View Full Version : Goose hide outs

09-02-2011, 08:08 AM
I have just moved up to Kamloops area, was looking for some intel on a good spot to hunt GEESE. Just getting to know the area, have seen a few on the river but was hopping for a flight path to find my own hunny hole, or if someone is willing to share their's I can and will supply hot coffee in the morning with a doughnut and good stories. :<) cheers.

09-02-2011, 12:20 PM
Looking for the same thing.. let me know if you are able to get any info out of any one. I belive its like trying to pull their arms off to get a little bit of info on an area to go to.

09-02-2011, 04:25 PM
Finding a good place to go waterfowl requires a lot of leg work and knocking on doors. Most decent places are on cultivated land owned by farmers. These places can be extremely hard to gain access and to much pressure in one area can relocate birds and this is why people who find a good spot don't want to have a dozen other hunters in there competing for and eventually pushing out the birds from the area.

Start knocking and asking for permission, or find a friend who has permission to hunt a field and see of you can tag along. Don't complain about access if you haven't tried asking. How do you think all the other hunters got permission?