View Full Version : moose rut...when does it start?

09-15-2011, 10:08 PM
I'd love to hear your thoughts on when the moose start rutting for real. mainly in the PG/ McBride area. When do you think it is best?

09-15-2011, 10:11 PM
last week sept, first week Oct depending on the weather

09-15-2011, 10:12 PM
sept 25th to oct 15th thats my experience

09-15-2011, 10:14 PM
sept 25th to oct 15th thats my experience
X2 on that one.

09-15-2011, 10:38 PM
September 23rd to October 20th ..... Peak rut activity is from Sept 25th to October 6th
... plateaus then after October 9th it starts to taper down to the 20th .. done like dinner
... Bull moose get nutty around Sept 9 so calling is good from then to Oct 9 for response and coming in to a call, after October 9 the bull might not come into your call
... I'd say after September 20 look hard and call until mid October 9 or so. Then roadhunt if open season in that MU.
... Hunt early mornings
... POW!

09-15-2011, 11:10 PM
I bet there's some pre rut action going on any day now...the bulls will start feeling the urges soon

09-16-2011, 08:41 AM
i've found the best days are first week of october on a cold morning if you are cow calling. i have heard that in around sept 15-25 a good bull grunt will get the bulls coming in to challenge other bulls but haven't tried it as i mostly cow call.

09-16-2011, 08:44 AM
last week sept, first week Oct depending on the weather

I'd agree with this! Can still get them going in the second week most years, but by the 15th it's tough to get any response to calling

Rock Doctor
09-16-2011, 09:07 AM
Last week of sept through the first 10 days of oct.

09-16-2011, 09:15 AM
Sept 25-Oct 8-10th is prime time most action I have ever seen for calling is 1st few days of Oct 2-5 in the PG to Dawsen Creek area further south like region 3ish seems to be quite good till thanksgiving!!!

09-16-2011, 10:21 AM
Sept 25-Oct 8-10th is prime time most action

Perfect, That's when im going to be up hunting them swamp donkeys.

09-16-2011, 10:23 AM
I bet there's some pre rut action going on any day now...the bulls will start feeling the urges sooni have already seen evidence of this last week near kelowna

09-16-2011, 10:27 AM
I have found last week of sept. first week of oct. to be prime but the other day i stopped a big bull in his tracks with a quick grunt from a dead run so maybe some pre rut calling would work about now

09-16-2011, 10:44 AM
I agree with what guys are saying.. Sept 20ish - Oct10th ish...
I've called most of my bulls out in the 20's of sept though. I find most bulls don't have any cows yet and are eager to come and collect one:)

It can be difficult to pull a bull off his harem if he has some cows gathered already.

09-16-2011, 06:33 PM
well thanks, u have helped me change my mind.. see you in the bush week of the 3rd.

09-16-2011, 07:01 PM
Saw 2 large mature bulls hanging out together on Tuesday....antlers were still light coloured and they certainly were showing no sign of being in the mood.

Like the others, I've had good luck the last week of September, but typically see the most action the first week October.

bad dog
09-16-2011, 07:17 PM
Been watching them herd up cows for the last 2 weeks ,,still stop them with a grunt ,,antlers, shined up ready to go ,, and thats south of the hoof ,,

09-16-2011, 07:20 PM
I totaly agree with the times but as always during that time,the weather will also play a key role in they're activity and stupidity! Mostly early morn till 9:30 and 3:00 pm on till dark..have confidence in what you are doing and don't get discouraged.Baby bulls (immy) will come in silent,so keep eyes open!

09-16-2011, 07:37 PM
Halloween was always a good time to start seriously looking about for Bullwinkle, he is usually preoccupied with finding a date so they get careless and don't care about lead flying around the bush too much.

09-16-2011, 08:33 PM
Halloween was always a good time to start seriously looking about for Bullwinkle, he is usually preoccupied with finding a date so they get careless and don't care about lead flying around the bush too much.

Halloween??? Wow, that must be the second rut taking place.

I start calling from Sept 20 until Oct 10th and have had bulls come in during that time. I have had them grunting at me on the 10 while calling for elk. You can never go wrong when calling, no matter the time. As for your original question, Sept 22 until Oct 5th has been the best for me, according to my journal.

Good luck on your hunt.



09-16-2024, 11:25 PM
I agree with what guys are saying.. Sept 20ish - Oct10th ish...
I've called most of my bulls out in the 20's of sept though. I find most bulls don't have any cows yet and are eager to come and collect one:)

It can be difficult to pull a bull off his harem if he has some cows gathered already.

cow calling?

Arctic Lake
09-17-2024, 09:44 AM
Imitating a cow moose call “ Hey fellas Im here and ready “ !
Arctic Lake
cow calling?

09-17-2024, 10:21 AM
God, was looking at this thread and see replys from dear old Jelvis, "Jelly Bean", ah, the good old days..Stoner Kamloops dude. And Dana, Toddler and others! Remember Clarke when this was a neat site.? Wonder where most of those have gone or??

09-17-2024, 11:12 AM
God, was looking at this thread and see replys from dear old Jelvis, "Jelly Bean", ah, the good old days..Stoner Kamloops dude. And Dana, Toddler and others! Remember Clarke when this was a neat site.? Wonder where most of those have gone or??
But….you only joined in March 2023??? What was your profile when you knew these guys?

09-17-2024, 11:17 AM

09-17-2024, 11:19 AM
Some of those guys have been gone long before 2023…..just wondering how you are remembering back to those good old days when the site was neat if you didn’t join until 2023?

09-17-2024, 11:23 AM
Wayner Hunter47, Rocksteady, buddyismyhorse, fisher dude, BCRAMS and even SSS when he was at Calona sniffing corks and snapped.Been here longer than you I think. They have moved on to their credit, me, just too stupid to stop reading the crap and posting..

09-17-2024, 11:35 AM
Wayner Hunter47, Rocksteady, buddyismyhorse, fisher dude, BCRAMS and even SSS when he was at Calona sniffing corks and snapped.Been here longer than you I think. They have moved on to their credit, me, just too stupid to stop reading the crap and posting..
Yeah, that’s my point…..your profile shows you’ve only been here since 2023? So what was your name before?

09-17-2024, 11:39 AM
Not going there.That is between me and you know who probably knows..?.?????????????

09-17-2024, 11:44 AM
Not going there.That is between me and you know who?.?????????????
No idea who you know who is or why you refuse to be honest.

shady as heck.

09-17-2024, 11:51 AM
For folks in region 3 and region 8, do you find Moose rutting happens to be the first week of October?

09-17-2024, 11:55 AM
Honesty has nothing to do with it, I just am not going to reveal to you my past identity.

09-17-2024, 12:00 PM
Honesty has nothing to do with it, I just am not going to reveal my past identity?
Weird…..what reason would you have to recreate yourself on here? Multiple/fake profiles are shady as it gets. Something is dishonest about it…..disingenuous at least. Leads one to believe you’re up to no good. That’s all.

09-17-2024, 12:02 PM
As for moose rut, starting last 2 weeks of September and into mid October..

09-17-2024, 12:08 PM
Not up to no good, log off and cannot get back on so go another route to get back on, simple as that..what is it to you, always be anti to anything I've ever posted, why the interest today??

09-17-2024, 12:19 PM
Not up to no good, log off and cannot get back on so go another route to get back on, simple as that..what is it to you, always be anti to anything I've ever posted, why the interest today??
Just a curiosity because like I said….seems shady. Multiple/fake identities usually means someone is only on a site to cause trouble and disrupt is all. Not trying to be anti anything you post but acknowledge we’re usually on opposite sides of things.

Still super shady to claim the only reason is to log back on but then hide your former profile. If that’s the only reason, why be scared?

09-17-2024, 12:24 PM
For folks in region 3 and region 8, do you find Moose rutting happens to be the first week of October?

Fall equinox usually

09-17-2024, 12:25 PM
kinda over by Oct1st

09-17-2024, 12:34 PM
I see, thanks for all responded. I thought the hot weather start to push moose rut to a later time, ie, rut may start after Oct 1st.

09-17-2024, 12:36 PM
Not scared just none of your business why or who I am??? That is my choice.
Yeah….you’re scared of something. That’s obvious. Don’t get me wrong….I agree….totally your choice, but there’s no getting around you’re hiding something and afraid of people finding out your past profile. All good though….we all have things we’re not proud of. Maybe one day you’ll be at peace with whatever it is you’re hiding.

Should let this thread back on track though…..best of luck to you in your healing.

09-17-2024, 12:57 PM
Not up to no good, log off and cannot get back on so go another route to get back on, simple as that..what is it to you, always be anti to anything I've ever posted, why the interest today??

Yeah, that happened to me too on Canadian Gunnutz.

09-17-2024, 01:05 PM
I see, thanks for all responded. I thought the hot weather start to push moose rut to a later time, ie, rut may start after Oct 1st.

The rut occurs between mid-September and mid-October, when cow moose come into estrus and bulls are laser-focused on breeding with them. Scientists believe daylength triggers a rise in hormones that stimulates reproductive behavior. Cold weather, freezing, hot weather, snow and frost don't enter into it.

the last time I had a moose LEH I asked SRupp for advice. He suggested (and he can correct me if I have the date wrong) that the rut in Region 5 started on September 26. I started hunting in the area on September 20 and on September 26, suddenly there was a bull standing in the middle of the road!

09-17-2024, 01:11 PM
Oh, forgot the things Srupp contributed, always helping the crippled HBO'ers.. Thanks Steven..

09-17-2024, 01:17 PM
The rut occurs between mid-September and mid-October, when cow moose come into estrus and bulls are laser-focused on breeding with them. Scientists believe daylength triggers a rise in hormones that stimulates reproductive behavior. Cold weather, freezing, hot weather, snow and frost don't enter into it.

the last time I had a moose LEH I asked SRupp for advice. He suggested (and he can correct me if I have the date wrong) that the rut in Region 5 started on September 26. I started hunting in the area on September 20 and on September 26, suddenly there was a bull standing in the middle of the road!

Thanks for your response; I always thought temperature has some play in rut timing. I am heading to region 3 LEH moose hunt on October 1st and hopefully I will see some bulls moving :)

09-17-2024, 01:18 PM
And what is your past secret???
On here….no secrets at all. Been a jerk at times, but apologized when I felt it warranted and probably owe a couple more I’ve forgotten about…… never tried to hide it though. Been the same profile since day 1.

09-17-2024, 01:45 PM
Yay, I have always been on the end of you being having different opinions or as you say "being a Jerk". I try not to be but just can't help sometimes voicing my opinion.

09-17-2024, 01:49 PM
Yay, I have always been on the end of you being having different opinions or as you say "being a Jerk". I try not to be but just can't help sometimes voicing my opinion.
I hear ya and voice mine as well….like that I’ve seen you be a jerk and for no reason…like the poor noob asking a question and getting berated by you for it. No reason for that, and no apology that I saw either…

Anyway….we really should let this thread get back to its purpose.

09-17-2024, 02:06 PM
OMG is not degrading or meant with malice, only an expression of wonder? Done with this thread..

09-17-2024, 02:20 PM
Thanks for your response; I always thought temperature has some play in rut timing. I am heading to region 3 LEH moose hunt on October 1st and hopefully I will see some bulls moving :)

Temperature effects the INTENSITY of the rut, not the timing.
Timing is always Diurnal based.

I am departing North on Saturday.
Expect the rut to be commencing right shortly after that...

Good Luck with the moose.


09-17-2024, 02:59 PM
Snowhater = Jelvis?

09-17-2024, 03:11 PM
Hey forgot 835! Old days

09-17-2024, 03:17 PM
Who ever you are hope you've been well!

09-17-2024, 03:43 PM
Nice to hear from an old guy on here, NO Jelvis although he was a positive asseet to this site for sure all though somewhat misterous.,best to you!!.

09-18-2024, 02:08 PM
Nice to hear from an old guy on here, NO Jelvis although he was a positive asseet to this site for sure all though somewhat misterous.,best to you!!.

The old jelvis was a positive to the site…..the last version of jelvis was a confrontational asshole who thought making threats was acceptable.

wonder what happened to EASTKOOT???