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09-09-2011, 05:55 PM
I have a buck who has been cruising our farm for a week. Were located in 2-4 and I don't know what to do!
Is there any way I can harvest this animal being in Langley? Its private property agricultural zoned. Would I need to use a bow? Or would I be able to use a shotgun? I have a BCWF membership, so insurnace is covered. Would I have to buy the Fraser Valley Special Permit or is that just for waterfowling? Im so confused!! Please help!!

09-09-2011, 06:10 PM
Depends what the Langley hunting bylaw is, and how far you are from other peoples houses.

09-09-2011, 06:18 PM
Were on 40 acres and backing onto another chunck of land so house are cleared. This guy has been seen around the half way mark of our property. From what I gather single projectile is prohibited but shot is allowed so it would have to be buckshot if we were to go that route.

Im just a little excited about all this still havent harvested big game yet and to have a nice buck walking around the backyard!! Its kinda hard to believe in Langley

09-09-2011, 06:25 PM
No Shooting in Langley unless permitted by the Township ( EG. crop damage).

Be careful what you do, it's crappy because Langley has some great shooting area's.

I do know some that have been allowed to shoot geese, with special permit.


Things change every year so best look into it. Check out the Fraser Valley Special area regs, and phone the Township before you do any thing.

09-09-2011, 06:36 PM
Archery allowed where u live?

09-09-2011, 06:38 PM
Even if someone on HBC says that you absolutely can, or absolutely can't, you still won't no untill you contact the proper authourities.

Don't just phone and ask someone. Most people in an office won't be able to answer your question accurately. Most won't know that "no shooting" doesn't mean "no hunting". Most will just assume you can't. Many will just tell you you can't, 'cause they don't like hunting.

Ask to see the bylaw prohibiting hunting! Or ask for the section and subsection and look it up online under your municipality.

Once you're satisfied, act accordingly.

09-09-2011, 06:41 PM
Are you East or West of lefeuvre road? East of Lefeuvre you can hunt, but not West of Lefeuvre. GET A COPY OF THE FRASER VALLEY SPECIAL LICENSE HUNTING AREA MAP!!! I states that you are not allowed to hunt west of Lefeuvre and not to use "Crossbows and Longbows as defined by the wildlife act" If you read the Wildlife Act, a compund bow is a type of longbow.

Basically, if you want to do this west of Lefeuvre, you are S.O.L.

09-09-2011, 10:00 PM
Well Im west of Lefeuvre so Im S.O.L Oh well!! Guess I cant hunt my own backyard!But what fun is that anyway?! No adventure there!!

09-09-2011, 10:35 PM
step 1- get deer stinking drunk on fermented apples

step 2 - coax drunkin fermented apple eatin buck East of Lefeuvre with promises of more rotten apples and loose does .

step 3 - bada bing bada BOOM!! bobs your uncle and millies your aunt, you now have venison.:mrgreen:

09-12-2011, 06:43 PM
step 1- get deer stinking drunk on fermented apples
step 2 - coax drunkin fermented apple eatin buck East of Lefeuvre with promises of more rotten apples and loose does .
step 3 - bada bing bada BOOM!! bobs your uncle and millies your aunt, you now have venison.:mrgreen:
cuda... too funny. Go chase some cats.