View Full Version : October Stone sheep hunting ?

09-18-2011, 02:40 PM
I ve been on two stone sheep hunts so far this year, first hunt resulting in great success as my buddie shot a great stone opening day "no mans land ram " toad of a ram and another not so successful hunt but were on sheep, nothing legal. What are the advantages of later season hunting in October..less pressure on the rams, sheep are at lower elevations and so on I am expecting cold weather, snow and short day light hours as this is my first late season sheep hunt. Give me your opinion and past expierence on success for late season stone sheep hunting.
Thanks and goodluck to all and remember if your not missing your not hunting enough !

09-18-2011, 03:20 PM
Ozzy one of THE most expensive stone sheep hunts I know of in BC..the guided $$$$$$$$$ type is the last sheep hunt of the season . The outfitter will go un -named cuz thats not the point.Listening to the guy that has paid HUGE $$ over several seasons in a row...its 4 on 1... a campie/ cook, a wrangler and 2 guides to the one hunter..yes the sheep get compressed down lower in elevation and more limited in how far they are dispersed. Also the leave a tremendous advantage that being tracks in the snow, the shadow of these tracks can be seen for miles..again a huge advantage..and also he likes the later capes.. thick and luxurious..and they require more movement during shorter days to aquire the calories for the day and stock up for the winter...more movement= less bedding..and the brown /ger sticks out against the snow....

HOWEVER there are drawbacks ...it is harder to get around in snow..on foot...and you really have to be confident in your abilities in the mountains...cold, hypothermia, wet, etc etc...


09-18-2011, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the info srupp, lots of valuable points ! I got a good understanding of sheep hunting from the past few years just wanted to know if my odds are increased later in the year not to mention anytime your in the mountains you got odds of shooting sheep during the season just a matter of being up there and doing your homework. I plan on being in the backcountry oct 5 hoping the sheep work there way out of the drainages to the front sides. Sounds like hard work but no one said sheep hunting is easy and I am up for the challenge thanks again !

09-18-2011, 05:48 PM
not to mention there will be far less nuts..I mean sheep hunters..OOOPS//JOKING.. out hunting these animals it takes confidence and truthfulness in ones abilities in the wild...

I think the advantages tracks, more limited range and elevation, tracking is waaay easier, the sheep do stand out more against snow...they move more in shorter days and will be out sunning themselves rather than seeking shade..makes the late season a great one...IMO

cheers and good luck
