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View Full Version : Christian valley residents look in here please?

10-02-2011, 09:42 PM
Anyone know what's with the logger up the road to the right just past the first hunting camp that's up for sale up the christian valley? I forgot the name but there's green gates on all his old logging roads. I'm a local guy n just wondering how he can put gates on the roads when it's crown land?

10-02-2011, 10:25 PM
If it's "for sale" it would suggest it's private land, not crown. Most people limit access onto their land, be it gate, fences etc for very good reasons. Tresspassing is a real issue for land owners over in that region. I would suggest you respect that unless you a have a definitive understanding that some of the access points are not posted appropriately.

10-02-2011, 10:32 PM
No I was using the hunting camp that's for sale as reference as to where the road is I can't remember the road name but it's just past the hunting camp that's for sale on the left if your heading up the roads on a corner. The land I'm talking about is not private it's crown I know that.

10-02-2011, 10:47 PM
Inside the red is his property the rest is crown land. We have talked to him before n he's said it's crown land along with all the signs there saying the first 2 kilometers is private. After you cross the cattle guard there's no signs n nothing but logging roads n bush n hunters. it's after his land that the gates are on. I'm very carefull where I hunt as to not cross onto someones property.


No Tag Soup Please
10-03-2011, 07:04 PM
I'm pretty sure that's all a woodlot. I know there is a sign right there that says it. If you go up Crouse creek, which is the road at 21km just around the corner all on the left side of the road is the woodlot as well. Your aloud to hunt in there when there is no logging happening.

10-03-2011, 08:46 PM
Its a private woodlot....and there IS active logging goin on right now as we speak. They are falling and thinning that woodlot out. The road is Waddel Crk or Hoodoo Rd to most.

10-03-2011, 09:40 PM
he's logging a lot farther up then where the first roads start I know about hunting in active logging areas. I'm talking the ones with green gates he doesn't put the gates on till he's done logging that area. I remember when the guy first started logging up there. Roads I have walked that I remember him logging 5 or 6 years ago you can tell that have not been logged in years are blocked off. Your right Crouse creek is also I forgot about that one.

10-03-2011, 10:00 PM
Here is a map showing private land.

So looks like all around the highway is private. After that though looks ok.

Private Land outlined in Red.

EDIT: They specifically exclude the road as well as you can see. Shouldn't be gateable.

10-04-2011, 05:10 AM
Those roads are more like glorified skid trails that only run in a km or 2 at most. Why are you so worried about the gates? Park your truck and hike in.

10-04-2011, 05:46 AM
Those roads are more like glorified skid trails that only run in a km or 2 at most. Why are you so worried about the gates? Park your truck and hike in.

He is a young guy, get out there and walk. Should not be many people if it is gated.

10-04-2011, 06:59 PM
Oh I have walked em but I wouldn't mind making a few tree stands.

10-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Get out the hotwrench. The world's a better place with one less gate. =]

10-04-2011, 08:48 PM
I suspect if the gates were cut down a very large trench would most likely take their place. I think the woodlot owner was having alot of damage to his seedlings as well as weeds spreading via ATVs and trucks and put up the gates to protect his investment..why not respect it and hike in.That area gets hunted HARD...every guy from the hunting camp at 20 Km goes in there.

10-05-2011, 09:21 PM
True enough I just wanna build a tree stand on one of those roads that I remember seeing a lot of deer on. There's another trail into the one road he has blocked off with logs I'm not afraid of taking my truck down tight roads so I might just hook my cummins powered dodge onto em rip em outta the way in the spring when there's no hunters up there to follow me. Then go in build my tree stand n put the logs back so no other guys will in there on there ATV's. There's nothing saying I can't drive in there except him so I will go in there build my tree stand n put the logs back. I personally don't like guys hunting on quads or side by sides when they go up every little deer trail they can. I don't mind walking just not packing in a bunch of wood for a tree stand by hand. Oh he doesn't seem to replant either.

10-05-2011, 10:15 PM
Cummins....looks like you'll have lots of friends in there now....

10-05-2011, 10:43 PM
True enough I just wanna build a tree stand on one of those roads that I remember seeing a lot of deer on. There's another trail into the one road he has blocked off with logs I'm not afraid of taking my truck down tight roads so I might just hook my cummins powered dodge onto em rip em outta the way in the spring when there's no hunters up there to follow me. Then go in build my tree stand n put the logs back so no other guys will in there on there ATV's. There's nothing saying I can't drive in there except him so I will go in there build my tree stand n put the logs back. I personally don't like guys hunting on quads or side by sides when they go up every little deer trail they can. I don't mind walking just not packing in a bunch of wood for a tree stand by hand. Oh he doesn't seem to replant either.

Interesting! seems like you are planning on building a nice little hunting preserve for yourself. just make sure to clearly mark the logs before you put em back, that way you won't forget. Now, where exactly is this logging operation going on?? ;)

10-06-2011, 06:29 PM
We'll see i know where it is. I might leave it for you boys to find though :P about 23 KM up the christian valley.

What do you mean Aggie?