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View Full Version : Hunting Revelstoke

09-25-2011, 12:46 AM
Hi there,

So as an alternative to going to Princeton for a hunt (I might not be able to find a partner - gotta keep costs low), I have been throwing around the idea of heading to Revi to poke around. A buddy is going to be working down there and he should be able to get out with me at least a portion of the time. When he's not available I'll probably do some exploring on my own, although I'll probably keep it fairly tame as I don't know my way around there much - maybe short trips from the truck, but no epic solo jaunts on foot.

I was wondering if anyone can help with some questions:

1 - How far does one have to go to get into decent elk country? Anything within an hour?
2 - I've heard the area south of Shelter Bay can be decent for whities. Is this mainly a late hunt or is it OK all season?
3 - Is any of the stuff closer to the ferry decent or do I have to drive quite a ways south?
4 - Is that area good mixed deer country?

Recommended spots are not expected but highly appreciated if anyone is that generous. PMs are fine and I can and will keep things quiet if that is desired.

Thanks a lot, folks.

09-25-2011, 07:11 AM

I was doinf forestry work in Crawford are - south of town on the east side of the lake/river. I have seen whitetail (one good buck) and a nice set of elk antlers heading north in tha back of a pickup. There are some new blocks about 40k south of town in this area that should be good for deer. I am sure you could find something in this area with some time. Best of luck.

09-25-2011, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the reply, Cowabunga.

Have not made up my mind as to what direction to head, but if I do go Revi way I might check that out.


09-26-2011, 06:30 AM
i spent lots of time this spring in the shelter bay area looking for grizzly. I pounded every road trail and cutblock I could from km 10 on shelter bay road up to km 30 and didnt glass or see one deer. was kind of disappointed actually.

09-26-2011, 03:28 PM
Wow! That certainly isn't encouraging! Could it be that they were all down in the valley bottom at that time (still hadn't moved out of winter range)?

09-26-2011, 03:42 PM
ive hunting out in revy a few times for bears...ive only ever seen a couple deer..moose and the odd caribou

09-26-2011, 10:35 PM
Go drive the hour and forty five min to Golden area..some good elk hunting..look for area west of Golden near Donald..ie: Forde Station Road..excellent whitetail and mulies here too

09-27-2011, 10:57 PM
Thanks, deer slayer. I appreciate the info. I've got an invite to go with some friends out of Nelson to a nearby elk hotspot but was not wanting to go quite that far from Kamloops as I only have 2 days. If I had to go 4 hrs+ to Golden I guess it would make sense to go an extra 1.5 hours and hit a scouted, proven spot.

Either way, the Golden area has always intrigued me and I think I'll be making a trip sooner or later, so this will be useful info!
Shoot straight,

09-29-2011, 02:21 PM
Most hunters in Revelstoke usually head somewhere else to hunt, somewhere with more animals, less snow, less thickness, and less steepness.

10-11-2011, 10:52 PM
Revelstoke is bear and goat country...too thick and very rugged..very few ungulates here...keep going if you're looking for deer, elk or moose, but if you want bear...very good.