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09-04-2006, 11:03 AM
I am looking for a crossbow for my GF and i have found a Barnett CF-118 at a retailer in Ontario but can't seem to find a review on them anywhere.

I would appreciate any comments on this for introducing an experienced rifle hunter to the world of archery.

She will be using it for Island Blacktails.


09-04-2006, 11:10 AM
I don't know much about crossbows, but I bought a Excallibur Exomax & I am very happy with it. I've been using it at the rang a lot and it is very accurate and packs a goo punch. I am planning to use it this year for the first time in th field.

09-04-2006, 12:21 PM
Take some advice from a guy who has watched elk perfectly broadside but 10 yards out of range twice in the last three days, becuase his inexpensive crossbow can only reliably make 25 yards with good accuracy. Spend an extra couple hundred, and get an Excalibur - it will save you many hours of frustration and be able to accurately place an arrow out to 40 yards (actually, it should shoot straight out to well past that, but you shouldn't be flinging arrows at critters more than 35-40 yards away, no mater how accurate your rig, IMHO).

09-05-2006, 11:52 PM
Dang Rod, I just sold my Barnett RC150 on Wed evening at the auction. It would have done the trick for you.
I agree with BJ, get the best you can afford. Scrimping on a bow is not conducive to your confidence nor your hunting. Fred

09-06-2006, 06:20 AM
Good advise Brojack, I have shot mine at the range at 60 yards and hit a targt the size of a large apple 7 out of 10 times(using bench rest). Would never shoot past 40 yards at critters though.

09-06-2006, 01:55 PM
Just sent my Barnett Revolution back to them as it snapped in half on opening day. Couldn't wait for it to get back as I wanted to get some bow hunting in so went out and bought an Excalibur Exocet 200 but before buying made some calls to a few of the archery dealers in my area to find that Barnett are known to have this problem and a few of the dealers are not going to carry them anymore. Barnett is going to exchange my bow so seem to have a good warranty, really liked the bow too. Haven't had the chance to hunt with the barnett, only target practise but shot a buck with the excalibur and now am having a hard time deciding which one to keep.