each location we were playing with him from. I have called them right on to the road too! They will be coming in hot and heavy this morning, there is some good frost in and around PG!!! Good hunting BigBoar, Moosin

BiG Boar
10-04-2011, 04:28 PM

My moose call, taken 1 minute ago. So far no workie. Hopefully tonight is the night!


10-04-2011, 04:52 PM
i just watched your vid , try calling the word earl. EEEAAARRRL. AND A BIT LONGER THAN WHAT U WERE DOING. first 2 long next one medium and last one short all faceing the one direction then your next call 7 mins later face a different direction. hope this helps

.330 Dakota
10-04-2011, 05:22 PM
We're on a moose hunt currently just north of Fort St James. We are here for 9 days. We have found some moose sign and have called in 1 moose so far. Unfrotunatley it was too dark to see horns! Even at 35 yards! We still have 7 days left. We are really focusing on calling, but I am also concerned about our calling location. We called the moose in up high, 4000 feet! There are many lakes lower around the 3000 foot level. Should we try down low more for this time of year?

They say not to over call. How frequent should one call? We are doing 3-5 cow calls (in under a minute) and doing this about every 15 minutes, from a vantage point for sound. I am mixing in some bull grunts, maybe 3 per 15 minute section. Last week I called in 2 bulls up north, but they were 9 and 8 points each, with 1 or 2 for the front palms. So I know my sound is pretty good. And they were right at tree line.

How often should I expect bulls to respond? Every day? Every second day?

What times of day is best? Currently we are doing dark morning till 10am and then 4pm till dark (8ish).

If I don't get any response in an area after a morning and evening of calling should I move on? How many days should I call from one spot?

How should I best hunt during the mid day? Cruising on the quad looking for chickens? Or is it productive calling then too?

Have seen some snow around the 4000 foot mark yesterday, so I think that is good.

Any tips or suggestions would be great. Even if you x2 previous comments, so I know that this is a common thought. Thanks guys.

I hunted up the Tchentlo Lake area last spring for griz, and tons of moose. The Rottacker Rd was full of them. You go out the Leo Creek fsr to the Driftwood fsr and up to Tchentlo. There is a nice rec site on the end of Tchentlo Lake, and the Rottacker Rd is only 4km from there aprox.
This is in 7-28, dont know if you can hunt that unit or not, but the moose are there

10-04-2011, 11:52 PM
Just returned from 11 days of hunting in 7-26 , camped at Kloch lake , weather was terrible , it rained really hard for all but three of the 11 days , roads are really muddy and slick and lots of logging so the trucks are really messing things up , seen one cow and shot a large bear one camp from the island shot three bulls and there were 10 in there group , no one else that we ran into at other camps had even seen a bull , one group had been in there since Sept 16 and got skunked , I tried calling / watching cut blocks and roads etc never took
A day off either the weather slowed them Down or the logging scared them off ?? Hope you have better luck , I am at home now drying off .

BiG Boar
10-05-2011, 06:13 AM
Well my calling was effective to some extent! I called in a Lynx to 10 yards!! What an unreal experience. One of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. Unfortunately, he must have scared the moose away. I have a lynx tag in my pocket, but they are not open!!! Could have whacked it with my bow!

Ride Red
10-05-2011, 06:45 AM
i just watched your vid , try calling the word earl. EEEAAARRRL. AND A BIT LONGER THAN WHAT U WERE DOING. first 2 long next one medium and last one short all faceing the one direction then your next call 7 mins later face a different direction. hope this helps

And if Earl shows up with a case of beer, don't shoot him, unless its crappy beer.:razz:

BiG Boar
10-06-2011, 01:29 PM
Well, the calling has paid off again (sorta). My Father I.L. got a chance at a nice bull at 75 yards last night. 2 shots fired. But the bull wasn't hurt in the process. We did a thorough search and not a hair on the beast was harmed. He was shooting off hand in a rush after the bull came charging in. Rather than take his time, he came down with a serious case of bull fever. He said it was a very big bull. Good thing though, I really didn't want any tough old meat anyways....

I on the other hand have yet to see or hear a bull. I did call in a couple hunters though, and two coyotes.

I think we may be onto them though.

10-06-2011, 01:49 PM
Dave, keep trying man, just got back from my 12 day hunt up in dawson area. got nothing. seen cows. no bulls, called a couple bulls in, but they wouldnt show themselves. how has the weather been? warm? sunny? thats what we had to deal with. animals are in the timber, lotsa fresh food in the timber. no real need to walk around looking for food. maybe only moving early mornings and evenings when it cools down. keep trying, you will be rewarded.
Great cow call to!

BiG Boar
10-06-2011, 09:32 PM
Well, I called in a bull to 50 yards. He was grunting and crunching in the timber but he wouldnt come out!!!

My Father in Law called in the same bull as last night but as he took his safety he reached to bring up the gun, on the shooting sticks we made him, and touched the trigger. My 30-378 has a mean muzzle break. He might regain his hearing by morning! Needless to say what the moose did.

We have a few days left, but we are onto them! Its only a matter of time!!! Have changed my call and location a bit. But I think we're getting close!

10-06-2011, 09:44 PM
Loving the up to the minute updates! Good luck man!

10-07-2011, 09:24 AM
and.................??????? waiting for pictures!!

10-07-2011, 09:29 AM
Well, I called in a bull to 50 yards. He was grunting and crunching in the timber but he wouldnt come out!!!


Hey Dave...

If you have one hung up like that.....try doing another call with a different pitch (or if with a partner; get them to do a call) but don't point your horn directly in the bull's direction. Also...if he's hung up like that....that close I have found it will work to quiet your call down a bit.

Sometimes a different pitch will sound like more than one cow which can get the bull to show himself. I've done this a few times and it has worked....first was shown it by my Dad who couldn't get a bull to come to the call as we saw him about 800 yards away down a meadow. He was walkin' a grunting but not necessarily coming our way to the call. My Dad had told me about this tactic....I let out a long wailing call (different pitch than my Dad) and that bull turned on a dime and came directly at us from that far out to within 30 yards.

Good luck out there.

10-07-2011, 02:59 PM
Hey Dave
Sometimes you have to let the moose call you. This time of year the easiest bull to call is one that is grunting first. I like to walk ponds, meadows and small lake edges until I hear one grunting. Set yourself in good position and start to cow call. This bull is lonely and has probably been run off by a more dominant bull. Don't use a bull call he may turn away. If he returns a call let him finish his grunts then do a couple cow calls continue this until he's in range. If he spooks change your location by a km or so and try him again I have got them back this way before. Good luck

BiG Boar
10-11-2011, 08:06 AM
Well, in the end it was a bust, but a very enjoyable trip. I have to say not for lack of trying. Thanks to everyone who helped me out and gave me suggestions, especially Jeff, who gave us some great spots to try.

I have never really hunted with family much. It was my first trip out with the wife and her dad. He hadn't hunted in 15 years at least. He was great to have around camp, very helpful and willing to learn. I taught him my moose call, and it was way more effective than my moose call! We shot some grouse. Learned a new area. And enjoyed the whole trip. We came close to getting a moose a few times. I don't know if my call sucks, or if I was just unlucky.

I wonder what I did wrong, or what I could do differently next time. What did I learn from this trip?

1. Always check your rifles aim before you hunt, or take a bore sighter to make sure the POI hasnt moved. That cost us one moose, the scope was a turret type, and someone had spun it one full revolution.

2. When you take a newbie out, or someone that hasn't shot a lot since 20 years agi, give him some practice with a 22 at minimum. This will boost his confidence and yours, and let him know what he is capable of at different shooting positions.

3. Don't be afraid to move locations. We moved our camp 25kms away and found it was more productive at a different elevation.

4. Cut shooting sticks for new hunters and a piece of duck tape as the pivot point. They work wonders. Can easily be made while calling.

5. I found the evening calling for moose way more effective than early morning. A small sample, yes, but not one was called in in the morning, where as plenty were called in, in the evening.

6. Hunting moose in the rut is definitely not a gimme. I went in with the impression that it would be. I was very wrong....

10-11-2011, 09:20 AM
try back at 86k on Chu just below Inzana Lake, super area for calling as it holds lots of moose.let me know how you make out you should have a few days left of bulls coming to the call.try 2 calls and then again 30/40 min later, if not move on but return later and try again. good luck, PS don't forget the bulls will move all day especially mid day keep the wheels turning.

Mr. Dean
10-11-2011, 12:08 PM
Hunting is never a 'gimmie'. That's why it's *fun*. :lol:

Call me when you're in.

10-11-2011, 01:05 PM
9 days and no blood on your hands? that sucks! But I'm sure you had a fun time. Post up some pics when you get a chance