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View Full Version : Moose hunt meals

08-10-2011, 09:46 AM
Everyone has their own creation of meals on hunting trips and many vary because of location and type of hunt.
There are so many variables when it comes to mountain cooking while still trying to get enough energy into yourself to get through the days.
I too have eaten the bare essentials for Stone trips, goat trips, both of which require light, freeze dried and a two week supply of granola bars and poradge!!
Now let's talk moose fly in trips. Limited on both space and weight.
And lets say you don't get yourself a critter for a week.
What are your meal options. Keep in mind, weather, big hairy critters and weight.
Just like to get more meals options as I am no Betty Crocker and KD with ketchup get's a little tiring after a while. Looking forward to reading the replies. Good luck hunting!!

08-10-2011, 06:48 PM
So it sounds like you and B. are still starving yourselves on your fly-in adventures. I just worked up a menu for myself for my Oct sheep hunt this year, and good old Mountain House is going to figure pretty heavily into the plan. But, for what you guys are doing, particularly for only two of you, you should be able to pack a little more grub along. I would try to concentrate on things that are high carb/energy, so that you don't "run out of gas", so to speak. Those noodles in sauce were good, although we did have moose tenderloin to go along with them - YUM YUM!! You might have to spend some money and get some good energy bars for the day hunts, instead of three miniature Halloween bars per person, like we were doing. (No wonder I lost weight!!) I know KD gets tired, but it's good energy food. Vary the types/flavours that you take. Can't wait to do it again.

08-10-2011, 06:56 PM
weight shouldnt be an issue b/c you aren't gonna pack the food out, and I would guess that the moose you are gonna fly out is gonna weigh more than the food you fly in...if somehow that math doesn't work out and you have an entirely seperate flight for your meat then...sandwiches are great, cook a roast before you go and freeze it, then all you need is some bread and mustard. Another option is pasta or rice, light but when cooked very hearty and full of carbs. Hot dogs, smokies etc etc

08-10-2011, 07:18 PM
Don't forget to bring a nice pack rod. I have one that is a fly/spinning 4 piece. Super small and super light. That way you can supplement your meager rations with some fish.

buck nash
08-10-2011, 07:55 PM
Minute rice goes with just about anything, weighs nothing and is dead easy to prepare. I often pressure can jars of homemade stew then warm up the jar by submersing it in boiling water. Then use the boiled water for my rice. Dump the stew on your rice and you got yourself a hearty, stick to your ribs meal

08-10-2011, 10:15 PM
You could do Mountain House, just add water. Very light but not gourmet. Try to fit in at least 1 fresh meal every second day at least. Your body will appreciate it. Dried meats (jerky), fruit are good. If fly-in trip then likely there is some fishing to be had? There's a food source. Sounds like it could be a good trip! Good luck.